Alien Romance: Auctioned To The Warrior: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 3)

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Alien Romance: Auctioned To The Warrior: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) (Alien Protectors Book 3) Page 4

by Zena Zion

  Barbara smelled exotic herbs as she followed Madaug into the dining hall off the main room. The table sat twelve people comfortably, but was only fitted with two place settings. On the table sat an earthen crock of what looked like cooked vegetables and herbs.

  Next to the crock were loaves of unleavened bread amongst bowls of dips. The inescapable image of Maxge served as a focal point relief on the wall.

  “It all smells very good.” Barbara said sitting at the table.

  “I agree. Serve yourself while I get some wine.” Madaug said disappearing out of the dining hall.

  Barbara felt a churn of hunger in her stomach, alerting her to how hungry she in fact was. She scooped a portion of vegetables from the crock and smelled the contents. It reminded her of roasted garlic and rosemary, which made her mouth water.

  Madaug grabbed a bottle of wine from the wine cooler and smiled to himself. He was enjoying having Barbara in the house. He would not have admitted it to himself, but enjoyed the attention she brought him. His missions generally forced him to keep a low profile. This was his first time hiding in the spotlight.

  A memory from Madaug’s childhood surfaced unexpectedly as he stood holding the wine bottle. He remembered as a young man planning to cook for his bride. He thought that his cooking set him apart from the other boys who would synthesize food for speed.

  He felt as if he were now glimpsing into the life he could have had if he had not been wooed into service.

  Barbara was savouring her second bite of roasted vegetables when Madaug returned with the wine.

  “I’m sorry.” Barbara apologized for beginning without Madaug. “I was so hungry I could not stop myself.”

  “Why would you?” Madaug asked, opening the bottle of wine. “I told you to serve yourself. How do you like it?”

  “It is one of the most delicious things I have ever had!” Barbara said, filling her mouth with another spoonful.

  “Wonderful.” Madaug glowed as he watched her enjoy the meal. “Make sure you try the different protein dips. Some are sweet and some are savoury.”

  Barbara listened eagerly as Madaug explained the different dips, why he chose the particular wine, and how the flavors of the vegetables complemented each other. Madaug spoke with passionate engagement about food. It was a side of him that Barbara had yet to see. She was so accustomed to his alpha dog demeanour that it enlivened her to see him excited about something.

  “Try the wine.” Madaug offered as he poured Barbara a cup.

  “Thank you.” Barbara said accepting the cup. She took a drink, and it had a smooth silky texture unlike any wine she had tasted before. It had citrus like note that intrigued Barbara. “It is very good!”

  Madaug watched Barbara over his cup as she ate. It pleased him that she had forgotten to bring another set of clothes with her. He enjoyed her in her Imperial Gift dress. It highlighted the soft curves of her body that stirred something inside him. He wondered if only for one night, he could enjoy a night as another male citizen of the Imperium.

  As Barbara continued to eat, she felt a warm tingle move throughout her body. It rippled under her skin as it moved from her core toward the tips of her fingers and toes. She took another sip of wine, hoping that it was the culprit. She wanted to welcome more of it in.

  “I couldn’t eat another bite.” Barbara said, pushing her plate away from her. She took another drink of her wine and another wave of warmth hit her.

  “Are you enjoying the wine?” Madaug asked, pouring another cup for himself.

  “Yes, it is fantastic, but it is starting to make me feel warm. Do you have anything I could change into that isn’t quite so… tight?” Barbara asked, smoothing out the sides of her dress.

  “Of course. Help yourself.” Madaug said, nodding toward his room.

  Barbara smiled in thanks and made her way to Madaug’s room. She gasped when she pushed the door open, as his room was five times the size of hers. A large bed nestled against the wall, and embroidered face of Maxge on the bedspread.

  She moved to the cabinet and pulled out a short sleeved button up shirt. She tried to wriggle into a pair of Madaug’s pants, but her hips would not allow for such passage. She eyed herself in the shirt alone, and it was long enough to pass for a mini dress.

