The Slave That I Am

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The Slave That I Am Page 8

by K A Young

  "Rynn," Locaine's voice is stern, shifting his stance sideways, making eye contact with the three vampires who await his command at the other side of the room. He surprises me when he orders, "Take the information I want from her," he pauses a moment as if debating whether his next words are entirely true, but he then finishes, "I don't want to kill least not yet anyway."

  First, he isn't going to kill he's toying with the idea if I'm better left alive...or better off dead.

  How exactly is she going to take any information from me?

  Will she torture me for it?

  Or worse...?

  My face flushes for a moment at the thought of her touching me the way Locaine had to force me to end our challenge. There's no way she'd dare to do that...would she?

  The woman in the sapphire and silver dress steps forward, the elegant dress flowing out behind her like a river across the marble floor. Her silver heels click softly as she gracefully glides across the large room, only halting when she reaches Locaine's side. My eyes trail over her gorgeous features, admiring that she is by far the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.

  Rynn wears a thin silver choker, her luminous green eyes locking onto me just as Locaine removes his right hand from his pocket, placing it on the small of her back. It's almost as if he's encouraging her, their silence only lasting a moment before she asks him sincerely, "Do you want me to make it...hurt?" Her fiery ringlets sweep past to her side while she turns to Locaine, lingering on the final word as if it's the deciding factor in what she decides to do with me.

  Locaine glances at me, his icy blue eyes locking with my own, my stomach dropping as he replies, "It wouldn't be a punishment if it didn't."

  What the hell am I being punished for?!

  I played his game...

  I wish I had the strength to fight, but my body and mind are exhausted. Rynn takes the few steps toward me, hardly a protest from me as she reaches down, her fingers wrapping around my upper left arm. She pulls me forcefully to my feet, afraid if she were to let go, I would collapse once again to the ground.

  Rynn pulls me close to her, tucking my right arm into her side while she pulls my wrist cross my back with her opposite hand. My fear comes back in full force the second she grabs the back of my hair, yanking it to the left and ultimately exposing the entire length of my neck.

  "Does she really equate to the life of your brother?" Rynn muses more to herself while questioning Locaine at the same time. She pulls my hair just a bit harder, a gasp leaving my lips at the thought of her about ready to snap my neck at this rate.

  My head tilts enough so that Locaine's gaze flickers to mine, resting and locking with my frightened orbs. My eyes search his face, seeking out the meaning behind him holding such disdain for my family until I realize...he begrudges my family because of what my father did to his brother.

  Does it not matter to him that my father lost his daughter as well?

  Does it not matter that I lost my sister?

  No...nothing matters except what he wants.

  If it weren't for his brother, Alyssa would still be alive...I would have stayed with my family and learned how to become stronger.

  Watching Alyssa lose her life...I didn't want to see anyone else from my family die as well.

  A shiver travels down my spine when the tips of Rynn's fangs brush against my delicate skin. My heart begins to race, attempting to worm my way out of her clutches. Unfortunately for me, she holds me firmly against her, her fangs finally coming to rest just above a pulsing vein beneath the sheer barrier of my flesh. My breathing stops altogether, the pounding of my heart the only thing I hear.

  In a split second, I fell the bitter sting as her fangs pierce through my skin, a scream ripping away from my lungs while pain sears through my entire body. Every sense seems to heighten the second she bites me, feeling my blood pool in her mouth, her fangs sinking deeper.

  My eyes widen in fear, locking themselves onto Locaine's black rose ones. Pleading...begging...I try to get him to stop her with the simple look of my eyes, my voice no longer audible aside from the occasional cry and soft sob.

  I can feel two warm streams of blood trickle from the puncture marks, over my collarbone and down the front of my shirt. As the seconds continue to pass, my struggles fade, my muscles completely relaxing against her as I fight off the pain coursing through me. The harsh suction on the open wounds leave my body feeling cold and lifeless, the warmth being stolen from my body as this creature continues to drink down my blood.

