DOTTY (The Naughty Ones Book 3)

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DOTTY (The Naughty Ones Book 3) Page 78

by Kristina Weaver

  Good luck getting me pregnant buddy since I’m on the injection and probably as fertile as a tumbleweed in the desert. Sure, I would love more kids, but that will not be happening till I am sure that he’s capable of being a better father than he is a husband.

  “Strip and get on the bed.”

  The authoritative tone sends equal parts nerves and excitement through me, and I consider this new aspect of my personality. Do I really want this? Is this commanding attitude really turning me on?

  I would have never have pegged myself as the type of woman to get off on being ordered around and used this way, but gosh, I am so freaking hot for him right now that I have to accept the truth.

  Yes, I really do like this—and what’s more, I want it with an intensity that leaves me feeling breathless and desperate for whatever he’ll do next.

  I strip slowly, watching him from the corner of my eye, as he stands stiff and keeps his eyes on my every movement. When I’m naked, I force myself to walk to the bed and lie down, letting him have the reins.

  He saunters over to the side of the bed and looks down at me from beneath heavy lids, his eyes so bright I can see them clearly in the darkened room.

  I feel no self-consciousness as he stands staring, his eyes cataloguing every part of my body, letting me know in his own silent way that what he sees is his and his alone.

  My body will be for his pleasure and any resistance, any protest will not be allowed.

  When he’s had his fill of staring at my breasts, belly, and displayed sex, he starts undressing.

  “Keep your eyes on me, Nic!” he barks when I force my gaze to a point over his shoulder.

  I can’t look at him in all his commanding glory without feeling desperation start gnawing at my belly. It feels like forever since he touched me, and I need him so badly I can hardly breathe for want.

  I obey though and watch as he reveals the rippling washboard stomach that I know he keeps by working out an hour every day. He’s beautiful in that hot pro fighter way. Not too muscled so that he looks like he’s smuggling boulders under his skin, but lean and corded as if he could carry me anywhere I need to go without breaking a sweat.

  When he gets to his pants, he flicks his belt and the top button open, releases the zipper, and drops it, all the while watching my face and gauging my expression.

  He’s amazing. Perfect. Everything I remember him being and yet more. Gone is the bruising from the hits he’d take playing hockey—and in its place, is the body of a guy who hones his physique to be the top dog in the boardroom.

  I want to lick him up and down, in all the most interesting places and let him know that I appreciate how much work he puts into himself.

  “You like what you see, Nic?” he taunts, taking his erection in hand and teasing me with long strokes as I’m forced to lay still and control myself. “That’s it, babe, watch me. I’m so hard for you.”

  My pulse picks up with every stroke, and I’m forced to bite back a whimper when my hips start writhing with need.

  He does this, tortures me for so long that by the time he lets go and crawls up onto the bed I’m almost crying in need. He has too much power over me, a power I freely gave him and a power that I now see he has every intention of using against me.

  Chapter Twenty-three


  She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, even more beautiful to me now that I know she’s mine. She belongs to me, and very soon I’ll put another child in her luscious body.

  That’s one part that’s killing me about all this. I never got to experience any of her pregnancy or see her swell with Cody. It’s another thing she took from me—and the resentment is so thick it’s choking me alive.

  The emotions don’t lessen the need I feel for her though, and thank God or I’d be having a problem. As it is, I can barely hold back from falling on her like a starved animal and taking all that luscious bounty that I’ve dreamed about for over a week.

  She’s so full and luscious, soft, perfect to cradle against my hard body, and I can’t wait till I have my ring on her finger and her body swelling. She’ll never be able to leave me then, and despite the anger and every other messed up emotion raging inside me, that one is the worst…the fear that no matter what I do, she’ll leave me and find a way to cut me out of her life again.

  The problem with that is simple. I love Nico Sharp; I think I always have loved her and I’ve managed to fuck things up so badly that she hated me enough to keep my son a secret.

