WindSwept Narrows: #22 Erika & Vianne

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WindSwept Narrows: #22 Erika & Vianne Page 19

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Baseball stats went flying out the window and were chewed up in the prop. His cock was full throttle and nothing he did right then would have stopped it. She’d shrugged out of the trench coat just after they left Tacoma. The thin fabric of the tunic she wore did nothing to conceal the firm, full breasts now pressing against his chest. Especially since his hands had come up to automatically catch her, holding her safely locked against him as the landing gear bounced lightly on the dark tarmac.

  One hand had gone to the back of her head, his fingers lost in the silken softness of blond curls; the other arm was wrapped firmly and possessively around her middle. Only then did it really register to him how small she was compared to him. He knew she was barely five-five, but his arm completely surrounded her. He felt each of her curves against him, his mind torn between the tongue she continued to sweep along his throat and the behind his palm had somehow wandered to.

  All part of the delectable package.

  Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard a throat clear.


  “We have a car waiting,” Zee said, working hard to keep from laughing. He’d tried to bundle Erika into the back of the limo but even on feet a little unstable, she leaned into the side door of the plane.

  “I think he growled at me,” Erika announced with a happy giggle.

  “It wasn’t me,” Tanner said. His voice was husky and low, his hands moving regrettably to Vianne’s waist and lifting her to the seat. He swore below his breath and tugged at his jeans before stepping to the tarmac, quickly lifting Vianne after him.

  “Into the limo, people,” Zee was laughing as he handed the remaining bucket of champagne to Erika once she was inside and seated. He slid in beside her, watching Vianne come in after him. Tanner entered last, the trench coat Vianne had been wearing draped over his arm. And crotch.

  Tanner glared at him. Vianne snuggled against him and made it worse.

  Zee didn’t offer a protest when Erika’s hand came up, the front of his shirt was gripped in one fist and his head pulled to her mouth. He listened intently. One brow arched and he looked over at Tanner, his arms around the woman now sitting on his lap.

  “A problem?” Tanner finally found the strength to pull away from the woman with her face buried against his throat and shoulder. That wasn’t the difficult part. It was her ass pressing hotly against his cock that was making all thought processes abandon him.

  “She says this isn’t normal for Vianne,” Zee worked to rearrange the words Erika had actually used.

  Tanner looked from the wide eyes of Erika watching him suspiciously to his friend. “Interpretation is good. How is she normally?”

  “I’ve been with her when we’ve…” Erika searched for the right words, her lips pulled into a taut bow. Just how much indiscretion do you reveal before your lover? “We’ve partied before. You know…girl celebrations…that kind of thing.”

  “Just remember I have details,” Vianne murmured against Tanner’s throat, snuggling down and inhaling.

  “I have never seen you on someone’s lap before!” Erika whispered loudly, probably the result of the champagne. “You’re normally starting brawls.”

  “I most certainly…that was a blind date and that moron shoved his hand beneath my skirt!” She hissed furiously at the memory. She swore she felt Tanner tense. “He’s lucky I didn’t cripple him permanently.”

  “He’s lucky I wasn’t there to defend your honor,” Tanner ground flatly.

  Erika laughed at the two of them, her gaze on her friend.

  So he would be able to walk, he lifted Vianne to the seat, shook his head and reached for a glass of the champagne sitting on the purposefully rimmed small rail. He handed a glass to Vianne and tipped his glass up.

  “He’s different,” Vianne said decisively, eyes now a mixture of green and amber sparkled as she leaned into him after draining the champagne and handing the empty glass to Zee. “He’s different,” she repeated.

  “I’ve seen you floor guys for…for what you’re doing,” Erika pointed out with a sigh, meeting the look on Tanner’s face and shaking her head. “I don’t know what you’re doing, but I hope you can handle her.”

