de Lune, Clair - Davy Meets His Match [The Blood Red Rose Club 4] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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de Lune, Clair - Davy Meets His Match [The Blood Red Rose Club 4] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 1

by Clair de Lune

  The Blood Red Rose Club 4

  Davy Meets His Match

  When Davy Jones interviewed Dommes he didn't expect to meet the woman of his dreams, Juniper Bale. What is she hiding from him? Juniper is challenged by two of the club's macho subs, and when she bests them both she knows she's made enemies. She's fighting her attraction for Davy, reluctant to admit she's not the Domme she pretends to be. Davy drives her home and a chance touch fuels their immediate and uncontrollable physical attraction. Some of his words trigger bad memories, but she refuses to tell him the details. She submits to him, but he promises to keep her secret in the club.

  Juniper is made the target of a hate campaign, culminating in a serious incident which leads Davy to question his future. Old friends step in to help and finally Davy makes a life-changing decision. Can Juniper reciprocate? Can she put to rest the demons that have haunted her for most of her life and seize her chance of happiness with Davy?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 27,242 words


  The Blood Red Rose Club 4

  Clair de Lune


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Clair de Lune

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-066-5

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To EAM.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author


  The Blood Red Rose Club 4


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  “Well, that one won’t do, Doc,” Davy said, running his hands through his long hair.

  “No, and that’s the last but one. If this next one is a wash-out, we shall have to start again,” his companion said.

  “Next,” Davy said into the intercom on his desk. The two men were sitting behind Davy’s huge desk in Davy Jones’s Locker, a BDSM club in Sheffield. The door opened to admit the last candidate and Davy’s jaw dropped. He heard Doc draw in a swift breath. She’s drop-dead-gorgeous. That hair is like a glossy, black velvet curtain. That long fringe just emphasises her eyes. Such gorgeous eyes. They’re huge, hazel with a tint of green and fringed with the longest lashes I’ve ever seen. Can they be real?

  She advanced into the room, stepping with confidence on four-inch heels of black leather to match the satchel she carried. She wore a grey, pinstriped business suit. The straight skirt skimmed her knees, and Davy swallowed as he glimpsed the dimples. The jacket was long and fitted her like a glove. Under it, she wore a crisp, white shirt, with a cravat of deep sea-green silk to complete the outfit. She was stunning. Davy couldn’t take his eyes off her. She laid her black-leather satchel on the desk in front of him.

  “Please sit down, Miss Bale,” Davy said, indicating the chair placed in front of the desk.

  “Thank you,” she said. She sat in one fluid, elegant movement. She crossed slim ankles and tucked them under the chair. Then she waited in silence, unmoving and seemingly perfectly at ease.

  Unusual. Most women in this situation would have to talk. In fact, the other candidates had done just that. Not so, this one. She looked him in the eyes and her gaze never wavered. She can keep silent and so still, unlike my dick, which perked up the moment she walked through the door. He pulled himself together.

  “Well, Miss Bale, so you want to join us in the club as Domme in residence,” he said.

  “Yes, Mr. Jones, I do.” Her voice was low and musical, with a trace of a Yorkshire accent.

  “Just a few general questions to start with. Where have you worked before?”

  “My first appointment was in The Blood Red Rose Club, in Carlisle.”

  “Excellent. I know Valkyrie well. I assume he will give you a reference?” he asked.

  “I’m sure he will,” she said. Her voice might be low, but her answers were delivered in a firm and decisive tone.

  “Have you worked anywhere else?”

  “I trained in The Blood Red Rose Club.”

  “So you remained there for your first appointment?” Doc asked.

  She turned to face him and Davy took the opportunity to adjust his cock and make himself more comfortable.

  “Yes. I worked there for ten years.”

  “How old are you, Miss Bale?” Doc continued with his questions.

  “I’m fifty-two.”

  “Well you certainly don’t look it. You came to t
he lifestyle late in life. Why was that?” he asked.

  “I became a Domme late in life, but I was in the lifestyle before that for twelve years. When I was twenty, I met a man who introduced me to it. I enjoyed it, but then we split up, and for the next twelve years, I confined my interest to reading, research online, and the occasional visit to a club.”

