Breaking Through the Wall (Guarded Hearts Book 2)

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Breaking Through the Wall (Guarded Hearts Book 2) Page 2

by Noelle, Alexis

  She turned toward me and moved her leg on top of mine. I could feel my dick starting to get hard. Really? This girl could do it to me without even being awake. She was the most amazing girl I had ever met. It was like she had a direct line to me. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. I saw confusion pass over her face. I shouldn’t have done this. What am I, some kind of creeper?

  Then she did what I expected least and laid her head back down on my chest. Now what am I supposed to do? I was running my fingers through her hair, when she shifted and turned to look at me. “You know you make me crazy, right?”

  I make her crazy? She didn’t even know the half of it.


  I couldn’t believe that he was here, cuddling with me on the couch right now. Where was asshole Jason? Where was the Jason who couldn’t stand anything past a one-night stand? That was the only version I had gotten of him lately, so this Jason was mind-fucking me right now.

  Lying here with him holding me felt so right that I never wanted him to let go. I wanted so much more than just sex from him, but he was so reluctant to give it to me. However, I didn’t think his willpower would last very long. I was making it my mission to make him mine. If I had to get a little dirty to do it, then so be it.

  He was staring at me with those chocolate eyes, and I was emotionally spent right now as it was. When he called me earlier tonight, I was beside myself. I thought that we had been done with Chris and all of his bullshit. That asshole was like a bad rash. He just kept coming back until you wanted to rip off your skin just to get rid of him. “How is Mads?”

  “Carter told me that he would call me if he found out anything, so I’m assuming that she is still in surgery.”

  “I can’t believe that this is all happening.” One minute I was driving home from the store, and the next Jason called to tell me my best friend’s life was in danger. I shivered at the thought of what Mads must have gone through tonight. All I could do now was pray to God that she was okay.

  Jason’s hold on me tightened. “Hey, I’m sure she will be okay. Maddy is a fighter, and there is no way that she is going to give up now.”

  “I know that. I’m just scared that this will be the thing that finally breaks her, J. I mean, she is so strong for even dealing with half of the shit that she did, but I’m scared what version of her will be around after the dust has cleared. Do you know anything about Chris?”

  I saw his face harden and his eyes went cold. “When I was talking to the paramedics, I heard someone yell that they found the driver. I told them his name and that he was the person to blame for everything. With any luck, he won’t make it through the night.” My whole body shook at the thought that he might be okay and we might lose Madison. He tightened his arms around me, making me feel like everything might actually be okay.

  I wished he was like this all the time. He put on such a front for people, that sometimes I felt like he forgot to drop the act. I’d always been able to see right through it and called him on his bullshit. I looked back up at him and he was still staring at me. I did the only thing that felt right at the moment and leaned up to kiss him.

  At first, he stilled and I began to regret my decision. Then, he kissed me back and the sweet little peck I had started caught fire. Before I knew what was happening, he flipped me onto my back so that he was now on top of me. His tongue thrust into my mouth and his hands ran up and down my body.

  “Are you sure about this right now, Nic? ‘Cause if you’re not it needs to stop now.”

  Of course I was sure! I had wanted Jason from the first time that Carter had introduced us. I just had to wait for a lull in the endless line of skanks to show him what he was really missing. Granted, I lost my virginity when I tried to do that, but I blamed the alcohol and the fact that my body acted like it needed him to function. “I’m sure, J. I need you now.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He slipped his hand behind my head and sat me up. Our lips only parted long enough for him to pull my T-shirt over my head. He was devouring me like he couldn’t get enough of me, and making me feel like I was the only thing that mattered. I couldn’t believe he was this attracted to me right now. I was wearing the rattiest set of clothes I had, because I could barely see straight when I got home. He unclasped my bra, before laying me back down. Thank God I didn’t own a set of granny panties, because, with my luck, I would have probably had them on too.

  He was at an unfair advantage right now, though, and I needed his shirt gone too. I grabbed at the hem and he lifted himself up enough that I could pull it off. Damn, he was so sexy. I dragged my fingernails down his chest, because I knew it drove him wild. He started pulling at my bottoms and took my underwear down with him. I was already soaked just thinking about what was coming, besides, hopefully me.

  He stood up, unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled them down along with his boxers. I still couldn’t get over how big he was. I remember our first night, being scared that it was going to rip me in half. He smirked at me when he caught me staring and lowered himself back onto the couch. He started kissing my neck, nipping and sucking just the way he knew I loved it. Then he started to make his way down to my breasts.

  He grasped one with his hand, while he trapped the other nipple with his mouth. The combination of him rolling the nipple of my one breast, while sucking and dragging his teeth across the other one, was almost too much to take. He switched and captured the other one with his mouth, then began the same slow torture. When he started to kiss down my stomach, I knew where he was going and I knew that I wasn’t going to last long. His fingers found my clit and rubbed it in slow hard circles and that was it.

  “Jason! Shit!” The orgasm that hit me, rocked through my whole body and left me panting and out of breath. I looked down at him and he frowned. “What?”

  “You finished, before I could get down there, and I wanted to taste you. I guess I’m just going to have to get you there again, huh?”

