The Mates Who Gave Him Salvation [Feral 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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The Mates Who Gave Him Salvation [Feral 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 12

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  Still, he knew all too well that G’aladon could put up wards even stronger than these. The question was, in fact, whether this could be the right location for them to build a new life in.

  Quinn surreptitiously scanned the empty, quiet club. Even without people, it held a beauty that couldn’t be denied. But as he looked at Roarke and G’aladon, Quinn wondered if it truly mattered. Shrugging, he replied, “I’m happy wherever you are.” After a small pause, he considered Hewitt and the others. “But perhaps it would be fitting that we stay here and…rebuild.”

  In the end, it all came down to how much Quinn loved G’aladon. He thought that maybe his mate might enjoy caring for The Witching Hour, fixing what he had once destroyed. There were some things that G’aladon would never forget, but it was up to Quinn and Roarke to find the right solution for the witch to heal.

  When a bright smile appeared on G’aladon’s face, Quinn knew he had made the right choice. G’aladon turned toward Hewitt again and said, “You heard my beloved. If you truly mean it, we’d be honored to stay.”

  To Quinn’s surprise, it was Devon who replied. “Excellent,” the wolf said. “I’m sure you’ll be a great manager.”

  “And of course, we will be coming to visit often,” Mason added. “After all, we should cooperate if we’re going to be involved in this war against the felines.”

  Quinn wished he could test his abilities on Mason and Devon. He was very curious regarding what the two wolves really thought about all this. However, he couldn’t risk it. Hewitt and his mates had been more than helpful, especially given the circumstances, and it would be rude and ungrateful if he even made the attempt to invade their thoughts. Besides, since Quinn wasn’t in full control of his powers, he might completely fuck up and insult the three men in an outrageous way.

  As such, he leaned against G’aladon and dismissed his concern. In time, Devon and Mason would see in G’aladon what Quinn himself did, even if they couldn’t fully trust the witch now. Besides, like Mason had said, they had far greater concerns than that. Havedok would not stand idle, and Quinn expected attacks on ferals and spirit wolves to begin soon.

  “So where to now?” he inquired.

  Mason shrugged. “I know a lot of people in Eastern Europe and Asia. We’ll have to visit Egypt at one point, because I have some acquaintances there, too. We have a long trip ahead of us.”

  “And on that note, we should be heading out,” Devon said.

  Hewitt nodded. “Make yourselves at home. I’ll contact my old staff and let them know of the change in management.”

  A few more arrangements were made, and with that, Hewitt, Devon, and Mason were off. Quinn admitted he felt a little puzzled as to what he and his mates should do now. There were so many possibilities, so many paths open ahead of them. Until meeting Roarke and G’aladon, Quinn had been limited to a very constrained universe, but now, he was part of something far greater than himself.

  His mates did not allow him to dwell further on such thoughts. They seemed intent on a celebration. Roarke grabbed Quinn and draped the human over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

  “I think we should take advantage of the time we have until the staff shows up,” the wolf said. “What do you say?”

  “I say it’s an excellent idea.” G’aladon chuckled. Quinn blinked, and before he could even realize what was going on, they were out of the club lobby and in the bedroom Hewitt had assigned to them earlier before making the offer for them to keep this place permanently.

  Quinn recovered quickly, though, having gotten used to G’aladon using his abilities like that. When Roarke dumped him on the bed, he grinned up at his mates. “Slow, so slow,” he told them. “You’re wasting time.”

  Roarke growled playfully, while G’aladon laughed. The taunt earned Quinn another spell, and this time, it left him naked while his mates were dressed. Quinn shivered, but not because he was cold or afraid. There was something incredibly powerful about the situation, as if this simple enchantment brought him a sweet vulnerability that made anticipation swell within him.

  When both men crawled into bed with him, Quinn actually whimpered, drawing twin snickers from his mates. And then, G’aladon was on him, kissing him breathless, and Quinn forgot all about any possible feelings of apprehension or anything else except his men, for that matter.

