Myth (Book 1)

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Myth (Book 1) Page 20

by Angela K. Crandall

  Chapter 26

  (Training day, Wednesday)

  That morning, Dad and I went to Denny’s, to break the news to Don about my aunt. We used the excuse of her being deathly ill, a white lie I kept telling myself. Nevertheless, the chicken bone rose in my throat from guilt. I was glad to be wearing layers as the chill hit my face the second we’d stepped out of Jenson’s car. It was then I noticed Nayla, Cavin, Shellena and Lance standing at the edge of the forest motioning for us to accompany them. I wasn’t sure where Eva and Star were.

  “I guess, we’re going into the clan territory,” I said over my shoulder to my crew. Owl, had his hands in his coat pocket, Molly held her scarf tightly around her face, and Jenson tried to catch up as we made our way to the path. The one I’d first seen when we’d searched for answers on our own about Du-Vance.

  “And why didn’t your dad come today?” Molly asked.

  “He and my mom want to spend time with Megan. She’s been left on the sidelines of this whole clan thing. I’m actually, psyched they’re not holding my hand on this. They trust me, my choices, and where my clan will lead me now and in the future,” I replied a little more confident than I felt.

  Nayla waved to us off in the distance. “It’s OK, come forth at once! Ranger Mike, did give you the clear. He told you to come here right?” said Nayla to us, as we walked forward, into the forest. Were we supposed to go left or did we go right?

  “On your right Starla, come on now and escort me on the trail. I’ll guide you and your friends into the training area. You talked to your job manager, didn’t you?” she asked.

  “Don, I spoke with him this morning. He expressed concern for the aunt we told him had taken ill on my dad’s side of the family.” She nodded, and we advanced deeper into a forest of thick trees. I could barely see the sunlight.

  “No need to fret. There’s a clearing up ahead with obstacles, equipment, and huts. Star helped build them and Cal when she was here. Lang Orion, he did most of the work. It’s such a shame. He was an excellent builder at age 13, very rare quality. We thought he might become an architect one day,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Are we going to do any of this training indoors?” asked Molly. She rubbed her arms with her hands

  “I’m afraid all of our physical exercises, will be performed outside. Once we get started, you should warm right up!” Nayla exclaimed jogging towards an obstacle course. Four huts made of clay and brick lay behind them.

  Jenson gave me a concerned look while we sprinted towards the drill area. It reminded me of an old army film. One with tires you would run through, sticks in the ground you would dodge, and instead of crawling under wire they had used tree stumps with logs set on top of them. I stood, surveying the lay of the course.

  “Starla, you’ll be doing most of these in human form. I don’t want to assume that you’ll remain that way should we become engaged with the enemy. A reminder for all, force is only to be used if we have to battle,” said Nayla.

  “Is anyone else here,” asked Jenson beginning to run in place, to fight off the chill.

  Looking back, I caught a glimpse of Shellena and Lance. In an instant, they flashed forward skidding to a stop in front of Nayla. I did a double take at their acceleration. That was some super speedy wolf feet, I thought.

  Star stepped out from behind a pine tree, “Really, you must start showing up on time. Both of you, are constantly, using your strengths to cut corners. It will catch up to you. Then when you most need it, you’ll put us all in danger.”

  “Were you hiding from us?” I asked.

  “No, just got here. I, on the other hand, was tending to the young kits with Kaya. I think you two ought to try it sometime. We can always use more hands, or should I say paws on deck,” Star replied.

  “Yes, however, we’re wolves not kits. Anyway, as a guardian shouldn’t Starla, be teaching them how to control their morphing?” offered Lance as he quickly made his way ahead observing the challenge.

  I shifted my body weight from side to side not sure what to say. I was just getting started on this whole gig hands on!

  Catching up to him I shouted, “You, I’ve only been in this group for a week and a half. Give me a break! Let me find my ground, get through this case. After that, we can debate my role here. I haven’t even decided if I’m going to reside among the clan, or if I wish to continue living in-between, or even maybe...”

