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Meet Me in Atlantis: My Obsessive Quest to Find the Sunken City

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by Mark Adams

  Linear B script, 130, 197

  Logos vs. mythos, 194

  Lost Atlantis (Luce), 196

  Luce, John V., 194, 196

  Lyceum of Aristotle, 181

  MacGillivray, Alexander, 146–48


  as Atlantis candidate, 35, 113–15

  author’s conclusions about, 282

  author’s visit to, 111–28

  bull cults on, 125

  cart ruts on, 116–17, 120, 121–23, 127

  Eumalos manuscript and, 115–16, 126

  Pillars of Heracles and, 114–15, 118

  Plato’s dates and, 118, 125–26

  Podarcis filfolensis lizard of, 123

  strange facts about, 111–12

  temples on, 123–24

  tour of, 120–28

  tricolor stone on, 125

  Malta: Echoes of Plato’s Island (Mifsud), 112, 113

  Manifest Destiny doctrine, 222

  Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (Hapgood), 89, 226

  Marinatos, Spyridon

  with Mavor’s expedition, 140, 141

  Minoan Hypothesis and, 132–35, 164

  search for Helike by, 185, 186

  Massaliote Periplus, 72

  Masse, W. Bruce

  on Atlantis, 254–55

  author compared to Plato by, 257–58

  author’s visit with, 251–55, 257–58

  described, 251–52

  Great Flood theory of, 252–54

  myth and oral tradition reconsidered by, 252

  on the risk of catastrophes, 255–56

  on Velikovsky, 257

  Mavor, James, 139–42

  Maximus of Tyre, 233

  McClain, Ernest, 266

  McIntosh, Gregory, 224–26

  Measurements. See Numbers in Plato’s story

  Medinet Habu hieroglyphics, 97, 199–200


  in Anaximander’s map, 58

  early exploration of, 55–57, 58–59

  Uluburun shipwreck in, 54–55

  Meno (Plato), 10, 273–74

  Mercator projection maps, 225

  Meteors. See also Asteroid impacts

  rings caused by, 202–3

  in Russia, 247

  Mifsud, Anton

  character of, 112–13

  Hübner admired by, 229

  introduction to Atlantis mystery, 113

  Malta-as-Atlantis theory of, 113–15, 126–28

  Malta cart ruts and, 116–17, 120, 121–23, 127

  Plato’s dates adjusted by, 118

  Minoan Hypothesis. See also Santorini or Thera

  Frost’s essays, 131–32

  Galanopoulos’s refinement of, 136–37

  Gallo’s introduction to, 150–51

  Knossos excavation, 129–30

  Marinatos’s contribution to, 132–35

  Mavor’s expeditions, 139–42

  problems with, 142–43

  Thera eruption in, 34, 133, 281

  Mnajdra temple, Malta, 123–24

  Mogador island, Morocco, 237


  airport security in, 234–35

  archaeologists not interested in, 231–32

  as Atlantis location candidate, 3–4, 35

  author with Hübner in, 1–4, 234–44

  Cap Ghir caves in, 243

  colored stones pulverized for pigment, 231, 236–37

  concentric rings in, 3, 231, 235–36, 240, 241, 243–44

  Festival of the Sacrifice in, 238–39, 243

  Hübner’s theory of Atlantis in, 1–2, 3–4

  Plato’s numbers matched by, 231, 235–36, 241

  travel advice from Hübner, 234


  sea crossing by, 138

  Thera eruption and, 138–39, 216–17

  Mountains protecting Atlantis

