Sinful Secrets Box Set: Sloth, Murder, Covet

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Sinful Secrets Box Set: Sloth, Murder, Covet Page 10

by James, Ella

  The door opens, and Milasy appears. She’s got a pretty, oval face, with deep brown eyes and glossy, straight black hair. She sees me and smiles. “Kellan. How’s it going?”

  “I’m here for Cleo,” I say. My lips are caught between a smile and a smirk.

  Milasy looks me over. I can see the approval on her face, followed by her curiosity. “She’s got you doing her laundry?” She seems to think this is unlikely. Then her face lights up. “Is there a puppy hidden in there?”

  I decide on smirk. “Not a puppy,” I tell her.

  “Okay. Well come on in.” I step inside a small but nicely adorned living area, and Milasy points to a hallway just beyond the kitchen on my right. “She’s down the hall there, on the right.”

  “Thank you, Milasy.”

  My long legs carry me through the living-kitchen area quickly enough. The hall is short: only a few strides. I stand on the lilac carpet outside Cleo’s door and knock twice. When the door swishes open, I smell her before I see her: some kind of soft perfume that reminds me a little of tea leaves. At first, she’s just a curtain of dark hair. Then she swings it back behind her shoulders and I see her face.

  Her green eyes are wide, long-lashed, and topped by thin, elegant brows. Her cheeks are high and always just a little pink. Her lips are slightly parted with surprise.

  My cock stiffens.

  “Kellan?” She’s holding a letter, which she lowers as her gaze sweeps me. She frowns at the basket, like she thinks I’ve got a snake inside.

  I surprise her and myself, leaning over and rubbing my thumb along her lower lip. “Cleo...”

  She jerks back. “Stop! And come inside, I guess.”

  She steps back, and I step inside her room. The first thing I notice is it’s blue: green-blue. It reminds me immediately of the ocean, viewed from high atop a cliff. And that reminds me of home. My chest aches.

  I roll my gaze around, noting a white iron bed with way too many plush blankets and quilts. It’s more blanket pile than bed. There’s a yellow dresser, topped with various frames, and a full-length mirror on one wall. A night stand with a delicate, yellow-shaded lamp, casting cheery, amber light across the room. A window, decked in gauzy red curtains. And on the ceiling, glow stars. Belatedly, I notice that the walls are dotted with canvases. I step closer to the nearest.

  It’s an abstract painting: red, maroon, and purple. But something juts out of it. I lean in closer and realize there are strips of paper melded into the bold oil strokes. A quick glance around confirms that the other canvases are similar: lovely abstract art, with strips of paper—and maybe even small objects—melded in.

  I reach out, compelled to touch, but at the last second, I sideline my hand to the wall outside the frame. I look at Cleo with my eyebrows raised. “Is this your art?”

  She glares at me. “Are you a critic, too?”

  I remember her calling me a comedian earlier and feel a twist of excitement. This girl is fiery. Complicated. Sexy. Taking her home will be rewarding in so many ways.

  I look again at the red, maroon, and purple piece before me. I look more closely at the strips of paper. I catch the words “Though absent long... But oft, in lonely rooms...” and my chest tightens so it hurts to talk.

  “‘Tintern Abbey’?”

  She steps closer. “I’m surprised you know it, math nerd.”

  Wordsworth was my mother’s great-great-great grandfather, but I see no reason to share that factoid with her. My mother was an artist, and while I have none of that talent, I’m not bad with words—finance is a double-major, along with English—but again, what’s the point?

  If she wants to see me as a math nerd, I can roll with that. There’s not much point in me sharing anything. Conversely, there’s not much point in me holding anything back...

  “I’m a Wordsworth fan,” I tell her simply.

  These words in her painting, I can’t stop staring at them. It’s like they’ve grown, until they fill my vision, and I feel the need to write.

  I’d like to write about her body. Which means I need to see it again. I turn around and find her still holding the letter.

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  She cradles it against her chest. “Private Cleo business.”

