Sex Me In

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Sex Me In Page 4

by Tianna Xander

  Think nothing of it, my love. Wray’s husky voice whispering in her mind sent goose bumps pebbling across her arms.

  I will always stand by you, mate. Kel’s voice, equally sexy, sent a pulse of warmth through her woman’s core. She squeezed her thighs in reaction. This wouldn’t do. She must concentrate on the woman who needed her, not on her body’s reaction to her mates.

  As though just the thought of the unknown woman strengthened their connection, Ana felt the woman’s nearness through their bond. Lower. I need you to get lower. They were just above a jungle, or at least that’s what it appeared to be through their viewscreen. She knew to the depths of her soul, what they were seeing was only what they were meant to, not what was actually there.

  “Stop. You must land here.”

  The pilot shook his head. “There is nowhere within a day’s walk to land.”

  She fisted her hands by her sides. “Please, trust in me. What you see is what you are meant to. Have faith in the Goddess, for she is the one who has bestowed my talents upon me. We are where we need to be.”

  The pilot looked to Wray for an answer. “I trust in my mate. If she says this is where we need to be then I believe her.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” Even though the pilot shook his head in disbelief and began to mutter to himself, he slowly lowered the ship. Closer and closer to the forest canopy they moved and Ana didn’t flinch. She knew in this she wasn’t wrong. The forest was just an illusion.

  Both Wray and Kel moved up beside her. Even though they said they trusted her, deep down she hadn’t believed them. But, when she searched their feelings, only trust and a sense of purpose flooded her. Happiness flooded her heart. Yes, her mates truly did believe in her.

  Of course, we do, they both said simultaneously.

  “Goddess she was right,” the pilot exclaimed as they continued toward the ground. As soon as they bypassed where the treetops should be, the illusion disappeared.

  Ana gasped. “It’s real. The Lost Temple of the Lady Goddess really does exist.” Tears flooded her eyes and her mates each wrapped an arm around her waist in support. In front of her, a tall pyramid of white marble stood. G’Recio’s trio of suns bathed it in glorious white. She could see standing stones in the distance, and between them and the temple, a glen with the greenest grass she’d ever seen. Her heart stuttered then sped up. Her hands shook and her tummy cramped.

  “All my life, I dreamed of the day I’d find it. Ever since I was naught but a child, I’ve felt it was my duty to find this place. I dedicated my entire life, my career, everything I am to fulfill the vow I’d made myself. It is said in myth, that only the purest of souls can set foot in the temple itself. Evil may surround it, but if a pure soul shelters inside, no one with ill intent shall be able to step a foot through the door. No wonder she chose to seek refuge here,” she whispered, awe and satisfaction filling her.

  Each of her mates stroked her hair, and then over her head Wray addressed them all. “Beware. The woman inside is frightened, scared. She has taken refuge in the temple for a reason. I imagine the enemy above is also down here. My mate and the woman within these walls must be protected above all else.”

  “Yes, Alpha. No one shall be allowed to harm them. You have our vow.”

  Wray nodded then clasped Kel’s shoulder as he pulled Ana beneath the shelter of his arm. “It is time.”

  Kel fisted his hands at his sides. “Yes,” he agreed. “It is time.”

  * * * *

  Behind the marble walls of the temple, Kiri Leran clasped the hand of the small boy she considered her own. Born of a Hienial father and a G’recian woman, it had been Kiri who’d cut the premature child from his dying mother. Too small at birth to be separated from her, she’d raised the child as her own. But, when the time came for them to take Ryo from her, to infect him with their evil, she’d attacked the guards with a weapon she’d fashioned from the undercarriage of her metal bed, stolen a transport ship, and after crashing three days walk from here, finally managed to get them to safety.

  She had hoped they’d be able to remain hidden longer, that the Hienials would have given up looking for her. It was a false hope. They guarded their captives with zeal. She should have known they’d never let her or Ryo go. Well, they’d make their last stand here. She’d fight to her last breath to ensure that Ryo remained free of the Hienial plague, do whatever she had to in order to ensure he wasn’t exposed to their evil.

