Don't Tempt Me: A High School Bully Romance (Broke & Bullied Book 2)

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Don't Tempt Me: A High School Bully Romance (Broke & Bullied Book 2) Page 19

by Kai Juniper

She smiles. "Then yes, I'll go see him. And I'll see you tomorrow."

  When Brook's gone, the nurse comes back in. I ask her to get me some crutches so I can try walking. Now that Jake's back, I want to hurry and get home. Jake will feel better when we're home. I just wish home wasn't how my dad left it. I don't want Jake seeing it that way. I don't want him seeing the blood everywhere. But I'm not sure how to get it cleaned before he sees it.

  I'll just make sure Brook's there when we get home. She'll make us both feel better.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  "Need some help?" Danny asks, holding the door open for Dean as he gets out of the car.

  "No, I got it." Dean adjusts himself on the crutches, then starts heading to the house.

  "Wait." I hurry to the door. "I need to unlock it."

  It's Friday and Dean's finally out of the hospital. He was supposed to leave on Wednesday but the wound on his neck got infected so the doctor made him stay a couple more days. After school got out, Danny and I went to the hospital and picked up Dean, then we went and got Jake.

  The timing is perfect. We'll show Dean and Jake what we did to the house and then the team's coming over for a short welcome home party before they head back to school for the game tonight. Dean doesn't want to go to the game. He said it's because he's tired but I think it's more about him not being able to play.

  "Is this the right house?" Jake asks, looking at the lawn.

  "I mowed it," Danny says, walking beside Dean. "Weeds attract mice and I hate mice."

  I smile, trying not to laugh at Danny's made-up mice story. We've been working really hard to keep this a surprise. Last night I almost slipped up and told Dean but caught myself before I did.

  "Why do you care about mice?" Dean asks Danny. "You don't live here."

  "But I come over."

  Dean stops a moment to look at the house. "It looks good. Thanks for doing that."

  At least he's not mad, but I have a feeling he will be when he sees the inside. It looks so much better but Dean is so weird about letting people in his house that I'm worried he's not going to react well.

  "What are we waiting for?" Jake asks as I stand by the door.

  "I was waiting for Dean."

  He makes it to the front door, stopping next to Jake. "Remember what I told you about the house."

  "Yeah, I know. Dad ruined it. Let's just go inside."

  I glance at Danny, my stomach a ball of nerves. I hope Dean doesn't freak out.

  When I open the door, Jake pushes past me into the house.

  "Holy shit," he says, his eyes moving around the room.

  "Jake, watch your mouth. We have—" Dean stops, his eyes getting huge. "Holy shit."

  "Told you!" Jake says, running to the couch. "Look! A new couch!" He plops down on it. "Dean, it's leather!"

  Dean turns to Danny and me. "What's going on here? Who did this?"

  "It was Brook's idea," Danny says. "We all pitched in and did it last Sunday. Coach paid for the couch."

  "Look, Dean!" Jake yells. "We got a new table too!"

  He's so excited. Maybe Dean won't get mad after seeing Jake this happy.

  "The table was cheap," Danny says. "Same for the lamps. We all pitched in a few bucks to pay for them."

  "Who?" His eyes go between Danny and me. "Who did this?"

  "The guys on the team," I say. "I told Danny I couldn't do all this myself so he asked the guys and they all came over on Sunday to fix up the place." I get in front of Dean, looking up at him as he gazes at the room. "I know you don't like people coming here but I couldn't let you come home to that. It was a mess, Dean." I whisper so Jake can't hear. "And the blood. It was everywhere." I glance at Danny, then back at Dean. "Are you mad?"

  He doesn't say anything, and the knots in my stomach get tighter.

  "Dean, it needed to be done," Danny says. "We couldn't leave it like that."

  The room gets quiet. Even Jake isn't making a sound. We're all waiting for Dean's reaction.

  "Fuck," he finally says, looking up at the ceiling, then back at the room. His eyes are wet and his lip quivers as he blinks a bunch of times. "I can't believe you guys did this." His voice cracks and his breaths are shaky.

  "So you're not mad?" I ask.