  I find myself chuckling at her puckered lips. “That sounds dirty.”

  “Maybe if you have a dirty mind.” She sets it on the edge of her dresser with some reluctance, and I close my hands around her waist, turning her toward the spot on her rug where I sat the laundry basket.

  “A gift for you,” I murmur by her ear.

  She crouches down, forcing my greedy hands to release her. “Blankets?”

  She reaches into the basket, and I walk around to stand at the foot of her bed, so I can see her face as she digs... ah, she found it. Her eyes pop open wider. Her jaw drops.

  “Holy shit! Are you kidding me? Is this a brick?”

  I nod, and she pulls out a pound of weed, wrapped dozens of times over in Saran Wrap. It’s about the shape of a masonry brick.

  She “Ooooos” and “Aaaaaahs” over it, and I hold my poker face, even though I want to smile. “I told you I’d take care of you.”

  She drops it on her bed and runs her hands over it reverently.


  Her eyes crinkle as she beams. “It’s my baby,” she croons. “My weed baby. What do I owe you?” She looks a little worried, so I’m happy to tell her, “Nothing. It’s a show of good faith.”

  Her eyebrows jut up, and the smile falls off her face. “And if monkey can’t learn math?”

  “Then you got lucky. Or your clients will come find my guys when you run through this, so I get all your ex-clients.”

  She comes at me, and I’m stunned to feel her arms around me. “Thank you for this!” She presses her cheek against my chest and squeezes me around the waist. “I’ll give you fifty percent at least, I swear!” She releases me, still grinning like a little fool, and I feel a tug in my gut as she turns back toward her gift. “It smells like heaven.”

  “So do you,” I say to her slim shoulders. “You smell like tea.”

  She turns back around and smiles at me, a mega-watt grin that streams charm through the little room like sunlight. “I wear Green Tea perfume. You’ve got a good nose.”

  “Part of the job,” I kid.

  “I want to know more about it,” she says eagerly.

  “My nose?” I’m surprised to find myself smiling again. I press my lips together, because my cheeks are aching.

  “The job, silly.”

  I arch my brows. “Does this mean we’re... associates?”

  I’m actually thinking of making her my partner, but it’s too soon to tell her.

  I fold my arms over my chest and watch her leggings stretch over her nice, round ass as she stashes the brick under her bed. She ignores my ‘associates’ comment as she turns and sifts through the basket. “Snuggly blankets.” She presses her face into one of them. “They smell like fresh detergent.”

  “They are freshly detergenterized.”

  “By you?”

  “Who else?” I ask. For some reason, I want her to think I laundered them myself. “I’m courting you, Cleo. You said you like fleece.”

  “When did I say that?” she asks, almost accusingly.

  “Last night.” I run my eyes over her bed, and Cleo’s cheeks stain red.

  “I don’t like to be embarrassed,” she says. She leans her butt against the mattress and her green eyes peer into mine.

  “So don’t be.”

  “I was going to do that anyway,” she says softly.

  By “that” I assume she means “masturbate,” not “have phone sex.” I can tell she’s trying to be casual and failing. Even her neck is red now. I’m surprised I’m having this effect on her.

  She recently got out of a relationship with Brennan. That guy is boring, and a douche. Maybe he just never really did it for her.

  I assume she was referencing
him; the guy who bound her wrists with his tie. I wonder if it was on this very bed... I grit my teeth. I can’t stand to imagine her body stretched out under his.

  Instead I ask, “What else don’t you like? Teach me your mysterious ways.”

  Her green eyes blink, wide and more solemn than this moment calls for. “I don’t like surprises.”

  The intensity of her expression makes me smile a little, teasingly. Cleo seems, to me, like exactly the sort of girl who would enjoy a nice surprise. “So I need to promise never to surprise you?”

  She nods, chewing her lip. “Unless it’s good. Like that.” She nods to where she tucked the brick under the bed.

  I’ve got nothing good at all, so I promise, “No more surprises.”