  “Thank you, that is much better.” Barbara said, re-emerging from the bedroom. Madaug stared in awe as Barbara stepped out of the room, bare legged and vulnerable clad only in his shirt.

  “I’m sure you are much cooler in that.” Madaug said, raising an eyebrow. She reminded him of a female pleasure house worker. Had they not been in private, Madaug may have been upset. Here, however, he was willing to endure the show.

  Barbara took up her cup of wine again and took another sip. She felt lightheaded, but energetic. She noticed a change in her senses. The fabric of the shirt teased her skin, and the smoothness of the cup felt amazing in her hands. She began to sway with dance.

  “How are you feeling?” Madaug asked as Barbara’s behaviour seemed more erratic.

  “I’m feeling great!” Barbara said, continuing to sway to the imaginary music in her head.

  “Perhaps that is enough wine for you.” Madaug laughed.

  “Are you kidding? This is the best I have felt in a long time. I just want to dance and forget for a moment. Come dance with me.” Barbara begged with outstretched hands.

  “Warriors do not dance.” Madaug said obstinately. He felt a stirring toward Barbara. As he watched her dance, he wanted to take her in his arms and have her. Her innocence teased him. Knowing no other man had ever had her made Madaug want to claim her completely.

  “Come on.” Barbara said, dancing toward Madaug. She downed the last of her wine and felt her inhibitions melt away. She began to dance seductively for her captor. She felt as if she were in a movie. She wanted to tease Madaug. She wanted to be wanted.

  “I think the Emperor would have liked you.” Madaug said, taking a long drink of wine as he watched Barbara gyrate in front of him. “You certainly please me.”

  Barbara smiled coyly as Madaug complimented her. She wondered if he wanted to touch her. She had held onto her chastity in a world that she felt judged her for her sexuality. The religious family she had been raised in had taught her to turn away from sexuality.

  In her first real state of intoxication, Barbara wanted to drop the dogma. She wished to free herself from the chains of her past. She had left the strict confines of her home to find this freedom. In her dance, she said goodbye to the faith that bound her. She said goodbye to the shame and fear.

  “I cannot give up the Imperial Gift for my own ego.” Madaug thought to himself as he felt his passion for Barbara grow. “I can, however, leave her honor unbesmirched.”

  Barbara danced closer to Madaug, and he stood from his seat. Barbara hoped she had coaxed the gruff warrior to dance. Instead, he walked slowly over to her and took her in his arms. He kissed her on the neck and she melted into his arms.

  Madaug kissed Barbara’s neck first softly, and then roughly, as he turned her toward the table. Instinctually, Barbara wrapped her arms around Madaug and clawed at his naked back. The heat of Madaug’s body against hers drove her wild. She felt the hard muscles of his chest teasing the erect nipples of her breasts.

  Barbara moaned with sensation as Madaug continued to worship her neck. He moved her backward to the table and lifted her so she was sitting on the end of the top. Madaug kissed Barbara passionately on the mouth, and she whimpered as she felt him slide his fingers into the waistband of her panties. He broke the kiss and pulled them off.

  Madaug returned to the kiss and grabbed a chair from the side of the table without breaking the passion. He maneuvered the chair behind him, and slowly pushed Barbara backward until he was over her and her back to the table. Barbara felt exposed, her legs splayed as Madaug bit her lip sexily.

  Sensing Barbara’s pitch of passion, Madaug grabbed his shirt on her body and tore it open. He kissed his way down her chest
and belly until he was sitting back on the chair. Barbara lay quivering with anticipation, staring at the ceiling. She wondered how he would please her next.

  Madaug kissed the inside of Barbara’s thighs, creating a trail toward her centre. With each touch of Madaug’s lips, Barbara felt her legs shake with excitement. Barbara trembled as she felt Madaug’s hair sweep past her thighs, and his tongue meet her moist flesh. She gasped as the pressure of his tongue began to move slowly on her.