  Again? This man was going to kill me. I was about to tell him he didn’t have to, when the flat of his tongue ran up the length of me. I yelled out, because it felt so good and I was still so tender down there. He pulled back and his tongue made one more slow lick up me, but this time he stopped at my clit. He slipped two fingers inside of me and started to rub the opposite side of where my clit would be while his tongue went to work.

  He circled and licked me until I was ready to pass out from the feeling. “I know you’re close, baby. I can tell. I can’t wait to taste you when you let go.” If that wasn’t enough to push me over the edge, he started thrusting his fingers into me, hard, and sucked my clit into his mouth.

  “Oh, fuck!” At this point, I think I actually saw stars. I could feel him licking up my juices and hear him making sounds of appreciation. This man was something else.

  He lifted his head up and looked at me, while he licked his lips. “Mmmm, tastes like candy.”

  He grabbed my arms and lifted me up off the couch, walking me over to the arm and turning me around. When he leaned down to kiss my neck, I sagged against him. He reached around and ran his hand down me. “Did this pussy miss me?”

  It made me so hot when he talked like this. I loved it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned back into him, opening myself up to him even more. “Yeah, it did.”

  He dragged his teeth over my earlobe, before placing a kiss on my neck. “Mmmmm, I missed it too. I’ve already showed it how much twice, but they say the third time is a charm.” He pushed my back down so that I was lying face down across the arm of the couch. “This is not going to be easy, baby. I’ve missed you too much.”

  I could feel his pulsing erection at my entrance, and I was more than ready for this. It had been all I thought about since the last time we had done it. Jason tried his best to stay away from me, but every once in a while we would hook up.

  He always told me it was because he couldn’t stay away from me. If that were true, then I wish he would just stop leaving. I felt him pull back
and then, before I knew what happened, he slammed into me. “Shit, Nic! You are so goddamn tight.”

  I couldn’t even form words. At this point all I could do was make sounds of approval. At this angle, he was hitting the front wall of my pussy and it was heaven. I didn’t think it would be possible a couple minutes ago, but I was gonna come again. Jason grabbed my bun that I had thrown my hair in and pulled on it. I had never had a guy pull my hair before, and truthfully, I feel like my first reaction should have been to turn around and punch him. This, though, this felt good.

  “Jason, I’m gonna come again!” Just then, he reached around me and pinched my clit between his two fingers. That did it. I was now spiraling into my third and most intense orgasm of the night.

  “Fuck! Your pussy is squeezing my dick and it feels so fucking good.” He thrust into me a couple more times and then I felt him jerk. He groaned loud and I could feel his hot liquid filling me up.

  He collapsed down on top of me, while we both caught our breaths. I was scared to move. This is usually time where things went to shit. He would get all freaked out and start acting like a dickhead.

  Just then, his phone rang and we both jumped. He scrambled to get to his discarded jeans. “Hello? Okay, what does that mean? Do they know if she will be waking up soon? Well, tell them to get their heads out of their fucking asses and figure it out! Yeah, I know…all right.”

  “What’s up?” I knew it was Carter and I was crossing my fingers that everything was okay with Mads.

  “Maddy is out of surgery, but Carter said that her doctor hasn’t really been in to talk with him yet. We should really leave to get down there.”

  I knew he was right, but I also knew he was using this as a way out. I wasn’t in the mood to argue with him right now. I just wanted to get down there and see if Mads was okay. “All right, I’ll get dressed, then we can head out.”

  I threw on some yoga pants and a T-shirt. I figured comfortable is better, because who knows how long we will be there. When we got in the car, he turned the radio on and I knew this was his way of avoiding talking.


  He glanced over at me and I knew he didn’t want to have this discussion now, but that was too fucking bad.

  ”We need to talk about everything. I can’t keep doing this with you.”

  “You didn’t seem to be too reluctant a half hour ago.”

  He did not just fucking say that to me! Ugh! He could be such a damn pig sometimes, but I knew that was his intention. He wanted to scare me off.

  “I will let that comment slide this time, but I am not one of your skanks, so you need to watch how you speak to me. I get that you have commitment issues, but you know that there is something here. You can either keep fighting it or accept it. I’m not gonna wait around forever, J, so if you don’t want this, then don’t complain when I start bringing boyfriends out when we are all together.”

  I could tell that got to him, he was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white. “Listen, Nic, you knew what this was from the beginning. I’m not in the market for something serious. We have fun and it’s all good, but I’m not your prince charming. If you want one of those, you’re looking in the wrong place. With me, you get great fucking sex, not a happily ever after.”

  His jaw was so tight from clenching his teeth and I knew I was not going to get anywhere with him tonight.

  “If that’s how you feel, Jason, then fine.” I was done trying to talk any sense into was fucking useless. Two can play his game, though. Let’s see how he handles it when I start bringing prince charmings around.

  Just then, the song Clarity by Zedd featuring Foxes came on. If this song wasn’t perfect, I don’t know what would be. I just sat there and listened to this girl sing her heart out about every emotion that was swirling around in my head. She was signing about how if their love was so bad and wrong how come it felt so right. I knew that J thought he was doing the right thing. He was trying to convince himself that he didn’t need me and could resist me.

