The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key)

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The Azure Kingdom (Skeleton Key) Page 6

by Michelle Dare


  Once Lucas feels me shiver in front of him, he decides to head back. We land safely on the side of the cliff where we jumped. I have to refrain from bending down and kissing the stone pathway under my feet. The ground never looked so good.

  He takes my hand in his, and we walk back into the building with Tali close behind. As I watch her, she sniffs the air, and moves her head from side to side like she’s scanning the area for potential threats. I hadn’t noticed that before. She could be, but I don’t know enough about her to know for sure.

  Lucas swings the door to her area open wide. She doesn’t go in right away. Instead, she stops in front of us and nudges me with her nose. I gently pat the side of her face as to not impale myself on any of her horns. I study her. Earlier I was too afraid to. Her amethyst eyes close as I continue to run my hand along her scales. Maybe she likes me after all.

  Leaning down, I put my face near hers and rest my forehead on her briefly. She didn’t let me die up in the air; that has to count for something. I need to show I trust her, even if it’s not fully.

  “She’s warmed up to you,” Lucas observes from beside me.

  “I’ve warmed up to her, too.”

  He runs his hand next to mine, then ushers her inside. I stand by the door while he walks in. If I’m not mistaken, I hear him say, “I’m glad you like her.” I smile, hoping that’s what he said. I can’t explain this attraction to him, but it’s something that’s existed since he first appeared in my dreams. Although, I couldn’t see him well, I felt like I knew him. Never did I think he was real and was, in fact, having the same dreams as me.

  He walks out and shuts the door before taking my hand. We stroll through the building hand-in-hand. He doesn’t let go until we’re tucked away back inside his home. Standing, facing one another, he looks into my eyes. I’m captivated by him. This evening has been much better than earlier. It almost makes up for me being thrown into a dungeon. Almost.

  With a gentle hand, he reaches up to cup my cheek. His thumb skims along my skin. He leans forward and I think he’s going to kiss me. I close my eyes anticipating his move, however his lips never touch me. I feel his forehead rest against mine. I open my eyes and see his are closed and his breath appears labored.

  “Alison,” he breathes. “How badly I want to kiss you.”

  “Then please do.”

  He shakes his head without losing contact with mine. “I don’t want to push things with you. You’re far too important for me to be rushing into something with you. I want to treat you right. I want to keep you on the pedestal you deserve to be put on. I want you to know just how much you’ve come to mean to me.”


  “Luke. Please call me Luke.”

  “Luke. You barely know me. I don’t understand how you can feel so strongly.”

  He pulls back to look at me, his eyes searching mine. “And you feel nothing?”

  “I didn’t say that. It’s just so quick. I don’t know how to deal with it. You’re supposed to get to know someone. Go on dates. Take your time, yet I want to skip all of that with you.”

  “You can go at whichever speed you wish. I’ll be here regardless.”

  I start to swim in those blue eyes of his. “Kiss me.”

  “No. You deserve more. You deserve respect and admiration. I’ve been craving your touch for so long. Ever since you first appeared in my dreams, I’ve wished you were real. To have you standing before me, in my home, it’s too much. I’m scared you’re going to disappear, or I’m going to wake and this will all be another cruel dream that ends without you in my arms.”

  I warm all over at his words: so sweet and so real. I didn’t know a man could speak his feelings this way. My ex-husband was a prick extraordinaire. He rarely told me how he felt; outside of saying he loved me every now and then. Even at that, it felt more forced than anything else. That was only the tip of the iceberg as to why things went downhill with him.

  Here I am. Standing in a kingdom I knew nothing of a couple of days ago, in front of a prince who wants me. Me! Too bad I don’t have any friends back at home who would swoon right along with me.

  Then reality comes crashing down around me with a loud pounding at the door. Lucas, Luke, growls and his body goes rigid. “Stay behind me.”

  He opens the door, but fills the open space with his body, not letting the door open any wider. I remain hidden behind it.

  “From the king, Your Highness,” a masculine voice says. Luke nods and shuts the door.