  It seemed that G’aladon succeeded in keeping a far better hold over his control than Quinn did. He managed to cast another spell without even tearing his lips away from Quinn’s. Not that Quinn was complaining. On the contrary, protest couldn’t be further away from his mind, especially when G’aladon’s tongue thrust in his mouth, massaging and caressing, giving Quinn a taste of what was to come. And of course, he would be an absolute idiot to disapprove, more so since G’aladon brought his now-naked body to Quinn’s. Quinn wrapped his arms around G’aladon’s neck, losing himself in the kiss and all the while grinding against G’aladon’s abdomen, the maddening friction sending shocks of pleasure through him. His cock was already leaking copious amounts of fluid, but G’aladon wasn’t much better off. Quinn could feel the other man’s arousal through their bond, but also in a more direct way, since his witch mate’s dick insistently nudged against his thigh.

  Naturally, Roarke didn’t stay out of the game for long. G’aladon briefly pulled away, ostensibly to catch his breath, but Quinn didn’t receive that benefit. Roarke stepped in, taking his mouth in a ravishing kiss that took no prisoners. Where G’aladon was pure, lustful, elegant seduction, Roarke unleashed animalistic passions, harsher, coarser, drugging in an intensity that could only be compared to the life energies of the planet itself.

  When Roarke finally pulled away, Quinn was dizzy with need, his body buzzing with sexual tension and desire. His anus clenched, aching to be filled. If he didn’t get fucked in five minutes, he’d lose his mind.

  Fortunately, Roarke and G’aladon seemed to feel the same urgency he did. G’aladon’s spell had left Roarke naked as well, something Quinn was very grateful for. He caught a brief peek of Roarke’s thick, swollen cock before the wolf flipped Quinn on all fours. G’aladon kissed Quinn’s shoulder and took position behind him, leaving Quinn to wonder what exactly they meant to do to him.

  Quinn spread his legs wide and pushed his ass up, unable to speak and trusting his body and his bond with his mates to do the communication. Thankfully, the two men didn’t leave him waiting. Two long, slick fingers invaded Quinn’s hole, stretching him in a languorous, careful, and somehow seductive way. Through the haze of pleasure now clouding his mind, Quinn realized G’aladon must have provided the oil again.

  When the witch’s digits brushed against Quinn’s prostate, though, Quinn’s thoughts became a blur of incoherence. Distantly, he was aware of his own voice begging and pleading, his words now a litany of random affirmations and mostly, littered liberally with his mates’ names. “Yes! God, yes! Roarke! G’aladon! Yes. There.”

  Relentlessly, G’aladon prepared him with a patience that chipped away at the last remnants of Quinn’s sanity. When the third finger went in, Quinn howled, feeling his climax already closing in. But it wasn’t enough, God, it wasn’t enough, and Quinn didn’t know whether to pull away or push back against the agonizingly pleasurable invasion.

  His choice was taken away from him when G’aladon at last deemed him ready. The witch retracted his fingers from Quinn’s ass and positioned his dick at Quinn’s opening.

  Quinn’s breath caught as he waited, but alas, G’aladon didn’t push inside. Nevertheless, a shower of sparks flowed over Quinn, G’aladon’s pleasure pulsing through the bond. Quinn realized Roarke was preparing G’aladon as well, and he fidgeted impatiently, the mere thought of what followed pushing him even closer to the edge.

  After what seemed like forever, his mates took pity on him and themselves. Ever so slowly, G’aladon pushed inside Quinn. The delicious burn, the way G’aladon’s dick stretched Quinn’s passage almost beyond what Quinn thought he could take, it was all
like Quinn’s personal version of heaven. A million sensations burst through him, and he buried his face in the pillow, struggling not to come, not yet.

  Finally, G’aladon was fully seated inside him. The witch stilled, giving Quinn time to adjust. Quinn was on the verge of tears by now, needing to be fucked so badly, but at the same time, enjoying every moment of what his mates were giving him.

