When Opposites Attract

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When Opposites Attract Page 8

by Romina Valdes-Alsina

  "Oh, so you think they're going out?" I got up and took off my shirt and bra putting on my favorite old shirt.

  "Yeah," he dragged out the word. Distracted by my chest.

  "I mean maybe, I'm not sure, but still we need a plan." I sat down next to him.

  "Okay, so what do I do?"

  "Well I know for sure Ana likes Angel."

  "You're sure about that?" I questioned him.

  "Totally, haven't you seen them together? I know how Ana acts when she likes a guy."

  "She is such a whore." He laughs at me.


  "She still a virgin," he said.

  "Stupid you don't have to have sex to be a whore." I said hitting the back of his head.

  "Ow! I’m pretty sure you do."

  "Can you continue?" I sighed impatiently.

  "So, I'm sure about Ana, but I'm not sure how Angel feels about her."

  "I can ask Pete tomorrow; that idiot tells me everything." I smiled confidently.

  "Can I ask you something?"

  "Depends," he thought it through.

  "Why are you even with Pete?" He finally asked.

  "Because," I said getting up, "that imbecile will tell me everything I want about Angel." He stood up as well.

  "Have you had sex with him?"

  "With that pathetic excuse of an emo, no thanks," I laughed.

  "Got any beer?"

  "Yeah," I walked over to my mini fridge and pulled out a couple of beers.

  "That's all?"

  "Nah I have a lot more."

  "Does your mom work all night tonight?"

  I nodded with an evil smile on my lips, "uh-huh."

  "Then," he said kissing me, his mouth tasting of beer. "We can have fun tonight."

  "What if I don't want to?" I asked giving him a sexy look.

  He put his hands up my shirt his face matching mines.

  "You know you do," I smiled and pushed him on the bed. I sat on top of him taking his beer. I took a big gulp, then put it on the bedside table. I yanked his shirt open and kissed him while he grabbed my ass.


  I rang the doorbell to Pete's house. Anastasia was texting next to me. The tapping noise was getting on my nerves.

  "Can you stop?"

  "No," she said without looking at me, but she was smiling, I could see her.

  "Who are you even texting?"


  "Can you please stop it? I'm already nervous enough as it is, and you're not making this any easier."

  "Well I'm sorry you find what you're about to do so difficult." She said looking at me but still typing away.

  That made me laugh. "You look so funny texting without looking." She rolled her eyes and went back to texting. She was right though, Pete is my best friend and he deserves to know. The door opens and a surprised Pete came into view. He looks at Anastasia, who was still texting.

  "Pete can we talk?" I asked getting his attention.

  "Sure, come in," he said stepping aside and opening the door. We walked inside ,Pete still staring at Anastasia and she looked up at him.

  "Oh sorry pretend I'm not here, apparently I make Angel nervous." He smiles at her then looks at me.

  "I just want to tell you that, since I've known you for so long, and we're so close, I know I can trust you with this."

  Pete nods.

  "Anastasia and I are going out."

  "I knew it!" Pete screams out. I stared at him in surprise and I knew Anastasia was doing the same, because I didn't hear the tip tap sound of her texting.

  "Fine, I didn't know for sure, but I thought about it." Anastasia laughs.

  "I like you." She says to Pete; pointing at him with her phone.

  "I have been told I'm likable," Pete says smiling like a moron.

  "You two make a good couple. I mean, haven't you guys liked each other since grade school?" Pete asked.

  "No," Anastasia and I said at the same time in the same stubborn tone of voice.

  "Aw, isn't that grossly adorable," he said smiling at us.

  "You are such a dork," I said playing around.

  "Pete, you can't tell anyone."

  "Why not?"

  "Because, the school will freak out! We are supposed to hate each other remember?" Anastasia stated finally putting her phone away. I nodded in agreement.

  "Fine," Pete agreed.

  Chapter 16


  Beep... beep...beep.

