Dark Facade (Book Two) (Dark Facade Series)

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Dark Facade (Book Two) (Dark Facade Series) Page 4

by Hubbard, Sylvia

  “You may remove your blindfold,” Derrick stern voice ordered her.

  She did and immediately looked around for Philippe, but he had stepped away a few feet from her and she noticed that he had put on a mask that was similar to the one Devon had worn this morning. They were back in the large room again and it was decorated very elegantly. There was a huge buffet set up against a wall and then there was a large table set up at the head of the room. Smaller circular tables that seated at least six were around the room and filling up with other masters and their slaves. If masters weren’t sitting, they were walking around. Everyone was sophisticatedly dressed in either tuxedos or elegant ballroom dresses, except for lower slaves who were serving in simple dresses just like the ones that were worn on a daily basis, but they wore jewelry or accessories with the dress. The room was beautifully decorated in lavender, cinnamon and crème. There wasn’t an orchestra, but music played over a speaker that was relaxing and soft.

  “Cool it,” Derrick said, sensing her disappointment seeing Philippe away from her. “He’s doing you a favor as he makes the rounds. I’m the only one who can stand by you and he didn’t want you trailing after him.”

  Looking again, Maxine saw other slaves were standing behind their masters and she could see that already they were tired or bored because they were not allowed to participate in any conversations or have some of their own. Whenever their masters moved they would move, but have to remain at least three steps behind their masters just as the servitude class had instructed them.

  One other woman was brought over to Derrick. It was the one with the busted lip.

  “Rhea,” the woman introduced, waving excitedly. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you, so do you.”

  “Did you pick a name?” Rhea asked.

  She remembered what Nicole had called her and repeated it to Rhea, “Fille.”

  “Girl?” Rhea chuckled. “You’re just calling yourself a girl?”

  “You know French?” Maxine questioned.

  “My mother used to nurse an old Creole woman when I was little and when she didn’t have a babysitter, I’d have to go with her. The woman used to call me that. It also can mean woman, daughter or even maid.”

  Maxine smiled warmly and noted, “Your lip is healing fast.”

  The woman looked a bit embarrassed. “I didn’t know a lot of the things when I was with my master. I was just told about the stuff we get and…” She looked through the crowd. “That’s my master.”

  She nodded to a very fat white man smoking a huge Cuban. Just as Maxine looked over, she saw the fat man had walked right up to Philippe, who was having conversation with about six other men. All of the men wore the similar black mask.

  “Where’s yours?” Rhea asked.

  Before Maxine could say anything, Rhea gasped.

  “Get a load of that one. He’s the cutest of the bunch. Man, why couldn’t I get him?”

  “Who?” Maxine asked out of curiosity, just as Anna was brought over to where they were. Her blindfold had been taken off as soon as she had entered the large room.

  Her master was a man in similar height to Philippe, but he looked about sixty years old.

  Anna had heard part of Rhea’s remarks and followed to where Rhea was looking. “Oh damn, you’re right. The one with the blue eyes.” She looked at Maxine. “You look well rested.” Her tone was bourgeois and snotty.

  Maxine ignored Anna’s attempt to grate on her nerves. “Thank you. Your dress is beautiful.”

  Anna narrowed her eyes and was about to say something else, but Rhea gasped again.

  “He’s looking over here! Damn, he’s fine as hell. Is that an Armani suit?” Rhea asked impressed. “Do you see the body on him?”

  “Bet he’s got a great dick to match,” Anna said lustfully. “Hey, he’s not attached. He doesn’t have anyone with him. I bet I could throw a little pussy on that man to have him begging for me to be his slave.”

  “That’s enough,” Derrick barked. “They’re going to think I’m a little bit too nice and shuck me of my duties. Sit quietly until your masters come.” He gave them a playful wink. “Voices low, ladies.”

  Maxine was blushing for dear life knowing they were speaking about Philippe. Her blushing, of course, caught her master’s attention and he cut his conversation short and walked right up to her.

  Everyone stood as he approached and Anna had the nerve of sticking her chest out more.

  When Philippe came to her, Maxine arose to meet him keeping her eyes low. He leaned over into her ear to whisper, “You keep doing that and we won’t be here for long, Slave.”

  Biting her lip to suppress another blush, knowing what he meant and knowing what was to come for tonight, she whispered back, “Yes, Master.”

  He walked away just as formally as he had walked to her. Maxine sat down and looked over at Rhea, who looked from her to Philippe.

  She didn’t say anything and just stared forward too nervous to even look in Anna’s direction. As she watched Philippe speak politely to everyone, she noticed how he drew eyes from all over the room. Women had to watch, even the ones she knew were disgusted by white men and were only here to get whatever gifts they could get.

  One woman was slapped so hard by her own master for staring at Philippe too long, she had to be taken immediately to infirmary. Lower slaves rushed to clean the blood up from the floor and no one said a word about the master openly reprimanding his slave in front of everyone.

  Maxine also saw that this was just an event for these masters to show off their money and their slaves. She saw one master retrieved his slave, who wore a halter type dress, from a handler and just pulled down her dress to show off her large bosom. The slave whimpered in shame and Maxine prayed that never happened to her, as she watched while other men touched this woman’s breast as if no one else was in the room. One man had the nerve to even lick on them. They all laughed as if this was entertainment.

