Once Upon a Time

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Once Upon a Time Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  She clenched her thighs together to try and stop the pulsing need that had settled between them.

  “Once my cock is deep in your pussy you’ll be mine.” He wanted her, and Aurora could tell in his actions and voice that he was determined to make her realize that it was inevitable. He reached between their bodies, leaned back slightly, and started stroking himself. “Your cunt is so wet and red, so primed for me.”

  She wet her lips and took a deep, steadying breath. “I…”

  With his hand still on his cock, he used his other one to touch her pussy, rub her slick folds, and then plunged a finger into her body. She opened her mouth wide on a silent cry. It felt good, so good. His finger was big and thick, and he was pumping it in and out with a forcefulness that stunned her. But she was going to come, could feel it starting to build at the base of her spine.

  “Say you’re mine.” He had moved his mouth to her ear and whispered the words. “Say that I own you, Aurora, that everything I am looking at, touching on you, is all mine.” He thrust his finger harder into her, and involuntarily her pussy clenched around his digit. He groaned hard against the shell of her ear. “I’ll make you feel so fucking good.” He added another finger and a gasp did leave her this time.

  And as if his words had been the trigger she needed to get off, she exploded around him. Eyes shut tight, she cried out in pleasure. Heat filled her, suffocated her to the point that she thought she would burn alive. The sensations moving through her were intense. The bed was moving slightly, and she realized he was pressing his hips into the mattress, thrusting against the sheets like he couldn’t control himself.

  She curled her nails into her palms as the pleasure heightened. He pulled back slightly and his gaze stayed on her face. And then only seconds later he looked down between her thighs.

  “Spread your legs as wide as they can go, princess.” He said it with more force this time.

  Her heart thundered behind her sternum. The strain of unused muscles protested, but there was also a pleasure that mingled with that discomfort. She kept her gaze on him, watching for any clue as to what he might be thinking, but found none. He kept his composure on a leash, and that made her more affected. She could feel his fingers between her legs, touching her, stroking every part of her body.

  “Your pussy is so damn pink, so fucking wet that it is glossy, baby.” He shifted so his face was right between her legs now, and his warm breath teased her folds. He placed a hand on each of her inner thighs, stilling her. And then he had his mouth on her pussy. He worked his tongue around her clit and then moved it along her inner lips. His hot breath felt exquisite along her slit, sending her spiraling closer to oblivion. How was it possible to desperately need more?

  “Oh God, Grey.” She sounded desperate for him. The sound of sucking flesh had her on the brink of completion again, but just as quickly as he’d started, he stopped.

  “God, princess. I knew you would taste this sweet,” he murmured against her swollen flesh, and she felt a stab of desire spear through her. When he pulled away she felt bereft.

  He placed a hand on each of her knees, stared at her pussy, and groaned deeply. “I’m going to fuck you until you know that you are mine.”

  With her legs open, he settled between them. Grey stared right at her cunt, felt his cock throb and his balls draw up. He wanted her so damn badly, so fiercely that he felt like he was spiraling out of control. She was all smooth and pink, glistening with the wetness that he had caused. She was primed for him, so soaked that the mattress beneath her was nice and wet. He was going to fill her up with so much of his cum that her pussy would be covered in it. It would be his mark on her body.

  He moved his gaze from between her thighs to her heaving breasts. He lifted his hand and ran his finger down the center of her cunt. Her body visibly shook and he had to curl his other hand into a tight fist to try and grapple with his control. Placing his thumb on her clit, he applied pressure while he slid his index finger over the opening of her vagina. He slipped his finger into the wet, hot depth of her body, and groaned softly when she seemed to suck his finger deeper into her pussy.

  Pre-cum slipped from the tip of his cock when he heard the breathy little sounds that came from her. Taking hold of the root of his dick, he tightened his fingers around himself. She was so damn tight. “You want this, want me.” He didn’t phrase it like a question.