  Attempting to fight is no longer an option for me, my eyelids betraying me as they flutter shut on their own, trying to stay open but hardly succeeding.

  The fear I feel though...

  ...if I close my eyelids...I know I might never wake up.

  My body goes limp in her strong arms, a groan leaving my lips when I fight desperately to keep my eyelids from closing permanently, a renewed determination coursing through me. I don't want to die here...not as a helpless individual...

  I gasp, the sudden dislodging of Rynn's fangs from my neck throws me off balance. She glances away from me, my eyes trailing up to see my blood staining the corners of her mouth while it travels down her chin and beading off onto the floor. Her eyes are a bloody red, a haunting glimmer in them as she asks, "Did you want a taste?"

  My fear returns at the thought of Locaine feeding off me, my eyes widening in horror at her offer. My heart returns to somewhat of a regular rate when he replies, "No," but that doesn't stop Rynn from taking me off guard once again. She unexpectedly drops me in revulsion, as if touching me sickens her. I muffle a sob between my closed lips when I stumble, my back hitting hard against the marble floor.

  There is silence between Locaine and Rynn, their eyes locking onto one another. The silence continues to grow, Rynn's eyes narrowing as they slowly revert to their enchanting green. Any sign of the monster she truly is hidden away in the darkness, revealing a creature of beauty and wonder.

  When Locaine glowers at Rynn, she turns her back on me, making her way back toward the two companions that wait for her return. She backtracks across the ballroom, the melody of her heels coming to an immediate pause as she approaches the two men. There is hardly any discernment that she gives Locaine, wondering why he appears to be cross with her. However, he allows all three of them to dismiss themselves from the large room.

  In their silent connection of unspoken words, I lean on my right arm, attempting to balance myself and try to gain my balance back. Locaine's attention is focused on me, turning to gaze down at my feet trying to stand firm on my own. I can't even begin to imagine what he is thinking, my vision going in and out as I realize how hazy it indeed is, my movements wary and uncertain. I can feel the wounds closing, the puncture marks left behind, curtsy of Rynn, begin to heal on their own.

  I didn't think that was possible...not with the Lovenox.

  As if approaching a frightened animal, Locaine kneels in front of me, approaching cautiously as his gaze remains on me. In my fear, I pull myself back on my elbows, however, in my hasty retreat, I slip in the pool of blood that had gathered around and beneath of me, losing the balance I have on my right arm before landing flat on my back once again.

  "Come with me," Locaine orders under his breath, rising to his feet as he does so.

  "I ca-can't," my voice falters, my hands sliding against the blood on the slick floor while trying to gather my bearings once again.

  His eyes threaten me when his voice snarls back, "Now! Slave!"

  I retort back with anger behind my own voice, "I can't get up!"

  It's like a freaking slip and slide on this the hell is he assuming I'm going to get up? I'm not a professional ice-skater...can't maneuver around this.

  In the next second, Locaine snatches my upper arm, his grip tight and unforgiving while he drags me from the floor, pulling me close into his chest. My heart skips a beat when I feel his grip change slightly, releasing the vice grip on
my muscles and allowing a gentler touch to linger. I lift my chin, my eyes locking with his as the hatred builds within me for him, knowing nothing in this world will change the way I feel now.

  "You need to clean yourself up," he speaks a little less harsh, his tone changing as he drapes his free arm around my waist. Just as I think he might care somewhat for the way he's treated me, he notes, "I don't need a filthy looking slave by my side."

  Though my temper flares, I bite my lower lip and the venomous response I want to give, knowing it's not going to help me in the slightest. He must have taken my silence as acceptance because he spins me around, our eyes leaving one another as he guides me out of the ballroom.


  It's only after Locaine had shown me where the slave rooms are that I find myself sitting in the middle of a warm bath, my legs once again pulled close to my chest, my arms wrapping themselves securely around them. My heart beats evenly, my eyes watching the gentle ripples across the small spaces of water where bubbles aren't present. My entire body is submerged under the bubbles, save for the bridge of my nose and upward. Steam boils off the surface, filling the sapphire and silver tiled room that reminds me all too well of Rynn's dress.