  Philippe was on the other side of the room at the time, in deep conversation with another man.

  After half an hour, the women, who were allowed to be with the handler, master’s came to get them. Anna and Maxine were one of the last women to get retrieved.

  “Nasty pig?” Anna sneered quietly.

  Derrick had allowed for some quiet speaking, but not much.

  Maxine looked at Anna, who held a look of contempt at the older man who had dropped Anna off.

  “Why do you say that?” Maxine asked.

  Anna looked at her as if to speak about it would make them both vomit. “He’s sick. He likes to do sick things to black women.”

  “But this morning you said he treats you right.”

  “Yeah, he pays plenty, but-“ She stopped because the man in question was looking at them. He was now speaking with Philippe. “And yours? Does he treat you like a dog?”

  Maxine didn’t know how to answer, so she just looked down at her lap.

  “Who is your master? Is he even here now?” Anna asked. “You never said who it was. And why didn’t he get mad when that cute one came up to say something to you.”

  Three knocks on the floor distracted everyone to stand and look as Devon sat at the head table holding a glass of champagne up. A beautiful buxom black woman was on his arm dressed in jewelry that had to be worth over half a million dollars. She wore this sheer dress that only covered enough, but left little to the imagination.

  This wasn’t Lisa and Maxine was starting to get frustrated. She was starting to think she would have to sneak around this facility in order to find her friend.

  “Welcome Masters,” Devon said. “We come together very few times a year and I want to thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedule to gather tonight. Let us all prepare to eat and enjoy the night’s entertainment.”

  The men applauded and some who had glasses in their hands raised them up to toast with Devon.

  Maxine looked around for Philippe and looked relieved to know he was hea
ding in her direction.

  “So who’s your master?” Anna asked again, picking up the conversation where they had left off.

  Philippe stopped in front of Maxine and she looked away from Anna to him and nodded letting him know she would follow him. He started to walk away and she looked back at Anna who looked dumbstruck and was jerked by her master when she didn’t immediately follow when he walked away.

  Maxine almost bumped into Philippe from looking back, but stopped in time as he led her over to the head table. Three seats away from Devon, Philippe sat and nodded to a chair and small tv dinner size table behind where she was supposed to sit.

  According to the class, this was her station and whatever her master’s needs were while he ate, she was to provide it. When it was told to be served, she and the other slaves at the head table were allowed to go over to the buffet table to fill their master’s plates first and then return for their own.

  She made sure she remembered everything. Instead of going to the front of the head table to give her master the plate, she went behind him and set his plate down in front of him. Instead of making an extra trip for his silverware, she used the crook of her arm and still balanced her own plate until she was able to set it down on the table beside her chair.

  He didn’t thank her because he was deep in conversation with the gentleman beside him. Business - he was talking business. Of course, Maxine wasn’t supposed to look for thanks. In servitude class, she was instructed that thanks were only given if by the time she retuned back to the chamber she had no marks on her - that was thanks enough. She made sure his plate was fixed properly and the silverware was set exact.

  With two tens from her bra slipped to a servant, his drinks were always filled and anything that he requested special was given. It was simple to cater to him because he didn’t want much, but all she had to do was keep her eyes on him, which every other woman also did. If she wasn’t looking at him, she occasionally watched other women, but she was obedient not to look at another man. Knowing Philippe would have to reprimand her in public if she dared to disobey, Maxine made sure she obeyed every rule.

  For the dinner entertainment, three servants were brought out scantily dressed. They had chains on their wrist and leashes around their necks. Maxine was abhorred by the way they were being displayed as the chained servants were set in the middle of the room. Their handler only took off the wrist chains and the leashes were wrapped around their waist like belts. The handler’s told them to sit as if he were commanding dogs and the lights went low in the room.

  Sultry African Drums started to play and the women instantly started to move in this beautiful dance that was both mesmerizing and erotic. The whole room watched as the women moved in unison and each one dance on their own, more exotic than the other. The beating of the drums were moving faster and faster and they moved along with the tempo.

  As the dance was ending, Anna’s master backhanded her suddenly and when a servant came to help her up, her master shoed them away.

  “Get up, bitch!” he growled standing over her.

  Anna cowered in fear, but didn’t get up covering up the bloodied lip.

  He grabbed her dress ripping it and punched her in the chest. “Get your black ass up, niggar.”

  Anna screamed for help and without thinking, Maxine shot out of her seat to start walking to her, but Philippe grabbed her arm tightly and turned her to face him. He didn’t have to speak and Maxine started shaking letting the nights atrocities take over her emotions.

  Philippe’s gripped tightened on her arm. “Get it together, petite amie,” he rumbled low. “Just a few more minutes. I promise.”

  Taking deep breathes; Maxine calmed herself, never stopping to look anywhere else except into those exceptional blue eyes of his and loving the nickname he had given her. French on his lips was so arousing to her senses.