  I couldn’t wait to show him just how wrong he was.

  Chapter Two


  If one more nurse or doctor told me that they didn’t know what was going on, I was going to fucking flip out! This shit was crazy! Maddy got out of surgery almost an hour ago, and all I’ve found out was her room number. So many people had been in and out, checking on her, but no one would talk to me.

  I couldn’t believe I was here in a hospital, waiting for her to wake up again. I was barely able to handle it last time. I sent J a text, letting him and Nic know the room number and asking him to grab a couple of things from the house for me. Now, all I could do was wait for her to wake up.

  She looked so tiny and fragile lying there and all I wished right now was that I could take her place. After everything that had happened, I thought we were finally okay. I had found out Chris was leaving, and we were planning on spending the whole summer together. Now, I was sitting here, hoping that she’d at least get to spend the summer out of this hospital bed.

  Her forehead had a huge gash on it, along with some minor cuts and bruises on her face. Her left arm was in a sling and a cast. All I needed right now was for her to open her eyes. I wouldn’t be able to relax until she did. The truth was, the longer she didn’t, the less chance she’d be okay. I needed her to be okay, if she wasn’t…

  “Mr. James?” A doctor I hadn’t seen before came in and checked Maddy’s vitals.

  I looked up at him and nodded, praying that he’d have some information for me.

  “My name is Dr. Michaels and I’m the one who operated on your wife. I know they haven’t told you much about her condition, but that’s what I’m here for, I’m sorry it took me so long. Your wife suffered a pretty nasty blow to the head and suffered some internal bleeding in the accident. We have stopped the bleeding and stabilized her. Her left shoulder was dislocated and her arm was fractured. She has a couple bruised ribs, but, luckily, they aren’t broken. Also, she had multiple cuts and bruises.”

  Oh God. I didn’t even know one person could have that many damn injuries. “Is she going to be okay?”

  “It’s hard to say right now. We really won’t know much else until she wakes up and we can examine her.”

  That was all I needed too, I just needed to see her. ”Do you have any idea when she will wake up?”

  “Unfortunately, that is something that is up to her. Her body is healing and she will wake up when she is ready. There is one other thing, though, Mr. James. Did you know that your wife was pregnant?”

  WHAT? Maddy is pregnant? I’m going to be a father? I stared down at the woman I loved, lying in the hospital bed and I was in shock. I couldn’t believe this. I couldn’t believe we’re going to have a baby together. Not that I thought we were in any way ready, but we’d work through it. Why hadn’t she told me that she was pregnant?

  Then my brain registered what his exact words were. He said your wife was pregnant. I was scared to even ask him what that meant right now. The only thing I could manage was to lift my head to look at him.

  “I am judging by your reaction that you didn’t.”

  I just shook my head no. I was silently praying that the next words out of his mouth weren’t going to be what I thought they were.

  “When you are this early in the pregnancy, trauma like this is very dangerous. We tried to help her, but by the time she had gotten to us she already lost the baby. I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this. I understand that you will need some time alone to process all of this. If you have any questions, the nurses can reach me.”

  He walked out of the room and all I could do was stare in disbelief. Maddy had been pregnant. I wondered if she knew. I couldn’t believe this. There was nothing I could do now to save our baby, or save Maddy the pain of what I’d need to tell her when she woke up. I clasped her hand in mine, laid my head on the bed, and wept for our child.

  I woke up when I heard arguin
g coming down the hall. That must mean Jason and Nicole were here. They walked in, but both stopped talking when they saw her.

  Nicole came to me first and wrapped her arms around me. I winced as she squeezed my shoulder.

  “Shit, Carter, I’m sorry. How is she?”

  “She’s okay right now. She had some internal bleeding, which they fixed, her arm is fractured, and she has a bunch of cuts and bruises. There is something else, though.” I paused, not really sure how to continue. They both looked up at me. I guess they could tell from my tone that it was going to be bad. “Apparently, Maddy was pregnant.”

  I saw them smile at first, but then a look of realization hit them. Jason walked over to me. “Was?”

  “Yeah, she umm…she had a miscarriage.”

  Nicole sank down in the chair and started to cry. I would have probably joined her, but I didn’t think I had any left. J walked over to her and put his arm around her. After about five minutes, Jason looked up at me and I swear I saw tears in his eyes. “Carter, I, uh…I brought that stuff you asked for.” He nodded to a bag next to him on the floor.

  “Thanks, J.”

  “Listen, I’m gonna take Nic home for a little. Will you call us if anything changes?” It made me happy that he was being considerate enough right now to take care of her.

  “No, Jason. I’m not going all the way back to my house. I want to be here when she wakes up.”

  I could see him struggling with something in his head. I was about to tell him to take her to our house, because there was no way in hell I was leaving this hospital without Maddy.

  Then Jason turned to Nicole and pulled her to her feet. “It’s fine, I’ll take you back to my place. Come on.”

  They both hugged me before they left and made me promise to call if anything changed.


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