  He turns and I notice a piece of paper in his hands. His eyes shift back and forth as he reads it. “What does it say?” I ask.

  He crumples the paper and throws it across the room. Turning away from me, he rakes a hand through his windblown hair. It makes me wonder, for a moment, what mine looks like. I dread trying to pull a comb through it.

  He speaks while pacing. “My father wants us present for breakfast in the morning. Seems he wants to discuss the trade. King Pine is aware of your presence here.” He faces me, his jaw hard with anger. “He wants you immediately sent to him. Oliver, too. My father hasn’t responded yet. This is why he wants us at breakfast. To discuss things.”

  I immediately start to panic. “But…but I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with you.” I rush to him and fist the front of his shirt in my hands. I’ve gotten comfortable with Luke in the short time I’ve been with him. I truly believe he only wants to protect me. If I go to my father, I don’t know what will happen. “Please. You can’t let them trade me.” Then there’s Oliver. Will I be forced to marry him? To spend my life with a man I don’t want to be with? I shiver thinking about it.

  His hands grip my shoulders. “I won’t let them take you from me. This I vow. Not now, not ever. Not when I’ve only just found you.”

  I bury my face in his shoulder. His arms wrap around me, holding me close. I was foolish to think I was having a good night. My morning was great, because I met Luke. Then, bam! Shit hit the fan. I get freed from the dungeon and have a nice night with him and bam! Shit all over again.

  “Maybe we can still keep you here. If my father had completely made up his mind he would have you taken away, and you’d be on your way to King Pine. There’s something he wants. The question is what?”

  “I have nothing to offer,” I mumble into his shoulder. “All I’ve brought with me is my bag and the measly contents inside.”

  “You don’t have any special abilities?”

  I lift my head in surprise. “Seriously? Don’t you think if I did, I would be a little more confident right now? Besides, it’s not like I’m a witch or something and can cast spells.”

  He chuckles. “Witches aren’t real. They’re from stories we tell children.”

  “Uh huh. I didn’t think dragons were real either, yet they are. I’m not ruling anything out.”

  “Come. Let’s get you cleaned up and changed. You’ve had a difficult day and tomorrow could be worse.” That’s comforting. Worse. Tomorrow could be worse. Great. Can’t wait.

  He walks over to the table and retrieves my bag. Together we walk up the stairs to a large loft. There’s a door off to one side that I assume is the bathroom. On one wall is a large, four-poster, cherry wooden bed. There is black damask fabric hanging from the wooden top that’s tied off on one side. The other is sealed in darkness. There is a matching nightstand on either side, with a lamp sitting atop each. On the opposite wall is a large wardrobe, but other than that the room is bare. Minimal.

  He hands me my bag. “Here. Go clean up and warm yourself. Your skin is still cold from our flight. The bathroom is through there.” He points in the direction of the other door in the room. “The water will take a moment to heat, but it will warm up nicely. Take as long as you need.”

  I nod, then remember I don’t have any pajamas. “I didn’t bring anything to sleep in,” I admit shyly.

  “That’s okay,” he says with a smile. Walking over to the wardrobe, he opens it
, and pulls out a large, short-sleeved, navy shirt. “This should do well.” He hands it to me and I immediately note how buttery soft the fabric is.

  “Thank you.”

  I turn and walk to the bathroom. Gently closing the door behind me, I rest my back against it and take a few deep breaths. I’m worried about what’s going to happen tomorrow. I could be shipped off to my father and never see Luke again, never see my home again.

  Then again, I do have the key in my pocket. I could sneak out in the middle of the night and try to find the cottage. Although, there are guards along the wall surrounding the castle. I wouldn't be able to leave. If I'm honest with myself, do I really want to?

  Tears sting my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I will be strong. Whatever happens I will stand and fight for what I want. King or not, I’m a princess here and that has to count for something.