  "Fuck, no. Are you kidding? All week I've been worried about what I was going to come home to. I didn't know how I was going to clean everything up." He wipes his eyes.

  "Made the big guy cry," Danny says, nudging Dean. "That's a first."

  "And if you tell anyone I'll kick your ass."

  Danny laughs. "Come on. Come check the place out."

  We walk with Dean to the kitchen.

  Jake comes up behind us and opens the fridge. "Dean, there's food!"

  The moms of the football players decided to stock the kitchen for when Dean and Jake got home. Some of them made food and some bought it. The cupboards are stocked and the fridge is full of meals that are ready to eat. Danny's mom came up with the idea and got the other moms involved. Even Eve's mom pitched in. She likes to bake so she brought over cookies and brownies. I didn't bother asking my mom for anything. We've barely talked this week. She knows I'm mad at her so we've been avoiding each other.

  "Who made the food?" Dean asks.

  "All the moms," Danny says. He opens a cupboard. "They bought stuff too."

  Jake's jaw drops when he sees all the food in the cupboard. "We've never had this much stuff!"

  "He'll have it gone in a week," Dean kids.

  "We fixed the cabinet doors," Danny says. "And the back door. Josh's dad and uncle came over and did all the construction stuff. They fixed the walls too."

  Dean eyes snap to the walls in the living room that used to be full of dents and holes from his dad's out of control temper. Dean told me one of the holes came from his dad throwing his mom against the wall. He pointed it out to me, then said he never told anyone but me how it got there. Everyone else, including Jake, thinks it came from Dean throwing a football in the house.

  "They're gone," Dean whispers as he walks to the living room to inspect the walls.

  "Let's go check out your room," Danny says to Jake. "We cleaned it up and painted the walls."

  They go in there while I walk over to Dean. "You okay?"

  His eyes are wet again. "They're finally gone. I fucking hated these walls. Every time I came home I'd see those fucking walls and remember what he did to her. That one right there." He points to where the hole used to be, the one caused by his dad throwing his mom against the wall. "I hated that one the most."

  "I know." I slip my arm around his.

  He takes a deep breath, then lets it out. "Fuck. I don't usually get like this."

  "Like what?"

  "Getting all emotional. Maybe it's the drugs they've got me on."

  I come around to face him. "Or maybe it's because you're finally starting to understand how much people care about you."

  He blinks a few times, trying to keep the tears from falling.

  “Dean, I wish you could've seen how many people showed up at the hospital when they found out what happened to you. All the guys on the team. The cheerleaders. Your coach. The waiting room was so packed people had to stand in the halls. You weren't even awake but everyone wanted to be there. And when Danny asked the guys to help with the house, not a single one of them said no. They wanted to help. They worked all day on Sunday because they wanted to do this for you and Jake."

  Dean’s neck moves as he swallows, then he takes another deep breath. I feel like I should give him a minute alone to process his thoughts. I turn to head to the bedroom but he stops me.

  "Come here." He pulls on my hand, still balancing on his crutches.

  I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his chest.

  "I don't know what I did to deserve you," he says, holding me the best he can with the crutches.

  "You let me be me," I whisper, more to myself than to him. Before I met Dean, I thought I had to be whateve
r a guy wanted me to be. It's what I saw growing up. I watched my mom do whatever my dad told her. She dressed for him. Did her hair the way he liked. Wore the perfume he picked out for her. Now she's doing all that again for this new guy. That would've been me if I'd stayed with Chad. It's all I ever would've known.

  Jake runs up to us. "Dean, you gotta see our room! They painted the walls blue and we have blinds on the windows!"

  The window had a towel covering it before so we replaced it with blinds after we painted the walls. Jake's favorite color is blue so I picked out a blue paint for his room.

  I pull away from Dean. "Go check it out."

  He walks in there. "Looks really good. I like the blue."

  We all go in there with him.

  "You can have the bed," Jake says, sitting down on it. "I want the couch."

  "You want to sleep on the couch?" Dean asks, surprised.

  "Please? I love the new couch. I promise not to spill anything on it."