  “Yes, Grey. God, yes I want this.” She cried out the words. “I want you.”

  He leaned forward and dragged his tongue over one of her nipples. She arched into his mouth and he groaned against her flesh. His princess was so smooth, so sweet. While he sucked and licked at her, he continued to stroke his cock with fervor. “You’re mine.” He moved his mouth lower until he hovered right over her pussy. In a quick move he sucked at her soaked, swollen flesh. He circled her clit again, harder and faster, trying to draw out her pleasure.

  Grey broke away and latched his mouth onto hers. He swallowed her moan, and felt his own need to be buried inside of her mounting to an uncomfortable level. When he pulled away from her, he aligned his cock with the entrance of her pussy and slowly started to push inside. He felt the resistance from her body and his entire frame shook with need. Grey wanted to go slow, be easy and gentle right now, but he couldn’t.

  “I know you, Aurora, know that you’re alone in this world, desperate for a soft touch, a gentle breath in your ear.” He placed a hand on each of her thighs and continued to push deep into her. She moaned and thrashed her head back and forth, but she never told him to stop.

  And then he let loose and fucked her in long, hard strokes. Over and over he plowed into her, loving the sounds of pleasure she made, how she asked him to stop, but begged him to go on. He was sweating, and the beads of wetness slid down the length of his spine. He pulled out only long enough to take hold of her hips, flip her onto her belly, and kick her legs apart again with his knee. Her ass was a gorgeous apple-shaped creation, and soon, very soon, he’d be sliding his dick between the cheeks.

  He placed the tip of his cock back at her pussy hole, held onto her waist, and thrust into her in one deep, hard move. Her cry was muffled because her face was pressed against the mattress. Pumping into her fast and hard, he took her wrists and held them to her lower pack. She turned her head to the side, opened her mouth, and sucked in air.

  Grey slammed into her, held his position for a second, and then pulled out slowly. He couldn’t stop staring at the puckered hole of her bottom, and couldn’t rid himself of the urge to slide his cock inside of her. And then he slipped a pussy-cream-slicked finger over her anus again, teased the hole, and then slipped it inside.

  She tightened her inner muscles around him, and he pumped into her cunt over and over again. He stilled completely and spread her ass cheeks as far as they would go. When he pulled out of her body, he immediately gathered more of her wetness and smoothed it over her anus until the hole glistened with her arousal. His cock was already soaked from fucking her, and although he probably had her anus slicked up well enough, he wasn’t going to take any chances.

  “God, princess.” He slipped his finger inside of her until he was two knuckles deep. “You have no idea how much it turns me on seeing you this way.” He removed the digit and replaced it with the thick crown of his erection. He still had hold of her wrists with his other hand, and to see her like this had him about to come right there. There was resistance as he pushed through the tight ring of muscle, and then he was fully in her. He only gave her a few seconds to adjust to his size before he started moving in and out very slowly. He didn’t want to cause any unjust discomfort. After several minutes, when he felt her start to relax, he picked up his speed and started to move faster into her willing body. His balls slapped her moist pussy, and every muscle and tendon in him was strung tight.

  He was crazed in his movements, pounding into her body because he owned her. “You’re mine, Aurora. All mine, and there isn’t anything or anyone that will take you a
way from me.” He was speaking to himself, declaring what she was to him, and that these last few months had been hell as he’d tried to stay away. His need for her might be irrational, but it didn’t matter, because she was here and he had her now. “I’m going to come, baby.”

  Her ass tightened around his cock and he groaned, thrusting several more times into her before pulling out right at the last minute. He took hold of the base of his dick and stroked himself until white arcs of cum came out of the tip of his dick and covered her ass. Yes, that was what he wanted to see. He wanted his cum covering her, coating her body like a mark of ownership. His orgasm went on and on, and he watched in a euphoric, drugged-out haze as his semen slid down the crease of her ass and covered her pussy. As much as he wanted to have her stay like that, marked by him in the most erotic way, he grabbed a rag that was on the bedside table and cleaned her off gently. He wasn’t a savage, even though he felt that way at times when it came to her.

