Zombie Elementary Kaelor's Perspective

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Zombie Elementary Kaelor's Perspective Page 3

by Dunkelly, Olivia

Then she grabbed the cloth and pressed it on a region of my back. It stung, but not as much as when Risa sprayed pepper spray in my eyes. What a punk, she’s the one who picked the fight. I still can’t believe how Risa would just go around picking fights and using pepper spray. Then, she would punk out by calling for help like she was the victim.

  She nearly got me sent to Juvenile hall! I shook the thought as Kaelinda put the cloth on another region of my back.

  I flinched.

  After placing the cloth on two other regions she got off the bedside and took the bottle and cloth with her.

  My back dried from the rubbing alcohol.

  Kaelinda returned with four big bandages, and placed each one over each wound, gently. When she finished she

  pulled my shirt back down to cover my back.

  “Ok, finished. You can get up now!” she said cheerfully, as if nothing happened.

  I got up off the bed, stretching as pain shot up my back again. I grunted, and then held my left side. It was causing the most pain. “H-h-how long w-w-was I out” I was able to stutter over the pain.

  “Well, just an hour, not very long” Mari said while handing me a clean uniform shirt.

  I grabbed it and stepped into the bathroom that was in the nurse’s office. I closed the door and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror. My medium length brown hair hung down as my upper body hovered over the sink. My hair is curly and long. My skin is a light caramel color. I have hazel colored eyes, and I have arched eyebrows and long eyelashes. My hair was stained with the disgusting dark red color. I made a disgusted face at the sight, but my face was even worse! The disgusting color covered my cheeks. I gagged, then

  turned on the water and rinsed the horrible sight off of my cheeks. The smell of it still lingered. So, I put my hair in the water, rinsing out the bad color. I then turned off the water and began to take off my shirt. When I threw it on the ground I grabbed the spare shirt off of the side of the sink. I then put it on and grabbed the shirt I had on earlier. It was stained with that atrocious color of blood.

  I then opened the door to the bathroom and came out. Edmund was staring out the window.

  He was deep in thought. Paige was sitting on the ground now fiddling with the kunai and some ninja stars. Aoi was staring at the ceiling. Kaelinda was on her phone, I think she was trying to call someone. The fourth graders were playing tic-tac-toe on a piece of paper. Hana-yon was flipping through the channels on the TV. I kissed my teeth and took my phone out the pocket of my uniform shorts. I clicked the contact icon and clicked the one to call my mother.

  I put the phone to my ear and could hear ringing. After a few rings, I was sent to

  voicemail. I grunted, and called her again. I was forwarded to voicemail again!

  “Ugh!” I said disappointed. I put my phone away and then the news channel came on. I turned to look at the TV. “I’m inside the studio with a breaking news report of a zombie attack” the reporter said in a calm voice as if nothing happened.

  “Why is she talking so calmly?” Edmund asked.

  “My team of reporters and I are led to believe that a virus spread in the town.

  Scientists are calling this Virus, Zombilitous” the reporter said.

  I grunted and said “This lady is crazy; there is not even a hint of emotion in her voice.”

  “Zombilitous is highly contagious. It can spread through only one bite. The scientists we have, are still trying to figure out what other contact can cause the Zombilitous to spread. They also suggest that you find cover and protection. The Zombilitous also gives superhuman strength to whoever is infected” the reporter said.

  “How are they reporting? Didn’t the Zombilitous victims already catch them? It must not have spread quickly enough” Kaelinda said.

  Just then the TV went to static.

  “Well, I guess, we should find somewhere that is more populated. Maybe we could find a place with some adults, to protect us,” Aoi said while playing with her silver necklace.

  “Good idea Aoi, why don’t we go find somewhere and get infected with Zombilitous” Edmund said sarcastically.

  “Listen, maybe we should go to the Juvenile detention center, which is just a couple miles out of town?” Hana-yon said while turning her gaze away from the TV.