  "Don't make promises you can't keep," Dean says, smiling.

  "It's okay if he spills," Danny says to Dean. "It's fake leather. If you spill on it, just wipe it off."

  "Dean, can I sleep there or not?"

  Dean nods. "You can have it."

  Dean will finally have a bed to sleep on. Maybe now he'll get more than a couple hours of sleep a night.

  The doorbell rings.

  "What was that?" Dean asks.

  "Your doorbell," Danny says. "We fixed that too."

  "I've never heard it ring."

  Danny goes to the door while I walk alongside Dean as he makes his way back to the living room. He's not very fast on the crutches.

  "Dean, you got some company," Danny says. "Can I let them in?"

  "Who is it?"

  "Just a few of the guys from the team."

  "Yeah, go ahead."

  Danny opens the door and the whole team comes in, filling the entire room.

  "What the hell?" Dean says, laughing.

  "It's your welcome home party," Josh says, going up to Dean. "Good to have you back."

  "What the hell did you do to my house?" Dean says, pretending to be angry.

  Josh doesn't get the joke. "You don't like it?"

  "I'm kidding." Dean smiles. "The place looks great. Better than it's ever looked."

  "Dean, they got pizza!" Jake yells from the kitchen. There's a stack of pizza boxes on the counter and cans of soda. "Can I have some?"

  "Go ahead," Danny tells him.

  The door opens and Kendrick walks in, followed by Eve. We all stare at them.

  "What's everyone looking at?" Eve says, giving them all her death stare.

  Eve's been talking to Kendrick at school but as far as I know, they're just friends. But seeing them walk in together makes me wonder if she's not telling me something.

  "You going to the game tonight, Dean?" Mark asks. He plays defense like Dean.

  "Probably not."

  "You gotta show up," Tyler says. "You're on the team."

  "Not really. Not anymore."

  "You're on the team even if you don't play."

  "He's right," someone says from the door. I look over and see the coach walking in. "You need to be there, Dean. I don't let my players miss a game. You know the rules."

  Dean smiles. "Then I guess I'll be there."

  The coach goes over to Dean. "You tell them the news?"

  "Not yet."

  "Go ahead."

  Dean glances over at Jake, then back at the guys. "I got three offers to play next year."

  The team erupts in cheers. Dean can't stop smiling. Neither can I. I'm so happy for him.

  "Did you make a decision?" Tyler asks.

  "I'm taking the one in Texas," Dean says. "Small college in Dallas."

  Danny's going to Dallas too, but to a different college. He hasn't told Dean yet. He wanted to wait until Dean made his decision.

  "That's great, man," Tyler says.

  "Everyone go congratulate Dean, then help yourself to the food," Danny says as he goes to the kitchen.

  It wasn't much of a party but it was all Dean would've wanted. He got to see everyone and thank them for helping with the house.

  After everyone leaves, I'm cleaning up in the kitchen when I hear Dean yelling from the bedroom.

  "Brook, is Jake out there?"

  "No, I thought he was with you."

  Dean comes out to the living room. "Where the hell did he go?"

  "Maybe he's outside. I'll go check." I look in the back yard, then go around to the front, before going back in the house. "He's not there."

  Dean's eyes dart side to side and his chest moves in and out. He's panicking, thinking Jake's missing again.

  "I'm sure he's fine," I say, going up to Dean. "Maybe he went down the street."

  "We have to find him." Dean goes to the kitchen to get his keys, going so fast he almost trips.

  "Dean, calm down. I'm sure he's just outside somewhere."

  Dean goes back to the living room, heading to the front door. "I can't even call him because my dad broke his damn phone."

  "Wait! I'll come with you!" I run to the door and open it.

  Jake's standing there. "Hey." He smiles at me. "You leaving?"

  Dean yanks the door back so hard it hits the wall. "Where the fuck were you?"

  "I left my sweatshirt at Danny's house. He took me there to get it."

  "And you don't bother to tell me?" Dean yells, his face turning red. "I almost lost you!" He grabs the front of Jake's shirt and yanks him in the house. "You can't fucking run off like that! Ever!"