  The thundering at the temple doors grew louder as more Hienials attempted to break through the barrier to the temple proper. Beside her, Ryo quaked in fear. She lifted the toddler in her arms, cuddled him against her chest. “Fear not, little one. We are in the Lady Goddess’ Temple. No one who has evil in their soul can enter here.”

  His little voice shook with fear. “But I am evil. I am Hienial, just like them.”

  Her heart clenched. “Oh, my son. You are not evil. You are all that is good or the Goddess would not have let you shelter here. You have a pure soul, unmarred by their ugliness.”

  As she found a seat against one of the marble pillars, she pulled Ryo onto her lap and began to gently rock him back and forth. As always when she sat here, her gaze strayed toward the altar where seventeen amulets lay upon a silken pillow. As she so often wondered since arriving here, she couldn’t help but ask herself why the odd number. What was significant about there only being seventeen amulets? On the other hand, was the number important at all?

  It is important, my child. When the others come and defeat those awaiting you outside, let them in and tell them my words. Four Triads have formed and two more are due. Before you sit seventeen amulets, to enhance the energy your triads have sown. One will come from a far distant place, wearing an amulet of her own. When eighteen wear an amulet of power, the time to fight has reached its final hour.

  When no more words were spoken, she asked the question uppermost in her mind. Who are you?

  You know who I am. Tell all who enter the temple tonight to be at the standing stones tomorrow just as the new day dawns. All four Triads must be present at that time, as well. Take care of your cub, young lioness.

  As quickly as she appeared in her mind, the Lady Goddess was gone and all that was left were the shouts outside the temple and the soft snores of her son laying nestled against her breast.

  An hour passed or maybe more as she rocked her son, listening to the sounds of battle just outside the temple doors. As the day slowly turned to night, she continued to wait for those that would enter, thinking upon the Goddess’ words. Why would she speak to me?

  * * * *

  Kel grimaced as another Hienial mercenary shot at him. Ducking behind the standing stone he’d chosen to shield Ana behind, he waited for the shooting to stop. As soon as the laser fire hit the marble protecting him, he whirled around it into the open and fired, hitting the Hienial square in the chest. One more down, a dozen or so more to go.

  He ducked behind the stone again, glanced at his mate. “Are you okay?” he asked, though why he bothered when he could see what the evil surrounding them was doing to her. Lying near his feet, she had plastered herself around the stone, her body curved inward as she shuddered. As an empath, she was drawn to others emotions, and the evil living inside the Hienials seemed to be slowly poisoning her. They needed to defeat them soon, before Rachana succumbed to their hatred.

  Wray, we need to end this now. Ana can’t take too much more.

  A pause, then Wray’s voice grew strong in his mind. It seems the Lioni Pride Leader, Drace Vanier, has arrived with a landing party of his own. I don’t know why he’s here, but I’m not going to question it right now. With two teams attacking the Hienials, it won’t take long to destroy them.

  You had better hope so. If we lose her, no one will be safe from my wrath.


  Within minutes the tide had turned. Several of their crew sported injuries and they’d suffered two deaths, but all the attacking Hienials had died. They would honor
their fallen, but first they had to retrieve the woman who even now was sheltered inside the temple. Only then, would they celebrate the lives of those who given their life to protect another.

  Bending down, Kel lifted Ana and carried her toward the Temple gates to meet up with Wray and the others. Ana barely responded as he carried her toward the others. Deep shadows marred her cheeks. Her skin has a sickly grey cast to it. Once they were assured the other woman was brought to safety, he planned to pamper his mate.

  So, you agree, Wray. Once we’re back on your ship, and our enemy is defeated we devote our evening to our mate.

  Definitely. I have felt her pain, her exhaustion through our bond. Once the enemy above is defeated, we’ll bathe her, and put her to bed. She needs a healing sleep.

  I agree. Kel stepped up next to Wray and nodded toward the Lioni male. “Thank you for your timely assistance.” He shifted Ana in his arms. “I don’t know how much more she could have taken.”

