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Seeking Our Forever

Page 12

by Liberty Parker

  Within minutes, the specifics I’m looking for begin playing on video. My heart nearly stops when I see the previously unknown vehicle come up behind Raven’s car at a high rate of speed before striking it hard enough to cause it to ‘fly’ as Damien calls it. I rewind the school video footage further and pick up the right colored vehicle I have been searching for and know is involved. I jot down the make and model of the vehicle and continue to scan the video for a license plate. Not able to get it there, I open another tab and begin searching the CCTV recordings. Knowing this will take a few minutes, I go back and review the school’s. After a few frustrating minutes, I’m able to glean a partial plate number. “Raven, can you go into the DMV database and run a search? Got the make and model, plus a partial license plate.”

  “What if it’s stolen?” she questions.

  “Doesn’t matter, we still need to run it,” I advise.

  “Give it to me,” she says, opening up the DMV database. I quickly give her the information I’ve gleaned, and she gets the search running. “Who is Marcus Welch, Sr.?” she asks, “that’s who the vehicle is registered to based on what you gave me.”

  “A dead motherfucker if he was the one driving,” I snap. Now I’m on a mission and I am finally able to access the complete files within the CCTV, this allows me to see into the front windshield. When I zoom in, I see a face that clicks something in the back of my mind, but I can’t place it. When she says the name Marcus Welch, I suddenly remember that Ralynn is dating someone with the same name, only there’s a Jr. at the end.

  Instead of jumping to assumptions, I run a facial recognition program, knowing in my gut that the face and name of the registered owner of the car are going to be one and the same.

  When the program finishes running, I announce, “You’re one dead motherfucker, asshole.” Raven turns around at the same time as I do, and she begins dancing in her chair.

  “We got him!” she exclaims holding her hand up for a high five. Instead, I grab her wrist and pull her out of her chair and onto my lap.

  “I wanna fuck you right here on top of my desk.” The way her face pinkens lets me know she’s onboard with my plan. “Gonna be hard, fast and dirty, think you can handle it?”

  Her answer is to stand up and shimmy out of her pants and panties, then bend over my desk. I unzip my jeans and only lower them past my hips, then I pull my dick out before I check to make sure she’s ready.

  “You’re always ready for me,” I announce, running my finger through her slick folds before I smack her ass. She loves it when I tap that ass and ends up pushing back into me.

  “Absolutely so you better get busy,” she sasses. Damn, I’m loving how she has come into her own. She fits in here like she’s been around all of our lives. With no warning, I thrust inside of her, causing us both to moan. I set a punishing pace, my hands gripping her hips so hard I know she’ll have a reminder of today on her body. Fuck, I love it when she wears my marks.

  “You feel so fucking good, beautiful,” I grunt out, “so hot and tight. You were made for me.” I can feel tingles running down my spine so I reach around and start rolling her clit between my thumb and index finger. When I feel her pussy begin to flutter, I increase my pressure and am rewarded when she screams my name.

  “Fuck, Raven,” I yell as I feel my release pour out of me. Leaning back, I see my cum dripping down her legs and it causes my dick to twitch. “I want you to wear me in your cunt and down your legs all day.” The thought of her wearing my scent makes the man in me beat my chest. I take my finger and run it through my drippings and rub it into her skin like she does her lotion.

  Once our clothes are righted, we sit back down, and I grin when I see the sated look on her face. “I think I like fast and dirty,” she murmurs.

  “Yeah, beautiful, me too.” I can’t help but let my mind wander to what other surfaces I can take her on.

  “So now that we have this, what are we going to do?” She questions me and I can’t help but ponder if I’ve truly sated her if work comes to mind after I make her soar.

  “Me and my brothers are going hunting.” Getting back into business mode, I answer her question knowing that her mind is going ninety to nothing.

  “You’re not going to let the law handle it?” she questions.

  “Fuck no.” The law does nothing but fuck everything up. No way my brothers nor I are going to sit back and let them jack shit up.

