Michelle Woods - Becoming Raven's Man (Red Devils MC #7)

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Michelle Woods - Becoming Raven's Man (Red Devils MC #7) Page 12

by Unknown

  “Travis, we need to tal-lk about this.” She couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her when his teeth scraped across her nipple, sending shivers down her spine.

  “Later,” he grunted, moving to her other breast, sucking that peak into his mouth too. She buried her hands in his hair as he sucked hard on the tight bud.

  His hands worked to tug her shorts, which had been driving him out of his mind with the amount of leg they showed, down and off her. He knew he’d turned into a grunting neanderthal again but he couldn’t seem to be anything else when he was with her.

  She wasn’t really trying to get away from him so he knew she wanted this despite the way she kept protesting. Her hands were clenching in his hair when his fingers found the wet haven he was seeking. He let out a load groan, his fingers pressing against the hot, wet opening. She cried out, pressing her hips forward. She was so wet and he wanted to feel that sweet grip of her flesh around his.

  Pressing two fingers into her, he watched her eyes close and felt a satisfied grin spread over his lips. Her body gripped his fingers as he slid them back and forth, watching the way her body arched away from the wall towards him seeking more.

  He liked watching her lips part as she began to pant. He could tell that she was nearing climax with only his fingers moving inside her. He wasn’t touching her in any other way and he liked that she was about to come from just the slight thickness of them inside her.

  He picked up the pace wanting to see that orgasm burst over her before he fucked her into the wall, because nothing would stop him from getting inside her after this. Not even if the entire fucking club came crashing in to demand with guns drawn that he stop touching her would he stop.

  Of course if another man walked in and saw her like this, he’d have to kill the bastard. Nobody was allowed to see his Princess like this. His fingers pressed forwards and curled a bit hitting just the right spot inside her. He grinned when she let out a breathy panting oh before her eyes popped open meeting his as her body began to explode around his invading digits. Fuck, he liked that look on her face. He was going to be damned sure he saw it often.

  He worked her for a moment until she stopped wiggling, then he pulled free and began unbuckling his pants in an almost frantic desperation to be inside her. Her eyes were heavy-lidded and she leaned back into the wall limply. His hands were on her hips as he lifted her up.

  “We should—,” she began, but he didn’t allow her to finish. Instead he lifted her and pushed his cock into her hot pussy with a single hard thrust.

  “What should we do, Princess?” he asked after pulling out and thrusting back into her. Her hands were digging into his shoulders and her legs had wrapped around his hips. He made sure that as he thrust into her, his shirt brushed against her nipples creating a little friction against the hard peaks.

  “Ah…ah, talk,” she panted out finally after several thrusts of his body into hers.

  “Umm…I think talking is for later. Right now it’s time for fucking,” he said darkly in her ear. She just moaned and clung to his shoulders as he continued to thrust into her hard. He felt the tight clenching of her on his cock and growled. He felt savage and extremely possessive as he pumped into her hot young body.

  He knew that after this, he wasn’t going to be stepping back and allowing anyone to get their hands on her. She was his now. His tight little Princess, he thought, grunting when she shifted and her muscles clenched him tightly as she screamed out another climax into his mouth.

  His fucking Princess, he thought as he growled and his own climax tightened his balls and exploded from his tip.

  Raven felt fire race through her veins. She was so lost that she couldn’t think straight. Her brain had shut down and her lips were swollen from the savage kisses he’d given her. Her hands were clinging to his shoulders and she almost passed out from the pleasure she felt when she came for the second time.

  As she came down from that delicious high, she asked herself how she could allow him to use her like this. She should have demanded that they talk first but somehow when he touched her, she lost all sense of reason. She leaned her head back into the wall. He was still inside her, his hands gripping her ass hard enough to leave bruises. His forehead rested against her shoulder, his breathing labored.

  “Fuck, I needed that,” he said, kissing her neck. He shifted her slightly but didn’t pull out. She was still spasming in the aftermath of the two orgasms she’d had. He continued to hold her this way for a long moment as they both caught their breath.

  “This can’t keep happening,” she finally told him, her voice as firm as it could be with the man still inside her. His head jerked up and his eyes narrowed to green slits.

  “It will happen again, Princess,” he told her grimly as he pulled back from her, his body slipping out of hers.

  “No,” Raven said, earning a dark glower from Travis.

  He stepped back, jerking his pants up before buttoning and zipping them. He left the belt undone as he stared at her with his hands on his hips. Raven crossed her arm over her breasts to hide them from view. She realized that although she was completely naked, he’d never even removed his shirt and was fully dressed.

  Shoot, maybe she should have waited to have this conversation until she was dressed. This was awkward. She tried to pull her shorts up one-handed. Travis sighed, grabbing them to jerk them up for her, which was embarrassing.

  He buttoned and zipped them before he reached for her shirt on the floor near them and handed it to her. She took it with one hand, her arm still covering her breasts. “Thanks,” she squeaked.

  Travis nodded, his anger at her words making him feel a bit feral. She’d told him no and normally with any other woman he’d walk away. Raven wasn’t any other woman though and he knew that walking away wasn’t an option. She’d soon learn that as well.