  “At what point did you decide to become a Domme?” Davy took up the questioning again and she turned her face toward him. He felt the jolt in his groin as their eyes met again.

  “In my thirties. I had done a lot of research, and I realised that I wanted to be a Domme, so I found a club where I could train.”

  “Why Carlisle?”

  “I wanted to return to my hometown as a trained Domme. I thought it would be much easier if I trained where I wasn’t known already,” she said.

  “If Valkyrie trained you and then took you on for your first appointment, he will have done a good job. I look forward to hearing what he has to say about you.” As he said that, he looked closely at her to gauge her reaction. She remained serene and unruffled. It seems she’s confident that he’ll speak well of her. That’s a good sign.

  “What’s your speciality?”

  “Bondage. I’m very interested in Kinbaku but have yet to find someone to instruct me. Wax play is the other speciality, but I can wield a paddle and flogger, too. I’m said to be dangerous with a bag of clothes pegs.”

  Davy allowed himself a small smile. He could imagine the scene and would love to see it.

  “Suspension?” Davy asked.


  “Why not?”

  “I can do it, and will, if a client insists, but I’m not keen. You have to concentrate so hard on the mechanics and the safety of your sub that the intimacy of the tie and the interaction between Domme and submissive is not so intense,” she said.

  “I have to agree with you there. Any restrictions?”

  “I strongly prefer men, but I won’t refuse women.”

  “What do you think you could bring to this club?” Doc asked.

  “Enthusiasm for my work. I'm conscientious and punctual. My safety record is excellent, Mr…?”

  “My name is Doc. I’m a part-time Dom. I’m a doctor by day, hence the nickname. I’m in the club most evenings and on-call for minor mishaps.” He smiled at her. “Is there anything you wish to ask us?”

  “What sort of clientele do you get?”

  “Well, in this area of the city they can be a bit rough and ready, but Davy will stand no nonsense, and they know not to step over the line,” Doc said with a smile.

  “I assume the terms and conditions are the same as those sent to me in the e-mail with the application form?”

  “Yes indeed, Miss Bale,” Davy said, “moreover, any tips or gratuities from clients are your sole property.”

  “That seems very generous. I’ve no more questions, thank you.”

  “Well, Miss Bale, that’s all we need to know. Thank you for coming, and we’ll be in touch before the end of the week,” Davy said as he rose to his feet, followed by Doc and Miss Bale. They all shook hands. She picked up her satchel, turned smartly on her heel, and left, closing the door quietly behind her.

  * * * *

  Juniper heaved a sigh of relief as the door closed behind her. She’d been the last candidate and had had to sit and wait until the others had their interview and left. They were all younger than her and they’d all had smiles on their faces as they came out. She hadn’t known if that was because the interview had gone well, or it they just wanted to give that impression. She left the club and took a taxi to her hotel. During the ride, she fell to musing.

  I really need this job. I hope they were impressed. Doc seemed to be a very pleasant man. He’s so tall and slim, but I caught the ripple of muscles under his shirt. I’m not usually keen on sandy hair but with his creamy complexion and those delightful freckles across his nose, he’s a real cutie. Davy is something else again. My God, but he’s broad. That chest of his must be a maiden’s wet-dream when it’s bare. He’s so tall too. He must be at least six feet five. I wonder if he works out to keep that physique. His handshake was firm and cool. I like that in a man. His hair is very long, but I like the plait. I wonder how old he is? I’d put him in his fifties. His hair is still brown, but greying at the temples, giving him a distinguished look. It’s been a while since a man had that effect on me. It took all my willpower to meet his gaze, but it wouldn’t do for a Domme to look down. I managed to maintain eye contact, and I hope it was enough to allay suspicions, though he did give me a couple of odd looks. That will never do if I get this job. I can’t afford to fall for the boss. I’ve never mixed work with pleasure before, and I can’t start now. I have to have this job. In any case, he’s probably spoken for already. Doc, on the other hand, was a real sweetie, and I bet he noticed nothing amiss.

  She was mistaken.

  * * * *

  When she’d left the room, Davy was silent for a few minutes.

