The Slave That I Am

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The Slave That I Am Page 6

by K A Young

  "You are just like them..." her voice sounds slightly afraid, and the once smile that graced her lips fades away in the next second. She realizes that what I have been telling her is the genuine truth. Her tone alters once I answer her, my own confusion unseen in the cover of the shadows surrounding us.

  I can't see it...the presence around us, but I have the feeling that we're being watched but by who...that's a mystery even I can't see with my enhanced eyesight.

  What she says does bother me can I have anything in common with the vampires?

  She's entirely out of her mind, more than likely have been down here for some time to even bring up a statement such as that. If only she knew that the real meaning behind the hunters' to destroy the ones who seek to control what isn't meant to be ruled, to let freedom be carried out on the winds of change.

  With an icy tone to my voice, I state, "I am nothing like them."

  I hadn't even noticed or heard the dungeon door opening before Locaine's voice unnerves me by asking, "Really, slave?"

  My body stiffens when he does make his presence known, my eyes directly locking onto his form while the door shuts silently and solidly behind him. There is a startled gasp that leaves Carly's lips when he speaks, huddling closer to the wall and pretending to meld into it.

  "Adam will be down to take care of you soon enough," Locaine's attention briefly falls on Carly, her tears now falling freely from her eyes, "next time, I'm sure you'll remember your place before speaking or acting out of turn again."


  Carly cowers away in fear, turning her face to hide away against her shoulder. It is when she brings her arms up around her knees, hugging them tightly against her chest do I notice the many scars she bares on her arms. Each one is different from the next, a lasting story engraved into her flesh and reminding her of the pain and torment that awaits a simple act in her judgment to follow the commands of a vampire...or to deviate from their wishes.

  In the next moment, Locaine's attention drifts to me and away from the frightened girl, choking on her sobs as if they might offend him. His outfit had changed in the time I'd been asleep, light khaki pants fall over the top of dark dress shoes, a red and black flannel button up shirt left with the top button undone covers his muscular body. When his gaze locks with mine, he begins to stride toward the cell, his hand diving into his pant pocket and retrieving a key when he pulls it back out.

  It's hard for my eyes to pull away from the entrancing aura that he exudes. From his enchanting icy blue eyes that captivate me, staring into the darkest depths of my soul to the sharply cut features that have my angel and devil arguing atop of my shoulders...

  The curiosity within me draws my attention to the key he holds between his fingers, opening the cell door and calmly placing that key back out of sight in his pocket.

  Damn it...

  Unfortunately for me...Locaine noticed the way I had been staring at him and asks with a sly smirk on his face, "Do you like what you see?"

  Yes and no...although you would look a whole lot better if you were dead.

  The attraction can't be helped...the uncanny charm of a vampire working its own magic on me when I should be turning away from the temptation they bring. It only ends in lustful entrapment...and I don't want to fall prey to his game. Instead, I shake my head, hoping it will clear the images taking up residence within and avert my eyes quickly to the stone floor.

  The distance between us is quickly closed, Locaine taking a few short steps before a cold shiver runs down my spine. He places his hands on my hips, pulling me close to him. A gasp leaves my lips out of shock and pain, his grip none too gentle in the process of drawing my body to his. I can feel the wound still lingering from the force he'd used to punch me, asserting his first attempt at dominance and declaring I am nothing more to him then what he wants me to be.

  "It wasn't that long ago that you were practically giving yourself to me on your birthday," Locaine muses more to himself as he lifts one of his hands. His fingers roughly grasp my chin, forcing my gaze to meet with his and I return it with a cold glare. I don't want to be reminded of the way I had been so carefree...a hunter should never act like the way I had...

  "I didn't know who you were," I scoff angrily at him, attempting to pull my chin from his grasp.

  He holds me still, his grip tightening and forcing me to fight back the grimace that wants to work its way up onto my face. With a chuckle, he asks curiously, "And that would have made a difference?" I remain silent, not taking the bait carefully laid out before me. When the silence lasts long enough, he says, "No? Apparently not."

  Shifting under the way he holds me I state, "If you're not going to kill me, what do you want? What is your revenge plan...?" I ask him what I am dying to know...literally.

  Locaine tilts my chin slightly, exposing the soft flesh of my neck to his hawk eyes. When his lips touch my skin, I inhale sharply, my heartbeat starting to accelerate. The tips of his fangs brush against my flesh, another shiver traveling down the length of my spine and leaving me uneasy. My breathing appears to stop almost altogether, readying myself for if he decides that maybe he should have killed me before even bringing me to this dungeon.

  Instead, my eyelids slide shut when I find him drawing my earlobe between his teeth. He gently nibbles on it, his tongue flicking out and capturing it into his mouth. I can't stop the way my body reacts to his touch, a warmth rushing through me and pooling in my core. Trying with all my might, I can't bite back the light moan that slips past my parted lips, his voice on a seductive whisper as he says, "It is quite tempting, but that's not what I have planned for you, slave."