  Taking a few more breaths, I look around the bathroom. There’s a simple porcelain sink on my left that sits on top of a dark wooden cabinet. There’s a tub with a showerhead. I’m a little surprised to see the shower. I thought there would only be a tub, but then again, what do I know of a prince’s bathroom? I would have thought he’d be with his family in the main part of the castle.

  I undress quickly while the water heats and step under the warm spray. It doesn’t take long to clean and wash my hair with what he has along the shower wall. Stepping out of the tub, I dry off, and slip into the soft shirt Luke gave me. I bring the fabric to my nose and inhale. It has a woodsy smell, just as his home did when I first entered it. Nothing like the awful smell of the dungeon I was in.

  Finding a comb below the sink, I spend far too long trying to get the knots from my hair. Flying did a number on it. Using the towel one more time, I scrunch my hair, and drape the towel over the tub to dry.

  I locate a toothbrush under the sink that appears new. Hooray for the small things! I didn’t even think to pack one. Next time I travel to a far off land, I’ll remember to pack the essentials.

  Rooting through my bag, I find and throw on a pair of underwear, but decide to forgo the bra. I may be sleeping in a prince’s home, but I’m not going to spend the night with an uncomfortable underwire jabbing me in the boob while I sleep.

  I grip the handle of the door, but hesitate. Luke is out there waiting for me. What will happen now? Where will I sleep? Could he possibly want to share a bed? He mentioned before about wanting me in his arms. The thought of sleeping beside him causes my stomach to flutter. I shouldn’t be nervous. I’ve slept with other men before. No, they weren’t princes, however I didn’t know I was a princess either. I can do this. I’m a woman who craves a man; it’s that simple or that complicated.

  I exit the bathroom and find Luke sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands. Upon hearing the door open, he lifts his head and lets his eyes roam over my body. The shirt is long enough to cover my ass, but just barely. A slow blush creeps over my face while he takes his time raking me from head to toe with his gaze.

  He stands slowly and makes his way toward me. I can’t move. I’m frozen in place by the intense look on his face, like he wants to devour me. He stops before me and leans in to brush a kiss across my lips. He’s gone before I can savor the contact. I turn in time to watch the bathroom door close gently.

  Letting out a breath, I place my bag on the bed and remember that I left the skeleton key in my jeans, which I balled up and threw inside before I took a shower. I remove the key and take out the pewter box. I’m about to place it back inside when a little voice in my head tells me not to. Instead, I remember there’s a small hidden compartment on the inside of the backpack. It’s used to hide money when you travel. Reaching around within, I locate the small pocket and gently slip the key inside. Hopefully, it will remain safe there.

  I move my bag to the floor near Luke’s wardrobe and look around, not sure what to do with myself. I’d love to slip into bed, but it’s not mine, and I don’t know where I’ll be sleeping. Finally deciding, I sit down on the edge of the bed and wait for Luke to finish in the shower.

  Running my fingers through my hair out of nervousness, I remember I stashed hair ties in all of my bags at one point and know there are some in the backpack. At least there’s that.

  The bathroom door opens and Luke emerges. Holy mother of all that is good. He looks sexy as hell. Cotton pajama shorts rest low on his hips showing off the outline of an impressive dick. His chest is bare. His skin lightly tanned, and there’s only a dusting of dark hair on his chest and abdomen. Each muscle on him is well defined, but his abs show off just how fit he is. Each small ridge dips and flows into the next one, all the way down to a delicious V on his hips. His biceps are large and flex nicely when he combs back his hair with his hand.

  His eyes meet mine and I know he caught me checking him out. There’s no way I could help it when he came out here looking like he did. This girl isn’t dead yet and is very unattached. I appreciate a fine male body when I see one. Especially when that body is of the prince I’ve been dreaming of.

  He walks toward me like a wild cat after prey. His steps are graceful, yet precise. If he didn’t know the effect he has on me, he does now, because I actually start fanning myself with my hand. When I realize what I’m doing I quickly stop. Smooth move on my part. Real smooth.

  Stopping only a foot in front of me, Luke peers down. My mouth goes dry and I instinctively lick my lips. His eyes flash to them, watching the movement my tongue makes.