  Drace nodded then his gaze darted once again toward the temple doors. His brows pinched down in thought. “What is it that you search for here?”

  “A woman sought shelter here. We came to rescue her. Our mate tells us she is important if we are to defeat the Banart and the Hienials.”

  He raised his brows in surprise then tilted his head in acknowledgement. “Then let us go in and see that she is brought to safety.”

  Both Kel and Wray nodded. Drace pulled open the temple doors. The three men, and the two squads of soldiers that had followed them into battle, stepped through the entryway. Before they’d taken two steps into the temple, a woman approached them. In her arms, she held a small child of no more than three winters, who looked at them with adult eyes, eyes that had already seen too much.

  Drace gasped. Both Kel and Wray whipped their heads around, looking for danger. Instead, the Lioni male growled low in his throat, as he spoke words that shocked them all. “She is mine to protect, as is her cub.”

  The tiny red haired woman quirked her eyebrows before turning her gaze toward Ana. “Will she be all right?” she asked, her voice soft and soothing.

  “She will be after she rests. We are here to take you to safety. You and your son.”

  She nodded then turned her attention toward Wray. “I have a message for all of you from the Lady Goddess, even the Lioni male among you.”

  Kel watched as Drace leaned against the nearest marble column and slowly nodded.

  “What is your message?” Wray asked.

  The woman sighed then began to speak. “Four Triads have formed and two more are due. Before you sit seventeen amulets, to enhance the energy your triads have sown. One will come from a far distance place, wearing an amulet of her own. When eighteen wear an amulet of power, the time to fight has reached the final hour.”

  At that, Drace straightened. “Was there anything else she said, little one?”

  “Only that anyone who entered the temple tonight needed to return tomorrow at dawn, as well as her four Triads. You are to meet at the standing stones.”

  Wray nodded and Kel watched as he headed towards the altar where the amulets rested. Lifting the pillow they lay upon, he carefully carried them toward the temple doors, speaking over his shoulder as he went. “Then let us get back to the Nomad. I’ve already received word that the Banarts and Hienials above were destroyed in battle. It seems not only had the Great Bear Clan and the Lioni arrived in time, the Savari elders sent four cloaked ships of their own to protect their leader and his brother. With eleven to nine odds, and the superior weaponry of the Tigerians and the Savari, not to mention the invisibility of the Lioni during the fighting, the battle was over shortly after it began.”

  * * * *

  Ana woke toasty warm and comfortably sandwiched between her two future mates. Even with her eyes closed as they were, she could tell that her head rested against Kel and Wray had his chest pressed against her back. The heat and warmth filling her had more to do with the press of their bodies against hers rather than the coverlet currently wrapped tightly around her. She could get used to waking this way. Ana sighed then began to worry her bottom lip with her teeth.

  How did she get into to bed with them anyway and were they still aboard ship? The last thing she remembered was the near exhaustion she’d suffered while trying to locate the woman and child hiding on the surface. She had hazy memories of returning to the ship and someone—or, two someone’s—bathing her. Or, was that a dream?

  She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks just thinking that her mates might have bathed her, seen her completely open and exposed. And, if it wasn’t a dream, what must they think of her? Goose bumps pebbled across her skin just thinking about it.

  Well, no matter how much she’d like to lie abed with her mates, she needed to get up and search for the woman they’d rescued from the surface, Kiri and her son, Ryo. There would be much healing she’d need to do today, if she wanted to make sure their trauma was but a distant memory rather than a constant source of torment and misery.

  Sighing, Ana tried to wiggle out from beneath the heavy weight of Kel and Wray’s arms. As close as they were holding her, getting up without waking them might be near impossible. Within seconds, she realized that getting up without their knowledge was just not going to happen.

  Behind her, Wray’s arms tightened. He pressed his lips against the nape of her neck, nuzzled his way beneath her hair. His warm breath wafted across her cheek, sending another ripple of goose bumps to rise along her flesh. “Good morning, my mate.”

  Wray’s voice was husky with sleep, and oh so sexy. By the Lady Goddess, how would she ever resist him—them—when the time came to mate? She snorted. Why would she want to?