  Barbara whimpered and moaned as Madaug’s tongue moved in soft circles around her pleasure centre. She grabbed the edges of the table in her hands as she felt herself mounting climax. Her knuckles turned white as she allowed the first man in her life to bring her to orgasm. As she climaxed, Barbara let out a sound that brought a smile to Madaug’s face.

  Madaug emerged from between Barbara’s legs, and watched her head move listlessly from side to side as her muscles relaxed into jelly. He poured himself another cup of wine and walked away from the table to give Barbara a moment to collect herself. She lay with her virginity intact, though she felt like she had drifted into womanhood.

  Chapter 6: Allegiances

  Barbara stood in the garden, holding her tea. It was early morning, and most of the house had not stirred. She watched as several slaves tended the gardens, vigorously completing their work. Barbara loved the mornings, for it was the only time she felt free.

  Without the trappings of the Maxge Clan politics, she could watch the sunrise, drink her tea and listen to the singing insects as they finished their song.

  “I thought I would find you out here.” Madaug said startling Barbara.

  “I love it out here in the cool air.” Barbara said with a smile. “What awoke you so early?”

  “I have called Casaugh back. I know we have only been here for a few days, but I have been called back to service. We leave within the hour.” Madaug said sternly. Barbara felt as if he were talking to one of his squadron.

  “I will be ready.” Barbara said, taking a deep breath of planetary air as Madaug returned to the house. She already knew that she would be returning to space with Madaug, but the reality hit her in this moment.

  “Is it any different than waiting for the next terrorist attack? I was taught to fear my whole life. I can’t do it any longer.”

  Barbara took one last view of the sunrise as it peaked over the horizon before venturing inside. She did not know when she would see a sun from a planet again. She wondered if there were other planets Madaug would take her to. She focused on the exotic positives she may be availed to.

  “When we board Casaugh, you will have to enter the interphase. Casaugh will embed your memories with the information necessary for you to assist me aboard.” Madaug barked as Barbara returned.

  “I can do that.” Barbara agreed, sensing Madaug’s agitation.

  “Thank you.” Madaug said, catching his tone. His mind raced with the conflicting mission he received on Denez 1 and his early recall to space. “I have a lot on my mind.”

  “I don’t doubt that. I will try not to get in your way. Just let me know if there is anything I can do to help.” Barbara said supportively. “My role is at your side.”

  “I appreciate that.” Madaug replied, wishing that he had not been so short with Barbara.

  “Where are we off to?” Barbara asked as she poured herself another tea.

  “It’s better if you know less.” Madaug said, shaking his head. He knew that Barbara could be probed in the interphase if captured. He did not want to place her in any camp that could cause her harm.

  “O.K.” Barbara replied. The fact that he did not want to tell her where they were going worried her. She was willing to put herself on the line with Madaug, but felt if she were to do so, she should have the privilege of knowing where and why. Barbara stared at Maxge on the wall and wondered how he would have handled this situation.

  “There is much you do not know about the Imperium. There are spies everywhere for all sides. The Imperium has external enemies, but it also has its own internal problems. There are some in the Imperium that believe its power has grown too extreme. They wish to move more power to the planets. They wish to control their own resources.” Madaug said, taking a seat at the table.

  “I’m sure that’s true.” Barbara said, joining Madaug at the table.

  “My mother served as a voice for the people. She hated how the Imperium treated its subjects. When we were children, she would often tell us of the evils of the Imperium. Growing up in Delv’vi, she was accustomed to a sense of sharing and community that does not exist anywhere else.”

  “How did you end up a warrior?” Barbara asked puzzled.

  “I loved my parents, but like all children I thought I had the answers. I thought that their way of life lacked adventure, and that they spent too much time talking about what should happen rather than acting. I wanted to have an active role in how our civilization worked. I guess that is how she influenced me.” Madaug said honestly.

  “I doubt that is all she did.” Barbara added, feeling that Madaug was holding more information back.

  “You remind me of her.” Madaug said, looking into Barbara’s eyes. “You are not afraid to speak your mind, even out of turn.”

