Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...

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Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his... Page 7

by Haven, Leila

  I chewed on my bottom lip, weighing up whether I was brazen enough to tell him what I really wanted. It was tempting to go the easy route and shyly say that it was up to him.

  But this was my moment. A chance for me to say exactly what I wanted and take control of my dom. I knew he wouldn’t afford me this opportunity too often. He was the one who enjoyed control and I was more than happy to let him have it. Normally.

  Taking a deep breath, I shook off any reservations that still remained. “I want you to fuck me,” I said, tasting the words like they were candy on my lips.

  Cooper’s hands disappeared from my pussy. “Stand up.”

  Instantly I was worried I’d said the wrong thing. Maybe I shouldn’t have spoken the way I did. Perhaps it had been a test and I was supposed to have deferred the question to him, trusting in his judgment. I rose to my feet, feeling a hot blush on the apples of my cheeks.

  “Turn around.”

  I turned, holding my breath.

  “Sit down, babe.”

  I sat and immediately Cooper pulled me against him again. He shifted me, pushing my legs open until they rested on the outside of his. His arms were warm and enveloping around my waist.

  “Ride my cock, babe,” he commanded. I moved a little until his penis was between my legs and knocking on my entrance door. With Cooper’s guidance, I allowed him to slide into my pussy, filling me while I sat on his lap. I loved the feel of his broad chest flush against my back.

  The water lapped around us as I ground against him. His throbbing cock pumped back and forth within me, stretching my opening as it pounded me. Cooper started caressing my clit, driving me wild with his skilled touch.

  The combination of his cock and fingers were driving me into a new frenzy. The water splashed against the side of the tub, threatening to spill over and crash to the floor. The whole room was covered in aquamarine-colored tiles, easily able to withstand any leaking.

  Our bodies slapped together, sloshing the water as it was caught between our naked bodies. The bath was suddenly too hot, making my blood boil as it mixed with the heat flushing my skin from our connection.

  Cooper increased his pace, chasing his climax with grunting determination. His skin was skimming along the back of my neck, adding to the joy that sung through my body.

  “Hold on, babe,” he instructed. It took all my energy to stave off the climax. His fingers were magical against my clit, drawing circles around the area that took my breath away.

  I wasn’t going to make it. Any moment, the strokes were going to become too much and I would lose it. I didn’t know how to keep it all together and await his command. I was too far gone, too turned on to keep the switch from flicking.

  Cooper’s fingers drew smaller circles, pressing into my clit and flicking the delicate piece of skin back and forth. No matter how hard I tried to ignore the growing climax, I just couldn’t.

  The orgasm came, causing my pussy to contract around his cock. Cooper didn’t say anything, finding his own release a few seconds afterwards. Our bodies stilled as we rode out the waves of joy that were determined to sing through our nervous system.

  I relaxed against Cooper’s chest, his muscled arms encircling me and holding me there. We didn’t say a word while the absolute elation took us over. My breathing was ragged as it coursed through my veins. I had never experienced such bliss before and it was all because of the sexy man behind me.

  My hands rested on Cooper’s as they linked over my belly. His twined them with his own hands, making me feel so loved and connected that I knew what we had was something incredibly special.

  All the energy in my body left me, making me sleepy and content while the aftershocks rocked me. I sighed with happiness, completely at peace.

  Cooper kissed a line across my shoulders. “You are better than I could have dreamed of, babe.”

  “So are you,” I replied, still a little breathless.

  We remained in the tub until the water went cold. Cooper helped me out before wrapping me in a fluffy pink towel. He kissed my forehead before finding a towel for himself, wrapping it around his waist so I could still see his chiseled chest.

  “Our play session is over for today,” he started. “But don’t think you’re going to get away with coming without permission. I’ll think up a suitable punishment before our next play.”

  He slapped my bottom playfully. We left the playroom for the day, going in separate directions to clean up. I returned to my suite of rooms and had a quick shower, washing away any traces of our play.

  My skin was still buzzing from the excitement afterwards. I tried to sit still but nothing was holding my attention. I was too wired and couldn’t stay within the four walls any longer.

  My hunger took me to the kitchen. While in the playroom, I had been intent on the play, forgetting that I still needed food to keep me going. I found some lasagna in the fridge and cut a slice. Sitting at the kitchen bench, I looked out the window. The house was on the top of a hill, and the view was spectacular – undulating green hills in every direction I looked.

  It felt like I was looking at a landscape from a magazine, one too beautiful to exist in real life. Cooper’s closest neighbor in either direction was miles away. All the land I could see belonged to my dom.

  I couldn’t remember ever being this happy before. Back in my hometown, I had known there was a big wide world out there. I had wanted to explore every inch of it, but a part of me had doubted I would ever get the chance. I was to marry Billy, have a few kids, and support him in his political ambitions. He was going to be mayor one day, just like his papa.

