Luca's Dilemma

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Luca's Dilemma Page 15

by Deneice Tarbox

  The long lineage of Leigh bankers and Burnet entrepreneurs had been allies for ages. As two of the only African–American families in the world with billionaire status, they had forged a mighty fortress during times of racial inequality and the depression, expanding their individual dynasties from California to Georgia and everywhere in between. That conglomeration had helped both families maintain their elite status, especially in the south, where both dynasties had been targeted because of their success.

  Now a crack had been formed, all due to one greedy bastard, who today Sheila found had been cut off from his parents for embezzling funds from their company. No wonder he’d tried to sue her.

  After sitting his wife in one of the comfy, gold chairs flanking the super long dining table, Sheila’s daddy stepped over to her and cupped her cheeks with each of his massive, golden brown hands. “Baby, no one is ever more important than you. Ahmed Sr. is a good man, and I have no doubt we’ll iron this out. But I only have one baby girl, and believe me, I will not hand her over to some two–bit lawyer who thinks his shit does not stink. Excuse my language, dear,” he threw over his shoulder before encasing Sheila within his strong arms.

  Sheila laughed surreptitiously at her father’s inappropriate use of proper grammar for the slang term. That was her parents. Not an ounce of ghetto in them. She hugged him back tightly, thankful for the generous love they always provided, even though she didn’t always agree with the method by which they provided it.

  “Yes, honey. I agree with you wholeheartedly,” her mother chimed in between dabs at her eyes with a handkerchief. Rising from the chair, she walked over and joined in the group hug. “Sorry, baby. I so desperately wanted to see you happy that I lost perspective.”

  “It’s okay, Momma. I know you love me.”

  “Yes, I do. And you love me too. Which is why I cannot comprehend why you continue to live in that uncivilized state, working that incongruous job. Things might not have worked as planned with Ahmed, but there are plenty respectable suitors more than willing to make an honest woman out of you.”

  Sheila groaned. In an instant, the cozy moment faded away, leaving a cold snap in the wake of the warmth where her heart had begun to hope. God please, not this again, she silently prayed.

  The family moved the conversation down the long corridor to the fire–heated living room. Sheila immediately headed for the bar, silently revisiting the lifelong question as to why rich folks felt the need to run the AC and the fireplace at the same time.

  “Thelma? Can’t you see our baby girl’s been through enough? I’m not thrilled about her choices either and wish she’d follow my requests to run our L.A. branch. However, this isn’t the time or place to discuss it.”

  “Well, Mr. Leigh, when is the appropriate time to discuss it? The girl never visits, nor does she call. Otherwise, we would have been privy to this whole debacle before you were forced to lose your bearing.”

  “Now, Thelma dear, let’s not go blaming Sheila. We’ll get to the bottom of that later. I just think we need to drop it for now.”

  Thank you, Daddy… I think, Sheila thought as she seated herself in a corner chair, silently sipping the smooth cabernet sauvignon she’d retrieved from the bar’s massive two–zoned wine fridge. Admittedly, she’d seriously considered a trip to the wine cellar just to vacate the immediate area. This wasn’t new. There was no doubt about her parents love for her, nor had they ever been cruel. They just hadn’t learned to let go.

  Once again, the essence of Luca riddled her thoughts as she partially tuned out her parents, who continued to converse as though she was no longer present. Neanderthal or not, she wanted her hero back. The longer she sat there semi–attentive to the goings–on around her, the more apparent his true love for her became. She focused on the many times he’d just listened, the way he’d reassured her at the pond, and how he’d rescued her at the fair. Graciously, he’d provided encouragement when she decided to confront her zoophobia head on.

  Luca could’ve teased her or made her feel inadequate during those situations like most in her life often did. Instead, he pulled her closer and chose to love her despite all her faults. She’d find some way to right things as soon as she got home.

  “…she will comply with my wishes before returning back East.”

