Promises: The Complete Promise Series

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Promises: The Complete Promise Series Page 15

by Riley, Alexa

  “I’m sorry if I came between you guys.” I’m starting to think I’m the reason why she might be here crying. Something happened. I’m also guessing Calder has been making her stay away because he didn’t want to share the secret that wasn’t his to tell.

  “No, it was time. I had to come clean to my family. I knew how they would react, but it still hurt. I wanted to tell Calder I finally did it. He was the first person I thought of. It’s really just been him and me for the past seven years.”

  I reach out and grab her hand. “Well, now you’re about to be an aunt,” I tell her. She smiles. I know Calder doesn’t have any family besides the baby and me, but I realize she is his family, too. I’ve been wanting that from him. For him to tell me more about his past, and now I’m seeing it and I’m going to embrace it.

  “He told me you were sweet.” She laughs. “In fact, he couldn’t shut up about you.”

  “When?” I can’t help but ask.

  “I knew something was up after New Year’s. He’d been gloomy since he lost his parents, throwing himself into work nonstop, but I could tell there was something else. Being around him was like being around a freaking bear. One night we were playing video games, and he drank a little much, and I seized the opportunity to get him to spill the beans finally.”

  I scoot a little closer. “What did he say?” I ask, making her laugh.

  She looks over at the door and I follow her line of sight to see Calder standing in the door. “Tell her.”

  “That he would do anything to get you back. That you were his one, like his dad always told him his mom was his one.”

  “You said that?”

  Calder just nods.

  “Said he wanted to give you time. That he’d fucked up. Shocker.” Sidney laughs at her own joke. “That he tried to reach out, but you wouldn’t respond, so he figured you needed more time. Then he kind of snapped.”

  “You didn’t reach out.” I shake my head. No phone calls or anything.

  “I emailed you every day,” he says, a confused look crossing his face.

  “You did?”

  “You didn’t get them?” He steps into the room. “You didn’t get them,” he repeats, but this time it’s a statement.

  “The university got a whole new email system over Christmas break after the semester ended. Everyone got new email addresses. The old one remained active, but I never checked or used it.” All this time I’d thought wrong. That he’d only come back because he knew I was pregnant, somehow.

  “I thought you came because you found out I was pregnant. That's why you wanted to get married. Wait.” I run back through my mind. “You asked me to marry you before you actually knew, didn’t you? Oh, my God.”

  Calder walks over to the bed and drops to his knees in front of me.

  “I’m going to leave, you guys. I’ll call later, and we’ll do dinner. I can tell you lots of funny stories,” Sidney says as she exits the room, leaving us alone. Calder cups my face.

  “I came for you. The baby was a bonus.”

  “What made you finally come? I swear, I never saw your emails.”

  “I snapped. I couldn’t take it anymore. I’d been in darkness so long, and that day I came up onto the balcony you lit my life back up. I tried to stay away at first. But my mind kept buzzing with the idea of us being together. Having a family again. I wanted it bad. Then I fucked it up. Sent you running. I couldn't get you to respond, and your dad said you were graduating, and I knew I had to go. Had to see you.” He looks down, rubbing my baby bump and then back at me. “I should feel bad, but I went there with the intention of blackmailing you. I thought you were ignoring me. I just thought if I could get my hands on you, I could make you fall in love with me. I just had to get you back first, and I was willing to do just about anything to do that. Anything. Knew I’d already fucked up a ton. That you probably hated me. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

  His forehead drops to mine when he’s done with his confession.

  “You didn’t have to make me fall in love with you. I’ve been in love with you from that first kiss. I love you.”

  His mouth takes mine in a hard kiss. His tongue pushes in and both his hands dive into my hair. When he pulls away, we’re both breathless.

  “You know that’s the first time you’ve said that without me making you?”


  “You’ve been keeping it from me?”

  “You’ve never said it.”

  He pulls back to study my face like I’m crazy. “I’ve never told you I loved you?” he asks like I’m making it up.

  “Trust me. I would remember that.”

  “Fuck.” He runs his hand through his hair. “Of course I fucking love you. I can’t even breathe when I’m not near you.”

  My heart flutters, and I feel the baby kick again.

  “The baby is moving,” I tell him, bringing his hand to my belly. I watch as awe takes over his face.

  “We made that baby. Our first night together. The world knew we had to be together and made sure we’d always be tied to each other.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I see a glimmer of sadness in her eyes, and I can’t imagine why it’s there.

  “What it is, sweetheart? What’s that thought you just had?”

  She shrugs her shoulders, but when I wait, she starts to tell me.

  “You said the world knew we had to be together. I wish my father would see it that way. I feel like my getting pregnant was just another reminder to him that I’m just like my mother. He always said I was like her, and I didn’t realize he meant it to mean I’m thirsty for attention.”

  “Oh, Felicity, no.” I hold her face in my hands and look into her tear-filled eyes. “No, sweetheart, he didn’t mean it that way. I talked to him about it. And I even spoke with him privately after the wedding to smooth things over.”