  “Good. Because they could’ve killed my son, Piper, and the baby. They need to hurt, honey.” That’s my girl, I proudly smirk at the need for blood my woman desires.

  “Oh, they will,” I promise. And I have never been known to break a promise to anyone in my life. I’m not fixing to start now.

  * * *


  * * *

  Jonas told his brothers about the Welch’s and needless to say I’ve barely laid eyes on the three of them. They’ve been ‘hunting’ for a few days now. Jonas comes in late each night and crawls into my bed freshly showered. Although, I have no idea why he cleans himself up first since we both end up dirty and taking a shower together afterwards.

  I haven’t allowed Damien to go back to public school, instead choosing to hire a private tutor and homeschooling him. She’s young, a college student, but extremely smart. Damien took to her quickly, and she has a way of explaining things to him so that he understands. If I’m being honest, me too. She lets me sit in on some of his schooling so that I can comprehend how to help him better when he struggles. He’s bloomed under her praise and I couldn’t be more thankful for her patience and understanding. I noticed the other day that she was lost in a trance-like state while looking at a picture of the boys and their father. From what I understand, he was a difficult man when it came to my man and his brothers. When I asked her if she was okay, she said she wasn’t feeling well and all but fled from the house.

  That caused me to research her a little more, and what I’ve found is something that I’m not sure how to share. So, for now I let it go. The guys don’t need something else to worry about. It’s a little secret I’ll share with them...eventually.



  I’m tired, I’m bone deep exhausted. Our hunting for the crooked DA, Marcus Welch, Sr., has not gotten us a lead that has panned out. Atticus is ready to burn down the entire state in an attempt to flush him out.

  “I hate it when these pussies go into hiding. What does it take to get the roaches to run in the daylight instead of the darkness of the night?” Atticus is on a rampage; one I’ve been trying to ignore for the last hour. He’s pissed me off so much in the last few days that I nearly challenged him in the ring. Just so I could knock loose a few teeth so he’d shut his trap.

  “We found the senator, we’ll find him.” Silas attempts to settle him down, he should know by now that nothing is working for him. He has tunnel vision, and nothing will settle his beast until his prey has been located and eliminated. I personally can’t wait until he gets his revenge so I can take a break from him. Of course, living under the same roof, that’s not as easy as it sounds, but at least I wouldn’t be spending every waking hour in his presence. I can hide out in my batcave or take Raven and Damien for a very long vacation.

  “Where else can we look?” Atticus questions.

  “Why don’t you call your informant?” Silas asks him.

  “I haven’t heard from Chandler in a bit,” Atticus muses. I watch him grab his phone out of his pocket and he walks away as he places it to his ear.

  “He’s going to go crazy if we don’t catch this fucker soon,” Silas groans out.

  “And that’s different from any other day, how?” I am now questioning Silas’ sanity.

  “Shut up, fucker. What would you do if that was Raven? Actually, I’m surprised you’re as calm as you are considering that Damien was in the car with Piper.” Asshole.

  “We can’t both be raving lunatics. Since Atticus does that so well, I figure I’ll let him hold
that title while I search for answers. But I need more places to search and can’t do that when I’m out in the field. Hopefully, Chandler can give us some good intel. I can put Raven on the computer searching while we physically check things out.”

  “Is she as good as you?” Silas questions.

  “As good if not better. We’re pretty much on an even playing field, to be honest.” And I firmly believe that to be a fact. I’ve seen what she’s capable of and am immensely impressed by her.

  “Damn. That’s gonna help us out a lot, y’know?” I can tell his brain is going at a rapid pace as he comes up with a new plan to play out.

  “Yep. She hasn’t batted an eye at any of this. She wants their blood, brother.” I’m preening at that fact. It takes a strong woman to deal with our world and she’s blended in well.