  She felt like she was transported back in time, when she was trying to gasp for air. Looking through that hole in the wall and praying help would come. Suddenly, the face appeared in front of her and….

  “Good girl,” Philippe said feeling her body relax. Releasing her, he nodded back over to her seat where he wanted her to go.

  The man was still slapping Anna around brutally.

  Devon carried on as if nothing was happening and took his slave to the dance floor. Others joined him as Anna’s master practically dragged her out the room. By this time, she was kicking and screaming, begging anyone to please help her.

  Philippe took Maxine to the dance floor, but she was shaking too hard to even try to dance; yet it was a good excuse to have him hold her close.

  The gathering had started to loosen up and the men who had no proprietary slave started to feast on the unclaimed servants. Maxine watched as one woman’s clothes were yanked off and she was laid across the table on her stomach. The man put himself inside of the slave and started pile driving her as if his life depended on it. Other men lined up to do the same, even going to far as to use the slave’s mouth to fluff themselves until they could get to other parts of her.

  Around the rest of the room, other women were willing or unwilling to partake in openingly pleasing men. Even Devon’s slave had crawled between his legs and was sucking him to fruition right there on the dance floor.

  Maxine buried her face in Devon’s chest concentrating on the music and the proximity of her master, hoping he wouldn’t embarrass her like that, but knowing Philippe could do it and she wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it terrified her even more.

  Light secretive kisses to her neck, relaxed her a bit more and then he took her to Derrick.

  He pressed a fifty in the handler’s palm and ordered, “Take her to my chamber.”

  Derrick put her blindfold on and escorted her out.

  Maxine wanted to demand the exit, but knew that request would be on deaf ears. She was not leaving until ‘her master’ gave her permission to leave.

  “He’s not like the others, is he?” she questioned when they were in the elevator.

  “No,” Derrick answered. “And you’re lucky to have him, woman. Obey him to the very bottom of your soul and watch it, cause there’s others who would do anything to have it.” He asked for her key and let her inside of the chamber. Returning her key to her, he said, “Don’t stop watching your back and don’t take pity on others. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

  When the door was closed, she took off the blindfold and the mask. What had she gotten herself into? This was the longest weekend of her life.


  When Philippe entered imperiously, Lanna followed him with a tray of fruit and set it down. The servant had fresh bruises on her and her dress was slightly ripped.

  Maxine knew that if Philippe had not taken Lanna from the feast to do his bidding, the slave would have been even more messed up.

  Knowing this, Maxine felt she should be especially grateful to Philippe for doing his best to protect ‘his slave.’

  The knowledge she was his made tingles between her legs and her breath catch in her chest.

  “Are all the gatherings like that?” she asked when Lanna had left. Maxine had given Lanna the rest of the money in her bra, while Philippe went up to take off his clothes.

  Maxine had already washed up and changed into her robe. She had even gathered his clothing he had worn when he had arrived and put them in the bag that had the number seventy-five on it, just like her key.

  Lanna offered to take the bag when she left and Maxine was glad about that.

  Philippe’s eyes traveled up and down her body as he spoke only a few feet from her. “Actually that was a mild look at what could happen. Orgies are often.”

  “Have you participated in them before… like that… openingly?”

  He smirked wickedly. “In my younger days, when I thought the allure of this place was right for my limbido, but I grew up and now I don’t like to share. I got a slave so I wouldn’t have to share her with the others, but
there are still masters even older than I that don’t care.”

  Philippe went over to the chamber’s door to check the lock and then turned to her. “Let’s adjourn upstairs, Maxine,” he ordered.

  She nodded her acquiesce and headed up the stairs to the bedroom. Her heartbeat was pulsing harder by the second knowing what was to come, but her outer appearance stayed cool.

  Philippe went into the bathroom once he came upstairs and Maxine was able to calm down while she listened to him shower. Every time she thought about rubbing the soap on his body, she found the tingles increased between her legs.

  When she heard the water turn off, she got his robe for him and held it up for him as he came into the room with just a towel wrapped around his deliciously gorgeous body.

  She fought the blush that wanted to escalate all over her body. Although her experience with men sexually seemed plenty when she was younger, this intimacy was new to her and she wasn’t use to it at all. Even the foreplay Philippe wanted was green to her since most times she just usually laid there and let them “do it” to her.

  Gerald never really explored her body the way Philippe did. He would just hope that she received some pleasure before he received his. True, there was some fluttering when Gerald would kiss her, but she realized now that it was more emotional than physical.

  Her curiosity about Philippe’s body made her want to touch him more when seemed to arouse him greatly.

  “Even though I don’t want to share anymore, don’t expect my kindness all the time,” Philippe growled. “Some of your punishments could be to be shared or displayed publicly.”

  Maxine prayed she never put herself in that position, but at that moment it was really hard to concentrate on her fear with Philippe’s body on display for her eyes.

  She hungrily took in the beautiful physique. Her hands itched to touch him, caress him, taste his skin and feel him rubbing against her bare flesh. Forcing her mind to the here and now, she concentrated on trying not to think about this half naked Herculean man in front of her. The color of his skin didn’t even matter and that was what was so amazing. This was Philippe, her master and her lover.


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