  “She’s right here,” Vianne declared, sitting upright and pulling in a long, slow breath. “It’s an amazing evening,” she announced, blinking and watching the large motel they had pulled in front of. A huge decorated for tourists overhang protected them from the sprinkling of rain that fell. “I love weddings. I’ve been to so many…sweet and sappy…”

  “We’ll be right behind you,” Tanner said when the back door was opened from the outside, his hand on Vianne’s palm. He reached into the pocket of the shirt beneath his sweater and palmed the small circlet.

  Vianne turned and looked at him. Even fuzzy, he was sexy and cute and sweet. That was the word she’d been searching for. Sweet. Kind. Nice. So different from the guys she’d been around most of her life. She saw his lips part and leaned forward, her mouth moving over his.

  She wasn’t sure which of them groaned. But she knew she wanted more, her tongue surging forward, slipping between his lips and taunting him to play.

  “Vianne…Christ woman…” Tanner pulled his mouth back, several parts of him ready to start a war. “Give me your hand,” he ordered and before she could react, he had her palm up, the ring he bought slid onto her finger. He closed the fingers tightly and kissed her again. “Let’s go. We’re with Erika and Zee.”

  “Another present?” She blinked at it, noticing the color and shape. “Pretty. You’re not going to leave me tonight, Tanner. Promise me.”

  “I can honestly give you that promise,” he said raggedly, watching her scoot over the seat and stumble slightly to her feet. He was out of the car and around to her side quickly, holding her snugly against him after he draped the trench coat around her shoulders.

  Tanner managed to keep her apart from Erika while paperwork was being completed. He felt only the slightest twinge or guilt at what he was doing when he pointed to lines and had her signing the forms where necessary. It was the first time his confidence had wavered since he’d convinced Logan to form the historical department for the reclamation. But then he hadn’t expected everything to fall so sweetly into place, either. Especially one Vianne Summers.

  He didn’t doubt she was attracted to him. Even sober, he told himself dryly.

  He didn’t doubt she belonged to him and with him. Convincing the hardened reporter of that was going to be the accomplishment of his life.

  But some bit of fate had presented him with Vianne Summers and the opportunity to make her his. Even if he knew he would have the fight of his life on his hands when the morning came. Unless he didn’t tell her right away or he managed to keep her off balance enough until she admitted that they belonged together.

  Tanner found himself staring into the wide amber eyes long after Erika and Zee had gone to their room for the night. Now he stood with Vianne before the justice and guilefully guiding her through the ceremony, his mouth covering hers the instant the final words left her lips.

  Tanner knew he was in over his head. He’d never felt the strength or power in a kiss before Vianne. Even when they were younger, he’d watch her around campus. He’d sit near her and just listen to her talking to herself as she worked on papers and assignments.

  But that kiss. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck and her mouth slanted over his.

  Neither of them noticed the justice and his two attendants leave the room. Tanner lost himself in her kiss, tasting and sweeping his tongue around her lips, nipping and teasing with a low growl of hunger. He had the key card to their room in his pocket and before he lost complete control, he had to get her upstairs.

  “Vianne…we need to go upstairs,” Tanner cleared his throat, his voice husky and dry when the soft amber circles stared up at him.

  “You’re not changing your mind, Tanner,” she said softly, just the hint of uncertainty in her voice.

ging my mind? Sweetheart, aliens would have to take me captive to keep me away from you right now,” Tanner offered a grin at the smile touching her lips. “Christ, you’re beautiful…smart…passionate…funny…a man would have to be insane to think you weren’t enough for him.”

  Vianne knew she was more than a little drunk. Her vision was fuzzy, but damned if Tanner still didn’t look sexy and sweet at the same time. She loved the spark in his dark eyes and how they seemed to almost go black when his head lifted after that mind numbing kiss. She loved the way his eyes cruised over her as if she was precious.

  Her palm lifted from her side, the faintest hint of stubble beneath her fingers as they traced along his jaw and over his lips. He leaned into her touch, taking one finger in his mouth and suckling gently. A shudder ran through her when he growled, took both her hands in his and turned them toward the exit.

  Side parted blond curls fell thickly against his shoulder, his arm around her waist and almost lifting her from the floor in an effort to get her across the lobby to the elevator.