  She looks at me questioningly, but there is still so much hope there. “What do you mean?”

  “He’d said the same to me once before, and I asked him what he meant by it. I didn’t know your mom, but I’d heard rumors, and I wanted to know why he would say such things about his daughter. He said that you’ve got her spirit. That people are drawn to you, but that you do it without trying.” I run my thumb across her cheek, wiping away the lone tear. “And after the wedding, he said he’d suspected that something had happened between you and me, and he wanted to give us space to make our own decisions about our relationship. He wanted to give us time to have our own world and to create our own family. He understands what happened between him and your mother won’t happen to us. That I will always give you the attention you need, even if you think you don’t need it.”

  She gives me a little laugh, and I kiss her soft lips.

  “I know how much your father loves you. When it comes to you, there is absolutely nothing you can do wrong. And though I may have blackmailed you into this relationship, I know I did it for the right reasons. We belong together.”

  Felicity nods, and her soft smile eases every worry in my heart. I pushed her into this, but she understands why. She may have thought the baby was what was keeping me here, but that was never the case. It was the best surprise I’ve ever had—icing on top of an already perfect cake.

  “Calder, make love to me.”

  My lips are on hers before she finishes the last word. She only needs to ask. I’ll always give her what she wants. Slowly, I strip us until we’re both naked. Her warm skin rubs against mine, and I have to taste her.

  “Lie back, sweetheart. I need you.”

  I kneel on the floor in front of her and spread her legs. Her pussy is wet, and her lower lips are swollen with need. My cock hardens at the sight, and I open my mouth, covering as much of her as I can, and close my eyes, savoring her taste.

  Her warm honey hits my mouth, and the flavor makes me insane for more. I drink down all that she gives me, and I lick her in long laps, begging for more. The feel o
f her hard clit against my tongue turns me on, and I feel cum dripping down my cock.

  “Calder,” she gasps when I suck her into my mouth and nibble just a little.

  Bringing two fingers up to her pussy, I push inside her wet channel and rub her most tender spot. As I put pressure on just the right place, her hips rise off the bed and her nails claw at the sheets.

  Being able to give her this kind of pleasure makes me feel like a god, even though I’m the one kneeling.

  Once I finish pulling every wave of her orgasm from her, I climb up her body, kissing all the special places I love on her as I go. When I get to her mouth, she holds my face and kisses me back so tenderly. The taste of her pussy passes between us, and the kiss is so powerful it only heightens the intimacy.

  I hold myself over her, careful not to put any of my weight on her, and pull her legs around my hips. I push inside her wet heat, and her little body welcomes all ten inches of me. In one long thrust, I’m fully sheathed in heaven and well on my way to cumming.

  Just one second inside her and I’m ready to come undone. I’ve never been so powerless before, and I don’t care. As long as Felicity is mine, she can have all of me. She can take it all.

  “I love you,” I whisper against her lips, and I hear her repeat the words back to me.

  My mouth goes to her neck, and I feel her clench around my cock. I lick the shell of her ear and tell her how much I need her as I slowly build her to another climax.

  “Please, sweetheart.”

  She cums on me, wetting my cock and making me follow her over the edge. I hold myself inside her as our juices mingle, my cum filling her up. Once I’ve given all I can, I carefully roll us to our sides. I don’t want to pull out, so I’m careful to make sure she’s comfortable afterwards.

  We lie there for a long time, neither of us wanting to break our connection. We smile and softly touch one another as if this new information we shared has changed our relationship for the better.

  Felicity in my arms and our baby between us, as our lives are meant to be. There was no alternative for either of us because I would have made damn sure of that. Blackmailing her was the smartest thing I ever did.



  Five months later…

  “He looks just like you, sweetheart.”

  Calder is sitting on the bench next to the window, and the sunlight is pouring over both of my guys. It’s a tender moment watching him with our son, Jonathan William Cox. We named him after both of his grandfathers, and I think my father might just burst from pride. I only wish Calder's father could have been here today to meet him, but Calder says that maybe he’s around us somehow, looking over our new baby.

  I was almost two weeks overdue, even with as small as I was and as big as my son grew. After only three hours of labor, here he is. Nine pounds nine ounces of healthy baby boy.

  “He’s got your ears,” I say, lying on my side in the hospital bed and watching them.

  Calder looks over and winks at me, and I swear I think my ovaries smile. Seeing him with our baby has got to be some kind of aphrodisiac. I just gave birth and I’m thinking of making another.

  My father and Becky left just a few moments ago to let us rest. They were here since first thing this morning, but they still seemed reluctant to leave. They were both so excited about having a grandchild since I’m my father’s only child and Becky was never able to have children of her own.

  They’ve made it official, and she’s wearing a stunning engagement ring. I couldn’t be more excited for the two of them. She seems to calm him a lot, and he’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him. It amazing what love can do to people.

  Calder comes over and places Jonathan in my arms. “I think he’s hungry again.”

