When Opposites Attract

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When Opposites Attract Page 11

by Romina Valdes-Alsina

  Sweet dreams. I text Anastasia and then got in the shower.


  I woke up Monday morning with maybe 4 hours of sleep. I had taken pills for sleeping, but that didn't help much. I turned off the radio alarm and went to take a shower. I just put a beanie over my curly hair. I didn't feel like doing anything today. I walked out of the house dressed in my typical black. When I got into my car I noticed what a great day it was today, it hasn't been this nice for weeks. At least the worst day of my life had nice weather. I took hold of the steering wheel and noticed how sweaty my hands were. Angel, pull yourself together. How bad can today be? You are already an outcast. Anastasia is the one that's going to have the worst day of her life… because of me. I dried my hands on my jeans and drove to Anastasia's house to pick her up. When I saw Anastasia all my nerves went away. She looked so cute dressed up in all her preppy clothes. How can she look so calm? She walked towards my car smiling like if this was just another regular day. This was the first day an emo and prep would go to school together. As a couple on top of everything!

  "Hey, brown eyes," she got in and kissed my cheek.

  "Hey." I said.

  "You okay?" She asked.

  "Mhm, I'm fine."

  "Today has been the prettiest morning yet." She said admiring the sky.

  "I hope that means today will be a good day." I told her as I pulled out of her driveway. As usual, I was wrong.


  When we got to school everything seemed normal, like the calm before the storm. Everyone was hanging out outside. Waiting for the school doors to open just like every other morning.

  "I'll open the door for you," Angel told me. He didn't sound nervous at all anymore.

  "I thought you were nervous?"

  "I am nervous; for you mostly."

  "Thank you." I smiled and squeezed his hand before he got out.

  I watched as he walked around the car and opened the passenger door for me. A lot of people turned and looked at us as I got out of Angel's car. There was a lot of staring and whispering going on. People were surprised that I wasn't lying. Angel put his arm around me and pushed me forward. All anyone could do was gawk at us like we were a pair of aliens or something. Geez people! MOVE ON! GET OVER IT! I was about to say something when I heard Hailey calling me. I turned around to see people make way for her. She ran over and hugged me.

  "For the record you two actually make a really cute couple." She said looking at the both of us.

  "Thank you." I smiled at her. "Thank you so much." I hugged her again. That was the highlight of my day.


  Second worst school day... of... my… life.

  I had lunch with Angel, Pete, and Hailey. It would have been nice if people weren't staring at us, or if I couldn't hear everyone talking about us. People have been treating me as if I was a completely different person. No one made room for me to walk through, no one came up to talk to me, and the only looks I was getting were looks of disgust from the preps and looks of disapproval from the emos and goths. I think everyone is just overreacting. The only reason I didn't burst into tears was because of Angel and his reassuring hand around me. But, now it was after school and I was slowly making my way towards the locker rooms for cheerleading practice all alone. I used to think cheerleading was the best part of the day. I looked forward to it all day, but now it was my own personal hell. When I got to the door I froze.

  "What are you waiting for?" Hailey asked appearing out of nowhere and scaring the bejesus out of me.

  "Ay, don't scare me like that." I said putting my hand over my racing heart.

  "Well what are you standing around out here for?"

  "I don't want to go in." I whined.

  "Anastasia you are cheerleading captain for Pete's sake, not some scared little new girl."

  "I know you're right."

  "Damn right I am, let's go." She grabbed my elbow and gave me a push forward. Once I stepped inside everyone stopped talking. That just means they were talking about me. Well I knew this would happen. I hope I'm as ready as I thought I was. Okay so, head held up high and shoulders back.

  "What are you doing here?" Someone asked from the back of the room. That pissed me off.

  I grinned, "I am captain." I said through clenched teeth.

  "Not anymore," Jessica said as she stood up to face me.

  "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "According to the book." She threw a book at my feet. "A captain can be replaced if the majority of the squad doesn't see her or him fit for the job." I didn't even look at the book.