  He watched her put on her shirt with her back turned to him and it made him want to show her exactly how this would happen again and again and again. He heard a loud roar and doors slamming into the wall.

  “Hide, now,” he growled and stepped to the door listening.

  Raven was looking around the room but had no idea where to hide. “Under the desk, Princess.” He unlocked the door and sat down on the chair, grabbing the whiskey glass that was half full from the table, turning to see that Raven had hidden where he’d told her to and waited. He didn’t have to wait long. The door slammed into the wall with a loud bang.

  Travis stared at the man who was panting in the doorway.

  “Where is she?” the male demanded harshly.

  Chapter 16

  “To whom do you refer, Marcus?” Raven heard Travis ask casually. She could almost see Travis raising that glass of whiskey to his lips as he looked at her brother, who sounded like he was ready to kill the man. She debated coming out, but hesitated. She didn’t really want a lecture from her brother right now and if she came out of her hiding spot she’d likely get one.

  “You know who I’m referring to, asshole! My damned sister, and if you’ve hurt her I will cut off your fucking balls!” Marcus roared. Raven cringed at his tone, pulling her legs into her chest tighter, quietly banging her head back against the inside of the desk, wondering how she always got into these messes.

  “I left her thirty minutes ago. Outside, so there’s no reason to threaten my balls,” Travis said calmly.

  “Log said he saw you drag her in here,” Marcus insisted and Raven sighed, sure that at any moment he’d start searching the room and find her hiding beneath the desk. Dang, this was going to be embarrassing.

  “He must have been mistaken. I did talk to her for a bit before coming up here but she left me after saying she didn’t feel up to the bonfire tonight and was headed home.”

  “Slick, if you upset my—” Marcus began only to be cut off by Travis.

  “Yes, yes, we went over that, my balls and some other such nonsense,” he said, his tone bored. Raven could hear a slight clinking and could just imag
ine that Travis was gesturing calmly with the whiskey glass.

  There was the sound of a slight scuffle and then she heard her brother grunt, “You better be telling the truth.”

  “I am,” Travis lied calmly.

  She heard the door slam shut and a few moments later Travis called out, “You can come out now, Raven.”

  She climbed from beneath the desk, her eyes finding him in the darkened room sitting in an armchair along one wall. She watched him silently as he sipped the whiskey and waited.

  “Thank you,” she whispered then began moving towards the door.

  “Stop,” he growled, making her pause to glance over her shoulder at him as he rose from the chair. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Home,” Raven said, unsure why he was asking.

  “I don’t think so, Princess. That party’s in full swing by now and you won’t be going out there.”

  “Wh—what— that’s crazy. I’ve seen these parties before and it’s fine. I’ll head home, it’s no big deal,” she told him, a bit surprised that he was being weird about her leaving after he’d just told her brother she was at home.

  “Princess, the fact that you haven’t been hurt when your idiotic brother allowed you to go unattended at these parties in the past is a fucking miracle. So sit your pretty ass down before I spank it raw.”

  She let out a gasp at that and cowered against the wall, fear suddenly making her pale. He wouldn’t hit her, would he? she wondered, her heart beating loudly in her ears as she felt her breath freeze in her lungs at the remembrance of Viper. He’d beaten a woman half to death with a belt in front of her the night before he’d forced her to touch him.

  She felt numb as she remembered the blood dripping down from the table and the crack of the belt. How when he was done he’d laughed. She was suddenly dizzy and her ears were ringing. She just barely made out Travis’s curse and then he was suddenly tugging her towards the chair, pushing her down gently.

  “Breathe, damn it. Now, Princess,” Travis growled.

  She stared at him in the darkness, her head spinning. Her eyes were unfocused and she couldn’t seem to stop seeing that woman. She was hearing her screams and then the crack of the belt hitting her flesh and finally silence. The silence had almost been worse than the screams.

  “Breathe, Raven, please. I would never hurt you, Princess.” For some reason those words seemed to penetrate the haze she was in and she gasped air into her lungs. He was rubbing her back like he had in the forest almost a week ago. She sucked in another lungful, her mind clearing.

  “I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m sorry,” he told her, his hand still rubbing her gently.

  “I know that,” Raven whispered. Now that her head wasn’t filled with the images of Viper and the belt he’d used on the woman back at the compound, she did know that he would never do something like that to her. It had just been a shock when he’d threatened her and then those memories had flooded her.

  “You’re still not going out there,” he told her grimly, making her snort.

  “What are you going to do to stop me?” Raven asked. Expecting him to say something physical, she was surprised when he replied, “Beg” instead.

  Her eyes widened and she watched him warily. Was he serious? After a moment she realized he was. That was a bit shocking.

  “I’ll stay,” Raven whispered and Travis felt as if a weight had been lifted from his chest. He’d been so angry he hadn’t thought about what he’d said to her earlier and what she’d so recently been through. Not that he knew what had happened to her, but her reaction to that simple statement led him to believe that if he did, he’d be putting together a war party to go blow that compound from here to kingdom come.