  Yeah, as I’d sat over dinner and watched her try and fail to portray an easy, unfazed air, I’d realized that she is not the only one to blame in this mess. She holds a lot more fault here than I do, obviously, but I now realize that if I’d never done what I did, we would have been together when she found out she was pregnant.

  So yeah, I hold some responsibility in this mess, and my original plan can no longer apply. Of course, I would never treat the mother of my child and future children like a whore!

  What the hell do you take me for!

  No, I won’t hurt her that way, at least I won’t do anything to make her feel like less. Just enough though to keep her quiet and unbalanced while I arrange to get us to Vegas and get my stamp of ownership on her.

  Oh and yeah, I know that she’s on birth control, but dude, that shit failed because she hasn’t had her period since I walked into her office, and she doesn’t have it now.

  If she’s not already carrying my next kid, then she will be soon. I’ll make sure of that.


  I hide a smile when she moans as I lower my body over hers, covering every silky inch of her smaller body with mine. She’s so soft and warm in all the right places, her hips and belly cradling me perfectly.

  She used to complain that she needed to lose a few pounds, but to me Nic has always been perfect. Skinny chicks have never been my thing, and maybe that’s why I’ve gone so crazy over her. The last ten years has been a steady diet of women who starve themselves bony.

  Huge turn off for me.

  Nic on the other hand has a real woman’s body, something to cradle and comfort me. I can’t wait to see her swollen with our baby. The thought is enough to make me move, and I look down at her, grinning widely.

  “You know, you have the most gorgeous body,” I say, leaning down to flick the tip of my tongue over her tight nipple.

  She moans and lets out a shriek when I suck her in for long minutes, alternating between each full breast. When she’s beyond words or thought and I’m so hard I can’t hold out another minute, I rear up, take aim, and sink all the way inside, yelling out at the feel of her tight sex gloving me.

  Home. I’m home! I think a second before I lose all control and start thrusting hard enough to hit the headboard into the wall.


  Her screams echo in the room around us, the volume of her pleasure doing strange things to my dick and heart.

  I keep whispering in her ear, telling her that she’s mine, that I own her, that I’ll keep her so filled with my children she won’t go a day without a part of me in her.

  She likes it; she must because I’m nowhere near letting go yet, and she’s moaning and climaxing so strongly I have to stop thrusting and pin her to the bed while she rides out her pleasure.

  When she finally stills, I lever up and smile down at her cockily, my face split with a smug smile that I know will piss her off later—when her body gets a chance to shake off the pleasure I’m giving her.

  “Mine, Nic,” I grunt, flexing my hips in slow glide that amps her up slowly. When her hips start moving again, I renew my efforts and allow myself to feel the absolute bliss that’s taken over every cell of my being.

  The more I go, the more I feel like this is exactly where I belong. She’s mine and I’m hers. The last ten years were a waste, my fault and something I will spend the rest of my life making up to her no matter what it takes.

  When I can’t stand to hold back another mom
ent, I reach down between our sweat slicked bodies and flick at her nub, sending her over. The tight contractions take me, and I let loose, filling her up with everything I am, stamping my claim on her body as ruthlessly and wholly as a man can on his woman.

  She’s mine. I just need to make sure she falls for me as hard as I now know I’ve always loved her.

  Chapter Twenty-four



  I feel my heart clench with such rush of love that it is a physical ache when Cody jumps out of the car and runs my way, leaping into my arms at the last minute with all the exuberance of a puppy, or a ten-year-old boy who hasn’t seen his mommy in a month.

  My arms close around him, and I stumble, falling to my knees as I squeeze him back and let go of the happy tears that have been dogging me all morning since I woke up and remembered that today’s the day my baby is coming home.

  Hot on the heels of my joy is the fact that it’s also the day that he’ll meet his dad for the first time, and the day that I have to sit him down and explain to him what an idiot I am.