  candidates for, 36

  in Critias, 24

  as hills, 119

  in Morocco, 237–38

  Mu, 85

  Muck, Otto, 249

  Mud volcanoes, 203

  Mummies, New World drugs in, 205–6, 223

  Mundus Subterraneus (Kircher), 259


  code in Plato’s works, 264–65

  Pythagorean theory of, 177–78, 265

  of the spheres, 178

  symbolism in Atlantis story, 211–12

  Myriad, 102, 278


  archaeologists’ avoidance of, 213

  Crater Lake explosion in, 215

  genuine vs. fabricated, 193–94

  information transmitted through, 214–15

  Masse’s Great Flood research, 252–53

  real places in Homer, 56, 57

  Thera eruption in, 215–17

  vampire, 213–14

  Myth of Er, 14

  Mythos vs. logos, 194

  NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program, 257n

  Nazi speculations, 86–88

  Nesos, meanings of, 198–99

  New Archeology, 139

  Newgrange, 38

  New World

  ancient sea crossings to, 208–9, 219–24

  in Atlantis story of Plato, 204–5

  close-mindedness about discovery of, 219–20, 222

  copper in, 33, 208–9

  descendents of Atlantis, 41

  drugs in Egyptian mummies, 205–6, 223

  Heyerdahl’s Ra II expedition, 220

  Nicotine in Egyptian mummies, 205–6

  Noah’s ark story, 22, 36, 145

  Noble Lie of Plato, 14–15

  Nomikos, George

  author’s visit with, 157–69

  café of, 158

  gifts left by, 169

  many projects of, 159–60

  Number mysticism, Pythagorean, 175, 176–80

  Numbers in Plato’s story. See also Dates in Plato’s story

  believability of Atlantis and, 9, 31–32

  Brumbaugh Triangle, 262

  of channel surrounding the plain, 40

  in Critias, 23, 24, 263

  hieroglyphic symbols for, 137–38

  as a joke, 102

  in Morocco, 231, 235–36, 241

  musical symbolism, 211–12

  myriad, 102, 278

  odd vs. even numbers, 263–64

  Papamarinopoulos’s theory and, 210–12

  Plato’s Mathematical Imagination on, 260–62

  Pythagoreanism of Plato, 171, 174, 180

  as symbols, not data, 276–77, 278

  O’Connell, Tony

  Atlantipedia created by, 28, 29

  on Atlantis’s location in relation to the Pillars of Heracles, 32, 107

  on Atlantis speculations, 275–76

  author’s visit with, 28, 30, 33, 37–38

  belief in Plato’s story by, 30–32, 275

  daily routine of, 29–30

  on Diodorus as a source, 232

  on Donnelly’s book, 45

  home of, 29

  on Hübner’s theory, 116, 229

  in Malta, 112, 114

  marriage to Paul, 38, 112

  psychics disliked by, 88

  sticking points for, 35–37

  Odyssey, 56

  “On the Legend of Atlantis” (Marinatos), 134

  Oracle of Delphi, 228

  “Ora Maritima” (“Sea Coasts”), 71–73

  Oronce Finé map, 224–25, 226

  Palmer, Trevor, 245–47

  Papamarinopoulos, Stavros

  on ancient sea crossings, 204
–6, 222, 224

  approach to Atlantis from Athens side, 194–98

  Atlantis Hypothesis essay by, 184

  on Atlantis mentions before Plato, 199–200, 201–2

  author’s visit with, 191–212

  challenges facing, 193

  checkerboard canals theory of, 208

  contact with Freund by, 207

  described, 191–92