  “Can’t blame her. He’s a cute kid.” He’s more than that—to me anyways, but that’s something I need to discuss with her before I have a conversation with my brothers about it. We don’t express feelings well so it’s hard for me to sit them down and have a therapy session with them.

  “Are we going to start a campfire and sing kum-ba-ya now?” Atticus still isn’t in a great mood.

  “Listen, we’re problem solving over this shit while you were on the phone. We need someone on the computer while we are on the ground. What did your informant have for us?” I’m going for a calm and cool demeanor, when I want nothing more than to place him in a headlock until he screams uncle.

  “He says that the abandoned warehouse on River Street and Palm Meadows has some ‘unknown faces’ in and out of it lately. The guys on the streets have been watching their movements, so far they’re in and out, nothing is going in with them or leaving when they do. He thought maybe we should check it out.” He plants his fist on his hips and looks at us as if he’s waiting for us to react.

  Silas looks at him and shakes his head in exasperation before stating, “Get your ass in the SUV and let’s go.” What has me holding my stomach and biting my tongue is that Silas just impersonated Vanna White when she turns the letters on the board.

  Me: Baby, we need you on the computer running information for us please.

  Raven: Send me specifics and I’m your girl. :-)

  “Let me give Raven this information so she can run some searches on the buildings themselves. They’re probably locked under shell companies or some shit, but who knows, maybe they’re lazy and we’ll strike pay dirt,” I reply. “Did Chandler have any names at all?” I ask Atticus. I can’t believe they were hiding in our backyard and we had no fucking clue. I didn’t think that they’d be somewhere where code violations were so bad, and nuclear waste is still haunting the buildings. I should know better than to leave any stone unturned, but I’ve been so distracted lately, that I let myself and others down. We could’ve had him weeks ago if I’d been on my ‘A’ game.

  “Nope. Just said it’s been busy,” he replies.

  “Then I’ll give her the locations. At least she can start there,” I say. Once I hand over what little Chandler gave us to Raven in another text, we climb into the SUV with Silas at the wheel and head out.

  Time to continue our hunting.

  * * *


  * * *

  Information is coming in at a rapid speed from Jonas and the guys that I’m so busy I miss Destiny as she sneaks up on me. When she touches my shoulder, I jump and scream like a banshee. “You scared the fuck out of me,” I exclaim with my hand clutched tightly over my chest.

  “I-I’m sorry,” she wheezes out through laughter. “I was coming to see if you wanted something to eat because it’s going on lunchtime.”

  Just then, my stomach lets out a growl and I grin at her, saying, “There’s your answer, I guess. Do you need any help?” I ask this because while I’m in Jonas’ batcave, she’s tending to Piper, and watching over Damien and his new tutor.

  “No, I know you’re busy doing stuff for the guys. I’ve got it,” she replies.

  “Thank you.” She nods and walks back out while I turn back to the monitors. My eyes widen when I see that the trail has led me in a direction I wasn’t prepared to see. Shit, I can’t believe how far up this goes. We’re teetering on the edge between the U.S. government and underground associations. How these two joined forces has me so stumped that I begin running separate searches on the individuals who’ve popped up on my radar.

  I begin breaching databases that could get me hard time, however, if I’m caught, I can see Jonas, Damien and myself on a deserted island somewhere for the rest of our days. He’ll never force me to wear orange, I don’t care how many say it’s the new black. I do not agree with that sentiment.

  I begin sending the things I’m finding to Jonas’ phone. Every time something new pops up, it gets forwarded. I don’t want to miss showing him anything so it’s better to send immediately rather than waiting for him to call for an update. My phone pings and I get a message from him causing a smile to break out from ear to ear.

  Jonas: Great job, beautiful. Thank you, this really helps. Can you follow the trail you found on the DA and anything regarding his son too? Thanks.

  Raven: I already have the search engine working hard. I’ll let you know as soon as I have something.