  She seems appeased by that, as if she’s moved past whatever serious moment had its claws in her.

  “Sixty-five percent,” she says lightly, grabbing a leather book bag from one of the bed’s posts. “Because that deal of yours is so not happening. I can barely add two plus two. You’ll see.”

  I reach down to work the bag’s strap from her fingers.

  “Don’t think that wins you any points,” she warns. She grabs a water bottle off the dresser, stuffs the letter she had earlier into her bag, and sprays the room with linen-scented air freshener, while I check out her art again. I like the bold brush strokes and the way that she blends color. The texture of the paper adds a 3D effect.

  The one I’m looking at now is Sylvia Plath. The colors are a translucent sort of jade, pale gold, and, in a few places, milky white. Running jagged and clear, horizontally, through the middle of the canvas, is a line I recognize immediately and, after a long second, place as a line from the poem, “Daddy.”

  “So I never could tell where you put your foot, your root, I never could talk to you...”

  Where in the Wordsworth-inspired painting, the colors are a blunt amalgam, making any intention beyond the feeling of discord difficult to discern, the colors here are elegant; almost ghostly. They fade in and out of each other, like billowing clouds backlight by glowing light.

  The pale spots—clouds—are beautiful. Blooming. Swelling into whatever they will be. The painting stirs a feeling of inevitability, and catches something at the bottom of my throat, so it’s hard to draw my next breath.

  I look up and find her staring at me with a poker face. “Criticism?” she snips.

  I shake my head. “It’s lovely.” I want to say more, to rave about the particular feeling she just thrust into my chest, but I can’t find the words. I’m only good with words on paper, so I just stand there, hoping that I look sincere.

  “Thank you,” she says eventually. She sniffs, standing a little straighter. “I don’t like fake compliments, you know.”

  “Then you’ll be glad to learn, I don’t like blowing smoke up asses.” I hold her gaze for a moment, just to show her I mean it. Then I hold out my arm, and she slides her tiny hand between the crease of my forearm and my bicep.

  I walk her down the creaking stairs and out onto the porch, down the stairs into the lawn, then through the lamp-lit, car-filled parking lot. A balmy, grass-scented breeze tosses her dark hair, filling my nose with her light, sweet scent.

  “That’s your car, right?” she asks, as we approach the Escalade. A street lamp shines off the hood, making the black paint look like wet ink.

  I nod. It belonged to my father first, but that’s just another thing not to mention. He’s not someone I care to talk about.

  “You know it’s called the Sexcalade,” she says as I steer her around the hood and toward the passenger’s door.

  “What?” I stop with my hand stretched toward the handle.

  Cleo gives me a smirk that has a distinctly chastising tilt to it. “People call this thing the Sexcalade. Because the last four months.”

  “The last four months.” I repeat the words once more in my head, trying to make sense of them. The last four months are significant to me personally, but I don’t associate them with sex. In fact, I’ve never had so little. I pull her door open, and in her soft, prim, Southern drawl she says, “Before that, you didn’t ever seem to go out hooking up with people.”

  She hoists her small self neatly into my passenger’s seat, and I press my lips together. So that’s what people think. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I got noticed.

  After I dismissed Gina, my last submissive, I thought I could terminate all sex. I made it all of thirty-seven hours before I admitted that would never work. So I started bar-hopping.

  I always took the women I picked up to hotels. I couldn’t fuck them how I like, because word would get around—as evidenced by Cleo, looking smugly down her nose at me right now. I fucked them hard and fast and sent them on their way. They may have told their friends I like it rough, but they couldn’t say they didn’t enjoy it.

  All those liquored, perfumed, ropeless fucks weren’t satisfying. By coincidence, about the time I started to feel restless, I was sniffing out my “rival.” She’s been my distraction ever since. Everything about her, from her slow, casual gait to the way she throws her head back when she laughs—like a bad actress on a sitcom—strums some cord inside me.