  Once he had her cleaned up, he slipped into bed beside her and pulled her close. She didn’t fight him, and a sense of contented power filled him.

  “Grey.” She said his name softly.

  “I’m here, princess, and I’m not going anywhere.” He pulled the sheets up and over them and lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. After several minutes he turned onto his side and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  He was her teacher, the man responsible for making sure she was safe. But Grey would keep her safe. He’d make sure nothing harmed her, because she was his, his little beauty, his little princess. He’d never let anything happen to her. He pulled her close and tucked her against his chest. It felt so good with her this close to him, and finally having her in this way.

  He smoothed a hand over her hair, and after several long minutes he felt her relax against him as her exhaustion finally won. She’d realize that this was their reality, and he’d show her that being with him was perfection.

  “It is right, and it does feel good,” she said sleepily, and he pulled her closer still.

  A shiver worked through his body at her words. He had longed to hear those words, fantasized about the thought of her in this position right now.

  What he knew without a doubt was that he wasn’t going to let her go. Damn the consequences.

  The image of their sweaty bodies, of his hard cock, and of the feeling of being utterly and totally controlled, filled Aurora. Breathing heavily, she ran a hand over her face and blinked in rapid succession to clear her vision. The room was pitch black and she closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing heart. The dream had been so real, so graphic that she could have sworn she had been there, living it firsthand again.

  She wiped the sweat from her brow and swallowed past the lump in her throat. “God,” she whispered. Aurora chuckled almost hysterically, knowing that she had to stop having these dreams. Although it was like her subconscious wanted her to remember them, wanted the first time she had spent with Grey to never fade from her memory. But she’d never forget. Never.

  She blindly reached out, fumbling for the light on the bedside table. A soft glow filled the room and she waited until her eyes adjusted. Aurora put her head in her hands and exhaled a shaky breath.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Grey’s voice was soft and deep, heavy from sleep. He ran his hand over her back, up and down, soft and smooth, trying to coax her to fall back asleep.

  “Nothing. It was nothing.” She looked over at him and smiled. Arousal filled her at the memory of that dream, and she wanted Grey like she wanted to breathe.

  “Then lie back down here, princess.” He pulled her closer to him. “You’re mine, little beauty.”

  She loved it when he called her that, when he treated her as if she were a precious object that he just wanted to cherish and hold, whisper that she was only his, and keep her close. She was his no matter what. It didn’t matter that he was fifteen years older than her, or that he had been her professor a year ago. She was Grey’s, and he was hers, and there was nothing that would change that.

  She lay back down, moving closer to the warmth of his body. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

  “Are you sure you’re okay, princess?” he murmured huskily against her forehead.

  “I’m okay. It was just that dream I had of our first night together.” She felt him smile against her again, and she couldn’t help but do the same. “That first night you took me from that party, whispered all those filthy things you wanted to do to me.” A shiver worked up her spine at the thought.

  “You can’t get enough of me, little beauty.”

  “Mmm,” she whispered, and closed her eyes. “I really can’t.” She lifted her head and stared into his eyes. His dark hair was ruffled, his eyes heavy from sleep. He rose up and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck.

  “Maybe we should play that little game again.” She looked at him, smiling, feeling her need for this man rise up. Their relationship was unconventional to say the least, and although she got looks from other students for being with Grey, heard the rumors from others as she walked to her courses, she knew that none of that mattered. She was an adult, and so was he, and anything else was irrelevant. This was her life. She wanted to be Grey’s little princess, his little beauty, and nothing would ever change that.

  The End

  I had heard that if you go through Wolfs Bane Forest on the evening of Halloween at exactly midnight you’d never come out. Of course those were only fairytales that parents told their adolescent children to keep them in line, or at least that is what I assumed they were. But for whatever reason, the town of Haven believed those myths.