  “Hana-yon, that Juvenile detention center is filled with people under the age of eighteen that commit crimes. It wouldn’t be that wise to go there, even if they may not have been infected yet. Even if it would make a good protection area, we have to

  face the facts that they could be infected,” Edmund said sounding smarter than usual.

  “Edmund, think about it. There is food, beds, and we are protected by security fences. Besides, they probably made the juvenile delinquents leave the detention center and evacuate to a safer place. You know how this city is.” I said while listing the good things on my fingers.

  “I agree. How are we going to get in? They could have closed the fences as they left. If they didn’t, how do we know the zombies didn’t get in there?

  Plus, the prison might be better since it does have more floors” Paige said while waving a ninja star in the air.

  “They went to the prison in that tv show, Mari said while standing up off of the floor as she recounted what happened on the television show. “You know, it would make a good place, and we could just do as they did in the show. We’re capable of doing it, especially at our age with all the energy we have,” Mari said.

  “Fine, but, if anyone gets turned into a zombie, don’t expect the whole ‘oh, we need

  a cure’ thing,” Edmund said while expanding the staff Aoi gave him.

  “Oh, so we’re going?” Blake asked.

  I ruffled his hair and nodded.

  “Alright everyone, let’s go quickly and quietly. We’re not trying to attract attention, and we’re not trying to use up the energy we need to walk the miles to the detention hall.” Edmund said while he put his hand on the door handle.

  “I thought the zombies could see, can they?” Lequisha asked.

  “They can’t. We already checked.” Edmund replied while twisting the lock.

  Lequisha nodded.

  Edmund twisted the handle, then he opened the door slowly. Once the door was opened, he slid out of the door followed by everyone else.

  The hallway was clear except for the bodies on the ground and the scarlet color splattered all over the place. The walls were

  a lively yellow, while the floor was a black marble tile.

  I rolled my eyes wondering what type of school has black marble tile on the floor? In the U.S. where I am from, the tiles were white, and the walls were white or a lively color.

  When we reached the end of the hallway, Edmund put his hand up to stop us from going further as his gaze swept over the hallway beyond.

  Aoi, who was behind him, took a glimpse ignoring his hand.

  Right when her head came above his trying to see what was going on, he jerked back his head and body, hitting Aoi hard in the chin.

  I smirked. At least I wasn’t the only one getting hurt.

  Aoi pulled back grabbing her chin from the pain.

  “That’s what you get for not listening to me when I told you to stop” Edmund said while smirking.

  Aoi narrowed her eyes at him, nearly closing them.

  “Ok, so there are just a few zombies down that hallway. But if we move fast and quite enough, we won’t have to hit them. All we have to do is cross the hallway” Edmund said in a whisper, ignoring Aoi’s stare down. “Ready?” Edmund asked.

  I nodded my head, not caring if anyone else was ready or not.

  Edmund nodded, and then led us across the hallway. I turned my head to see the zombies that were down the hallway.

  When we made it across the hallway, I let out a sigh of relief.

  Then all of the sudden I heard Mariah Carey start to sing “NOW THAT I KNOW THAT YOU WANT ME FOR ME, I CAN BE WHAT YOU WANT, I CAN BE WHAT YOU NEED, NOW THAT I
KNOW THAT YOUR LOVE IS FOR REAL, I CAN FINALLY SEE, THAT ITS NOT MAKE BELIEVE ANYMORE!” That’s all I heard before Kaelinda cursed under her breath and grabbed her phone out of her pocket.

  I sighed irritated. So I guess someone was trying to call her back. I didn’t know she had a Mariah Carey ringtone? She used to act like she didn’t like her music. Now I know the truth. If we live, I am so holding this over her head!

  Edmund turned around with an irritated face and yelled “RUN TOWARDS THE FRONT GATE EXIT!”

  We all scrambled.

  I didn’t know where the school exit was so I followed Edmund.