  Sheila perked up at her mother’s last words, her hand freezing with the wine glass halfway to her lips. Two pairs of eyes, one amber the other almost black, stared at her, alerting her she had missed something dire. Aw, hell! she thought, unable to refute the cause for the grin on her mother’s smooth dark face, which rivaled that of any Cheshire Cat. Her parents’ previous words already had her more than ready to shuffle back to her part of the country, but something told her she was going to despise whatever came next. Indubitably.


  Two days later, Sheila found herself in the elegant ballroom of the Leigh estate wondering what the hell she had been thinking. Her parents had definitely been up to something all right. After the ever–pretentious Ahmed had convinced both sets of parents that he and Sheila were getting married, the elders immediately planned an engagement party. Unfortunately, over two hundred people were invited to share the happy occasion, and Momma flat–out refused to cancel the would–be engagement ball on such short notice.

  To save face, the engagement ball was retitled an early Christmas ball. Gold and silver ornaments and snowflakes were quickly and meticulously strewn about the vast estate. It was all truly beautiful.

  But Sheila wasn’t fooled by the name change and had no doubt her mother was shrewdly taking advantage of the chance to hook her only daughter up. She did have to admit, however, there was something magical about the season, especially when spent at either of her parents’ two estates. No matter what, Christmas with her family had always been special, especially when her brother was home. Highlighted by the placement of various Christmas trees, the grounds would come to life.

  This year, she was particularly fond of the sky–high spruce dominating the courtyard between the two largest wings of the main house. White lights danced like stars as they reflected off gold and silver ribbons, adding ambiance to the multitude of balconies surrounding the tree. Icicles and tinsel hung from just about every branch, aiding in making the man–made snow look more realistic. The cool breeze rolling off the ocean added the final touch. She would’ve loved to share the majestic scene with Luca.

  Unfortunately, the magic of the season dimmed once she’d been contritely coerced into donning the golden silk gown her mother had purchased and forced to act the part of the prodigal daughter finally returned home. The floor–length dress highlighted her curves, dipping just low enough in the front to show a peek of her ample cleavage. The back displayed her golden brown skin all the way down to the curve of her buttocks. Long smooth sleeves showcased every toned muscle of her arms while the slit that ran thigh–high exposed well–shaped legs with every twirl on the dance floor. She loved the three–inch–heeled, silver and gold stilettos, which had her towering over most of the men in the room. Momma might be overbearing at times, but at least the lady had keen fashion sense.

  Acting the part of the ever dutiful daughter, Sheila stepped into her role with vigor, dancing to the jazzed–up Christmas music when asked, perpetually wearing her Miss America smile, and laughing in compliance with her etiquette training. By eight o’ clock she was ready to call it quits but knew that the show must go on for the sake of all high society.

  Excusing herself after yet another turn on the dance floor with yet another perv who’d never be able to inform others of her eye color, she grabbed a champagne flute and sequestered herself in one of the small sitting rooms overlooking the courtyard. The rigid upholstered furniture felt good for once as she sat down and removed her spiked heels.

  “Ah, that feels so good,” she muttered, rubbing her aching feet. Allowing her gaze to rest on the starlit Christmas tree that intrigued her most, she once again found herself longing for the one
man who held her heart. “What have you done to me, Mr. Moriatti?” she whispered into the empty room, allowing the corners of her mouth to turn upward.

  Her balmy thoughts were swiftly replaced by a sudden chill. Sheila’s gaze fell to the flute in her hand where the golden liquid sloshed within the small confines of the glass in wake of her irrepressible trembling. An ethereal sensation stroked the back of her neck, making the fine hairs there stand on end. Her spine went rigid, and her heart began to pound within her chest as the feeling of another presence in the small room intensified. Fear seized her, briefly paralyzing her in the small chair.

  With effort, she cautiously rotated her head from the large, balcony window, desperately seeking a rational explanation for the source of her disquiet. The darkness revealed nothing.