  “Don’t let them scare you off,” interrupted Nayla. “At present, there is no time to agonize over your guardian duties with the younger generation. Let’s focus on the tasks at hand. Molly, you look awfully cold. Why, don’t you do the first official run through?”

  “Are you, going to time me or, do I just go?”

  Shellena, who was, standing by Lance got out her sports watch, “The goal is to get through the challenge in less than 5 minutes. After you go Owl, Jenson, and Starla will trail behind you. Others from our clan are arriving to lend a hand. Don’t let it distract you from this task just keep going. Are you ready, Molly?”

  She nodded to Shellena.

  “OK, ready, set, go!”

  My eyes were on Molly for a few moments. Then other clan members started to arrive. Most of them were unknown to me. Cavin and Kaya had shown up. I could tell it was him. He was the only elder with a white stripe on is forehead proceeding down his muzzle. They sat side by side viewing Molly, who had just finished the obstacle run. Jenson, gave her a high five, Owl threw her a thumbs up, and I quickly delivered a brief smile. My ears perked up as I heard the crowd behind us discussing how we might be saving the clan from future threats. One thing I couldn’t understand was how this was supposed to be undercover? Everyone was here. Wouldn’t they be drawing attention to themselves? We were not that remote from the city. I turned my head to see Owl racing into the tires. Man! He was supercharged! I rolled my arms back, my hips, and then stretched out my legs. It would be my turn, before long. I couldn’t help but gawk at the new arrivals. If it was my kinfolk, it appeared fairly mixed. Hmm were any of them the wolf clan we were at peace with?

  “Starla, Go,” hollered Nayla.

  I had to move fast, plodding through the big old tires I made an effort, not to fall flat on my face. Then I swung quickly around the sticks in the earth heading forward getting geared up to do a version of the Limbo. Ungracefully, I hit the ground, rolled over, and started shimmying on my back under the logs. After about four of those, I got up running to jump over another four hurdles in front of me. I was never good at those in school. I managed to hop over two of them. The other three, well, I knocked two down, and after that the other fell on top of me. I got up, dusting myself off and headed over to Nayla. A bead of sweat dripped from my forehead. I never thought myself overweight, but I sure did feel out of shape.

  “I guess I’m going to need a lot of work. Hopefully, I’ll be better at mind speak, spells, and whatever else the rabbit decides to pull out of his hat,” I confessed.

  “We’ll toughen you up,” Lance said, jogging over to me. He gently slapped me on the back. I shuffled aside not sure what to say. He hadn’t been particularly, nice earlier.

  Jenson strutted over clearing his throat.

  Oh no, I thought don’t do something stupid, don’t fight.

  “I’m not, really sure if you’re trying to be brotherly, or if you’re flirting with my girl. Now up until this point I thought you were cool helping us go out the cabin, scaring off those bandits with Nayla’s assistance. It seemed incredibly honorable of you,” accused Jenson. He stood his ground, arms crossed.

  “I’m not going to steal your girl. We always have rattled up the newbie’s a bit. Do I see her as a sister? Sure I do. We’re all family, well, maybe not biologically, but so what?”

  Jenson took in a few deep breaths laying his arms at his side managing a bit of a crooked grin.

  “The goal is to create emotions of conflict and anger in order, to use it towards defeating the rival. With any luck, we won’t have
to use physical force. It would be great if we could just find Minder so Cal can come home,” determined Lance.

  “Too bad, in all probability it won’t be that easy,” replied Kaya walking up to us with Cavin by her side. “Do you imagine she’ll immediately be willing to hand her over?”

  I shrugged my shoulders, “You’re right, we don’t know. She sounded fed up in the letter. It might be possible to get her to unite with us,” I replied. Glancing over my shoulder, Molly and Owl were whispering to one another as they stood beside Star. I was ready to go inside to start our mental discipline unless there were more workouts in the lineup for today.

  “Do you have news? Why all, the spectators? It seems odd if we want this under wraps,” spoke up Shellena.

