Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series)

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Fighting Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC; Book 2) (Forsaken Sinners MC Series) Page 12

by Shelly Morgan

  Figuring it’s time I tell him about my past, I start by telling him how I met Rick, then about how he went from what I thought was perfect to a nightmare. By the time I’m finished with my story, Toby is gripping his coffee cup so hard, I’m surprised it doesn’t shatter in his hands.

  He doesn’t speak. He just stares at the table, trying to gain some control over his emotions. When he finally looks up at me, I see so many emotions within the depths of his eyes; anger, pain, concern, and love? I can’t be sure, but I think that’s what I see, or maybe it’s just what I want to see. Regardless, he lets out a deep breath and grabs my hand. “I’m so sorry you went through that. I wish I would’ve met you years ago to prevent all the pain you experienced.” He looks so lost and helpless that for a moment, I imagine him as a child. He’s only told me a little about his past. I know that he grew up without a father, and his mother wasn’t a very good person. I also know that he fought a lot, but I don’t really know the reason why.

  I squeeze his hand and give him a reassuring smile. “It’s not your fault that happened to me, Toby. If anything, I should have known better. I should have gotten out of that relationship at the first sign of trouble, but I was weak and too afraid to be alone. I had nothing and no one. I only had him.” I hate that he now knows exactly how weak I was, but he deserves to know the truth and what he’s getting himself into so he can choose for himself if he thinks I’m worth it.

  “Doll, you are anything but weak. If you were weak, you wouldn’t have left. You would still be in New York, suffering through everything he did to you, but you did leave, and that makes you strong. That’s what makes you a fighter―a survivor. I promise you that from now on, you don’t have to fight this alone. I’m here, and I will kill anyone who tries to take you away from me.” The look in his eyes tells me that he’s serious, and even though I don’t want him to kill anyone, it makes me happy that he’s willing to fight for me. He thinks I’m worth it.

  Standing up, I walk over to him and sit on his lap. I snuggle up against him, my head under his chin, and breathe him in. “I don’t know what I would do if I never met you. You make me want to be stronger, better. Thank you for being here for me,” I say, squeezing him tighter, wishing I could become one with him so we never had to be apart.

  Laying his cheek on top of my head, he whispers, “Always, Doll. I’m not going anywhere.”

  We sit there for a while, neither of us talking, just holding each other. I don’t want to move, but I know I should go downstairs and get to work. I also need to be down there with Dani, just in case Rick comes back. This isn’t her fight, and I don’t want anything to happen to her, or cause any more problems between her and Blaze.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Needing to hear what he thinks I should do, I say, “I’m worried about Dani. Blaze was so mad about her being near me, which put her and their baby in danger. I just don’t know what to do. I want to protect her and stay away, but I also don’t want to go into hiding or make her hide out because of me. I don’t want to lose her as a friend.” I curse Rick for probably the hundredth time today.

  Toby looks at the wall on the other side of the room, probably trying to decide how to respond. “One thing to know about Dani and Blaze; they are always fighting about something. That’s just what they do, how their relationship works. No matter how fucked up that sounds, it’s just them. He’s worried about her and the baby, but he shouldn’t have put that on your shoulders. It’s not your fault your ex came here. I also agree that Dani shouldn’t put herself in unnecessary danger, but I am glad that she was with you and was able to stop him from taking you. We are just going to have to be more careful, and that’s for all of us. If you don’t want to stop working or hanging around Dani, then don’t. Blaze will get over it. We all know Dani can take care of herself, at least long enough for us to get here, and I feel safer if you aren’t by yourself at any time. So, this is what we are going to do. I’ll be staying here with you, or you’ll be with me at my house, or the clubhouse. When you’re at work, we’ll post extra guys outside to make sure you both are safe. If you have to go anywhere, you’ll have an escort to make sure nothing happens.” I look at him a little dumbfounded. I feel like they are going way overboard with having people watch me every second of every day.