  He ran down the hallway and turned to a stairwell. I followed behind, running down the stairs. I felt page slide down the rail as she landed in front of the stairs running out the doors. Once Edmund got to the bottom, I jumped off of my stair down to

  the bottom of the stairwell. I followed Edmund as he ran down another hallway. I looked behind us. Aoi was behind as well as Blake and Kohaku? Where are Kaelinda, Hana-yon, Mari, and Lequisha?!

  Edmund stopped while Paige was standing beside him with the metal staff held horizontally.

  The Exit was blocked with zombies.

  I muttered under my breath while I looked behind, past Aoi, Blake, and Kohaku’s heads. I saw zombies rushing out

  of the stairwell. I clicked the button on the side of the staff and when it expanded I ran towards the zombies in front of the exit. At that point, I really didn’t care if I died or was bitten; I just wanted to get out of this crater full of walking dead people. As I shot forward, some zombies shot towards me. I ran into one, but managed to swing at the head. In less than a minute I was surrounded. I bit my lip and then plunged towards some that surrounded me. I swung backwards, forwards, sideways, vertically; I didn’t care as long as I was hitting the

  already dead bodies. Then, I saw Aoi barge into the circle grinning at me.

  “You didn’t think I was going to let you take all the credit, now did you?” Aoi said while she stood next to me.

  I gave her a smile and said “Wouldn’t count on it,” as I hit another zombie. We were then accompanied by Edmund and Paige, who were breaking the circle around us.

  “Don’t forget me” said Paige as she nudged my shoulder.

  “If, we die, we die together” Edmund said as he gave me thumbs up while swinging at a zombie.

  Kohaku and Blake were soon behind us swinging at zombies. “Come on guys!” I heard someone yell. It sounded like Mari’s voice. “Come, nuh!” I heard another yell. It sounded like Kaelinda. I knew it had to be her, because she was mixed with Jamaican and Shima-Ostrov.

  “You guys, come here we’re at the door!” I heard another yell. It sounded like Lequisha.

  I tried to get a glimpse around the zombies that were blocking my view towards the exit. I saw my friends all yelling and signaling me to come towards the door. I then realized Lequisha, Mari, Hana-yon, and Kaelinda were also there with Aoi, Blake, and Paige. I then focused on the zombies in front of me and swung at the heads. After my line of vision was cleared, I ran towards the doorway. Once I was out, I saw Edmund and Kohaku running towards the door too.

  Once they were out, I slammed the doors shut, attracting attention from outside. I looked around; some zombies were headed in our direction.

  “First, we need to exit the school yard. Try not to fight if you can help it” Edmund said while he turned around.

  Everyone nodded in understanding, and then everyone ran towards the front gate.

  I stood at the doorway. Why are we headed towards the front gate? Wasn’t that

  gate where the zombie invasion started? My thoughts were interrupted by a hand on my shoulder. I saw a zombie in front of me about to land a bite on my other shoulder, while I felt hands on my arms. I screamed, and I acted fast by flipping the one on my shoulders over, and at the same time, pulling my arms out of the other zombie’s grasp. After I handled them, I ran towards the front gate as I saw specs of everyone else. Once I reached the gate I was greeted with

  “Why weren’t you running, and were you bitten?” questions from everyone.

  I smirked remembering my moves from earlier and replied “No, I man handled those corpses.”

  Aoi smiled at me and said “That’s more like it,” while she ruffled my hair.

  Chapter 2: The Walk

  I grabbed her hand and shook my head.

  “Anybody know the way to the detention center?” Edmund asked.

  “I do.” Blake said in a faint voice.

  We all turned to look at him.

  “I went to the detention center once, for stealing.

  One day, they decided to teach me a lesson by making me spend a few nights there. Trust me, I learned my lesson. That’s not a place I really want to go to ever again.” Blake said while looking at the sky.

  Could this be the Blake Taftertock that was put on the news for stealing?

  “You’re Blake Taftertock?” Aoi asked as she lifted an eyebrow.

