Redemption (The Restoration Series Book 1)

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Redemption (The Restoration Series Book 1) Page 7

by Christina Simpson

  Using the back of my hand, I brushed away a tear as it was rolling down my cheek. After a few more silent moments, I stood and slipped my hands into my pockets, turning down the path toward my truck. I slid into the cab and shut the door before placing my hands on the steering wheel and leaning my forehead down next to them.

  “Lord, protect me and guide me. Give your angels charge over me and grant me victory in your name. Help me to bring these girls to safety and protect my mind and spirit from the evil that surrounds that place.” I breathed the prayer and waited until I felt peace come over me, stilling my soul. I leaned back and reached for the keys, starting my mental preparation as I drove back toward the beach house.

  The office was bustling with my team, the families of the girls, and the officers. As I walked inside, the table was already full and everyone was watching me, waiting for my instruction. At one end of the table sat an older couple in their fifties with graying hair, and a small-boned Spanish woman with dark curly hair that was pulled to the back of her neck. I walked over to them and offered my hand.

  “Hello, I’m Davis. Team leader for Corinth.”

  Mr. Drake stood up and reached his thick arms around my shoulders, pulling me into his embrace. I froze for a moment, but cautiously returned his action.

  “Thank you for risking everything to save our little girls,” he whispered at my shoulder.

  I nodded and released him. “I swear to you, Mr. Drake, we will bring them home.”

  Mr. Drake took his seat next to his wife and I moved to the white board, picking up a marker and writing as much information as I had into the planning area.

  “All right. This is what we have. The buyout will be taking place at nine o’clock tonight. The location is 3657 Chestnut. There’s an antique shop with cellar doors on the street that lead to an underground bunker. Jared has sent me the passcode for entry as a buyer. I was able to do a test visit and we were able to pull out a very young girl just two days ago. This is the layout.” I drew the extended hallway from the entrance and added the side rooms. “I imagine there will be an auction room of sorts, so be prepared. I’ll be wearing a hidden microphone so you can hear what’s going on.

  “I’ve already coordinated with Jared. He understands that his job is to make sure the girls get outside after the buy. As soon as the girls are purchased and safe, I will speak the code phrase, which will alert you to begin the raid. Any questions?” I looked around the rooms as faces became still and ready for war. My eyes softened as they fell on Mrs. Drake and Ms. Palmer’s faces. Tears fell down their cheeks as Mr. Drake wrapped his arms around both of them.

  “I swear to you that we will bring them home to you.” I held their gazes for a moment before looking back over the team, ready and willing to move forward.

  A few questions tossed back and forth as we spent the next hour creating the master plan. When the time came for me to head out, I said my farewells and made my way to the truck once again, heading to the beach house to prepare myself for what was about to happen.

  I parked in front of the house and rushed inside. After a quick shower, I slipped into my dark black Armani jacket and secured the button at my navel. Straightening the silver silk tie, I tucked it inside the jacket and took a final look at myself. The character was everything I was not, but I knew how to play the part. I slipped on my platinum watch, clasping it in place around my left wrist, and checked my gun holster inside the jacket for my pistol.

  Perry arrived right on time. It was seven when I walked out of the house and toward the familiar blue taxi. Stage one of the infiltration was about to commence. He stood at the ready by the rear door and held it open for me. I slid inside and waited for him to go around to the driver’s seat.

  “Good evening, Perry.” I spoke with a cold, impassive voice.

  “Evening, sir. Where do you need to go?”

  “Please take me to Victor Street and 7th Ave.” Little did he know what waited for him at our arrival.

  “As you wish, sir. We’ll be there in no time.”

  We pulled up to the curb and I watched as Officer Morrison stepped up to Perry’s window and knocked. Perry glanced back at me, nervous, before rolling his window down and greeting the officer.

  “Yes, sir?” He asked cautiously.