  on meaning of nesos, 198–99, 200

  Plato’s dates adjusted by, 209–10

  on Plato’s numbers, 210–12

  on the rings of Atlantis, 202–4

  successful searches by, 192

  Parian Marble

  described, 106

  Deucalion flood dated by, 138

  Wickboldt on, 105–6

  Pausanias, 61–62, 185

  Pele (volcano goddess), 252

  Perilous Planet Earth (Palmer), 245–46

  Phaedo (Plato), 171

  Phaedrus (Plato), 21, 193

  Phi (golden ratio), 269–72

  Philosopher-king idea, 172, 173, 265

  Phoenicians. See also Sea Peoples

  Cádiz coast colony of, 64–65

  Mediterranean exploration by, 55

  Pillars of Heracles

  Atlantis’s location and, 19, 32, 107

  author’s conclusions about, 280

  author’s visit to, 107–10

  early voyages through, 55, 57, 59

  locations possible for, 19n, 33, 110, 201

  Malta-as-Atlantis theory and, 114–15, 118

  Strait of Messina as, 35

  Pinatubo eruption, 246n

  Piri Reis map, 89–90, 224–26

  Piri Reis Map of 1513, The (McIntosh), 224

  Pitman, Walter, 146

  Plain abutting Atlantis

  channel surrounding, 40

  in Critias, 24, 26

  Plato. See also Atlantis story of Plato; specific works

  Academy founded by, 172, 181

  Allegory of the Cave, 165

  aporia (impasse) in, 273–74

  Aristotle compared to, 6, 181

  Aristotle’s relationship with, 13–14

  arrests in Syracuse, 171, 173–74, 188

  author compared to, 257–58

  democracy disliked by, 170–71

  dictatorships disliked by, 171

  Dionysus II tutored by, 173

  Divided Line of, 267–70

  on genuine vs. fabricated myths, 193–94

  geometric logic of, 12–13

  ideal city-state of, 172–73

  influence on Western philosophy by, 6

  on the limits of knowledge, 10

  musical code in works of, 264–65

  musical symbolism of, 211–12

  Noble Lie of, 14–15

  philosopher-king idea of, 172, 173, 265

  Pythagoreanism of, 171, 174, 180

  return to Athens, 172

  science defined by, 193

  as a top ten philosopher, 5

  travels after Socrates’ death, 55–56, 171

  Platonic love, 172n

  “Plato, Pythagoras, and Stichometry” (Bremer), 272

  Plato’s Mathematical Imagination (Brumbaugh), 260–62

  Plutarch, 222

  Podarcis filfolensis lizard, 123

  Polyhedrons, elemental, 271–72


  Helike connection to, 185, 188

  Thera eruption and, 215

  Poverty Point, LA, 33

  Proclus, 222

  Proust, Marcel, 155–56

  Pugh, Clive, 264

  Pythagoras, 175–76, 177

  Pythagorean diet, 175


  aversion to legumes, 260

  dogmas of, 175

  founding of, 174–75

  harmonic ratios in, 177–78, 179–80

  influence on Timaeus, 178–80

  music of the spheres in, 178

  music theory in, 177–78, 265

  number mysticism in, 175, 176–80

  odd and even numbers in, 263–64

  of Plato, 171, 174, 180

  Pythagorean Plato, The (McClain), 266

  Pythagorean theorem, 175

  Pytheas, 56–57

  Racism, diffusionism as, 221, 222

  Ragnarok (Donnelly), 52, 248

  Ra II expedition, 220

  Red stone. See Tricolor stone

  Religions, influence of Timaeus on, 13

  Renfrew, Colin, 122

  Republic (Plato)