  Vianne stumbled forward, laughing, cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling up while he stabbed at a button and spun to face her in the privacy of the elevator. Her hands gripped the stainless steel rail, her feet apart and chin tipped up, defiant as he stalked forward.

  “What’s wrong, Tanner?”

  “You’re driving me insane. I swear, you’ve been in my blood…”

  “Since…we’ve been corresponding through emails,” she struggled to latch onto a memory that seemed hiding and buried. “Were my texts so very wicked?”

  The sound of the elevator doors parting had them both blinking.

  Vianne walked around him and into the wide hall, glancing down one end. She spun and tumbled into his arms when the floor seemed to tilt just enough to throw her off balance.

  “So? Where to now?” She stared up at him, head tipped to the side until she followed his gaze to the front of her tunic and the low scooped neckline that dipped just a bit more with her arms pressed to her sides and thrusting her breasts out at him.

  Tanner searched for the baseball stats even as he bent slightly and lifted her against him. Her head fell to his shoulder, one arm around his neck and the other brushing the strands of dark brown from the side of his face, her fingers continuing down the side of his face and throat.

  Light sparkled off the bracelet on her wrist.

  “Why did you do this?” She stared at him in confusion, the sketchy vision catching the matching ring now decorating her finger. “And this…”

  “Because you deserve pretty things. They suit you,” he answered quietly, honestly, balancing her outside the door and pulling the key card from the strained pocket of his jeans and running it through the door slot. “Because I liked them when I saw them and immediately thought of you.”

  “Tanner…you aren’t making any sense,” Vianne whispered seconds before she felt the door behind her, his palms framing her face and his mouth taking hers in a kiss that blasted everything else from her thoughts.

  “I want you, Vianne. I want you now and all night and tomorrow,” he whispered against her mouth, hot, moist kisses dotting her face and jaw. Teeth nipped at her throat, a sharp breath pulled between his lips when her hands found their way beneath his sweater, pulled the T-shirt from his jeans and flattened her palms against his stomach.

  “Take these off,” she shoved them higher and let her hands caress the strong flesh. She couldn’t see it. Between the champagne and the drawn drapes in the room, she wasn’t even sure where the bed was. But she knew where he was. Vianne pressed her lips to his chest, her body straight and flat against the door.

  Her fingers splayed and pressed from his waist to his shoulders as he quickly pulled the shirt and sweater off, dropping them forgotten to the floor. Her tongue was out, rasping over one male nipple before she nipped lightly, giggling when she stepped out of her heels and lost a few inches in height.

  Tanner speared his hands into the loose, thick curls, his thumbs beneath her chin and holding it tipped back for him.

  Vianne felt her stomach flutter, the intensity in his eyes sending shots of lightning through her. She swallowed hard and raised her hands to his, taking them and moving them to the front of her tunic.

  “Don’t stop now, Tanner,” she whispered, going to her toes and kissing him softly. “I need you…I don’t understand but I’ll figure it out another time.”

  “Would you believe me if I tell you it’s all perfect? You’re perfect for me, Vianne,” he returned her kiss, nipping her bottom lip and teasing her tongue with his. “We’re good together and will only get better,” he promised softly.

  “Crazy pheromones,” she murmured, shivering when his hands finished the buttons and pushed the tunic to the edge of her shoulders. Her head went back, thumping on the door when his palms cupped her breasts, the thin scrap of lace and nylon feeling like burlap against her skin. She felt her nipples crinkle and thrust into his palms, deft fingers pulling the lace aside and taking the aroused tips between them.

  Vianne groaned. It had been so long since she felt so good and still a part of her knew she’d never felt like this before. Her few lovers never bothered with time or conversation or flirting and teasing. And somehow, Tanner had captured the art form in a way that had snuck up on her completely.

  They never bothered getting inside her head, her mind briefly drifting to the long emails they had exchanged over the past four months. She knew she’d been more than a little intrigued with the man himself even before she met him.

