Cold Peril_Military Romantic Suspense

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Cold Peril_Military Romantic Suspense Page 13

by Emily Jane Trent

  Garrett wasn’t amused. “Are we trying to make the cover of the tabloids…or doing our best to keep you alive?”

  Wyatt looked on without comment.

  When the elevator opened at their floor, Garrett located the suite. Marlene would have the main room, with Garrett and Wyatt adjacent to her. The connecting door would be left unlocked. Her privacy wouldn’t be violated. But if she needed them, they’d have quick access.

  Their luggage had been delivered earlier. After freshening up, they ate dinner in the main dining room. The food was welcome, though conversation was minimal. It had been a long day, so Marlene didn’t linger. She returned to her room to rest for the evening, in preparation for an early start.

  Garrett stretched out on the twin bed, and went over the highlights of the day with Wyatt. Neither of them was aware of any weaknesses in security, but they went over the details anyway. After his teammate dosed off, Garrett stared at the ceiling.

  He thought of Marlene just next door, and wondered if she was sleeping. Maybe she was tossing and turning like he was. He hoped not, since she had many days of filming ahead of her. Staying at a nice hotel would have been like a romantic getaway, yet it was anything but that.

  Garrett was tense, since the environment was untested. There might be something he hadn’t thought of, although he didn’t know what that could be. As far as he knew, security was tight, as much as it could be on location. If he’d had any cause for alarm, he would have called Travis and requested more backup. But he didn’t see any reason to do that.

  Marlene was safe, although he’d feel better if she was in his arms. In a hotel suite, with an unlocked door between them, Garrett could have gone to her. So it was an advantage that Wyatt shared the room with him, as that made his transgression much less likely.

  Since the day he’d met Marlene, his will to avoid intimacy had gradually weakened. Garrett loved her, and he wanted to hold her in his arms. She wanted it too; he could tell. And that made it all the more unendurable. Yet he couldn’t let personal need cloud his judgment or take precedence over his duty to protect her.


  During the week of filming, Garrett’s confidence grew. Although guarding Marlene outdoors was more of a challenge, there had been no incidents. When he called Travis, he reported that the situation looked good. He expected to return to Beverly Hills the following evening, and resume the usual routine. Yet even as he assured his boss that all was well, he had a sense that all might not be right.

  Garrett had been around long enough to know that things were just too quiet. While Marlene had been on location, absorbed in the film, it was unlikely that her pursuer had been idle. Buckner had been busy, but doing what?

  That was what set Garrett’s nerves on edge. He almost wished for an attack. At least the enemy would be out in the open, with his moves visible. Then there would be a chance of grabbing him, taking him down. He’d gotten away with too much already. But while off in movie land, there was little that Garrett could do.

  He voiced his misgivings to Wyatt. “I was thinking the same thing. That’s the sort of thing that spooks me most, when the enemy goes quiet. The dude has not vanished. The question is: what’s his next move?”

  Garrett didn’t have to wait long to find out. After a day of shooting, they returned to the hotel. When his phone vibrated, he thought it was Travis checking on their expected arrival time in Hollywood. He probably needed Wyatt for another job.

  But it wasn’t his boss. Garrett stared at the text on his screen, and was royally pissed. “Shit,” he said, “look at this.” Wyatt took the phone and read the message out loud: “I warned you. You can’t have her. Marlene is mine. I’m done waiting. Your time is up, Flynn.”

  Wyatt said, “Buckner?”

  “Damn straight. The question is…”

  Wyatt already knew. “How did the guy send you a text? That’s a secure phone.”

  “It was a secure phone. Not anymore.” Garrett didn’t like any man getting past security he’d set up. It was damned annoying. But that wasn’t all.

  Wyatt’s phone rang, and he answered. “Hey, Davis, what’s up?”

  Garrett knew the name. Hunter Davis was supervising the crew at Marlene’s mansion. He didn’t like the sound of this.

  “Say that again… Okay. I’ll tell Garrett. He won’t be pleased.” Wyatt ended the call. “More bad news.”