  As my head comes down from the clouds, his lips leaving me. He reaches into his other pocket and quickly retrieves a syringe, my eyelids snapping open while my eyes continue to grow wide. I'm completely and utterly powerless with that crap running through my veins, forcing me to not even attempt my hand at controlling blood should I spill it of my own free will.

  "Be still, or you're going to hurt yourself," Locaine's whisper is somewhat...concerning? The precaution he is taking and allowing for me to safeguard myself startles and throws me completely off guard.

  Wouldn't he want to hurt me at every chance he gets?

  In my own irrational irritation and knowing that there is absolutely no way he'd give me a chance at freedom, I growl lowly, "No..."

  My hips push against him, sliding one of my legs back to balance myself in the process. It happens very quickly when I suddenly thrust forward, attempting to knock him off balance and topple him to the stone floor. With faster reaction time then I possess, Locaine releases his hold on me, stepping to the side as I fling myself forward and into dead air.

  A cry leaves my lips.

  His elbow connects with my ribs, and it forces the air from my lungs. The impact leaves me in a daze, the gathering of my thoughts slowly returning and when I finally reach my limit I scream, "Fuck you!"

  He eyes me mischievously, "If you're going to behave this way every time, I will simply chain your arms and feet to that table over there," he makes a point of motioning to said table. My gaze follows his direction, passing the cage with the women being held like cattle and my eyes rest on the form in which he wants to restrain me next.

  I'll be better off just hanging least I have better movement, and I'll figure out a way to tear these damn chains from the ceiling if I must. If I'm chained down to that movement is entirely restricted, and I risk any form of escape my mind can formulate.

  Inwardly I cringe, knowing this sadistic son of a bitch would like me not able to move in the slightest. I refuse to give up without a fight, that soul of a hunter within me stirring and coming alive...something I haven't felt for such a long time. A part of me that is missing seems to enter every fiber of my being.

  My life is on the of course, my natural instincts are beginning to kick in. This is who I am, someone who fights for their freedom
and if I am to match Locaine's resilience...there is so much more I need to learn before I can break free...permanently.

  He reaches for me once again, however, this time I wrap my fingers around the binding chains above my head and pull down harder than I have up to this point. My feet lift from the stone floor, and I swing at him.

  Once again...I am reminded of the speed and agility of a vampire. Not just an ordinary vampire though, a pureblood unmatched by those I have seen. Before I realize where he has gone, I feel his breath fan my neck, the warmth of it causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. His grip is much tighter on my body, and he growls dangerously from behind me, "I'm losing my patience, slave."

  Without warning, my dress is completely stripped away from my body. The cold air stings my exposed flesh, and I inhale sharply at the feeling of it chilling me to the bone. Leaving me in my bra and underwear, I try to steady my irregular beating heart, my eyes lifting, and I catch the horrified look on Carly's face from across the room. I had almost forgotten about her, but with how dark it is...I know she is basing our encounter on the sounds we make.

  "If you move one more time," the threatening tone laced in his words makes me freeze on the spot, "I will bite you."

  He's toying with me, and my heart continues to race under his touch when I state, "You said you weren't going to kill me," because apparently, he has other plans for me...ones I'm not sure are going to be much better than death itself.

  His cold hands run over my stomach, shivering against his touch and shaking the thoughts coming forth and to the front of my mind, "If I can't control your blood magic, then I really will have no other choice."

  If he can't control me...he loses, and he's not going to risk his own life when he thinks I'm this mighty hunter when in truth...I'm hardly more experienced than a human.

  The way he says this brings forth a promise within me...

  ...I will not die like this...

  ...I will destroy this coven...

  ...just like my parents would and his life will be mine for the taking.

  With disdain, I retort firmly, "Fine."

  Locaine's right-hand removes itself from my skin, withdrawing the syringe once again as his left-hand holds me against him, my back flush against his chest. I can feel him lean his chin over my shoulder, my own gaze flickering down to see the moment the needle breaks through the surface of my flesh. A groan surpasses my lips, seeing the liquid slowly being injected into my body and continuing to weaken me further, the process only lasting a few moments.

  "Good slave," he whispers directly into my ear as if his praise means anything to me. He places the empty syringe back into his pocket. My breath is shaky, regretting even allowing for him to pump that nasty crap into me...

  One thing rings through my mind, and I reply coldly, "I am not your slave."

  I may be many individual to be beaten and angrily abused upon, to have the will of others forced upon me...a tool to be used in a revenge scheme...

  ...however, I am nobody's slave.

  Locaine thinks otherwise, his grip tightening on me when he chuckles as if my words are a challenge that he has accepted, "We'll just see about that."

  Chapter 5


  Only a coward would weaken another to ensure its victory. That's precisely what I make known to Locaine when I snarl, "You chain me up, inject me with that fuckin' crap...and beat me. You are a coward."

  I can feel his breath tickle the outer shell of my ear, the feeling of his hands still lingering on me putting me on edge as he whispers, "Do you really want to fight me?" He pauses a moment while chuckling as if taunting me, daring me to make a move as he finishes, “Would you like to try and kill me?"