  “I know it seems like a lot, but it’s all necessary. Until we know that he’s not a threat anymore, you will always have someone with you. I also need you to keep your eyes open and tell us if you see anything suspicious, or if he tries to contact you in any way. Can you handle all that?” I still think it’s a little too much, but I nod my head anyway. “I need to hear you say it, Doll. Will you be able to handle not going off on your own and telling me if you see anything we should know about?”

  “Yes, of course, Toby. I can handle it. Now you promise me that if something happens, you’ll tell me too. I don’t want to be in the dark about this. I will tell you if I see him or hear from him, but I expect the same from you. Please,” I say. I know there’s a good possibility that they will be out searching for him, and if that’s the case and they find him before he can come to me again, I want to know about it.

  Toby smiles and places his hands on both sides of my face. “That I can do,” he whispers, then kisses me tenderly on the lips.

  When I’m finally able to pull myself away from him, I walk with him down the stairs and into the shop. Dani is already with a customer it seems, so Toby and I go into the break room. “Remember what we talked about. Don’t leave here without letting someone know, and most certainly not without taking a brother with you. I’ve already programmed the phone numbers of all the brothers into your phone, so if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call someone. I’d prefer that you call me or Mack, then we can figure out if we need anyone else. I’m gonna head over to the clubhouse and talk with Mack and the guys and I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” He gives me a quick kiss, then walks out the back door.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk out to the front room and sit at my desk. Staring at the front door, I can’t help but remember what happened here yesterday. I can’t stop thinking about the look in his eyes when he left. He’ll be back, and when he does, he’ll do whatever it takes to get to me and make me pay for leaving him. I just pray that Toby and the club can stop him before he gets close enough to carry out his punishment, because if not, I know I’ll pay with my life.



  It’s after one in the morning by the time I’m heading back to Sara’s apartment. I hope she’s not sleeping yet. I feel like I haven’t touched her in years, when really, it was the night before her ex turned up.

  After our talk this morning where she finally told me about what happened with her ex, she had to get downstairs to work and I had to get to the clubhouse so we could discuss our plan of action. I’m pissed at the fact that we have nothing on that motherfucker who tried to take my girl away from me, and even worse, we have no fucking idea where he’s at now. The only thing we do fucking know is this; he’s not back in New York, he hasn’t used his credit cards or his phone, and we’re pretty certain that he’s still in the area, but we can’t fucking find him. It’s frustrating as hell, and I can’t even go to the gym to work out my anger unless I take Sara with me, but of course I’d rather work out with her in a different way. Hence, I hope she’s not sleeping.

  Parking in the back of the building, I get off my bike and notice that the prospect isn’t outside. Where the fuck is he? He should be right here, keeping watch and making sure that Rick doesn’t get anywhere near Sara. If anything happens to her on his watch, I’m personally going to kill him.

  I walk quietly up the stairs, prepared for anything. I almost hope that fucker is here so I can kill him, but that would mean he would be near Sara, and that isn’t going to happen. Once I figure out where the prospect is, he’s going to be in a world of hurt.

  When I reach for the doorknob, I hear laughter―male laughter. What the
fuck? Swinging open the door, I stand in the doorway, confused, and a little pissed off by what I’m seeing.

  The prospect is sitting at the kitchen table laughing at something and Dani is sitting beside him, smiling at him. Sara walks in a couple of seconds later, holding what looks like a platter of chicken wings in one hand and two beer bottles in the other.

  They all turn to look at me, but when I make no move to walk further into the room or say anything, all of their smiles falter.

  “H-hey, Toby. I didn’t know you were coming over tonight,” Sara says as she places the wings and beer on the table, then walks slowly over to me. I cross my arms and give her a soft look, then harden my stare as I look at the prospect.

  I don’t say anything, just glare. Either people wither under my quiet glares, or they take it. I wonder which one the prospect will be. I can usually tell a person’s character by how they react to my glares.

  The prospect actually surprises me; he doesn’t look away, but matches my stare, though his isn’t as tough. That would be disrespectful. It’s good to know he’s aware of that and willing to take what I give him like a man, whether it’s a beating or mutual respect.