  “What now?”

  “It seems the security system at Marlene’s house went down.”

  “What does that mean, exactly?”

  “It means the dude hacked into the electronics and took it over. The system was instantly useless—actually, worse, because your friend Buckner had control.”

  Garrett didn’t question how Wyatt knew it had been Buckner. Who the hell else would it have been?

  “What’s the status?”

  Wyatt tossed his phone on the bed. “Travis was all over that one. He sent a crew out to install a security system that Stealth Security helped develop.”

  “It should take Buckner a while to figure that one out,” Garrett said. “Although if the system got the stamp of approval from Travis, I’m guessing he won’t be able to override it.”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure you don’t have to worry about any security system Travis installs. I’ve seen how he works. He creates failsafe systems. Buckner has just made it harder for himself.”

  “Let’s hope so.” Garrett was still stuck on the fact that security had been breached, not once but twice. Not a good sign. He looked at Wyatt. “I don’t get it, though. Marlene’s security system cost a chunk of change. It was state of the art.” He let out a long sigh. “Yet Buckner got right through it. How in the hell did he do that?”

  Wyatt offered no reply.

  “Next you’ll be telling me that the asshole took out our team.” Garrett’s blood boiled. He didn’t like what was happening. It was too dangerous. What else did Buckner have in his arsenal?

  Garrett decided that with the new security system in place, the safest place for Marlene was still at her mansion. The perimeter was guarded by a well-trained crew, hired by Travis. He dared Buckner to get past them. And if he did, then Garrett would squeeze the life out of him with his bare hands.

  It wasn’t a pleasant task, but Garrett had to tell Marlene what was going on. He waited until the next evening, when they were in the car headed home. Wyatt had gone ahead with some of the crew, to report in for his next assignment. When they got on the freeway, Marlene leaned her head against the seat to rest for a bit. When she opened her eyes later, Garrett seized the opportunity.

  “I don’t want to alarm you, but you need to know what your attacker has been up to.” Garrett filled her in on the highlights of Buckner’s recent breaches of their security, without belaboring the point. She didn’t need to know how riled up he was, as that would make her worry more.

  “You mean, while I was off filming and thinking everything was okay, this creepy guy gained control of my home security?” Marlene looked as incredulous as Garrett felt. “So he could have gone into my home and…done anything.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. You’re forgetting that the wall around your residence wasn’t only electronically protected, but guarded by my team. I’d like to see Glenn Buckner face off with a bunch of special ops guys.” Garrett rather liked that scenario.

  “That’s true. Just the whole idea that he got past security makes my skin crawl.” Marlene shuddered. “He’s like a…snake.”

  “He’s a hacker, and a good one from what I can tell. But he’ll screw up. Guys like that always do. And we’ll get him. He hasn’t outsmarted us yet, although he’s tried.”

  “But he got into your phone too. Who knows what else he is capable of?”

  Garrett put his hand over Marlene’s. “Don’t give him too much credit. So far he’s trying to scare me away, but he’s not sticking his neck out too far. The dude has to know who he’s up against.”

  “But Garrett…he is
dangerous. His actions show that.” Marlene frowned. “Your life is in peril…because of me. It’s not… I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.”

  Garrett squeezed her hand. “My life has been at risk more times than I can count. This guy’s antics don’t faze me. There isn’t a chance in hell I’m moving aside and letting this monster have his way.”

  Marlene didn’t argue, but he could tell that she was still concerned. “It’s my life; it’s my choice. I haven’t been one to cower in the face of danger, and I’m not about to start now. I’ll protect you from this asshole…discussion over.”

  After a few seconds, Marlene smiled. “Still as bossy as ever, aren’t you?”

  “Some things don’t change.”

  It would be good to be home. He’d had enough of Buckner’s shenanigans. Garrett needed to talk to Rip, and put the pressure on to find the guy. But if Rip had the goods on the attacker, he would have called. Now he wouldn’t call, since Wyatt had reported the phone security issue.