  Blake nodded.

  “You’re the Blake Taftertock, who stole from Jonathon Quilt?” asked Edmund.

  “Yup” said Blake while nodding his head.

  “The big shot gangster?” asked Paige.

  “Yup-o” he said while kicking a pebble.

  “Wow” I said ruffling his hair.

  “It was still stealing.” Blake said while pressing his index fingers together.

  “I’m surprised that cameras were actually able to help prove your explanation. I expected kids like you to lie all the time” Kaelinda said while looking at her nails.

  “Well, anyway, let’s stop fooling around and Blake, please lead the way!” Edmund said.

  Blake walked ahead as he gestured us to follow.

  I pushed through everyone to be able to talk to Blake as he led us down the street. There were a few walking corpses just wandering the streets.

  Well I couldn’t talk to Blake now, it was so quiet if I so much as sighed, I could have attracted a zombie. I think he was

  leading us to that back road, which leads out of town. I can’t remember how many times I would see that road when I had to take the city bus somewhere around this area, or past it.

  We were walking at a normal pace, until I heard a sniffing sound. I turned to look down the road, and I saw a zombie standing still, sniffing the air. I gulped. Then the zombie looked in our direction on the sidewalk. We all stopped moving.

  I held my breath while my heart was beating ferociously inside of my chest.

  The Zombie looked for a minute, and then turned to go about his business.

  I wiped a drop of sweat off my face.

  Blake continued walking and we all followed.

  This is going to be a long walk. I thought to myself.


  I was panting because we ended up having to outrun a pack of zombies. If this were a race, Aoi and I would be tied.

  I wiped the sweat off of my forehead.

  Once Blake got back in front of us, he led us further down the dirt road. We had to outrun the pack of zombies because Mari wouldn’t stop complaining about water, and her feet aching. So after we grew tired of her complaining, we stopped at a gas station and picked up some water bottles and snacks. Then, like a dummy, Edmund yelled for us to come out, forgetting that

  there were a large amount of zombies in that area.

  I kissed my teeth, as I recalled all of that. On the bright side, at least Aoi’s clinch sack was able to hold the water and some of the snacks.

  “Hurry up ladies! We have at least five miles left,” Blake said quietly yelling from where he was standing.

  I began walking. “FIVE MILES!?!?!? HE MUST BE CRAZY!”

  “Calm down, worry princess, the detention center can’t be THAT far away,” Aoi said patting my back in between my ranting.

  She must have seen the expression on my face.

  Edmund kissed his teeth and jogged next to Blake.

  “Hold up!” Lequisha yel

  I stopped walking and turned around and looked to Lequisha.

  Lequisha was on the ground, panting hard while holding her chest.

  “What’s wrong?” Hana-yon asked while patting her back.

  “I-I, I have, I h-h-have, a-a-asthma” Lequisha panted out.

  Suddenly, I saw a purple and navy blue color flash by me and stopped by Lequisha.

  It was Kaelinda.

  “Ok stand up for me please.” Kaelinda asked while helping Lequisha up. She was struggling to stand up.

  When Lequisha caught her balance, Kaelinda said, “Can you breathe? Are you having trouble breathing? Do you want someone to carry you?”

  “I, I, I’m h-h-having tr-trouble breathing” Lequisha said while struggling to breathe.

  “Ok, do you want someone to carry you; do you think you can make it to the detention hall?” Kaelinda asked.

  “I don’t think, I can make it. I-I think I want someone, t-to carry me” Lequisha said in a low whisper.

  “Edmund, carry Lequisha!” Kaelinda said giving Edmund a very commanding look.

  “Ugh! Fine, but the next person who falls out is not being carried by me!”

  Edmund said while squatting down to let Lequisha climb on his back.

  Lequisha climbed on to Edmund’s back. Once she was on, he began walking on.

  I turned back around to see Blake staring in Edmund’s direction. I don’t know why but then he turned around and started walking again.


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