  Dani’s the one who breaks the tension in the room. “If you’re here to bitch and moan, then you can just turn your ass right back around and leave. We already had one Debbie Downer come by already. So if you’re here to rant, I’ll kick your ass out just like I did his. You guys just never learn. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t kick some ass.” She gets up and heads over to the couch, murmuring what sounds like “Stupid jackasses think I’m fucking handicapped? Please. I’ll show them fucking handicapped.”

  I try to hide my smile, knowing if she sees it, it’ll only make her even madder, but Sara doesn’t miss it. She walks up to me and puts her arms around me and whispers, “Please don’t be mad. We didn’t like that he was down there all by himself, so we invited him up here. I know he’s supposed to watch over me, but he can do that from here too, can’t he?” I squeeze her back and kiss the top of her head before I grab her hand and lead her back into the kitchen.

  The prospect stands when we reach him, so I offer him my hand. “Thanks for watching over my girl.” He shows his surprise to my gesture and words for just a moment before he hides it and shakes my offered hand.

  “Not a problem, man. I know I should have stayed downstairs, but the girls said they would bring everything outside and sit with me there if I didn’t come up. I figured it was best to just give in than have them out in the open.” I don’t even try to hide my smile.

  “Yeah, that sounds like them,” I laugh.

  “When you are done kissing ass, bring over those wings, would ya? I’m starving over here.” Dani interrupts without even looking our way.

  Sara releases my hand and grabs the food, along with Dani’s water before joining her on the couch.

  The prospect laughs then walks to the door. “If you all don’t need anything else, I’m gonna head out.” I walk over and clasp him on the shoulder.

  “Check around the building, then head on back to the clubhouse. Someone should be here soon to stay outside tonight. When you get to the clubhouse, Mack will let you know what’s going on.” He nods his head, then looks once more over toward the girls before heading out.

  I make my way over to the couch, pick Sara up and place her on my lap after I take her spot. “Are we watching a movie?” I ask. The girls don’t say anything for a minute, so I move my eyes away from the TV and look at Sara first, then Dani. They are both looking at me like they’re waiting. For what, I have no idea. “Or are we just gonna sit here and girl talk? Hey, maybe I can get one of you to paint my nails and I could braid your hair,” I say in an overly excited voice, rubbing my hands together in front of Sara. That has them both looking at me like I’m high, which was not the response I was looking for.

  Dani, again, is the one to speak first. “Cut the shit and tell us what happened at the club. I assume you all had a meeting about what our next move is?” Dani has never been one to stay out of club business.

  Knowing if I don’t say something, she will never let it go, so I decide to give her just the basics. “We just went over the information we gathered about Rick; when was the last time he was home, if he’s used his credit cards and/or phone recently, things like that. We’ve got our ears to the ground and have called some of our allies around the area to keep their eyes open.” I hope they don’t ask if Rick has made any movements. I really don’t want to have to see the worry and fear on Sara’s face if she knows we can’t get a lock on Rick’s movements or whereabouts.

  I can see that Dani wants to ask more questions, but her phone rings, interrupting her before she can get anything else out. “What do you want?” she growls into the phone. I never knew a woman who growled before or who is as intimidating as Dani. She’s something else, that’s for sure.

  She gets up and starts pacing around the room, listening to who I assume is Blaze on the other end, looking madder and madder as the seconds tick by.

  “I already told you I’m staying here till this shit is resolved, and I’ll continue to stay here after until you get your head out of your ass and quit being an egotistical jackass! I’m about done with your caveman act, so if you think that you can just club me over the head and make me compliant like some weak-ass bitch, you have another thing coming.” She yells into the phone before hanging up, not letting him respond.

  Sara looks at me with concern, then at Dani when she finally comes to sit back down with us. “Dani, I appreciate all that you’re doing, but I don’t want you to fight with Blaze over me. Maybe’s he’s right, maybe you should stay away for a while. I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt because of me,” she says with tears in her eyes. I wrap my arms around her even tighter, trying to let her know without words that I have her.