  The water's ripples are more abundant when I bring my nose out of the water, taking a deep breath in and sighing heavily.

  I'm am I going to kill a regular vampire, let alone Locaine?

  My thoughts continue to wander, my eyes shifting to the stable mahogany door that leads directly to the slaves quarters. I'm thankful that this bathroom branches off the main room, then I don't have to encounter any vampires for that matter.

  "Annika?" Carly's familiar voice resonates behind the door as she raps her knuckles lightly against the wooden surface. Apparently, Adam supposedly 'put her in her place,' the slave girl walking much more freely than in comparison with the chain locked around her neck in the dank darkness of the dungeon.

  The sound of trickling water fills the room as I release the vice grip I have on my legs, sitting up correctly and placing each of my arms on the edge of the tub. In her voice, I can hear the sincerity where she pities and feels sorry for me.

  I don't want any pity...

  This is my fault, and I won't allow others to feel sorry for the way everything ended up. If anything, now I am rethinking my whole plan on how to even get out of this place.

  "I know," my voice returns its soft reply.

  If I just had the balls to hone my skills and follow in my parents' footsteps, instead of running away at the first opportunity that presented itself, I wouldn't be here.


  Most likely...

  Well...maybe I'd be here taking out Locaine's coven in revenge, just as he's using me for his own master plan.

  Rising to my feet, the water streams from my body and echoes faintly onto the surface of the more substantial body of water beneath of me. There are still so many questions I have for Carly because apparently, I have been living my life blindly.

  Stepping out of the tub, I reach for the soft fuzzy white towel that had been placed delicately on the railing. Cloaking myself with it, I shuffle to the double red granite sink and vanity, breathing in deeply as I see the steam has misted the mirror.

  I reach out tentatively with my right hand, clearing away the condensation only to find white irises flickering back at me in unison when I blink. This bathroom is for the three slaves currently residing within this mansion, linking together by our established living quarters which consist of three beds, three wardrobes, and three nightstands. Our living area is locked by a large cherry oak door, but that never stops me from attempting to jiggle the handle to make sure that the vampires hadn't forgotten to secure it.

  For this reason the only way I am even allowed to be unsupervised.

  I quickly narrow my eyes at my reflection and whisper, "They're afraid of me. Good..." my voice trails off, searching my own reflection for the answers I seek, "if I can figure out how to kill any of them, I'll be one step closer to my freedom."

  "W-we need to get you d-dressed for your first day...I mean night," Carly quickly corrects herself while stammering on her words.

  Pushing away from the counter, I clutch my towel around my body in a wrap, placing my hand steadily on the brass doorknob.

  I will play along.

  Locaine may have scared me, but I value my freedom and my family over what can happen to me. I mean, hey...they've already threatened to kill me, the worse they can do is follow through on their promise.

  There is only so much I can take before I fly off the handle again and this time, I need to be prepared and ready for whatever it is he's going to do to me.

  Exhaling shortly, I open the door rapidly and come face to face with a startled Carly lingering on the opposite side. She skips back away from me, my eyes trailing over the ghastly outfit she's wearing. With her sudden spike in fear, it makes me wonder if she's still adjusting to my now I am to hers. She is no longer in the clothes she once wore in the dungeon, an almost identical maid's uniform that I had seen Emily sporting is now 'covering' her body.

  I can't help but snort with a laugh, "I'm not wearing that!" I point at the scandalous 'clothes' she is wearing. Carly glances down at her attire, furrowing her brows at the wild accusation I have made and quickly brings her gaze back to meet with mine.

  She shifts her weight from foot to foot, embarrassment creeping up into her face and coloring her cheeks as she bashfully shakes her head, "Annika, we have to wear the clothes our masters' provide for us."