  Leaving had been the right decision. I wanted to see the world, and I couldn’t have done that in my old life. With Cooper, I had a shot. We could see the world together and have endless adventures. I wanted to experience everything with him.

  My mind wandered to the punishment Cooper would give me for coming without permission. The thought of a spanking filled me with excitement. I trusted him completely, knew he wouldn’t do anything that would hurt me. A little spanking would be fun to experience.

  I couldn’t imagine Cooper ever inflicting pain on me. As my dom, he could punish me any way he deemed fit. There were plenty of whips and chains in the playroom; all could have been used in punishment. I had a feeling they would leave me highly aroused rather than chastised.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” Cooper’s voice made me jump in the silence. I hadn’t heard him creep up on me. He slid onto the stool beside me.

  “I can assure you, they aren’t worth repeating,” I replied. My blush probably gave him a fair idea of what was consuming my thoughts.

  Cooper was wearing loose jeans and a yellow polo shirt. He looked the picture of casual chic. I didn’t think he could ever look bad in anything he wore. Dressing his body was like adorning a god.

  “I’m sure that’s not true.” He flashed me one of his dimpled cheeks. “What were you really thinking about? You seemed far away when I came in.”

  I wasn’t ready to share my sexual fantasies. For now, I would have to tell a half-truth. “I was thinking about how my life would have been if I’d stayed in Clayton.”

  “And what would it have looked like?”

  “Boring. I’d probably be knocked up by now and obsessed with keeping a tidy house. I wouldn’t want anyone saying I didn’t keep a good house for my man.” Even the thought made me shudder. “My world would be very small and contained.”

  “I’m glad you made the decision to leave. A woman as extraordinary as you shouldn’t be a pretty bird in a small cage. You deserve to fly.”

  “Do you really mean that?”

  Cooper nodded. “I do. The moment I saw you, I knew there was something that sparkled underneath the gorgeous exterior. You have something that money can’t buy.”

  My heart was swelling larger with every word he muttered. “What did I have?”

  He shrugged. “It’s hard to describe. It’s like a light. You were luminous wit
h it, all sparked and ready to truly shine.”

  I didn’t have anything to say to his beautiful words. I wanted to feel that light, shine it all on him so he knew how much I cared for him. Maybe he was the one who had lit that spark.

  There was a comfortable silence between us as I ate the lasagna. Cooper grabbed a fork and started eating it too. We didn’t need words. They were completely overrated.

  When the food was all gone, Cooper disappeared through a door off the kitchen. He returned a few moments later with a wine bottle. “A little red?” he asked.


  He grabbed two glasses and set them on the bench in front of us, pouring the red wine up to the half-full line. “I picked this up in France when I was there for business. They assured me it was a good vintage.”

  Cooper smelled the wine before swirling it around in his glass. He took a sip and pursed his lips while he thought of the verdict. I took a quick sip, my mouth filling with the delicious wine.

  “Quite nice, don’t you think?” he said. I nodded. “When I first came in here, I thought you might be reconsidering your stay here. I thought maybe our session was too much for you. You looked very deep in thought.”

  “Not at all. I was actually thinking of my punishment options, wondering what you were planning on doing to me.”

  “You were worried?”

  I laughed. “The opposite. Should I be worried?”

  A cheeky sparkle made his eyes shine. “You can always use your safe word.”

  My stomach fluttered at the way he was looking at me. Waiting for the next session in the playroom was going to be like torture.

  It couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter 11

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  Monday morning arrived too soon with Cooper having to return to the office. Thankfully, this time I was going with him.

  My closet suddenly had a corporate wear section. The clothes had arrived the day before with Miss Cassidy’s logo emblazoned on the packaging. I hung up the skirt suits in all different shades of gray and admired how professional they would make me look.

  I dressed in a black suit, pairing it with a white blouse that had a bow at the front. All I needed was a pair of glasses and I would look just like a stereotypical office worker.

  Cooper was waiting for me outside, leaning casually against the car with one hand in his pocket. He could have easily been plucked from the middle of a magazine ad. He stood up straight when he saw me.

  “I am not going to get any work done today,” he said, his eyes scanning me from head to foot. I blushed at the compliment.

  “Well, I’m not going to be the new girl that’s sleeping with the boss,” I replied.

  “Touché, Miss Williamson.” Cooper opened the passenger door for me and waited until I had settled into the vehicle before he closed the door. He slid effortlessly into the driver’s seat.

  Music filtered through from the car’s speakers. It was mostly eighties rock, something I hadn’t been expecting. “I didn’t know you were such a fan of the old classics.”