  And then, in one single thrust, Roarke pushed inside G’aladon. Quinn felt the strong shove ripple all the way into his body. He arched his back and cried out, now connected to his mates in a way that he could have never imagined before meeting them. They fell into a rhythm with the ease of lovers who knew each other perfectly. And wasn’t that the truth? Everything within Quinn was open to his mates, theirs for the taking. He felt every thrust twofold as they moved, Roarke’s powerful strokes combining with G’aladon’s. At a deeper, more hidden level, he sensed his men’s pleasure as well, and it brought him an ecstasy that went far beyond the limits of the flesh.

  They lost themselves in the dance as old as time itself, pushing, shoving, moaning, and grunting, creating a cocoon that protected them from the outside world with their passion. Every time G’aladon’s dick brushed against Quinn’s prostate, Quinn fell more and more into a reality where only the three of them existed.

  Quinn wanted to remain here forever, to be one with his mates for all time. But alas, with all the foreplay and the buildup, he couldn’t hold back for much longer. His body demanded release, and he pushed back against G’aladon, seeking what only his mates could give him.

  G’aladon reached for Quinn’s cock, obviously intending to give Quinn the final impulse he needed to come. He never managed to go through with his plan, as Roarke suddenly bit down on G’aladon’s neck. Quinn couldn’t see it, but he could feel it. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t the one bitten. It was as if he had been dumped in a pool of hot molten lava, only to find it didn’t burn him. Instead, his oversensitized body instantly responded, and his world exploded into a rainbow of colors as he found his peak, crying out his mates’ names.

  G’aladon and Roarke were right there with him, and for a few perfect moments, there were no barriers between them. Quinn could see his mates’ every thought, knew how much they loved him and how much he meant to them. Likewise, they also experienced what he did and understood how precious they were to him.

  Time seemed to stop as they sank together in the nirvana. Within the pleasure of their joined climax, Quinn found something else just as beautiful and as profound. He had the certainty that their bond would outlast anything that would be thrown their way, that together, they would manage to overcome any challenge.

  As they began to recover, Quinn found himself at the bottom of a pile of sweaty, naked limbs. Roarke grunted, moving away, obviously concerned about squashing them, and G’aladon plopped down next to Quinn as well. They needn’t have bothered. There was no other place Quinn would have liked to be than with them, under them, loving them. They’d gone through so much together in such a short period of time and they’d emerged victorious.

  G’aladon seemed to be deep in thought as well. As he caressed Quinn’s cheek, he suddenly said, “You know, it occurs to me that I never really thanked you for hearing me out even when I was only a ghostly voice in your heads.”

  Roarke chuckled. “You thank us every day, G’aladon, just by existing. And you express your gratitude then, too.”

  “It’s not enough.” G’aladon huffed, practically emanating genuine frustration. “You gave me love. You gave me salvation. It’s never going to be enough.”

  Quinn brushed a light peck against G’aladon’s lips. “You’re looking at it from the wrong perspective,” he whispered. “We have a lot to be thankful for, as do you, but we have our whole lives ahead of us to celebrate what we have, together.”

  “Our whole lives. Together.” G’aladon grinned. “I like that. I like that very much.”

  “Excellent,” Roarke replied. “What do you say we continue our celebration right now?”

  Both G’aladon and Quinn laughed, but Roarke clearly wasn’t joking. And as the wolf showed them just how serious he was, Quinn knew without a doubt that he had been granted an amazing gift as well—the gift of a love that would never die.




  A native Romanian, Scarlet was born in 1986 and grew up an avid fan of Karl May and Jules Verne, reading fantasy stories and adventure. Later, when she was out of fantasy stories to read, she delved into her mother’s collection of books and, of course, stumbled onto romance.

  As a writer though, Scarlet Hyacinth was born one sunny summer day, when a dear friend of hers—the same friend who introduced her to GLBT fiction—proposed they start writing a story of their own. As it turns out, the two friends never did finish that particular story, but Scarlet discovered she had a knack for writing and ended up starting to write individually. And so, between working on her dissertation, studying for exams, and reading yaoi manga, she started writing the Kaldor Saga. Along the way, Scarlet met a lot of wonderful people who supported her, and in the end, she found her story a home and, in the process, fulfilled a beautiful dream.

  For all other titles by Scarlet Hyacinth, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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