  When Dani looks over at us, I notice tears in her eyes as well. Dani isn’t one to cry―like, ever. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy or if this is really getting to her. “I’m not going anywhere, Sara. I’m right where I need to be, and if he doesn’t understand that, then he doesn’t really understand me.”

  We’re all quiet for a while after that. As much as I want to agree with Blaze so Dani is safe, I know this is who she is. She’d never back down from a fight or leave a friend in need. I know he’s probably going insane with worry and is rightfully pissed off at the whole situation, but she’s right. He needs to trust her judgement and stand behind her. Maybe he’ll soon realize that it’s better to fight with her than against her.

  It’s not long after that Sara goes to lay down with Dani and I check all the windows and the door before I remove my shirt and lay down on the couch. I want to be in bed with Sara so much I physically ache for it, but I know Dani needs her right now and Sara needs her too.

  About ten minutes later, I feel Sara slip under the throw blanket I have lying over my bottom half and cuddle up beside me. I instantly take her in my arms and situate her so she’s lying on top of me. “Goodnight, Doll,” I whisper into her hair. She lets out a sigh of contentment and falls asleep almost instantly. I can no longer fight it; I’m in love with this girl.

  I wake to the sound of someone turning the doorknob. Gently moving Sara off me, I rise and quietly walk to the door, hiding, so I can see who’s coming in. This gives me the advantage of taking care of any threat.

  The door slowly swings open and I see a man dressed in black walk inside. After he closes the door gently behind him, he starts a slow walk toward the living room, looking around the room as he goes.

  Not wanting him to get any closer to Sara, I creep up behind him and point my gun to his head. “Not another step,” I hiss at him, not wanting Sara to wake and freak out, but the threat in my voice is real.

  The man raises his hands a little to show that he’s not armed. “It’s me, brother. Stand the fuck down.” Blaze orders.

  I push the end of my gun into his head harder to show tha
t it’s no joking matter. “You know better than to sneak in here when shit’s going down, brother,” I say before lowering my gun. Motherfucker just about lost his head.

  He laughs softly, but when he turns, I can see the sneer on his face. “I wouldn’t have to sneak in to see my woman if it weren’t for the shit your woman brought to our fucking doorstep.” I’ve about had it with his shit. If he doesn’t watch it, he’s not only gonna lose his girl, he’s gonna lose a couple teeth too.

  I walk into the kitchen and turn on the light above the stove. Blaze follows behind, but he looks toward the bedroom where Dani’s sleeping.

  Grabbing a couple of beers out of the fridge, I hand him one before we both go and sit down at the table.

  After he takes a long swallow, he lets out a long sigh, running his hands through his hair. “I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna be able to handle this shit, Toby. If she doesn’t come home soon, I’m gonna carry her there, kicking and screaming, and handcuff her to the bed.” Looking up, I can see how tired and wary he is.

  “Just give her some space, man. You should know by now that making demands and telling her what to do is only gonna piss her off even more and push her even further away. I know this situation sucks and you just want her safe. I do too. Fuck, she’s my best fucking friend and having a baby, but she’s smart, and stronger than you give her credit for. She wouldn’t do anything to put herself, the baby, or anyone else she cares about in danger.” He needs to understand this. He may have known her when she was growing up, but he also knows that’s she’s not that scared little girl anymore. She’s a fierce woman and knows how to protect herself and those she loves. We, the club, made sure of that.

  “I fucking know how strong she is, and that’s she smart, but she’s my fucking woman, pregnant with my fucking baby.” He abruptly stands, almost knocking his chair over in the process. Leaning down so he’s at eye level with me, he says with venom, “But I’ll tell you something you don’t fucking know. If something happens to my girl because of that bitch in there,” he points to where Sara is sleeping peacefully, unaware of what’s transpiring a few feet away from her, “I will make her pay; whether you’re fucking her or not.”


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