  A lopsided smile quirked his lips as he tore his gaze away from the road long enough to look at me. “I’m full of surprises, just like you are.”

  I shrugged and leaned my head back onto the leather headrest, enjoying the ride. I was nervous about starting work at King Endeavors, and the music was helping to take my mind off it. I didn’t want everyone at the company thinking I was completely useless and uncaring. I planned to show them all that I deserved the job even without Cooper’s help.

  We pulled into the parking lot, where Cooper’s spot was empty and waiting for him. The security guard addressed us both by name as he greeted us. We walked on through to the elevators and rode upwards. It was difficult not replaying what had happened in that elevator the first time we used it.

  Cooper left me with his assistant, a stunning redhead in her twenties. “I’ll see you at lunchtime,” he said to me, winking. Lunchtime seemed like a very long way away.

  I looked at his assistant and she looked at me. The air was completely awkward, with neither of us sure what we should be doing.

  “I’m Melody,” she said, extending her hand. I shook it, hoping she didn’t notice my sweaty palms.

  “I’m Emily. It’s nice to meet you.” I took a breath and we both laughed nervously. “Please just forget that Cooper is my boyfriend. I don’t want to be treated any differently from anyone else.”

  “I’m so glad you said that. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and if you were absolutely horrible, I didn’t know how I was going to get through it.” She smiled kindly, both of us relieved.

  “So where do I start today?”

  “Well, I need to deliver some internal mail. Do you want to come with me? You’ll get a feel for the layout of the place.”

  “Sounds perfect,” I agreed. I didn’t confess that Cooper had already taken me on a walk-through. A refresher was definitely required. Maybe this time I would remember everyone’s names.

  As it turned out, Melody was actually really nice herself. She was also in on all the office gossip. As we delivered the mail, she pointed out anybody that she had some details on.

  King Endeavors was a cesspool of gossip. So many people were sleeping with others in the office, not to mention hidden pregnancies, affairs, and a case of crabs. I didn’t need to watch daytime soaps, I was working in one.

  Along with all the inside information, Melody also told me the people to stay away from. The men who chased every tail that passed their desk, the women who were great at backstabbing, and the young ones who would only suck up for promotions.

  By the time we finished the rounds, my head was spinning. Melody left me to do some filing with a cup of coffee. I hid away behind my desk and hoped nobody noticed me.

  The filing was easy, I finished it in under an hour and reported back for a new task. “You’re finished already?” Melody asked.

  “Yep. What else do you have for me?”

  She looked around her cubicle, searching for a task, it seemed. Her hand clasped a thick file as she hauled it onto the desk. “You can take care of this for me. They are expense reports that need to be entered into the system.”

  Melody showed me how to enter a few before I took the file back to my desk. The work wasn’t exactly stimulating my brain, but it felt good to be doing something.

  Lunchtime came around quickly. I saw feet beside my desk before my gaze traveled upwards. Cooper was standing there, still as gorgeous as ever. “I have lunch waiting for us in my office.”

  I knew a command when I heard one. I followed Cooper back to his office, noticing the way he locked the door behind us. A shiver ran down my spine with the thought of why he might need to ensure our privacy.

  He hadn’t been kidding about lunch. The coffee table in front of the couch was covered in different dishes. “We’re eating Japanese today,” he explained. Everything looked delicious, including the man himself.

  We sat down and started eating, all the food making my mouth water. I wouldn’t have had that last muffin from the break room if I had known I would be indulging in all these tasty dishes.

  “How is your first day going?” Cooper asked.

  “Great. Melody has been really nice to me,” I replied.

  “What does she have you doing?”

  “I filed and then entered expense reports.”

  “That’s all?” His tone of voice gave away his annoyance. I instantly hoped I hadn’t let him down in any way. I nodded. “I asked her to make sure you got exposed to all different positions. It sounds like you’re just doing her job for her.”

  The last thing I wanted to do was get Melody into trouble. “No, it’s not like that, I promise. She’s easing me into it and I’m fine with that.”

  “You’re a smart woman, Emily. I don’t want your talents being wasted. I’ll have a word with Melody after lunch.”

  “Please don’t do that,” I begged. It would be the worst kind of
display of preferential treatment. It would guarantee everyone would hate me. “Just let me get through today and I’ll prove to her that I can do more than what she’s giving me. Please?”

  We locked eyes and I could see the dom staring back at me. He didn’t like his actions being questioned but he was torn between that and wanting to ensure my feelings were considered.

  We weren’t in the playroom, or even in the bedroom, but he couldn’t turn off his desire to control. He finally looked away, clenching his jaw tightly before he spoke again. “Fine. Just today. If I find you doing that same work tomorrow, I will be forced to take you over my knee and express my dissatisfaction.”


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