  "The only reason this squad is anything is because of me." I said looking at all of them "I made all of this. I hand picked you and made you all popular. Mark my words when I say that, without me you will all crash and burn. So who will be taking my place, you?" I brought my cold gaze back to Jessica. I saw her cringe a little, no matter what I still got it. Although I was mad as hell I tried to keep my cool. If I lose it now I lose everything for sure.

  "Oh no not me, but she will." She cocked her head in the direction of... Sakura? What the hell? It took a second for all of this to sink in. Then Sakura with her plastic smile and her face (her face just made me want to punch her teeth out) walked forward.

  "She's ten times better than you, cleaner landings, faster flips, way better at making up routines." I started laughing; laughing really hard. Everyone turned to stare at me. I don't know if it was all the stress from today or something, but I lost control. When I finally got control I looked at everyone.

  "Okay, so why am I being kicked out again?"

  "No cheerleader dates an emo." That statement made me laugh even harder. I couldn't hold it in. I laughed so hard I almost peed myself.

  "Okay so let me get this straight." I said catching my breath. "I'm being kicked out because I'm dating Angel who's an emo and being replaced by an emo?" I laughed even harder. "You... people... are... so stupid." I said between breaths. I calmed myself down again and everyone was silent.

  "That's what I thought, no one has anything to say. But you can bed that I do. You will all come crawling back to me, you know after my dear friend Sakura here fails miserably as a captain. I will not guarantee that I will be back to save your, oh so stupid, sorry asses and if I do come back you can make sure that there will be cuts and the team will be ten times better than before whether you are in it,” I said looking at each of them, “or not." I then turned around and walked right out of the room leaving everyone behind me speechless. Angel was going to pick me up after practice, but I didn't call him I just walked home. On the way home I kept replaying the scene over and over again in my head. I ran up my driveway and slammed the door shut. Once that door closed tears burst out of my eyes and ran down my cheeks. All my work to get me where I today was ruined, by Sakura. Everything I can't believe Sakura actually managed to ruin my life. I fell to the floor and just cried. After a good 20 minutes of crying I slowly got up and walked towards the kitchen got a spoon and a jar of Nutella. I went up to my room and changed into an over sized shirt. I started to scoop a spoonful of Nutella into my mouth. As I did this the thought of Hanadi's liquor cabinet slowly made its way into my head. I walked down to the basement and stared at the liquor cabinet. After thinking about it I got a bottle of vodka and took a long sip. I felt it burn down my throat creating a warm sensation on my chest. After a few I became numb. I didn't care anymore. I loved Angel and I was going to be with him no matter what.


  Today completely sucked. I'm an outcast among the outcasts and none of my friends, except Pete, would talk to me. I didn't really care much about that though. What sucked was seeing Anastasia have the worst day of her life. Her empire came crushing down right in front of her. I felt miserable that it was entirely fault. If only I could have been socially acceptable, then this wouldn't be so bad. Personally I don't see what the big deal is. Who cares who we date? Why should who we love influence how people see and treat us! I
threw myself on my bed. I seriously hope that Anastasia's cheerleading practice is going well. She hasn't called me so that should mean everything is okay. It can't be that bad as to them kicking her out right? That would be an over reaction. Anastasia still had about an hour of practice left, so I decided to take a nap. I was really tired since I didn't sleep that well last night. My eyes started to close when my house phone started ringing, scaring the shit out of me in the process. I had to walk all the way to then end of the hallway to get it.


  "Angel! Hey... why aren't you picking up your phone?" Anastasia said.

  "Oh sorry, I think I left it in my car."

  "Oh... anyways," she sang. "Can you come over? Pleeeeeasse?" She sounded a lot happier than I thought she would. And why is she at home and not cheerleading practice?