  I shake my head. What does he take me for? I’m no amateur. He’s not the only one who knows how to trace and follow leads. I may not be a PI, but I know the computer and dark world well. After all, I did live with the darkest there was.

  What feels like forever, but is only an hour later, my computer lets me know that my search is complete. What I pull up is enough to not only put the dad behind bars for eternity, but his son will surely share a cell with him. Fuckers! I want the dad to fry for hitting my car with my boy and friend inside. I hope I get a whack at him. I may not have muscles for miles like Jonas does, I may not have the abilities the guys do when it comes to torturing. Yeah, I’m not stupid, I know the guys don’t have hair and nail parties while gaining information from the men they take. But what I do have, is a natural instinct to protect what is mine. And that son-of-a-bitch went after my son.

  Mama bear is ready to come out and play.

  Where I don’t have brawn, I have brains. I decide to use them to take down this man and his legacy. I will make sure there isn’t a scrap of goodness tied to his nor his family's name. I don’t care if his wife is innocent in any of this, they didn’t care that I was when they tied my name to their organization. Turnabout is fair play as far as I’m concerned. Plus, from what I’ve been able to gather, the mother knows about her son’s abuse on Ralynn...that’s inexcusable as far as I’m concerned. As a mother and a woman, she should’ve stepped in and made her presence known. How else do our sons learn the right and wrong way to treat another human being? A woman. Someone who doesn’t have the same speed and power as a man. I know some women can hang with men, but most of us cannot.

  Doesn’t mean I won’t find a bat laying around or a crowbar and go after a man. I will, especially when my family is threatened in any way. Hopefully, I can convince Jonas to let me have a turn.



  We located the warehouse that Chandler told Atticus about. The three of us watch as movement is seen all in the lower section of the warehouse. There aren’t as many people as the information would’ve had us believing, but that just means it’ll be easier for us with a takedown. “How many do you count?” I ask my brothers.

  “I see five, maybe six,” Atticus states.

  “We can’t move in on maybes, someone needs to get up there and get a correct headcount.” Silas, our ferocious leader demands, but I don’t see him jumping his ass out of the car and going and doing it himself.

  “I’ll go,” Atticus mumbles as he places his hand on the handle of the car door.

  “I don’t think so,” Silas says stopping him dead in his tracks. “Jonas will do it; I don’t trust you to not go all commando.”

  “Me?” I poin
t to my chest. “That’s bullshit, Silas, and you know it, I don’t do recon.”

  “Today you do.” He dismisses me by turning his back on me.

  “Jackass,” I mutter, getting out of the SUV.

  I hear Silas ask Atticus if I just compared him to a donkey’s ass, and chuckle when Atticus starts laughing. “Serves him right,” I grit out as I stomp my way down to where I can see who is inside without being seen. This is not my forte; I’m the man behind the keyboard, for fuck’s sake. They owe me big time, that’s for damn sure. Where I don’t mind getting my fingernails dirty, I prefer to be home behind the computer leading them in the right direction. Getting my pent-up energy out is usually inside the ring. I hate shootouts and knife fights, I’d prefer to use my fists, but most of the pussies we go after use everything but what is attached to their body.

  Seeing a window, I manage to peer inside and count three guys sitting at a table playing cards, with two others pacing the inside of the warehouse playing security guard. I don’t see Junior, but Senior is there front and center, waving his arms around and a cigar between two fingers. I can’t hear what’s being said, but based on their somewhat relaxed demeanor, they’re shit talking about their game. So, five guys total, which is one less than what Atticus thought he saw.

  I motion for Atticus and Silas to join me. No reason to delay this shit, after all. When they reach me, I hold up five fingers indicating five men inside, and receive their nods of understanding. We pull out our ear pieces and coms. We all know one click into our ears means go, three clicks means stop, and four clicks means we’ve been compromised and need to abandon our post. Silas points to his nose and then the front door, which lets us know he’s taking that entrance. Then he motions at me to stay at the window and waves Atticus to the back door.


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