  “Are you Perry Jacobs?” Officer Morrison questioned. Perry scanned across the road as if looking for an escape, and then turned back to Morrison and nodded. “Good. Please exit the vehicle.”

  “You might want to do what he says, Perry. Officer Morrison isn’t a patient man.” I stated coldly as I stared into his now sweaty face and fearful eyes. “Worried? Wondering how and why this officer knew you’d be here right now? Just because you didn’t do the damage, doesn’t make you an innocent party. Do the names Nova Drake and Evie Palmer ring a bell?”

  His eyes went wide and he let a few choice words slip from his mouth before looking for an escape. Knowing there wasn’t one, he sighed in surrender and stepped out of the car. Officer Morgan began to inform Perry of what he was being charged with and why, and then informed him of his rights. A few moments later, Nathan slid into the driver’s seat, dressed as a blue taxi driver.

  “Step one complete,” he confirmed into his phone before flipping it closed and sliding it into his pocket.

  “Ready to go?”

  “Yeah. Let’s get started.”

  Nathan drove us to the warehouse that we would be using for the team surveillance, so they’d be out of sight as the various bidders arrived. The large garage door opened and Nathan drove the taxi in. An officer pressed a button on the wall to lower the door once more. The space was huge and had tables lined with computers and monitors lined across them. People were milling about checking connections and making sure all the equipment was working. Other men were suiting up into their raid uniforms, covering themselves with black bulletproof vests and helmets.

  “Here’s the cash.” I tossed a large black duffel bag on a long empty table that sat against the far wall. There was a total of two hundred thousand that I had pulled from the bank earlier that day. I didn’t know how much I would need, but I wanted to be prepared. We spent the next hour bundling it and setting it neatly into two soft leather-bound briefcases. As it got closer to auction time, we pulled out of the garage and Nathan drove me around the corner, to Chestnut Street. I tapped his shoulder, and I slid out of the taxi, bending down to speak quietly through his open window.

  “Okay. You know the plan, Nathan.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Okay, then. I’ll see you in a bit.” I nodded to him, grabbed the briefcase, and then walked down the pavement toward the solid wood cellar doors. I tapped one of the doors with my foot and a few moments later it popped open, revealing the wide steps downward.

  “Passcode?” The thickly bearded man demanded, blocking the entrance.

  “Silver,” I spoke calmly and waited, patiently aloof, for him to move.

  He nodded, standing to the side as I descended into the dungeon. There were a few other wealthy men standing around the small waiting area, some who were familiar to me as ringleaders to other groups. I took mental images of each and every face I could see, so I could give the full report at the end of this raid. Authorities would wait for my signal before entering the compound.

  While we waited for the next instructions, most of the men kept to themselves in an effort to keep their identity anonymous. A few overly-cocky boys in expensive suits chatted around the group, irritating a few of the much more experienced buyers. When it was closer to nine, the man from a few days ago walked into the entrance area and cleared his throat, commanding our attention.

  “Welcome, buyers. We have a very good selection for you this evening. If you would please follow me down this corridor, we’ll get you seated and we can start the bidding.” He turned around and headed down the dim corridor, leading us into a large empty room with a circle of throne-like chairs surrounding a red silk-covered round platform.

>   Each man moved quietly behind him and slid into one of the large chairs. I found a chair on the farthest side, which allowed me to look through the opposite chairs and to the back wall, where a line of girls stood, shivering in fear and darkness. I could barely make out their features, but I knew that both Nova and Evie would be there.

  The ring leader stepped up to the platform and began instructing us on how the bidding would proceed. When the rules were laid out, he beckoned for the first girl. She timidly walked forward, stepping up onto the platform. Her eyes held unshed tears as she trembled beside this evil man. Her skin was dark and she wore a purple lingerie slip. I kept my eyes trained on her face as the bidding began.

  “Bidding will begin at ten thousand,” the man stated plainly, waiting for the start of the bidding war. The hand beside me immediately moved upward, followed by another, and then another. The price increased by thousands of dollars each time. I did not bid, but I knew this girl would never leave with whoever won this war. She would be intercepted, way before anything else could happen to her.