  In front of her, Kel shifted closer, pressing his front more tightly against her chest. She could feel every muscle in his torso, hear his heartbeat grow louder and faster. “I, too, wish you a good morning, Rachana. Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  She knew they were both awaiting an answer but her body began to grow even warmer. Knowing her mates lie so close, their bodies pressed against her, skin to skin, made her stomach roil in nervous anticipation. Would they expect to mate with her now? Was she ready, if they did?

  She licked her lips, let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’s been holding. “I’m well.” She opened her eyes, took a quick peek up at Kel. She felt another wave of heat flow beneath her skin when she looked into his hungry eyes.

  Turning her head, she met the equally heated gaze of Wray. She swallowed. Her arms, her legs began to tremble. Oh Goddess, it looked like they were indeed ready to make her theirs in every sense of the word.

  “Thank you for taking care of me last night, when I was too weak to take care of myself. I used more energy than I’m used to, it seems.”

  Kel pressed his lips against her forehead, before trailing them down her cheek. Finally, they settled against her mouth, sipping at her in exquisite gentleness. Snuggled behind her, she could feel the firm press of Wray’s shaft nudging her back, sending shards of heated awareness winging through her blood. Her breath hitched. Her heart stuttered.

  How could she do it? How could she let these two virtual strangers mate with her so soon? Always she shied away from intimacy because of the emotions, the feelings that the males bombarded her with. The few times she had allowed herself to get close to a male, their disregard for naught but their own wants and desires blasted into her mind, making any desire she may have felt wither and die. She’d never been able to allow someone this close before.

  She’d never made love to one man, never mind two at one time. How could she even think of continuing with this? Could she really submit to these men? She didn’t know them. If she submitted, afterwards they would be forever her mates, able to dictate her life, her choices? They were two against one. What if she learned she was naught to them but a vessel for their seed? What would she do then?

  She felt intense pain emanating from them at her mental accusation. She closed her eye
s with shame as their grief tore through her. They attempted to save her from their intense suffering as they hurried to block their feelings, but not before their pain fisted her heart and wounded her soul.

  She bowed her head. Tears trailed down her cheeks, dripped onto the coverlet as she processed their pain, let it flow through her body and out her pores.

  “Please forgive me,” she begged, shifting her gaze to her feet. “I wanted to believe you would never hurt me, never force me to do something against my will.” Her voice quavered and she buried her face in her hands. “I just didn’t know for sure until I … until your denial bombarded me.” She sobbed into her hands, knowing she would never, could never deserve them. Leaning forward, she buried her face in the crook of Kel’s neck, scenting his male musk beneath the aroma of the soaps they’d bathed her with earlier.

  They both caressed her hair, whispered sweet nothings into her ear as tears of frustration fell from her eyes. “Do not worry, mate,” Wray whispered against her hair. “You are all that we want, all that we will ever need. If you need more time, we will give it to you. Your emotional needs are more important than the desires of our flesh.”

  “I do want you.” She looked up; searching first Kel’s eyes then Wray’s. “Even though I’ve never been more than passably interested in a man before, I want you both.” She shrugged. “Maybe I’m just scared.”

  Ana gathered her courage, reaching toward Kel with trembling hands. Whether they shook with nerves or desire, she didn’t know. Her mouth grew dry at the sight of the honed muscles of his chest and abdomen. She dared not look lower. Just the thought of seeing his hard male member drove her knees to quake. How would she ever overcome her fears and allow them to do what she knew they wanted?

  She steeled herself, bolstering her nerve. She knew that sooner or later she would have to see him … there. Touch him there. She would have to touch them both. Her stomach did a little flop and, gathering her courage, she lowered her gaze. Her eyes widened at her first glimpse of his hardened member. She’d been careful not to look at her mates too closely in the bath. Instead, she kept her eyes closed not wanting to incite their passion. Now she gaped, her eyes wide, amazed at the length and width of him. Pre-cum seeped from the meaty head, and she wanted to lick it away. What would it taste like?


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