  My heart pounds loudly in my chest, drumming against my ribcage. His footsteps echo off the stone floor while he circles around in front of me like a hawk, his eyes transfixed on my form. He stares into my eyes, almost as if hidden within his is a conflicted battle of pride and will, never having thought I would have lived this long being in the presence of a vampire let alone a pureblood.

  My features shift slightly when he says those words. The temptation is enticing, just the chance to end his life pushes me from my silence when I ask, "A fair fight?" The suspicion in my eyes is easily seen, the shrug of his shoulders letting me know that he hardly thinks anything of this confrontation.

  He takes a few steps toward me, the distance between us hardly room enough for a penny. His fingers capture my chin, lifting it as he stares down into my eyes with this mischievous look in his own as he replies, "Why not?"

  I know I'm hasty in my decision, but that doesn't stop my mind from processing the words flying past my lips when I say, "If this is the only chance I will have to kill you, then so be it, I accept." The words are full of venom, and without hesitation, as I confirm his offer without second-guessing the choice, I make.

  My rage continues to pulsate through my body, anger rising within me that brings forth the core being of what it means to be a hunter.

  "Oh, and there is one thing I forgot to mention," a sinister smirk works its way up onto his lips, dread filling me as my anger subsides at the realization of the cards I'm playing that have been laid out before me. His arms raised above my head, feeling him loosen the lock that binds my wrists to the chain hanging overhead, "If you lose, you will have to tell me where exactly your family members are."

  Well, fuck me!

  My eyes immediately widened in horror, the brief spitfire that had risen within me is nothing more than a facade. I know I'm not capable of beating him, thinking possibly I may win by a sheer stroke of luck, however, now I'm playing for much more than my own life...

  "Still want to try and kill me?" The curiosity in his voice only further testing my pride and my willingness to abandon what I know I shouldn't do...but there's just something burning within me, a flame not ready to be extinguished or go down without a fight.

  With my hands pinned in front of me by not only the shackles but Locaine's tight grasp, I test his strength. My attempt to free myself from the vice grip is hardly a challenge, not even having to bat an eye at my childish move.

  Instead, I observe this look in his eyes, the sudden movements he makes throws me off guard completely. He draws me closer to his chest with a surprisingly gentle touch, but his firm grip remains, holding me in place and inline. His free arm encircles around my lower back, the warmth from his touch causes me to inhale sharply.

  "I-I," my stammering isn't getting me anywhere as I answer his question. Pushing back the feeling of the way he affects me, I struggle against his grasp, attempting to squirm away from his hold but he hardly budges whatsoever.

  It's only after a few moments of my futile struggling do I entirely still in his arms. A small sigh escapes my lips, and I conclude that if I don't try to fight him...I may never escape from this dungeon...

  With a slight nod of my head and my hair falling past the front of my shoulders, I agree to the terms of our agreement. I won't deny the fear I have for this creature, knowing very well he can end my life at any given moment if he wishes to.

  "Then let's be on our way," as he says these words, the air leaves my lungs. He lifts me up into his arms, my heart skipping a beat before it begins to pound loudly, my face burning while the skin must have been a visible red.

  I feel like a bride...

  ...only I know he's carrying me to my grave instead of a wedding.

  "Put me down!" I scream in complete shock at his actions, the shackles still holding my wrists together while my arms rest on my thighs. Unfortunately, each time I try to get away, I am reminded of the strength I am about to go up against...and unless a miracle happens, I'm shit out of luck.

  You won't know unless you try...

  Locaine passes through the dungeon door opening, carrying me up through the hallways and to the main floor. I don't let up on my shrieking though, glaring at him while taking quick punches as I slam my bound hands dow
n against his own hands holding me.

  Many vampires are living within these walls, many of which are now staring at the two of us as he carries the shrieking banshee down the hallways and to his destination. Some stares are full of curiosity, the same way Locaine observes me, however, others quickly darken their looks to ones of loathing and anger...hate.

  We reach a hallway that leads to elegantly engraved doors, those doors standing open as we pass by and enter what appears to be some type of ballroom. This isn't a fairytale ending...a beast and his princess dancing in a glittering ballroom...

  Repeatedly I yell at him, neither enjoying being carried nor garnishing the looks I had received as he brought me through the hallways.

  "I said, put me-" I'm cut off the second his arms pull out beneath of me, and I'm left hovering in the air for a split second before the hard marble floor breaks my fall. A loud thud resonates from the spot I collide with, glaring up at Locaine while asking sarcastically, "Really?"

  Instead of giving me the courtesy of apologizing for being such an ass, he moves from the center of the ballroom where I have been dropped. Honestly...It would have been amusing if he had apologized...

  Locaine strides toward a large copper colored cabinet on the far side of the room. After he reaches his arms out, he takes hold of the golden handles and swings them both fully open to reveal clothing. It's a mixture of both men's and women's athletic wear, my eyes glancing down at the torn club dress I have been wearing for the past day or two at least. From within the cabinet, I see him withdraw a pair of black sweatpants and a plain dark t-shirt.

  Once he closes the door silently, he turns to face me. However, my eyes had wandered back to the chains that bind my wrists. It's not my fault I want to be a thief in another life, maybe I should have been then I might have learned how to pick a lock!


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