  "Okay, I'm on my way." I said throwing the phone on my bed and grabbing my jacket. It looked like it was going to start raining. I got in my car and found my phone. I had two new messages. One from Anastasia:

  Anastasia: Hey can you stay over tonight? Hanadi is working tonight and tomorrow and my sisters aren't home. ;)

  I felt my face get hot just thinking about it. I looked in the mirror and of course I'm as red as a tomato. I can't get any lamer. I blame the fact that I'm so pale I'm basically see through. I brought my attention back to the other message; it was from Sakura. What the hell does she want?

  Sakura: Wanna have fun tonight?

  Angel: With you? Hell no.

  Sakura: Well, since you like cheerleaders so much I just thought you might have been interested.

  Angel: I have no idea what you're talking about and I don't care at all really.

  I tossed my phone on the passenger seat and drove to Anastasia's house. By the time I pulled up in her driveway it was poring outside.

  Chapter 22


  I was rolled up in a ball on my bed when the doorbell rang. As I was trying to get up my foot got tangled and I fell to the floor.

  "Ouch," I moaned slowly getting back on my feet. I walked down the stairs holding on to the banisters for dear life. I was really dizzy and almost fell a few times. Each time I just giggled more and more. When I finally got to the door I opened it to find Angel soaking wet. I burst out laughing with no control over it.

  "You're wet," I said trying to catch my breath. "I- I don't know why this is so funny!" I said starting another laugh attack. I pointed at him with my finger. My finger! It's so long! Ha, ha, that's what she said. I looked at my finger and then I touched my nose with it. I let out a giggle.

  "Anastasia?" I looked up at him my, vision moving around a bit. "Are you okay?" He asked coming into the house.

  "I'm better than okay!" I hiccupped, "ouch," I placed my hand over my chest. "I was way better before that hiccup." I mumbled "Stupid wannabe burp."


  "You're wet. I said again. "I like you wet," I licked my lips.


  I grabbed Anastasia by the shoulders and shook her slightly.

  "Weee!" She squealed.

  "Are you drunk?" I demanded.

  "No," she lied like a little kid. "I just drank..." She counted with her fingers.

  "This much" she showed me her whole hand.

  "Where did you get the beer?"

  She shrugged. "Not beer, vodka."

  "Come on," I sigh and guided upstairs towards her bathroom.

  "What are we doing?" She asked when we got to her room. I lead her into the bathroom and her shower. I took of her shoes while she just laughed and complained that it tickled.

  "Get in the shower Annie." I coaxed.


  "You need to get in."

  "If you want me to get in so bad why don't you get in too?" She asked as she threw her arms around me.

  "Fine," I said and took off my shoes and pulled my shirt over my head. I helped her in the shower, took of my pants, and got in after her. I turned the knob and prepared myself for the freezing cold water that is about to engulf us. I pulled it and heard Anastasia scream in surprise at the cold water.

  "It's so cold!" She put her arms around my waist and tried to get out from under the faucet, but I kept her under it. I used to do this all the time to my mom when she used to get drunk after my dad's death. It always made her feel better, so I'm hoping it will do the same for Anastasia. After a while I shut off the water and wrapped a towel around Anastasia and then one around myself. She was shivering so I brought her close to me and rubbed her back.

  "My head hurts!" She complained into my chest. After we stopped dripping water and were slightly damp. I walked Anastasia over to her room.

  "Change your clothes." I ordered her.

  "Okay, okay, just please don't yell!" I smiled.

  "I'm not yelling, and do you have any clothes I can borrow?"

  She looked at me. "You look about Jeremy's size, I'll be right back." She disappeared only to reappear with sweats and a t-shirt. I left the room so Anastasia could change and changed outside in the hall. I really hope Anastasia's step mom didn't magically appear right now. It stopped raining so I took the chance to go to my car dump my wet clothes and get my cell phone. When I walked back into the house Anastasia was at the bottom of the stairs in an oversized shirt that hung over her shoulders and shorts that were so tight I couldn’t break my gaze. She was frowning at me.

  "What are you doing down here?" I asked smiling at her expression.

  "You were going to leave me all alone."

  "No, I just went to get my cell phone."