  "I didn't!" Jake yells back. "I told you before I left. I told you twice!"

  Dean's eyes do that thing again where they dart around really fast. I didn't hear Jake tell Dean he was leaving but I don't think he'd lie about that.

  "Let me go!" Jake says, pleading with Dean. "You're scaring me! You're acting like Dad!"

  Dean instantly lets go of him and backs away, a blank stare on his face.

  "Dean." I hold his arm. "Just calm down. Jake's safe. He was with Danny."

  Dean's eyes lower to Jake, taking deep breaths as Jake stares back at him, afraid to move, or even say anything.

  "Jake, I'm sorry," Dean says. "I don't know what happened. I thought you were gone and I...I freaked out."

  "Can I go now?" Jake asks.

  "Yeah. Go ahead."

  Jake goes in his room and shuts the door.

  "You okay?" I ask Dean, coming around in front of him.

  "He said I was like Dad." He shakes his head. "He was right. I fucking lost it."

  "But you didn't. You didn't do anything."

  "This is why I'm afraid to be with you. I'm afraid I'll lose it and hurt you."

  "You won't. And we're going to work on that. You're going to see someone." I hug him. "It's going to be okay, Dean. You're not your dad. Not even close."

  I remain there with him until Eve stops by to pick me up. She's taking me to the game later. Danny's parents will take Dean and Jake.

  "What's going on with you and Kendrick?" I ask Eve as she drives me home.

  "Why do you keep asking me that? I told you we're just friends."

  "Why'd you show at Dean's party together?"

  "It was a coincidence." She glances at me. "You really think I'd date him? You know my rule."

  "What's wrong with dating a football player? I'm dating Dean."

  "That's different. You two have some weird connection. It's like you guys were meant to be together."

  It's true. People say things happen for a reason and I think everything that happened to get me here was so that I could meet Dean. If I'd stayed at Haverhill, I never would've met him. My life would be totally different.

  When I get home my mom is there, dressed up in an evening gown, her hair looking like it was professionally done.

  "I'm leaving for my date soon," she says as I fly past her on my way to my bedroom. I'm not in the mood to fight with her and it seems like tha
t's all we do now.

  "Brook, did you hear me?" she asks, standing by my door.

  "Yes. I heard you." I go to my closet to find my school sweatshirt for the game. "Is he picking you up?"

  "Yes. He'll be here in a few minutes."

  "Can I have the car?"

  "I suppose you can, but be careful where you park. I don't want dings."

  I roll my eyes. "I'll just ride with Eve."

  "Brook, I've made a decision." She stands up straighter, her head held high.

  "Let me guess, you're marrying the rich guy?"

  "No! Of course not. We just started dating."

  "Then what is it?"

  "You're going back to Haverhill. I know it isn't what you want but it's what's best for you. You start on Monday. We don't have the house yet so I'll be driving you and picking you up."

  "Yeah, I don't think so," I say with a laugh.

  "Brook, I'm serious. Your father and I talked and decided you're going there whether you like it or not. I'll see you when I get home."

  She walks off. I hear the door open and close as she leaves.

  I stand in my room, the sweatshirt I had in my hand falling to the floor.

  What just happened? Are my parents really doing this? Forcing me to go to Haverhill?

  I can't go back there. I can't leave Dean, and Jake, and all my friends. They've become like family to me.

  My mom promised me she'd let me make this decision, but that was before her new boyfriend lured her back to our old life. Now all she cares about is being rich again.

  Another broken promise. And there's no way I'll be able to change her mind.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Friday night I sat with Dean at the football game but didn't tell him I was leaving. He was having a good time and I didn't want to ruin it. Everyone came up to talk to him, even people he didn't know. Dean doesn't like a lot of attention but he was smiling so I think he was okay with it.

  During halftime Dean was called down to the field and his coach presented him with a check for fifteen thousand dollars. He was shocked. Jake was too. Jake got all excited, thinking they were rich, until I explained the money would be used to pay medical bills. I'm sure it's not enough but it's a start. Most of the money came from local businesses since most of the people who go here couldn't afford to donate much.


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