  His voice is low and rough. “Move over.”

  I blink a couple of times and try to register what he said. Move over? Oh, right. I’m on the bed. I stand on shaky legs to get out of his way. His hand grips my wrist and he brings me back down to the bed.

  “That’s not what I meant. I wanted you to slide over. Not leave the bed all together.”

  He pulls the blankets back and insists, “Get in.” I look at him, but don’t say anything. Is he offering to sleep in bed with me? Or is he giving me the bed? I’m confused about what’s going on.

  “Alison, I want you to sleep in the bed. I can take the couch downstairs.”

  “The couch?” I swear it’s like I’ve never been with a man before and am a newbie. I slide into bed.

  His lips quirk up on one side. “We need to sleep. I can sleep on the couch downstairs or climb into bed with you. It’s up to you. I only want you to be comfortable.”

  Now I understand him. He just wants to sleep. My stupid lust-filled brain can’t even carry on a simple conversation. “I’d like you to sleep with me. In the bed!” I add quickly. “I mean you and I can share the bed.” I bury my head in my hands as embarrassment floods me. Too bad I can’t hide under the blankets.

  The bed dips and strong arms and a bare chest envelope me. This is not helping in the least. He chuckles. “Ali, lie back. We’re only sleeping. Nothing more.”

  Lifting my head, I look at him with what I’m sure is a face as red as a cherry and nod. I can’t speak. Who knows what would come out of my mouth if I did.

  I lie back and look up at the black damask. Luke shuts the light off, pulls the fabric closed, and settles next to me. I turn my head and see he’s facing me. “Hi,” he says softly.


  “Roll away from me. I want to hold you.”

  I do as he says. His arm reaches over me and pulls me flush against him, my back to his chest. He’s warm and smells like the soap in the shower. I wiggle in as close as possible. He starts to harden behind me, causing me to freeze. I would love nothing more to reach around and hold onto him, to explore every inch, but if that’s what he wants he wouldn’t have asked me to move.

  “Relax, Ali. Sleep.”

  I find a comfortable spot for my head on the pillow and eventually drift off with his warm breath on my neck, and his body encasing me in security and heat.


  Morning comes far too fast. I’m not sure of time anymore, since I don’t have a watch and haven’t seen a clock,
which now that I think about it is a little odd. I probably just missed one. I know it isn’t the sun that wakes me since the damask is still closed. No, it’s the man behind me, nuzzling into my neck with his soft lips and coarse facial hair. And what a great way to wake up it is.

  Luke’s voice is still thick with sleep. “Good morning, my princess.”

  There’s something that warms in me every time he calls me his princess. His. But am I his? Or am I Oliver’s? No, I’m no one’s, even if I love hearing him say that. I’m my own person.

  “Morning,” I reply.

  “I wish we could stay in bed all day, but knowing my father, one of his men will soon be here banging on my door to ensure we arrive on time.” Goodbye momentary happiness, hello complete uncertainty and fear.

  Groaning, I sit up and run my fingers through my hair. Hopefully it doesn’t look as frizzy as it feels. The bed moves as Luke gets up. He opens the dark fabric and light streams in. I have to squint to deal with the sudden change.

  “I’m sorry,” he chuckles. “I should have warned you.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Time to get up.” I turn to look at him and notice he’s as sexy fresh out of bed as he is when he lies down. How is that even possible? His hair is perfectly messed.

  I turn away before I start drooling. “Don’t you have a clock around here?”

  “A clock?”

  “It’s a way to tell time.”

  “We have no need for one. My body knows when it’s time to rise. The sun guides us; we live by our bodies and what they need.”

  “That’s interesting,” I mumble.

  He walks to my side of the bed and opens the damask. The smile on his face is infectious. I return it with one of my own. “You’ll get used to it, Ali.”

  “I don’t know. That’s if I stay.” The words slip out before I have a chance to think about them. Now we’re going to have an entire other conversation I don’t want to have.

  His brows furrow. “Why wouldn’t you stay?”


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