  I think I knew earlier than I’ve been willing to admit that I need Cleo in my windowed room.

  I walk around the car without corroborating her story about the “Sexcalade” and slide behind the wheel. I can feel her watching me. I ignore the urge to meet her eyes as I back out of the spot.

  It doesn’t matter why I was never seen out socially with women, then suddenly was. She doesn’t need to know. Keeping Cleo in the dark about me is the only way I can know her.

  I pull out of the parking lot onto a crosswalk-striped campus street. She crosses her legs and props her hands on her knee. She looks at me, and I can feel her expectation hanging in the shadows.

  “So that’s kind of weird, right?” she asks me, in a chipper, prodding tone. “Aren’t you going to tell me why you didn’t you date before four months ago?”

  My throat stings with the question. Four months. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long. I wish I had met Cleo before. I want to have her thoroughly, and now I’m worried that there won’t be time.

  I keep my feelings off my face, because, again—she doesn’t need to know this shit. I twist my lips into a smug smile and try to project the Kellan Walsh she thinks she knows. “Maybe I was in a committed relationship.”

  Her pretty face twists skeptically. “Were you?”

  I laugh. “That’s Kellan business, don’t you think?”

  I turn into the narrow drive that leads around the side of the huge, brick library building.

  “I thought we’re doing business together,” Cleo replies.

  “Are you committing to that?”

  She hmphs.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  I find a spot on the second level of the parking deck and notice the thought of Cleo doing business with me has taken some of the tension out of my shoulders. More and more, I think she’s exactly right for what I have in mind. It gives me peace.

  I walk around the front of the car and open her door. She sashays out, her black shawl fluttering behind her as her boots click against the cement. Like every time I’m near her, it’s a struggle not to touch her in some way.

  She turns around to face me as I shut the passenger’s side door. “Were you?” she asks, hand on her hip. She looks like a superhero with that ridiculous long shawl and those boots. “Were you with someone before? Honesty, Kellan. If you want to work with me...” She licks her soft, pink lips. My cock twitches.

  I trail my hand down her lower arm, catching her by the wrist and tugging her lightly toward a covered breezeway that adjoins the parking deck to the side of the library.

  “I was,” I say as I slide my fingers through hers. It’s not a lie—exactly. “I was always with someone else before.”

  Sometimes several someones. The relationships were always regular; mut
ually beneficial and bordering on official at times. So much neater and tidier than what I’m doing now with Cleo. So much more... sound—in every way.

  She frowns at my answer, as if she’s turning it over in her head and isn’t sure what to make of it. Then she looks down at our joined hands. “For a domineering prick, you’re pretty big into hand-holding, aren’t you?”

  I grin, and quickly roll my lips together. “You’re mine for now,” I murmur to the top of her dark head. She tries to pull ahead of me, but I ignore that fact and focus on the warmth of her hand in mine, on her small-but-curvy body. I tighten my grip and force her to break her fast stride. She looks back at me, and I bring her hand to my lips. “I want to keep you close.”

  She snorts and increases her pace until she’s dragging me behind her. I’m surprised to find I’m feeling...lighter. The weight that seemed ever-present on my shoulders seems to have drifted off—at least until I see the mail bin at the top of the library’s brick steps.

  Emptiness yawns inside me: a crushing need for what I can’t have.

  As Cleo flounces to the glass doors, I drop another half-step behind. I slide the post card out of my back pocket and reach around behind her to toss it inside.

  She spins, a blur of black fabric to match her raven hair. “Did you just mail a letter?” she demands. It’s the same tone she uses for everything: some funky blend of incredulity and amusement—as if she’s ready and waiting to comment on any toe I put out of place.

  I murmur, “Kellan business.”

  Pain cries through me, and I tell myself to try to forget about the postcard. After all, there is no address on it: no mailing, no return. It, like the few others I’ve written since May, will be discarded.

  And still, the words echo in my mind.

  I’m sorry, Sloth.

  I’m so sorry.

  Chapter Nine



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