  Putting her shoes back on, she forced herself to stay calm as massive doses of adrenaline worked to trigger her fight–or–flight mode. Beads of sweat popped out along her hairline as she warily rose from the chair with the subliminal intention of seeking safety. Each step toward the door echoed from the marble floor like thunder, causing her pulse to beat louder in her ears as images of someone jumping her from the shadows continued to push the prodigious fear to its outer limits. Fisting her free hand at her side, she physically prepared to fight for her life if necessary. She stopped in the middle of the room and closed her eyes tightly against the expectation that something catastrophic was about to transpire.

  As swiftly as it came, the feeling vanished

  Relief washed over Sheila. Exhaling a breath she’d been subconsciously holding, she quickly fled from the room, nearly colliding with an Asian redhead dressed in a black strapless ball gown. The woman appeared to be assisting her inebriated date toward the valet area.

  “Would you like some assistance? I could help you or get someone if you’d like,” Sheila offered, dismissing the thought of how appalled her parents would be at the sight of her carrying some drunk out to his car.

  “No, luv. My mate can’t quite get the gist of holding his liquor,” she responded in a cool British accent. “Happens all the time,” she sang. With a reassuring smile, the woman continued down the hall with the man in tow.

  Sheila watched for a few seconds, amused at the picture the couple made. Although the woman was of average height, the man she was supporting was almost twice her size. Sheila resisted the urge to run to them when the man began to stagger back and forth, almost toppling both of them to the hard polished floor. But the woman seemed to handle it just fine.

  Shaking off the last remnants of fear, Sheila made her way back to the ballroom. The festivities had become livelier during her short absence, and the massive space was abuzz with more people, possibly more potentials. A groan escaped her. Instead of diving in like a good girl, she remained on the sidelines, hoping her mother was too busy to notice.

  As she observed the merry crowd, her mind slipped back to the sitting room. Questions began materializing as to what might have happened. The episode had been strange to say the least, and she couldn’t quite put it behind her. Out of all the times she had been in these rooms, as a child and as an adult, nothing like that had ever happened. The house couldn’t be haunted, could it?

  Her family had occupied this land since the Gold Rush and had been amongst the first settlers in Malibu. The Leigh legacy had been harvested from the nearby mountains, this private beach and hillside claimed by back–breaking labor and sweat. It was a heritage to be proud of. Why would any of her ancestors want to haunt it now?

  “How is it such a beautiful woman could be standing at her own ball wearing a contrite expression on her face?”

  On this particular night, the natural scent with a touch of citrus aftershave Sheila had become familiar with carried a hint of expensive cologne, a first for the self–proclaimed country boy. However, there was no disguising the fiery feeling she got whenever Luca Moriatti was nearby. His deep, sexy voice was a balm to her wilting soul, and as she melted from it, she caught herself silently admitting just how much it had been missed. All of a sudden, everything felt right in her world.

  “I don’t know how you got in here, bud, but you best leave before I call security,” she responded, pretending to adhere to her resentment. Sudden heat emanating from behind her threatened to weaken her façade. He’d moved closer. Her traitorous body wanted to fall against him and absorb the warmth only Luca could provide.

  “Security, huh? Hmmm, I suppose that could be a problem if you did. But something tells me you won’t.”

  Warm, calloused fingers began to caress the exposed skin of Sheila’s back, instantly shooting awareness throughout her body and eliciting the slightest of shivers.

  Cocky bastard.

  Indeed. But he was her cocky bastard, and she loved him, faults as well as strengths. She knew him well enough to detect a smug smile was on his handsome face without even having to see it. “You seem quite sure of yourself, Mr. Moriatti.” No doubt the sudden huskiness of her voice was causing further deterioration of the farce she struggled to uphold. But she lacked the sensible ability to stifle even the most simple of basal responses to this man.

  “Hmmm. Maybe I have connections and… well, once I explain to them how stupid I was for insulting my lady, and how I dissed my family to fly all the way here from New York and beg her forgiveness, I’m sure they’ll be understanding.”

  He encompassed her with his arms from behind, causing Sheila to relax into the hard planes of his body. He began to sway her gently, keeping time with the music. The warmth of his breath so close to her ear elicited images of their lust–filled nights of intimacy.