  He’s Law’s kid, so I know I’m gonna have a heck of a time trying to get his forgiveness. Cody is only a little boy, but his advanced intelligence means that he will know that I’d deprived him of his dad because I was being a spiteful wretch.

  Thank God I told him that Brody wasn’t his dad when he was younger because if I had and now had to explain, the kid wouldn’t only see me as an asshole, but as a liar too.

  “Hey Mom! We got you and Jack’s son a whole bunch of presents when we went to Italy. Granny Min said you like shoes, so she bought you these girly pink things, but I got you a little gondola.”

  He keeps chattering, as I stand and turn to Law, his youthful enthusiasm only serving to make this whole ordeal worse than it already is.

  Jack and Minnie finally exit the limo and come forward to hug both Law and myself. I hold onto Minnie a little longer for strength and almost start bawling when she gives me a tight squeeze and a look that is all motherly affection and reassurance.

  “It will all be fine, Nico. I know it will,” she whispers quietly, as Jack ambles forth to envelope Law in a big, crushing hug.

  Apparently, he believed my confessions because instead of laying into his parents, he’s been surprisingly calm about the whole situation. While I can’t exactly say he’s been nice to me these past weeks, he has been attentive. In his own way.

  He doesn’t mistreat me or insult me, or anything of that nature. He just won’t let me talk to him about anything important. The one time I did try to apologize and explain that I understand what an idiot I am, he’d kissed me senseless and spent the next hour torturing me with his mouth and body.

  Have I mentioned that Law seems to be very bossy in the bedroom? Revs my freaking motor every time he looks at me with that hard glint and tells me to drop my clothes.

  He’s insatiable and doesn’t hesitate to take me. Anywhere. Everywhere. No asking, no apologies, just Law showing me, and oftentimes whispering into my ear, that he owns every part of me and that I mustn’t ever forget it.

  “Well, ladies, let’s go in. I’m sure Law is impatient,” Jack says, slapping at his son’s shoulder.

  Cody, of course, has spotted Law, and the boy is fascinated. He studies him like a bug under a microscope, even going so far as to wave him closer. Law smiles slightly and goes down on his haunches, his face so close to Cody’s that I gasp silently.

  They’re exactly alike. Father and his son, a mini-replica of the man I know in my heart is going to be a fantastic father.

  Law leans closer and smiles.

  “Hey buddy.”

  Cody’s own mouth doesn’t twitch, and I feel my heart sink before he does the oddest thing. He lays a hand on Law’s cheek and reaches a finger up to his eyes.

  “You’re my dad, huh?”

  My heart stills, like stops beating for a second before Law’s own mouth twitches into a large smile that lights up his whole face. He’s emotional, maybe more so than I am, and I hear him clear his throat once or twice before he takes Cody’s hand and presses it closer to his cheek.

  “You’re a really smart little man.”

  Tears. I feel tears coursing down my cheeks when Cody leans in and throws his arms around his neck, all but crawling on the poor man.

  “Man! This is so cool! My dad isn’t old like all my friends’ dads. And you used to play hockey for NYU! They’re gonna be super jealous.”

  Well, I guess that went a lot easier than I anticipated.


  I didn’t knock on a single scrap or sliver of wood. That’s why half an hour later I’m sitting on the sofa beside Law, getting the lecture of a lifetime from my son, as he patiently paces in front of us both reading me the riot act.


  “No, Mom. You know it’s not right.”

  Why, oh why, did I have to have the one kid on the planet who understands every goddamned thing and is mature enough not to let me slide when I’m wrong?

  It was cute when he was three and telling me that I was building his Legos wrong. This, however, is humiliating and if I didn’t fully deserve his anger, I’d probably send him to timeout for his disrespect.

  “Cody, son, don’t be so hard on your mom,” Law says, startling me when he frowns at Cody sternly, stopping his already ten minute dress down.

  “But Daaad!”