  “If he’s anything like his father, I’m sure he is.” I hold him to my breast and he latches on immediately and starts nursing like a champ. I grunt a little at his aggressive feeding and then relax when he slows down a bit. “Yep. Just like his father.”

  “You did great, sweetheart. Just perfect.”

  I look up to see a little mist in Calder’s eyes.

  “What is it?” I ask, worry starting to creep in.

  “Nothing.” He leans forward and gives me a quick kiss before pulling back and looking between the baby and me. “I was just worried. What if everything I loved most was taken from me again? I’m just happy you and our son are okay. I love you so much, Felicity.”

  I’m a giant ball of hormones right now, so I just nod and whisper that I love him, too. Any more than that and I’ll send myself into a spiral of tear-filled thankfulness. Instead, Calder wraps me in his arms while I nurse Jonathan, and we stay like that for a long time.

  Our little bubble of love is impossible to burst. It’s as if everything between us has clicked into place, and this is exactly where we are meant to be. I’ve never had a feeling so strong before, knowing that being with Calder is the right choice, and every choice I made before it has led me here. It’s beautiful and powerful, and I’m going to live the rest of my life being thankful for it.



  Two years later…

  “Well, I just wanted to come in and see if there was anything else I could help you out with today, Mrs. Cox.”

  The young guy who does yard work for us is leaning against the doorframe. He’s got his shirt off and he’s sweaty, so I back up. All I can think about is putting distance between us because I don’t want it to get on me. Maybe some women would find him attractive, but he’s far too pretty and into himself for my taste. I’ve got a thing for dark-haired grumpy men, and I don’t ever see that changing.

  “No thanks, Ben. We’re all set.”

  “Are you sure?” He licks his lips, and his eyes run up and down my body. I don’t like the way it feels. I’m fully dressed, but somehow this feels a bit like a violation. Only my husband gets to look at me like this.

  Who does this guy think he is? He’s helped out with our regular gardener twice and suddenly he thinks he’s entitled to hit on me? Hell no. I’m about to open my mouth to tell him off when a massive dark blur moves in front of me.

  Before I can blink, Calder has the kid pushed up against the side of the house and holds him off the ground by his neck.

  “Calder,” I say in a soft voice. “Remember, if you kill him on our property, the cops are more likely to find his body.”

  Ben’s eyes go as wide as saucers, and he starts to panic.

  “You’re right, sweetheart. I should take him down by the lake with the others.”

  Ben starts coughing, and his face turns purple.

  Calder leans in and growls in his face. “You leave now and I’ll let you keep breathing. Don’t you ever come back, or I’ll rip your eyes out for looking at my wife that way.”

  He drops Ben to the ground, and the gardener takes off faster than a bullet. Calder watches him leave and then turns back to me.

  He’s breathing a little heavily, and there’s this angry look on his face. I don’t know why, but my panties are drenched. Seeing him so possessive of me and so strong, it’s got all my female hormones firing.


  His name is a cross between a question and a moan. Looking down, I see the erection clearly outlined in the front of his slacks, and I lick my lips.

  “Get in the house now, Felicity.”

  He takes a step towards me, but I’m overwhelmed by my need for him. Right. This. Second. I’m not moving unless it’s to let him put his dick in me.

  He lowers his chin and glares at me with hooded eyes. He feels this, too. This internal need to mark his territory, and God help me, I want to be his possession. I want to be stamped and branded as his like never before.

  Faster than I expect, he’s picking me up and our mouths are connecting. My hands rip at his shirt, popping the buttons and tearing the material as I go. I feel his hands grip my ass roughly, and then my back hits something solid. I�
�m pinned to a wall by the lower half of his body as his hands push up my dress and rip away my panties.

  His long, hard thickness is thrust fully inside my wet pussy before I can even take a breath. Then his hand rips the shredded material of my shirt from my body, and his hungry mouth is on my breast. I feel his teeth there as his aggressive thrusts hold me in place. I grip his back as he ruts against me, angrily taking what is his.

  I bite my lip to keep from screaming his name, the orgasm hitting me so fast I don’t even see it coming. As I hit my climax, his hands pin my wrists above my head, and suddenly—impossibly— he’s deeper inside me. He’s stretching my pussy in the most delicious way, and the rough treatment reminds me of who’s in charge here.

  I know without a shadow of a doubt that Calder worships every inch of my heart and soul. But my body is his to command, and right here and now, he’s reminding me of my place.

  The cavewoman in me responds to his dominance, and I spread my legs as wide as they can go, giving my beloved all that he desires. I’m his, and nothing will ever change that. And that’s what this is right now. It’s a reminder to him that no one will ever take me from him, and he needs this from me. For me to submit and let him declare that my body is his claimed land. I’ll give him this and anything else he wants as another climax thunders through my body.

  When I feel his warm seed fill me, it’s as if he’s sated the beast inside him. I cling to his big body as he gently lets go of my wrists and starts to tenderly kiss me everywhere. It’s completely contrary to what happened just moments ago, but I’ll never get tired of his attention to my body.

  “All better?” I ask as his mouth trails down my neck.


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