  “Doc, did you get the feeling she was hiding something?” Davy asked at last.

  “Oh there’s definitely something she’s not telling us. Is she a switch, do you think?”

  “What do you mean?” Davy asked, looking at him in puzzlement.

  “Man oh man, Davy, led by the dick again? While you were busy lusting after her, she was fighting to maintain eye contact with you. Miss Bale has secrets. You’d best phone Valkyrie and see what he knows. She’s our best candidate, so I hope it’s nothing untoward. I’d hate to have to go through all this again.”

  “No time like the present,” Davy said as he picked up the phone, flicked through his Rolodex, and dialled the number. The call was answered on the third ring.


  “Valkyrie, old son, is that you? It’s me, Davy.”

  “By all that’s holy. It’s a long time since we spoke,” Valkyrie said. “How are you? Are you keeping well? I see. Wednesday aren’t doing too well, are they?”

  “Better than bloody Carlisle United, at least,” Davy said.

  “Better leave the beautiful game out of the conversation, then. What can I do for you?” Valkyrie asked.

  “I want the inside information on Juniper Bale.”

  “What do you want to know?” Valkyrie asked. “She came here to be trained as a Domme. She was very good and so I gave her a job.”

  “Yes, I know all that. What isn’t she telling me?” Davy asked.

  “There is something. She has some secret, but I never discovered it. I have my suspicions.”

  “Care to share them with me?” Davy asked diffidently.

  “Well. She says she’s a Domme, and I trained her as such, but…Well, in the end I adopted the view that if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it must be a duck. It’s her own business, after all. She has an exemplary record up here. You need have no fear that she wasn’t well trained.”

  “I had no doubt of that. I just wanted to know if there was anything more I ought to know before I took her on?” Davy asked.

  “So you are going to give her a job? You won’t regret it.”

  “I’m sure I won’t. The clients here can be a rough lot. Do you think she will cope with them?” Davy asked. There was a shout of laughter from Valkyrie.

  “Oh yes, she’ll cope. The funny thing is that she may be playing a part, but if she is, she has it down to perfection. Any challenge is met and dealt with ruthlessly. She won’t be challenged. She tried to stare me down.”

  “Cheeky wench!” Davy laughed, but he was puzzled. He concluded the conversation with Valkyrie.

  “Remember not to be such a stranger, Davy. I haven’t seen you for years. Come up to Carlisle for a visit,” Valkyrie suggested.

  “Of course I will. It will be good to catch up.”

  “Make it soon,” Valkyrie said before he rang off.

  Neither of them knew just how soon it would be.

  * * * *

  The first evening in
Davy Jones’s Locker, Juniper was a little nervous. It’s perfectly normal. It’s a new job, what do I expect? No matter what she told herself, she wasn’t just nervous. She knew Davy would be there and that made her wet and jittery. She wanted him. That much was patently obvious to her, but she hoped not to anyone else. She didn’t think that Davy had suspected, but as for Doc, she couldn’t say. She would swear he missed nothing at all. Only time would tell, and meanwhile, she had a job to do and she had to concentrate. She looked at the clientele and judged them to be a rough and ready lot, as Davy had said. They are going to challenge me, but that’s nothing I haven’t faced and overcome before. The trouble is before, I wasn’t shaking like a jelly. I haven’t felt this way for years. I feel like a fucking teenager. I’d better concentrate or tonight things will get out of my control. Oops, here comes the first one, and by the look of things, he’s playing to a crowd. He’s a big bugger, too.

  The man who swaggered in her direction was certainly built like a bruiser. He was tall and tanned with a bare chest covered in tattoos. His muscles bulged and he wore only a leather thong. He was bare-foot and looked like a sub, but his attitude wasn’t submissive. Well, he’s dressed like a sub, but he seems to be the leader, and if I'm to be happy here, I have to beat him.

  “So you’re new here, babe,” he said in a loud voice, playing to the gallery of his friends, who laughed at the sally.

  “I am new here. My name is Mistress Juniper,” she replied.

  “Well, Mistress Juniper. I can take anything a mere woman dishes out. Do your worst, babe,” he said, again turning to grin at his mates.


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