  “I hope that is a good thing.” Barbara said warily.

  “Yes, it is definitely a good thing. It means, I made the right decision. When I was bidding on you, I was not sure I was doing the right thing. I have never purchased a slave because of how my mother felt about it. I thought that an Imperial Gift may be the only way I could find a slave that had not been treated as one.

  I thought I could save you from the servitude of the Imperial Sanctum. The Emperor would have added you to his many possessions.” Madaug said, placing his hand on Barbara’s. It was strange to him to have someone to confide in.

  “I’ve spent most of my adult life alone. I have fought with my brother soldiers; I have led the Comet Squadron for a decade, and yet I have not had someone to talk to. As soldiers, we have to leave our emotions at home. We give up desire and acquisition for honor and glory. It’s been challenging.”

  “I would assume so. I can’t imagine having gone through life the way you have. You should be very proud to have made it this far!” Barbara encouraged.

  “You do not have to worry about being alone anymore. I will be at your side to listen to your needs.”

  “I hope so.” Madaug said, feeling vulnerable. His desire to protect Barbara from harm was overcome by his need to be seen and heard. “I work for the resistance. We are known as the Star Collective.”

  “Oh.” Barbara said with reserved shock. She felt her heart sink in her chest.

  “I have been recalled to space as the leader of the Comet Squadron, but I have another mission to complete.” Madaug said as he filled with impotent rage. “I can’t save the Imperium and save the people of the Imperium at the same time. One does not support the other.”

  “Tell me.” Barbara said, playing her role. The intimacy Barbara had shared with Madaug gave her emotions a gateway to bond, yet she still felt that there may be a way to squeeze out of the yolk of her slavery.

  “I have been charged with the destruction of the main communications hub of the Imperium. That is why we have come back to Heechaba. The purchase of an Imperial Gift gave me reason to come home. I did not know we were coming here until we visited the Maxge Temple. That is where I received my instructions.”

  “What stopped you from acting? We’ve been here for days.” Barbara queried, trying to pull the pieces of the mystery together.

  “I could not go through with it. The communications device is maintained by an army of slaves. I could not justify killing all of those people for the sake of a communications tower. I have been a soldier for many years. I know there are adaptive steps the squadrons would take to overcome the communications obstacle. It just doesn’t make any sense.” Madaug confessed.

  “It sounds like it. Who do you get your orders from?
Do they not know any of this?” Barbara asked in awe.

  She had imagined that a seasoned warrior like Madaug would blindly follow orders. She thought that after all of the blood on his hands, all of the emblems of the dead on the walls, that killing a group of slaves would not be an issue.

  “I don’t know who the leaders of the resistance are. There more each of us knows, the more likely the plan will unravel. If one of us were caught, we could betray the entire resistance if we knew who all of the players were.” Madaug added as he rose from the table. “Casaugh should be here soon. We should ready ourselves to board.”

  “What will happen if we do not go immediately?” Barbara asked innocently. She thought she might be able to buy Madaug some time before he must engage himself again.

  “That is not an option. Disobeying a call to action carries an immediate death sentence. If we do not leave Heechaba today, the consequences will come tomorrow.” Madaug said, turning from the table.

  “Well what I’m hearing is that we still have all of today to work with.” Barbara said optimistically. “There is still time to think of an alternate plan.”

  “I’m not going to blow up the communication hub. I won’t have the blood of those innocents on my hands. There is no honor in that.”

  “Perhaps you should think of the honor of freeing them from a life of servitude. There must have been a greater significance to destroying the hub.” Barbara mused as she tried to offer options.

  “I don’t think they would see it as freeing.” Madaug said dismissively. “If there was a greater significance to the communications hub other than disruption, I’m sure I would have been told.”

  “I believe you.” Barbara said, stepping back from the problem. “Is there anything you wish to show me on Heechaba before we embark? We do have the day.”

  “That sounds nice. I have not had a chance to take you to the sacred river. We can honor the ancestors before we leave.” Madaug said with a smile.


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