  So Garrett needed to get back and see what was going on. But when the car rolled past the gate and up the driveway at Marlene’s place, something was off. The crew guarding her place had rotated shifts every day, but it wasn’t the same crew.

  Garrett noticed new guys at the wall. He knew them from Stealth, or had seen them. But they hadn’t worked this job before. Alarm bells went off. When the car pulled into the garage, Garrett got out and spoke to Hunter Davis, who was in charge.

  “What’s with the change of team?” Garrett wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer. Things hadn’t been going so well in the last few hours.

  Hunter shrugged. “Yeah, the guys apologize for that.”

  “For what?”

  “They ordered pizza, and it was delivered to the gate. It seems they all got food poisoning, and I have to say, they’re pretty damn sick. I was the only one who didn’t get violently ill,” Hunter said. “I wasn’t hungry.”

  “Goddammit. He might have killed them. If he’d put a bit more of the poison in the food…”

  Hunter furrowed his brow. “They ordered from a local place, but I guess with security breached and all…”

  “What happened?” Marlene said.

  “It looks like Buckner intercepted a takeout call. He hacked the network; probably all the phones, too. And he just happened to have some poison on hand for the right occasion.” Garrett dug his hand through his hair. “How in the hell is he doing this?”

  Garrett was rattled, but he had to stay focused. The perpetrator was too close. Hell, he probably lived in the damn neighborhood. The dude had gotten away with too much; he posed a serious threat. And he had to be stopped soon. Marlene’s own home was no longer safe. Maybe nowhere was safe.

  Chapter 14

  Marlene was shaken. She didn’t like what had happened one bit. When they went inside, she went to the living room and collapsed on the sofa. Garrett assured her that she was safe. But it was difficult to feel secure when the bad guy was able to find cracks in the armor.

  “The new security system was installed before we returned. It has Stealth’s approval, which gives me confidence. No matter what that other setup cost, it hadn’t been updated frequently enough. Given enough time, crooks eventually figure out how to get past systems. Technology has to be continually modified in order to keep up,” Garrett said.

  Marlene wrapped her arms around her waist. “I feel violated.” Tears formed in her eyes. “And if this guy nearly killed your crew, then he could kill you just as easily.”

  “It was food poisoning. Once they flush out the toxins, the guys will be okay.” Garrett sat across from her and leaned forward. “You are the one I care about. And the unpredictable situation poses a threat.”

  Marlene waited, knowing what was coming.

  “You shouldn’t be as visible as you are. I know…I’ve said it before. But you’d be better off staying out of sight until I get my hands on this guy. I can hide you in a safe house where no one can get their hands on you.”

  “I can’t do that.” Marlene sighed. “My career is my life. This movie means a lot to me. The subject matter is—”

  “Just a few days,” Garrett said. “The team is all over this. We’ll find Buckner. Then you can resume your normal routine.”

  Marlene shook her head. “The cast depends on me. I can’t sacrifice the film because of a personal matter.”

  “It’s your life we’re talking about.”

  “I get that. I do.” Marlene rubbed her hands over her face. “But it’s not my style to hide. Too much is at stake.” She wasn’t sure that she was getting through to Garrett. “Would you run from danger? Let a psycho ruin all you’ve worked for?”

  Garrett looked at her, unflinching.

  “You aren’t answering because you know you wouldn’t run. There’s not a chance you’d let anyone intimidate you.”

  “Of course not, but we’re not talking about me.”

  “It doesn’t make a difference whether it’s you or me running away, it’s still cowering in the face of danger.” Marlene looked into his eyes, trying to read him. Garrett wasn’t backing down. “I refuse to give in to his threats.” She paused. “That’s why I have you…and Stealth. I have faith that you won’t let anything bad happen to me.”

  Garrett let out a deep sigh. “You are so infuriating. How can I protect you if you won’t listen?”

  “I listen,” Marlene said, “but I just happen to disagree. As you said earlier: it’s your life, so it’s your choice. It’s the same for me.”