  Tanner toed out of his short boots, shoved them aside and slowly backed toward the huge bed in the center of the room. He glanced around, his eyes focused on the darkness and landing on the large flat dresser top. He’d made a request when he reserved the room and he was glad to see the candles waiting for him, along with a lighter stick.

  His hands pushed the tunic from her shoulders and it fell to the floor, another in a line of discarded clothing from them both. He turned her carefully, letting her sink to the edge of the bed before walking to the bureau and quickly lighting the candles.

  Tanner wanted to see every inch her all through the night. The candles were arranged on a large, thick piece of colored reflective glass that made up the tray. The reflection glimmered and brightened the room with romantic shimmers. He turned back to the bed to find Vianne standing beside it, the leggings she had been wearing, gone.

  He felt like he was seventeen again.

  Her hair was different. She’d always worn it long and neatly pinned back. She had a reputation for being strictly professional, honest and sincere. He’d heard rumors of the stories she passed up because of her beliefs. He’d followed her career and felt like a voyeur for those lost years.

  Vianne watched him. Liked the liquid way he moved; the confidence and hunger in his eyes. For her. He’d never hinted at an attraction in their emails. But the instant she was near him, she felt the pull. And it had been a long evening fighting it.

  She wanted the passion and promise in his kiss. Her palms rose from her sides, pressing against a stomach that fluttered at the silence. A sudden surge of uncertainty raced through her when he simply stopped and stared.

  “Tanner?” She had confidence, damn it!

  “Beautiful, Vianne,” he murmured, shaking himself and moving to stand in front of her, one finger up and trailing around the lacy scallops that held her breasts captive. He took her hands in his, carrying them to his lips and brushing each center with his mouth. “I think we’ve waited a long time…”

  She didn’t know how the words were supposed to register so she ignored them. Her fingers pulled free to quickly open the button at the top of his jeans. She had her fingers on the brass zipper pull when he exhaled and stepped back, his hands replacing hers until he kicked the jeans aside and caught her against him.

  Doubt fled, her arms up and around his neck, her mouth hotly pressing against his and shoving the world aside. Her hips thrust against
the hard erection between them, straining the front of his boxers, rotating and stroking. The low, hoarse sound from deep in his throat send a burst of fire through her as their tongues fenced and stroked one another.

  Tanner angled himself back onto the bed, his arms tight around her middle and carrying her back with him.

  Vianne pulled her mouth from his and straightened astride him, hugging him with her knees and rocking her hips back and forth, angling her clit over his cock. Sweet bursts of fire coursed through her each time she got the direction just right, her clit swollen and sensitive.

  Tanner groaned and gripped her hips, lifting her to the bed. Somewhere in his mind shouted for the pocket on his jeans.

  “Vianne…wait…I…my jeans…condoms…”

  “Tanner,” Vianne breathed out his name, crawling back against him only to find her shoulders gripped and set in the center of the bed on her knees. She blinked, trying to clear the confused vision.

  “No. Sit there.”

  “I’m alright. It’s a safe time…”

  “I wouldn’t risk that with you, Vianne,” he said, groaning at the sweetly innocent look, curls disheveled, her palms resting on her knees and head tilted as she watched him. “Lord, woman…you’d tempt a saint…” He scrambled to the edge of the bed, wincing and swearing. “I can barely walk…fuck, I know I put them…please stop giggling…yes!”

  Tanner slid back over the surface of the large bed, dropped the handful of foil packets to the nightstand and moved to sit in front of her. Only long enough for her to put two hands on his shoulders and shove him onto his back.

  “Now…” Vianne tried to lean into him and fell over his chest, laughing and rolling to her back. She raised her hands, cupping the back of his head and pulling his mouth to hers. “Kiss me…I love kissing you…” Her fingers speared through the thick, dark hair, moaning softly into the obedient response to her request.

  Tanner lay at her side, one arm snaked beneath the indent of her waist, holding her tightly against him while the other roamed. His hands explored the softly scented skin and slid over the rounded behind, pulling her hips hard against him. One palm slid inside the back panel of her panties, tracing the path between her cheeks.


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