  Atlantis story as illustration of ideas in, 190

  fragments in Egypt, 218

  Golden Age discussed in, 15–16

  ideal city-state in, 172–73

  influence on Western philosophy of, 11

  musical code in, 264–65

  Myth of Er in, 14

  philosopher-king idea in, 172, 173, 265

  in Plato’s Mathematical Imagination, 261–62

  Rings. See Concentric circles or rings

  Roller, Duane, 56, 57, 59

  Russell, Bertrand, 12

  Ryan, William, 146

  Sacred tetractys, 176–77, 178, 276

  Sands of Syrtis, 120

  Santorini or Thera, 157–69. See also Minoan Hypothesis

  author’s tour of, 160–61

  BBC documentary on, 8

  date of explosion, 146

  eruption of, 34, 133, 138–39, 146, 215–17, 281

  lost city buried at, 34

  magma balloon beneath, 161

  Marinatos’s essay on, 133–34

  Mavor’s expeditions to, 139–42

  Moses story connections to, 138–39, 216–17

  Nea Kameni island, 161

  tsunami after eruption, 34, 147

  Satellite archaeology, 149

  Schliemann, Heinrich, 41–43, 129, 130

  Schulten, Adolf, 62, 81

  “Sea Coasts” (“Ora Maritima”), 71–73

  Sea of Reeds, 138

  Sea Peoples

  Atlanteans as, 95, 97

  boats of, 200

  invasion of Egypt by, 279–80

  Secret of Atlantis, The (cartoon), 94–95

  Secret of Atlantis, The (Muck), 249


  Aristotle on, 182

  in Critias, 21

  impassability of, 36

  likeliest candidate for, 280–81

  Sands of Syrtis, 120

  in Timaeus, 19

  Short History of Myth, A (Armstrong), 194

  Silence Principle, 218, 261

  Smith, William, 222


  death of, 171

  Delphic oracle story, 228

  on true and false stories, 285

  on the truth of the Atlantis story, 239

  writing discredited by, 21

  Solon, as Atlantis story source, 18, 20, 30–31, 77

  Some Words About the Legend of Atlantis (Marinatos), 135

  Soter, Steven, 186–87

  Soul parts, Plato’s, 261–62

  Spanuth, Jürgen, 95

  Stichometry, 264

  Strabo, 56–57, 184

  Strait of Messina, 35

  Symposium (Plato), 167

  Syntagma Square protest, Athens, 182–83

  Syracuse, arrests of Plato in, 171, 173–74, 188

  Tarshish, Tartessos as, 62

  Tartessos. See also Cádiz coast; Doñana National Park

  as Atlantis candidate, 201

  author’s conclusions about, 283–84

  Cancho Roano site, 68, 75

  early voyages to, 59

  in Finding Atlantis documentary, 60, 61, 63–64

  Herodotus on, 57, 58, 61

  historical record for, 61–62

  as model for Atlantis, 34

  as Tarshish, 62

  Villarias’s search for, 70–71

  Taylor, A. E., 186

  Tetractys, sacred, 176–77, 178, 276

  Thera. See Santorini or Thera

  Through the Pillars of Herakles (Roller), 56

  Thule, discovery of, 56–57

  Timaeus (Plato)

  Atlantis story summary, 17–19

  cataclysms discussed in, 15, 18, 247

  confusing nature of, 11–12

  cosmology in, 12–13, 57, 58

  Crantor’s commentary on, 179

  dates in, 263

  Divine Craftsman in, 179, 180, 265

  elemental polyhedrons in, 271–72

  geometric logic in, 12–13

  golden section in, 270, 272

  ideal state mentioned in, 170

  Masse on, 254

  obscurity of, 11

  overarching theme of, 284

  proved data in, 198

  Pythagorean influence in, 178–80

  religions influenced by, 13

  as a speculative work, 276

  World-Soul in, 179, 180

  Titanic, 148, 154

  Tricolor stone

  author’s conclusions about, 279

  in Critias, 23

  formed along with craters, 203

  on Malta, 125

  in Santorini, 137

  Triremes, 39, 97

  Troy, discovery of, 42, 43

  Trump, David, 121

  Tsunamis. See also Floods

  Burckle Crater impact and, 251

  chevrons as evidence of, 251

  Doñana evidence of, 64

  Greek cymatosyrmos term for, 202

  in Hübner’s Atlantis theory, 2

  Iberian Peninsula, 76, 80

  from Krakatoa eruption, 133

  Moses’s crossing of the sea and, 138

  Thera eruption and, 34, 147

  Tunguska River impact, Russia, 256

  Uluburun shipwreck, 54–55

  Uniformitarianism, 248

  Valletta, 120–21

  Vampire myth, 213–14

  Vardulakis, Antonis, 264

  Velikovsky, Immanuel, 248–49, 257

  Ventris, Michael, 197

  Villarias-Robles, Juan

  author’s visit with, 69–78

  on Avienus, 71–73

  as Doñana organizer, 69, 73

  Finding Atlantis rebuttal by, 70

  interest in Atlantis by, 77–78

  search for Tartessos by, 70–71, 73–74

  Volcanic explosivity index (VEI), 246

  Voyage to Atlantis (Mavor), 143

  Voynich Manuscript, 259–60

  Wachsmann, Shelley, 200

  When They Severed Earth from the Sky (Barber), 213, 214

  Whitehead, Alfred North, 6


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