  He hated that she’d been there at all and the thought of what they’d done to her there made him want to commit mass murder. For a moment he just watched her, his green eyes trained intently on her. He wondered at her horrified reaction to the threat he’d unthinkingly given her. He knew he sure as hell didn’t like the way she’d panicked. Sighing, he sat back in the chair thinking about her refusal to let him touch her again.

  He wanted to demand the answers to both questions. He didn’t because after her panic attack he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the reason she was refusing. He gave her a lopsided smile and asked, “Want to play chess to kill the time?”

  He pointed to the chessboard near the window. She stared at it for a moment, then blushed and whispered, “I don’t know how.”

  “I can teach you.”

  “Okay then,” she replied, smiling shyly.

  Travis was going insane. Raven had refused to talk to him for three days now. They had played chess for several hours the other night until she’d begun to get sleepy. He’d lifted her into his arms then and carried her to the armchair. Shushing her protests and holding her tightly to his chest, they’d both fallen asleep.

  He knew that she’d come up with some crazy story about going home with Pearl that night and her brother had bought it because he was an idiot. Now every time Travis tried to see her Marcus told him to get the fuck away. That wouldn’t have stopped him normally. But Raven was refusing to talk to him or hell, even come out of the house; even Molly had complained about it.

  The few times he’d seen her, it had been from the living room window and she’d looked right through him. He was seriously about to do something drastic like kidnap her and that was just insane. Why was he so obsessed with her, he wondered.

  He knew that the only reason he hadn’t nabbed her already was what she’d been through with the Headhunters. He didn’t want to frighten her into another panic attack like he had the other night. Travis walked into the clubhouse rubbing his hand through his hair. He wasn’t going to wait much longer. He couldn’t. It was odd how with every other woman he’d met he could be gentle, easy, but when it came to Raven he felt like a caveman.

  He wanted to grab her and drag her back to his cave to fuck her senseless. Just thinking about it. he knew that he was fucked up over her but he couldn’t seem to stop. The ravenous beast, which had taken up residence in his chest, kept insisting that she was his and he should have her.

  “Good, you’re here. I wanted to talk to you before we head out,” Tank said coming towards him. Travis raised a questioning brow.

  “I wanted to know if you thought once we get our pest problem under control if Death would be willing to ride on the compound with us. Bone, Tick, Ratchet and I want to destroy that place after what they did to our girl. They need to know that they can’t start taking women from our side of the line.” Tank waited for his answer while Travis’s inner beast growled in approval. He’d be in on that ride or they’d find out he wasn’t anyone’s bitch. Tank continued. “We can’t go in without Death’s approval ‘cause it’s his territory, but all of us want to make sure they understand not to fuck with the Devils.”

  “I’m not sure,” Travis told him truthfully. Death and his Bandits were a different breed of men than the ones he was currently with. They were good men, but somehow they were darker, more raw. That meant that territory was a much bigger deal and someone invading it, even to raid a club they were at war with, was likely to cause issues. “I think if Bone pitched it right, maybe. Death’s not going to allow it if Bone goes in with a demand, but if he asks I think he’d agree. They want those assholes gone as much as we do. Possibly more.”

  “Bone knows that. We both do. We’ve worked with them before when we were younger, but we wanted to see what you thought. We really haven’t had much interaction with them other than when Clutch and Death showed up before Bone patched Molly. You lived over there and likely know how he would react better than we would,” Tank muttered

  “I think that he’d allow it if it’s pitched right, like I said. I’d be willing to talk to him. Feel him out if you want,” Travis said, feeling a savage need to kill the men who’d hurt Raven.

  “Yeah, we might take you up on that offer, but first we have
to get through this war with the Jackals. We’ve taken over half the club down already. Tonight is going to put another dent in their numbers. We’ve lost enough men to these fuckers in the last three years,” Tank growled. Travis nodded. He knew that was true and he’d be glad to see the Jackals gone too.

  Travis followed Tank out to where the rest of the men were waiting and within minutes they were headed towards the Jackals’ latest hidey-hole to wipe those fuckers out.

  Chapter 17

  Raven stood with her arms wrapped around herself, staring out the window of Molly and Bone’s house. All the women in the club had been here for over three hours waiting to see what happened to their men. Raven was worried about Matt, her brother and Travis. Even though she’d refused to see Travis, she was sure after waking in his arms again that she was in love with him. She was staring out this window waiting for them to come back and praying that they all made it.

  Travis had come to the house several times to try to talk to her over the past few days but she’d been a coward. She’d allowed her brother to tell him that she wasn’t taking visitors. She’d hidden from everyone, including him. She felt a bit guilty for allowing her brother to think that she was that damaged.

  It had started with the ridiculous story that she and Mia had talked Pearl into backing up. Pearl had then blackmailed Bear to get him to say that Raven had stayed with them that night.

  That had actually been funny. Pearl’s surprise for Bear the night of the bonfire had been a belly dance with scarves. She was disappointed she’d missed it; if the way the other women were going on about it was any indication, it had been quite a show. Bear had enjoyed the dance immensely. What he hadn’t enjoyed was that she’d done it at the bonfire for half the club to see.


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