  When I hardly change my satirical look, she sighs and says, "Option two is, I'd take partial clothes over nothing."

  "If they provide actual clothes, then I will get dressed and serve them," my voice is harsh as I spit the words at her sarcastically, wishing it was one of the vampires instead because I feel as if I'm taking my disdain and temper out on this poor girl. Carly has hardly known me for ten minutes, and she's becoming accustomed to my extreme sarcasm, a small smile making its way onto her lips when she realizes I am not actually snapping at her.

  Her demeanor appears to have performed a one-eighty. It hadn't been even a day ago that she was shrieking and crying, begging for her life to be set free of the prison below this mansion. She is willing to serve these parasites than to live her life in chains.

  I don't blame her, except...

  ...the chains are still there, they're just invisible now as she's played like a marionette.

  The still air around us shifts with a slight breeze, drawing our attention to the heavy cherry oak door that swings abruptly open. Standing in the open-door frame, the small figure of Emily has her hands intertwined and clasped in front of her abdomen like a proper doll.

  "Carly," she takes her gaze off me and solely rests those condescending eyes on the girl beside of me, "I thought Master Adam had instructed you to prepare and guide Annika as to what she is to wear and when she is to be ready," Emily's face is set in an emotionless stare.

  Carly mutters under her breath, "I tried..." she motions toward me, hoping to be relieved of the fiery gaze, "she won't wear her clothes."

  Emily eyes me and speaks firmly, "If Master Locaine has to come down here, he'll not be pleased," she points at the both of us and sighs, "you'll both be in trouble as he doesn't want you to serve him naked," I'm somewhat relieved when she says that, again wondering what he really wants from me...aside from using me to get to my family...what happens after he has what he wants?

  Will he dispose of me when I am no longer of use to him?

  Emily narrows her eyes and snaps, "Please be ready in five minutes when I return," and without waiting for an acknowledgment from either of us, she slams the door behind her loudly, the sound of a faint lock clicking into place.

  We both let out a sigh, not having realized I'd been holding my breath until Carly turns away from me and says, "You better get ready...apparently being nude isn't an option for you." As sh
e says this, she finishes pulling on thigh-high black stockings, clipping them securely into place with her garter belt straps.

  Fuming at the way I'd been spoken to by someone who is supposed to be my equal, it takes everything in me to swallow down the anger and breathe in deeply. When I exhale slowly, I feel the cold beneath my feet, stepping toward my wardrobe. Opening the door, I pull out the maid uniform that has been assigned to me, rolling my eyes with disgust while dropping the towel around my feet and away from my body. Adorning the skimpy clothes, it really doesn't take me long until I look like the perfect image of a porn star maid ready to serve her 'master.'

  As I hastily place all the garments into place, I ask curiously, "Why does Emily have a key?" It dawned on me that she walks freely, noticing the key she held between her fingers, "Why is she allowed to roam freely?"

  There is a brief pause before Carly replies, "Michael regards her more like a pet now. She was tough at first, almost like you when she arrived," Carly stands up in her heels, her gaze falling on me, "eventually, she submitted to him and has been loyal ever since. She has earned her privileges."

  Another thought crosses my mind, and I ask, "How old is she?" The blood slowly runs from my face again, trying to figure out how long these girls have been here.

  Carly arches a brow just as I finish clasping my own stockings into place, buckling up my heels shortly after. Her questioning gaze falls on me once again as she answers, "Well...she was sixteen when she was initially brought here..." her voice trails off now as I see the gears working out the age difference in her head before she finishes, “that would make her twenty-five now."

  How blind have I been to the world shifting around me?

  I lower myself and grasp the towel I had discarded onto the floor, placing it on my bedpost carefully. Shaking my head, I mutter more to myself as I question, "How long has this really been happening for?"

  "I was taken when I was only fourteen..." Carly's voice is much quieter when she speaks about herself, "I'm just over twenty now..." again, her voice becomes not much louder than a whisper, "it's been happening for a long time..."


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