  “Let’s just all gather inside,” said Cavin. “Now, as for the rest of you anyone here that is not attending the mission to Thunderhead Bay, go back and guard the park.”

  “Hut one, then?” inquired Nayla.

  “No, Hut 3 the sweat tent. We are going to hold a quick meditation. We’ll start by introducing our new affiliates to some of our basic knowledge, speak thought spells, among other control development,” suggested Cavin.

  “What about stick work? Jousting?” interrupted Lance.

  “Never mind that, now, come!” ordered Cavin.

  No one hesitated. We filled the hut. Cavin didn’t speak, but pointed us in the direction of where we should sit urging us to form a tight circle, some of us with fur, some in their human forms, a few wolves, one fox, a fox-wolf merger, and a few I was a bit unsure of. I didn’t ask.

  Inside the tent, the tension rose. A fire pit sat in the middle of the spacious hut with wood ready to be burnt. Would I have to smoke peyote as the Indians had, or go on a vision quest? Jenson sat on one side of me, then Molly, and next to her Owl. I observed as Kaya, and Cavin stood off to the side. Star, Shellena, Lance, and Eva entered the circle. Where was Nayla? I tried to relax, closing my eyes as everyone began to sit down beside each other entering the ring. Something fuzzy nuzzled my hand, Nayla?

  “Let me sit beside you,” she said.

  Molly and I moved over to make room for her.

  “Won’t you get awfully sweaty with all your fur? I’ve never seen you in human form. I mean, you’re not part human are you?” I asked.

  “No, I’ll be fine. I’ve attended a few of these. I’m a rare one. I can sense things, speak, and perform spells. I’m here to guide you on your journey. Please don’t fret, just sit back. Cavin will speak, and we’ll get started on this next lesson,” she whispered.

  “Now that I have everyone here who’ll be assisting us on this expedition I am going to begin the ceremony. If you’ve never done this, just follow along. Any questions will be, answered during these proceedings. Do not speak unless necessary. If, at any time, you sense you’re going to pass out, raise your hand. I have room temped water sitting in a compartment in case of that. Now, there will be periods when you want to address the group. Raise your hand, err paw if it pertains to the mission, a vision, or anything else that may be relevant to the case, or Thunderhead Bay,” announced Cavin.

  Kaya pranced forward as a fox and then began her transformation. She faded in and out, facing us. A woman with long brown hair, green eyes, and a silken white dress emerged before us as if she’d stepped out of a fairy forest. A minute passed, then she spoke.

  “I do not transform as you’re used to,” she said directly to me. “I am a Kitsune as your mother is, Starla. It means I may use my powers to seduce, if I wish, but I choose not to. As you can see Cavin is my husband,” she said nodding to him. “We though have not been properly introduced.”

  She stepped into the circle and walked towards me. Then stopped and kneeled down beside me on her knees taking my hands. “Your mother was an important part of our clan. The day she decided to leave we experienced great sadness. You, however, are her most treasured gift. Keeping you from harm tore her from us. The love she shares with your father is strong. I see into the future,” she claimed.

  “What does that have to do with?”

  She placed her finger to my lips.

  “Silence child, let me speak. You’re going to be a great warrior of peace, simplicity, and love. I see an aura around you that emaciates out to us.” She smiled at me, stopped for a bit then continued. “The light will shine today, you’ll burn bright child as the fire among us,” she said gesturing to the pit.

  “My mother and father will they stay together?” I asked.

  “Yes. Shh,” she backed away, sprinting out of the circle to stand again by Cavin.

  “My mysterious one,” he said, kissing Kaya softly on the cheek. “Now if I can have you close your eyes so we can give thanks to the higher power. The one who watches over all people. Please, bow your heads taking just a minute to realize how lucky we are to have one another, to love, to live freely, for all we have fought for in peace, and when in despair, and desperation the violence that comes with it.”

  We hung our heads low in complete silence, eyes closed. Time felt as if it did not exist. A warm sensation spread slowly up my body like a tree, my feet as its roots, a tingle of heat growing, moving up my stems into into my chest then a feeling of escapism outside of my torso.