  We went through a few more girls before Evie was called up to the stage. Her face was cut on each side, multiple times. The anger inside of me burned and I wanted to reach up and pull her safely behind me, but I forced myself to stay my course, and to keep the emotion from showing on my face. A few more minutes, that’s all I needed.

  I lifted my hand, nonchalantly, as the price rose higher. It was upwards of fifteen thousand dollars. I continued to lift my hand as the bidding went higher. Finally, I was forced to stop after the monster to my right topped the bidding around twenty five thousand. I had to concede for now. I’d let Jared handle that part. He would intercept her and point her to safety, later.

  Finally, after what seemed like an hour, I saw her – Nova. She moved slightly forward and into the edges of the lit area. Her blonde hair was greasy and flat against her face and shoulders. Her cheek was swollen and there was a scab forming on her bottom lip. As I let myself look over her to take note of any other injuries, I noticed the flash of white medical gauze on the inside of her upper legs and winced. There would be permanent marks on her after this. My skin began to boil and my face screwed up in rage. The surge of protectiveness over her filled every inch of my being and I wanted to bolt out of my seat, grab her by the waist, and lift her into my arms. But, I couldn’t. Not yet, maybe not ever.

  I caught Jared’s intense gaze from across the room. He stood guard at the door, gun attached to his hip, and thick arms crossed in front of him. He was in battle stance. His gaze caught mine and I saw determination in them.

  “Our next girl is primed for your pleasure. Beautiful, rare, and American.” The disgusting man boomed into the space, as if he were the ring master at the next town circus, and this was his winning act. I watched as his eyes darkened to black and he waited for Nova to move. She hesitated and he stepped off the platform, heading toward her. I fisted my hands around the ends of the armrests as she skittered forward. His head bent down, whispering something that I assumed was a threat, before wrapping his tainted fingers around her thin arm and pulling her forcefully up onto the platform with him.

  She wouldn’t look up. Her eyes stayed trained on the floor in front of her, but I was praying she’d lift them to find mine, so I could reassure her that everything would be fine. I wondered if she would recognize me from the beach, or if she’d just see another monster in this room. My palms itched to bury my fists into the Laruso’s face, but I had to keep my wits about me.

  The evil man smiled and spoke loudly. “Bidding will begin at twenty thousand.”

  I immediately raised my hand, and within minutes every man in the place was placing bids.

  “Thirty.” The Spanish man next to me offered.

  I countered him with a higher amount, and around the circle it went. Finally I reached my limit. I stood up, glaring at every man around me, and spoke angrily. “Seventy five thousand.” I waited for any of them to counter me again, but they stayed silent. I worked hard to keep my features neutral, even if every part of me on the inside felt like a loose cannon.

  The evil man looked at me and smirked. “Sold.”

  Relief flooded my veins when he spoke the words, and calm evaded me even more when Nova finally looked up to see her buyer and her eyes went wide in recognition. I shook my head briefly to warn her and she cast her eyes downward again, stepping off the platform to move around my chair.

  I had to sit through at least five more girls before we concluded the bidding.

  “Now, if you head over to Luke over in the corner, he will handle the transactions of the evening. Congratulations on your purchases and thank you for doing business with us.”

  I stood and walked around the backside of my chair and stepped in front of Nova. Discreetly, I let my fingers brush against her hand and she jerked it away, as if I were a snake about to strike her.

  “Nova, it’s me. Davis.” I kept my voice quiet and calm, gauging her reaction.

  “I’m here to take you out and back home,” I whispered again, waiting for a reply.

  She looked up briefly into my eyes, her blue eyes dulled in pain, but there was still a spark of determination visible in them.

  “Evie. I can’t leave her.”

  I nodded. “I know, we have a plan. Just stay close to me, okay?”