  “No buts, boy. This is your mom, not some stranger you’re speaking to. She made a mistake, and she’s apologized. Accept it and start showing her some respect or you can forget about meeting my friends,” Law says as a warning, giving him another frown.

  Cody finally relents and shakes his head before coming over and giving me a hug. I probably don’t deserve it, so I squeeze him a little tighter and whisper my apologies into his ear, letting him know that I’m not mad about his anger, that I understand and won’t judge if he’s still upset.

  “Fine. But I want autographs, Dad.”

  Law laughs, a full-bellied sound that reminds me of the old him that I’ve so foolishly been searching for. I realized sometime in the early hours of the morning a few days ago when I couldn’t sleep that I’ve been wrong yet again.

  We all grow and change constantly. We’re never the same; we can’t stay the same; and I’ve been chasing a dream that no longer exists.

  The man’s moody and can throw a fit about the smallest things, and he’s a lot more laid back about things that drive me nuts, but he’s not lacking the way I’ve been thinking.

  No, I’m lacking because—instead of being an adult—I was a spoiled brat who wanted what she wanted. Not the truth. And know how I came to this startling conclusion?

  I realized that I’m not that same weak, sad girl who almost died of heartache and would probably have been much worse off if not for Brody. He saved me from me.

  I changed, and not because I consciously decided to, but because that is the evolution of life. Everything changes and grows. It’s nature. So, yeah, he’s not the man I loved when I was a young starry-eyed girl, but who the hell cares.

  He’s still worthy of love just as he is. I just hope that one day soon he’ll forgive me for all my mistakes and think me worthy of loving in return.

  Today, just minutes ago, was a first step in the right direction, I think, because I didn’t once think that Law would defend me to Cody.

  He did though, and for that I will forever be grateful. It means I get to keep my infallible mom status with our son, and that whatever happens in the future, Cody will have a good man, a role model in his father.

  “You’ll get your autographs, kid. Now go find your grandmother and tell her it’s time for those gifts you all bought on your trip. I love gifts.”

  Cody sprints away with a grin, leaving me alone with Law and a hundred questions. Most of these thoughts are my need to confess all to him, but for some reason I hesitate to say anything.
/>   Maybe because I don’t want to rock that boat yet.

  “Thank you.”

  It’s all I can say as he leans back on the sofa and regards me with a deadpan expression that makes me shiver with longing. I love it when he looks at me that way because it means he wants me again, and pathetic sap that I am, I want him too, even knowing that he doesn’t love me and part of him hates me.

  Law shrugs and curls his lip.

  “You’re his mom and soon you’ll be my wife. I won’t have him disrespecting my wife.”

  No, we’re not married yet—and not because I said no or did anything to sabotage things, but because Minnie threw a fit when she heard we were eloping.

  And then Law decided that he wanted Cody there, and he told me, didn’t ask, that we would wait and do things right.

  “Either way, I’m grateful to you. He has every right to be angry and…just thanks.” I mumble, pasting on a smile when Minnie comes breezing into the room, followed by Cody.

  Half an hour later I own more souvenirs and plastic replicas than I ever wanted to in my life, but we’re all laughing and smiling as Cody gets out some 3D puzzle of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and starts showing Law how to build it. Lunch passes with the two of them still at it, their heads together as they endeavor to put it together in one day.

  I feel at peace and happy, just enjoying the relaxed atmosphere.

  “Nico, dear, would you ask Rose to bring in the tea?” Minnie asks when I rise to excuse myself, in need of the bathroom.

  I nod and leave them all together, laughing at Law when Cody tries yet again to drag a piece out of his hand. God, the two of them haven’t known each other a day and already they’re squabbling.

  I stop by in the kitchen to tell Rose and end up spending a few minutes helping her ice cupcakes before making my way to the bathroom.

  See Nic, everything’s going to be just fine. They’re all happy, you’re not being locked away in a dungeon while Law steals your kid, and if you play your cards right, he’ll be in love with you in no time.


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