  “I can’t keep you hostage. All I can do is recommend what I think is best.”

  “And I appreciate that. I’m aware that I’m taking a risk. But some risks are worth taking.”

  Marlene could tell that Garrett still didn’t like it, but he didn’t continue to argue. She was exhausted from a long week and the strain of the situation. “I’m going to get some sleep,” she said, and left Garrett to wrestle with how to keep her from harm.

  She went to her bedroom and locked the door behind her, needing privacy. A lot had changed. Not much of her life was the same as it had been just a few short weeks before. After a warm shower, she settled into bed, knowing that sleep wouldn’t come easily.

  What Marlene really wanted was for Garrett to hold her. She’d give anything to be in his arms, and to be assured that it was all going to be okay. By continuing to be her bodyguard, he put his life on the line every day. Yet she was glad he was around, near enough to reach out to.

  In some ways, it seemed as though Marlene’s life was falling apart. She had some maniac trying to kill her, or, just as bad, trying to kill Garrett. There was no corner where she felt truly safe. It appeared the man who pursued her was capable of more than anyone had anticipated. She wasn’t sure where that would lead.

  Plus, Marlene had fallen hard for Garrett. He had a way of kissing that made her want him unbearably. Yet she’d exhibited more restraint than she’d thought possible. That night she’d sat on his lap, gazing out at the stars, his heart had softened.

  She’d known it, but still held back. In the back of her mind, a familiar thought nagged at her. She’d vowed that she wouldn’t have a serious relationship with a military man. But he wasn’t in the military anymore. Yet did that make any difference? Garrett’s job was fraught with danger, and he could get killed—if not today, then some other day.

  Could Marlene live that way—always wondering, worrying? She might open her heart only to have her worst fear realized. It was something that she wasn’t certain she could deal with. So she wavered, and her life hung in the balance. It was Garrett’s commitment to shield her from harm that prevented him from making the move. But she hadn’t tried to talk him out of it.

  As if all that wasn’t enough, Marlene had issues with her part in the movie. Filming in the midst of a military setting had magnified her inner torment. She abhorred war and the horrors left in its wake. Even during filming, she’d harbored doubts about he
r portrayal of the character. The urge to escape from the sense of emotional loss was strong.

  Marlene thought of her brother Andrew, how young and virile he’d been. He had been so proud to be a marine, and hadn’t balked, no matter what had been asked of him. And it had cost him his life. She loved him, and wouldn’t stop loving him. The burden of the loss was heavy in her heart, making her wonder if his sacrifice had been worth it. Yet she kept that to herself, voicing only her support. But the doubts ate away at her.


  Not that far away, Glenn Buckner sat in his dark apartment, gloating over his recent wins in the battle for Marlene. He’d shown Flynn who was really in control. The traitor would get the idea, if he hadn’t already. There was no way to beat a competent soldier like Glenn.

  He’d taken pains to hone his skills. A situation didn’t always require brute force, although if it came to that, Glenn was top notch with his guns. In the modern world, no matter the battle site, it was technology that often made the difference.

  When he’d been a boy, others had teased him, and called him a geek or a nerd. But that didn’t bother Glenn anymore. He knew they’d only been jealous. It was to his credit that he was talented in that way. It had come naturally, then he’d seen the value and perfected his ability.

  Hacking into the outdated security system hadn’t been much of a problem. It surprised him how much companies charged for inferior equipment. He could design something better. Shaking his head, Glenn let out a huff. He scoffed at such incompetence.

  The phones had proved to be more difficult to get into. Stealth Security had installed software to make sure no intruder accessed them, yet it was patterned after the type the military used. Most barriers could be overcome, given enough time and motivation. And since Glenn had familiarity with the military’s security software, it hadn’t been that much of a challenge. Of course, they’d just replace the phone security with something harder to crack.

  That was beside the point. The issue was that Glenn had succeeded in demonstrating that he could get what he wanted, proving that he wouldn’t fail in his mission.


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