  But those beliefs stemmed from missing people over the years, ones that were said to have gone through these woods and never came out. I didn’t believe any of that, because if I did I’d be gullible just like the rest of them, holed up in my house because I was afraid of what might happen.

  “Red, this is not a good idea,” Sarah, a young woman I had just met a few months back, said with a slur to her voice. We were both a little drunk, so maybe that was why I didn’t really care about walking through Wolfs Bane.

  “What?” I faced her. She was in a slutty bunny outfit, one of those playboy costumes that had gotten her ass smacked a lot at the party tonight. “Please don’t tell me you believe in this shit?” I cocked an eyebrow at her. “I mean, you aren’t even from this town. You just moved here a few months ago, but you believe in the whole getting stuck in the haunted woods story?” She didn’t respond right away. “I have lived here my whole life and have never believed in it,” I said, but there was this tingling at the base of my spine as soon as I spoke the words.

  She shrugged and glanced at the forest again. “I’m not saying I believe it or anything, but the fact that an entire town does…” She looked at me and I refrained from rolling my eyes. “I mean, it is a bit eerie.”

  I looked at the woods, and the fact they seemed harmless, and that the moon was bright enough that I could even see the ground. “It’s an hour hike back to my place if we go around, and there aren’t any cabs in this rinky dink town.” You want to go back to the party and see if we can hitch a ride with one of those douche bags in there?” The guys that had been at the party were assholes, college kids that had come up from Brecksville to get drunk and try and fuck some foreign pussy.

  “What about finding that girl we came with?”

  I shook my head. “Andrea was hooking up with some jock. Didn’t you see them heading upstairs?” I lifted an eyebrow. “No way am I about to break that up.”

  “Red, I really don’t think this is a good idea. Let’s push aside the fact that the whole fairytale thing about people not coming out of there once they enter is a load of horse shit. What about wild animals? I mean it’s dark out, so who’s to say a wolf or something like that won’t be stalking us for a meal?”

  “Sarah, for one thing there is a path.” I pointed to said path. “For another thing there
haven’t been any reports of large animals like wolves or anything like that for the last five years. Some nature preserve came and took them all to some kind of habitat.” I remember when they had done that because the town had been pissed. But apparently they had been finding wolves and other state protected animals killed around the area. “I am pretty sure unless a horde of squirrels comes after us, we should be okay.”

  Sarah took a step back, shaking her head. “Ugh, I don’t think so. I have a bad feeling about this.”

  I didn’t comment on how I, too, had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I assumed it to be just my nerves and the memory of all those tales I was told growing up.

  “Maybe we should just head back to the party?” Sarah said and looked at me. She moved back another inch, and her stilettos were getting stuck in the mud.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m about done for tonight with the whole party and having drunk guys hitting on me with lame pick-up lines.” I smoothed my hands down the red velvet Little Red Riding Hood outfit I had on. “Besides, I’ve already gotten beer spilled on me twice, and I am only renting this damn outfit.” Sarah looked genuinely frightened, and I felt a twinge of sympathy for her.

  “Maybe I’ll just go back in and wait for Andrea to finish… whatever it is she’s doing.”

  I shrugged. “If you want.” I wasn’t about to pressure her into going with me, but I wasn’t going to stay at the party any longer either. The truth was it was depressing being with all those people. A party was probably the loneliest time of all, despite being surrounded by people—it was too intimate, if that even made sense. I was just a body in a sea of flesh and bone, no one paying me much attention at all, blending into the crowd. After my mom and dad had split two years ago, and my father moved to another town to be with his girlfriend that was the same age as me—twenty-three—Mom had just shrunk into herself. I was truly alone, and it was the saddest damn thing in the world. Well, I was tired of it, tired of trying to be a people pleaser and show everyone that I was okay. Even after two years I wasn’t fine, I wasn’t happy, and I sometimes fell asleep hoping it would all be a dream and I’d wake up in another body.


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