  I automatically sat up and pressed snooze on that devil machine. I walked like a zombie towards the bathroom. I really woke up when I splashed some water on my face. Seriously I could scare the poop out of anyone if they saw me in the morning. I skipped over to my closet after I was done in the bathroom. Gosh, I'm such a dork. I can't wait to see Angel! I put on some tights, high-waist shorts and a bright print shirt, paired with my booties. I walked downstairs and saw my dad packing. My heart sank.

  "You have to go already?" I asked sadly.

  "Yes, they just called, they need me." My dad replied with a sigh.

  "When are you leaving? Are you leaving now?"

  "No, at noon." I hugged him really hard. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried into his chest.

  "Be careful," I cried into his chest. "Promise me you will come back." I felt the tears running down my cheek.

  "I promise," he said hugging me as tight as he could. We both knew that a promise like that was impossible to make, but it made us both feel better. I heard a honk coming from outside.

  "I have to go." I said sadly not wanting to leave.

  "Have a good day," he said. I hugged him again and gave him a kiss.

  "You have a better one. I love you dad."

  "I love you too, Annie." He said into my hair. I pulled away and looked at him.

  "Remember, you promised me. I want you back."

  "Yes, I’ll do my very best." I hugged him again.

  "No good-byes, so I'll see you later."

  "See you later," I walked out of the house and down the driveway to Hailey’s car. When I got in it only took her a second to figure out what was wrong.

  "Your dad is leaving already?" I nodded.

  "You can cry. I can tell you already did, so you don't have to hold it in." She said trying comfort me, and I did cry, I cried the whole way. Whenever we got to school people would usually come up and talk to us trying to start a conversation, but today I had my ray-bans on and my head down. The tears were silently falling down my cheek and Hailey would stare everyone down. We sat down under a tree away from everyone and I just sat there and cried. Hailey was sitting next to me trying to comfort me, but the problem is she has both her parents, I only have one and if I loose him... I don't know what I'd do. Hailey suddenly lowers her head next to mine.

  "There are three emo kids staring at you." She whispered in my ear. I slowly looked up.

  "Where?" I asked. I could feel my mascara running under my sunglasses.

  "By the patio tables," I looked towards the patio and found myself meeting Angel's worried gaze. He’s so sweet.


  I got to school at the same time Sakura did. I was so happy I literally couldn't stop smiling.

  "Hey Angel, what's up with all the smiling?" Sakura asked.

  "What? I can't smile? Is it against the law for me to smile?" I joked.

  "It's a little out of character, but not what I meant." She said.

  "Come on, Pete is waiting for us." I said when I saw Pete standing alone at the patio place our school had.

  We walked towards Pete. When we got there we saw Pete standing in the corner looking at something.

  "Hey, Pete, what's up?"

  "Nothing, but I think Anastasia is crying." He said giving me a worried look.

  "What? Where is she? Why is she crying?"

  "She's over there, under that tree." He said pointing at a tree. "I'm not sure if she is crying, but if she is I don't know why."

  I looked over to where Pet
e was pointing and I saw her. She was sitting there under a tree with her head on her knees with her friend's arm around her. It did look like she might be crying. I wish I could just go over there hold her in my arms and make her feel better, in public, like a normal boyfriend. Not having to care who sees us or what they think. I wonder why she's crying. Anastasia met my gaze, she did her best to smile, but a smile never formed.

  "Guys who cares about some prep right?" I heard Sakura ask from behind us.

  "Right," Pete and I said at the same time. The first bell rang warning us to get to class. I noticed my shoes were untied. I could use that to get rid of Sakura and talk to Anastasia.

  "You guys go ahead I got to tie my shoe." I said.

  "We can wait," Sakura said. I looked back to where Anastasia should have been, but she was gone. I sigh, tied my shoe and then ran to my next class.