  “It also helps to slip ’em a little paper, when in doubt.”

  Sheila let out her hardy laugh, not caring that it drew unwanted attention or caused the snobs in the immediate vicinity to frown.

  Luca was smiling so broadly Sheila could feel it against her cheek. “God, I missed your laugh.” His voice turned serious. “I’m so sorry, babe. I know it’s no excuse, but I’ve never been in love before, and it’s making me crazy, crazy because I care so much about you. It’s got me doing and saying things I normally wouldn’t do or say. But you deserve a man who’ll love and support you. A strong man who will put you on a pedestal and treat you like the queen you are. I’m gonna be that man. I’ll try harder to control myself, I swear.” He loosened his embrace just enough for Sheila to turn in his muscular arms and face him.

  Sheila gasped. Man, was he gorgeous. Four days and three thousand miles of loneliness promptly evaporated upon laying eyes on him. The sincerity in his gaze made her heart swell with all the love she felt for him.

  Her memory of him had done little justice compared to the glory of the man now holding her so tenderly. The contemporary tuxedo with gold tie he wore was just icing on the cake. Beyond the fancy clothing and slicked–back hair, total devotion and love danced in those royal–blue orbs of his. His mere presence began to overwhelm her, and she could no longer deny the feelings consuming her.

  “I guess that makes two of us. I’ll try to be more understanding and less temperamental,” she stated, placing her arms on his broad shoulders.

  Luca’s forehead descended to rest on hers. At that moment, as she gazed into his handsome face, Sheila realized she’d rather shrivel up and die than not have this wonderful man in her life. Before she could say another word, he pulled her close and kissed her sensually, knocking the breath right out of her. After breaking the kiss, she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Now can I mention how damn sexy you look in that dress?” he growled low for her ears only.

  Sheila chuckled. She couldn’t stop the grin from crossing her face as a result of his words. Luca seemed to always have a way of making her feel beautiful and sexy, no matter what she wore.

  “I’m glad you’re willing to work with me, babe. It’ll make life easier for me… for us.”

  “Whatever do you mean?” Sheila asked, confused by his statement. Her voice was bar
ely above a whisper as her mind and body still struggled to regroup from the kiss and being so close to him. The task became a little easier when her ears detected the band’s diversion from the typical genre of Christmas music they had been playing.

  “Shhh, babe. I think this song’s for us,” he cooed softly as he continued to sway.

  At first, Sheila wasn’t sure what the song was. But then Luca started singing the words. He sang them so well and so intimately that tears stained her eyes. The song immediately ingrained itself within her heart. From that moment on, Babyface’s “Every Time I Close My Eyes” would forever define what they shared. She began to silently pray they could live this way forever.

  “You know… your mom’s going to make them play this at our wedding,” he boldly stated as the song came to an end.

  Sheila’s eyes widened at his declaration. “Wedding? I haven’t even confessed to being in love with you yet.”

  A loud shriek drew Sheila’s attention. She spun around, finding the source to be her momma, who was not too far from them, fanning her eyes while leaning flaccidly against Sheila’s daddy. Before Sheila had the chance to inquire, her mom began frantically pointing in her direction. Whipping her head around, she found Luca on one knee before her with a large princess–cut diamond ring between his hefty fingers. That’s when it occurred to her the music had stopped and all eyes were on them.

  Luca took her hand, continuing the conversation where they had left off. “You don’t have to tell me. I already know. And, trust me… I love you more than enough for the both of us. Just say you’ll be my wife, and I’ll do my part to make us both happy.”

  The beautiful vision in front of her became a blur as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. She nodded frantically, unable to say the word “yes” because of the large lump of emotion clogging her throat. Thunderous applause erupted around them as Luca slipped the heavy ring on her finger. Before he completely came to his feet, Sheila grabbed his head with both hands and began applying kisses all over his face and neck, causing some in the crowd to double over with laughter. She didn’t care what people thought of her at that moment. She cared only that she felt as though she were soaring above the world with her handsome sovereign beside her.


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