  “Open your eyes, everyone! Look to the middle; see our strength in unity. What we created together! This is love, peace, hope, and the labors of friendship, relationships, and growth. It forges a fire within us spreading out as either goodness or hate. Open your eyes, do not fear this,” he shouted.

  In unison, our eyes popped open to see a great fire in the pit. I started backing up, seriously, we did that! Our love, emotions, hate, peace to the god above sparked life? Fire, also brought death and life a part of a whole, all this inside me?

  “Do not be alarmed, this happens, when we work together. We also have to learn how to work apart. In this venture, we may become separated. If so those who are new here must be taught how to protect themselves. I am relatively concerned about Jenson and Molly. You both are brave ones.”

  Kaya stepped up once more, moving over to Molly.

  “I see your pain, the hurt, of prejudice you’ve suffered. Here, you’re welcome to fight beside us in harmony, for our clan, for friends, and to increase the confidence you desire to carry on. May this guidance and light inside us sprint out into you. I see a radiance you hold and have all along. Keep your faith and stay true,” she advised.

  “Yes, for eternity,” Molly agreed.

  Kaya turned to Jenson, “You’re valiant, gutsy and comprise a great deal of devotion inside of you, if not you wouldn’t wish to stand beside her. Unconditional love is an immense gift. You transmit it boldly,” she declared touching his hand. “May I sit?”

  “Um, sure, yes,” he choked.

  “Starla, given you are one of us. You do desire to be one of us, correct?”

  “Yes, but I can still be me, still be with my mother live outside of this?”

  “As always, we have said, it is your choice where you reside. We’ve already pulled you into us, receiving you, and now you must receive us. Is this what you want?”

  I gulped down the lump in my throat sweat dripped from my forehead. I wiped it aside using my sleeve and proceeded to take off my jacket. Others did the same around the circle. Why were they mimicking me?

  “Go ahead, speak,” Molly urged.

  Jenson kissed my shoulder and gave me a reassuring squeeze even in the heat of the hut. Owl looked, a bit smug as if he was used to this type of thing.

  “I cannot say I’ve always felt alone, nor that I’ve been unloved. I just speculated why I could do certain things. My mother finally told me the truth. It wasn’t simple to grasp. Now, that I’ve seen what took place here, I understand. A bit anxious; my emotions tend to rule me. I find myself in anger running away, at least in Springville. Whereas in L.A. I took the lead. I played the part of a character I wanted to be only to find out. I was her; strong, a leader, yet a bit wacky, sarcastic
, that’s me. How do I receive you?”

  A stifled laugh came from the crowd.

  Lance stood up to speak. Cavin nodded at him to go on.

  “You must pick a name. Tri is Tri, but since you’ve been living in the territory of humans, your name is defined by them. I do admire Starla. Its unique charismatic, charming!” he exclaimed.

  I blushed even if, he, was, more, akin, too, a pain in the butt brother he still made me a tad frazzled.

  “Picking a name is not to be taken lightly. Give her a few minutes to reflect on her life. Let her go back to the beginning in her mind. Let her start there,” Star spoke.

  Eva moved swiftly to my side taking my hands in hers. I shivered; this meeting felt like it was all about me. What about the others?

  “Don’t worry about that now. Once, your name is chosen we’ll be as one, all of us. Now find your center as you did when you initially entered the clearing. Go to that safe place within taking yourself higher up the steps; climb them until you reach elevation, deep breaths in and out.”

  Lifting flying, tranquility led me back to the field where the rain poured over me onto the ground. I saw her, or was it, he? No, it was a girl, a fox slowly trotting towards me. A mare was further out in the field of golden wheat that grew larger and larger. I could hear her in my head, her voice. It was, similar to the power of mind speak spoken by my clan. You will grow tall, strong and able to bend like the wheat in this field. You will not break for the rain renews you, and your speed is as fast as a mare. You have more than two paths for many, branch out if you let us step in. Do you choose to be Araina, or would you rather be Amare?


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