  "Oh okay." She said smiling.

  "Is drunk Anastasia a bit possessive?" I joked around.

  "Well yeah, you are mine after all. Now I really want to lay down."

  "Okay let's go."

  “I don't want to go all the way up the stairs!"

  "Then why did you come all the way down?"

  She shrugged. "Cause I love you. Now, carry me!" She said extending her arms towards me.

  "Okay only cause I love you, you big baby." I swooped her up in my arms and carried her up the stairs. She opened her door for me and I laid her down on her bed. She moved around and patted the empty space next to her. I smiled down at her and laid now. She snuggled up to me, and placed her head on my chest. After a while Anastasia broke the comfortable silence.

  "Have you ever had sex before?" I felt myself get a little hot.

  "I thought you were asleep." She looked up at me.

  "Have you?" I felt my face get even hotter. I decided to be honest I mean why not.

  "No, have you?" I asked only to keep the attention off of my virginity. I swear I'm the only virgin junior at our school!

  "Nope," she answered.

  "No?" I asked surprised.

  "Yeah, never had sex."

  "But Dylan kept on bragging on and on about how you two hooked up.

  "Lies, every guy want's to get with this." She ran her arm down her body and did a little dance. She laughed, "but seriously every jock wants to get with the head cheerleader you know? So when they don't, they lie about it. They want people, especially other guys, to think that they are the best." She rolled her eyes.

  I kissed her.

  "Oh, you want to be the best too?"

  "Baby, I am the best." She laughed and I kissed her again.

  "Yeah you really are." She said between kisses. We were really getting into it when my phone beeped. I ignored it, but Anastasia pulled away.

  "Aren't you going to answer it?"

  I sighed, "do I have to?"

  "Maybe it's an emergency."

  "Fine... fine..."

  "It's just Sakura." Anastasia got all tense and moved away from me.

  "Why are you texting Sakura?" She demanded.

  "I wasn't. She started texting me about wanting to have fun since I loved cheerleaders so much." I explained. "I didn't know or cared about what she meant, so I just ignore her.

  "Can I see your phone?"

I tossed it to her, “and please do explain." She started reading.

  "She's head cheerleader now, because they kicked me off the squad." She said quietly.

  "What? Why?" I asked. "Because of me?" I already knew the answer. She nodded confirming my worries.

  "That doesn't make any sense Sakura is just like me..."

  "Yeah I know."

  "Wait, is that why you were drinking?" She nodded again. I hugged her. It may seem like a stupid reason to drink, but cheerleading was Anastasia's life and everything fell apart really fast.

  "But it wasn't only because of that. Don't worry, though I'm alright and I'm not going to be drinking again any time soon."

  "They'll be lost without you, and no more getting drunk… without me."

  "Oh! Speaking of lost I just remembered where I put it!" She jumped out of my arms and ran into her closet. Leaving me hopelessly confused.

  Chapter 23

  Anastasia had disappeared into her closet for a while now. I was about to go check up on her when she walked into the room again. She was holding something in her hand. She had a tight grip around it and her knuckles were turning white.

  "What do you have there?" I asked her. I was smiling, every time I see her I smile. I really can't help it; I love her. She looked at me as I thought those words as if she could hear them. But she didn't look happy she just looked even more nervous. I looked into her big blue eyes that were usually bright and open, but right now were shy and nervous.

  "What's up?" I asked her. I was worried now. She ran her free hand through her hair.

  "Come on, you can tell me- show me- everything." She was quiet for a moment. I was getting worried now.

  "I know," she said. It was like she transformed right in front of me. She was now smiling and oozing confidence. She looked normal again. I relaxed a bit but the thing in her hand was still on my mind.

  "Angel." She took a deep breath. "I want you to have this." She stretched out her shaking hand. Her confidence had gone away again. I put my hand under hers and she dropped a ring on the palm of my hand; it was plain and silver. I looked up at her. She wasn't asking me to marry her; this isn't how it works, so what's going on.


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