  I barely made it to class on time. I was hoping to see Anastasia, but she wasn't there. I sat down on our empty table. Where was she? The class went on forever, I couldn't concentrate on what Mr. Adams was saying. All I could think about was her. Where is she? Is she okay? Who is she with? What happened? She wasn't in writing either. Ugh! I was in the middle of math working on the problems the teacher gave us when I heard the door open. I was concentrated, so I didn't give it much of my attention. I heard whispering, so I just assumed it was just another teacher. Probably asking to borrow some detention slips or something.

  When the chair next to me moved was when I looked up. Anastasia sat down. She flashed me a quick smile, but I could tell it was forced. Something was wrong. I pulled out a paper and wrote something down then poked her hand with it. We slowly passed the paper back and forth, careful not to get caught. She told me that she was at the counselor's office, because she was sad about her dad leaving. She told me how scared she was of losing him, because he was the last parent she had. Now I get it. If Ana loses her dad she's done; that's how I feel about my mom. That's why I'm protective of her, but Anastasia can't protect her dad if he's deployed, and there is a chance that she could lose him. I got the paper and wrote:

  I'm so sorry, I guess all you can do is wait, hope for the best, and wish him all the luck in the world. I know that's what I'll be doing. Anastasia, I'm here for you if you ever need me.

  I passed the paper back to her. She read it and smiled. She looked at me and mouthed a thank you then folded the paper and put it in her bag.

  "Alright, class, pass your papers forward and you may start your homework or read, but no talking."


  "Hey Angel!" I looked up from my burger to see who called me.

  "What's up Sakura?" When she got close enough I saw that she was crying.

  "Whoa, what's wrong?" I asked letting her sit next to me. I know she's a bitch, but I have known her for a long time, so I felt bad.

  She looked at me, "Pete broke up with me!" Then she buried her face in my chest. I was glad Pete broke up with her; she was awful to him. I didn't know what to say, so I just patted her head awkwardly. She looked up at me again.

  "Do you hate me?"

  "No, what would make you think that?" I said. I know I was lying, but I can't just tell her I hate her.

  "Pete said he hated me and I thought you did too." She looked down, I sighed. Why can't I just be a jerk!

  "I don't hate you," she looked at me again.


  "Yeah," she pulled me in for what I thought was going to be a hug, but she pressed her lips hard against mine. It was nothing like kissing Anastasia. Anastasia's kisses were special and different. Sakura's were just needy. I pushed her away.

  "What do you think you're doing? Have you gone mental?" I basically screamed in her face. Good thing no one was around to hear me.

  "You said you liked me," she said happily.

  "No, no I didn't! I said I didn't hate you!"

  "Wait, I'm confused."

  "Yeah you are."

  "Okay well, I'm going to think this over," she started to walk away, but turned around. "Oh, wait are things going to be awkward between us?" She asked. Things between us were already awkward.

  "Um, no let's just forget it."

  "Okay, later gator," she said then left.


  "Did you get the picture?" I asked Derek.

  "I'm not stupid. I can aim and shoot."

  "You better hope so. There's no way I can get another kiss. At least not yet, so let me see it!" I demanded. “Before I aim and shoot."

  "Here," he gave me his phone.

  "It's amazing. I love it! OMG we look so cute together! We make the perfect couple! Do you have Anastasia's number?"

  "’Of course."

  "Okay perfect," I hit send and I was so happy. I couldn't believe it! I'm going to win! Life is great!

  Chapter 17


  I was really hungry and was about to take a bite out of my salad, when I felt my phone vibrate. I deliberated whether I should answer it or not. I sigh and took the phone from my pocket. A text message from a blocked number, I should delete it, but my curiosity got the better of me. I opened it and as soon as I saw the picture I felt this rage go through me with such strength it surprised me. I felt like someone slapped me right across the face. I stared at the picture of Angel and Sakura kissing. They are both DEAD to me!

  "You okay?" Hailey asked me.

  "Um... yeah," I lied as I put my phone back in my pocket. I can't believe how stupid I have been. I was right from the very beginning. Emo kids are stupid, cheating, two-timing, and depressing losers. We should not mix. I should have known better than to trust Angel.

  "Are you sure?" Hailey asked, snapping me back to reality. "You look like you just saw a ghost."

  "No ghost," I said and looked at her. "I'm just not hungry."

  "Why? What happened?"

  "Nothing, but a huge mistake that I have to fix. It's okay. I'll fix it later." I put on my poker face and looked at my best friend.

  "What were you saying about John?”


  Hailey and I walked into the auditorium for drama. I sat down in my assigned seat next to Angel. Unfortunately all the groups were spread out, so we were alone. I couldn't look at him. If I did I have a feeling that I would hit him or scream at him; how would I be able to explain that.

  "Hey," he said with a smile, stupid two-timing jerk.

  "Hi," I said nonchalantly. I had to hold my tongue at least until we were completely alone.

  "Is everything okay?" I looked up from my paper.

  "Why is everyone asking me that?" I looked at him, "you know what? No, everything is not okay, and before you ask, no I do not want to talk about it." I snapped at him.

  "Oh," he stayed quiet for a few minutes. Before I could stop myself I was sneaking a peak at him.

  His hair was out of his eyes, which is weird for him, and he looked stressed out and confused. He looked at me and we stared at each other for a minute.

  "We will talk about it after school." I said then got up and walked towards the nurse.


  Anastasia has been avoiding me all day and when she does talk to me she's sharp and full of anger. I figured she was just PMSing, but she said we would talk after school, so I guess I'll just have to wait. When the final bell rang I followed Anastasia all the way to the back of the school towards the exit that barely anyone uses anymore. If she noticed that I was following her she didn't let on. She suddenly stopped and turned to face me. She looked really pissed. Before I knew it she slapped me so hard I bet she left a mark. Shit that hurt. I didn't even see her hand moving.

  "I hate you!" She screamed at me with such raw hate that I was taken back.

  "I hate you." She repeated in a lower tone, "and Sakura." She said her name like the word tasted like poison. "And you know what, you asshole? You two deserve each other. I hope you're happy." I was speechless. "Oh and you know what else? I feel so stupid for actually believing that I could trust someone like
you, you stupid emo."

  "Are we really back to that?"

  "Yes! We always come back to this! You're all sad, pathetic wannabes that just want attention."

  "Well at least we don't have to lie, unlike all two faced, backstabbing stupid preps in this fucking school! I yelled back at her.

  She turned red.

  "If you think that preps are the only two faced backstabbers, then you have another thing coming!"

  "What are you talking about now?" She took out her phone, showing me a picture of Sakura kissing me.

  "Where did you?”

  "Sakura sent it to me."

  "But why?"

  "And isn't she still going out with Pete?"


  "She is obsessed with you and uses Pete to stay close to you. Frankly, I don't think you are worth all that damn trouble. So, before calling preps back stabbers and declaring your people saints; do your research first." She ran away leaving me in shock. After a few minutes of me just standing there thinking things over I started walking towards my car.

  I felt pissed and completely defeated. I looked up to see Sakura leaning on the hood of my car. I am really not in the mood to deal with her. I just want to go home and think about how I'm going to make things right. She looked at me with a smile on her face.

  "Hey Angel," she said and threw her arms around me. I pried them off.

  "Sakura are you still with Pete?"

  "Yes we got over the fight." Huh...

  "Was there even a fight? Why are you with Pete?" I blurted out.

  "Yes there was a fight and I love him."

  "Shut up!" I screamed in her face. "Just shut up! You treat him like crap why don't you just leave!"

  "Why should I?"

  "Because you are a bitch that can't fucking love!"

  "How would you know?"

  "If you would really love Pete you wouldn't kiss his best friend or have sex with Derek." I said with no emotion. She stayed quiet, no longer being able to look me in the face.

  "That's what I thought." I muttered and started walking but she grabbed my jacket.

  "Wait I can explain." I looked at her, expressionless.

  "I don't want to hear any more lies and even if you were to tell me the truth, I don't give a shit anymore."


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