  I turned and headed toward the table, pulling up one of the briefcases to show the carefully stacked money inside. Everybody was milling around, and no one had started to make their way out of the room yet. I reached my hand out to the dirty old man and shook it firmly.

  “Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure working with you.” I spoke it clearly, so as to make sure the wire I was wearing would pick up my voice. About a minute later, a large boom sounded from down the hall followed by yelling. Seconds later, the door to the room we were in was kicked open and officers in full gear, rifles pointed, spilled into the room and screamed for everyone to get down. I reached for Nova’s hand, but she pulled out of my touch and looked around trembling in fear.

  “Get down,” I commanded. She jolted at the sound of my command but did as I said. I moved toward Evie, who was ducking behind one of the large chairs, attempting to keep herself hidden from the chaos taking place around us. I motioned for her to come closer to me, and she recognized me immediately, inching toward us.

  My eyes stayed trained on her movement until she reached us. No one noticed our exchange, but before we knew it, one of the younger men pulled out a gun and shot wildly toward an oncoming officer. Shots started buzzing across the room, and I threw myself over the girls, despite their stiffening bodies at my closeness. We slouched and rushed toward the exit. I pushed them through the door, just as I felt a burning sensation rip through the calf of my right leg. I screamed in pain, but kept moving.

  “Run!” I yelled at both girls and they moved as fast as they could down the corridor and toward the exit where other officers stood waiting to help people out of the cellar doors. I limped as I ran, but moved swiftly up the stairs and fell into Nathan as he stood on the pavement above me. He pulled me down to sit on the sidewalk.

  “Woah, there. Where are you hurt?” I just winced, suddenly feeling tired. I raised my blood-drenched hand from my calf and looked across the area for Nova, when my eyes landed on an officer that was trying to come near her. She was screaming and backing away, lifting her arms to her face in a protective measure. Using the wall for support, I pushed upward and limped toward them.

  “I’ll do it,” I told the officer, taking the wool blanket from his hands.

  “Nova, you need to put this around you,” I spoke softly, moving a few steps closer. She didn’t retreat immediately, so I took one more step. I reached out to give her the blanket. Her fingers trembled as they wrapped around the scratchy cloth and pulled it from my grip. Her eyes were wild as she looked at the men surrounding her. It was only the medical team and the police, but she cowered in fear.

  Evie wrapped h
er arms tightly around Nova’s shoulders, and then they collapsed to the ground, sobbing. Tears slid down their faces, and anguish could be heard from both of them. My eyes glanced around us and took in the different clusters of girls. Loud sobbing and shouts of anger floated in the air from various women and girls. Jared walked up quietly behind Evie and wrapped a soft blanket around her shoulders, avoiding directly touching either of them.

  “We have to get them looked at,” I insisted.

  “Just give them a few minutes, Davis. After everything that has happened, they need it.” He gently spoke before turning to stand guard in front of them. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to find a medic with blue latex gloves, a dark blue uniform, and a heavy medical bag in his hand.

  “You’re bleeding, sir. We need to take a look at that wound.”

  I nodded and stepped away from Jared, following the medic to the back of an ambulance. I sat across the metal bumper and rested my head against the hinges of the back door, eyes never leaving Nova as her heart-wrenching sobs tore away a piece of me with every cry. The medic used scissors to cut through my pants, up to my knee so that my entire right calf was uncovered. He prodded around before sticking me with a few needles. I grunted at the sensation, but otherwise didn’t move.

  “Looks like it went straight through. You’ll need quite a few stitches, but you should be fine.” He began wrapping it up tightly. “We’ll get you to the hospital, sir. Just step up into the back and take a seat.”

  My heart began to beat faster at the thought of leaving the girls. I couldn’t do it. Ignoring the throbbing in my leg, I jumped up and limped in the direction of Jared and the girls as the medic tried to call me back. Jared stopped me before I could get closer.

  “Listen, they can’t handle you right now. Go get yourself taken care of, I’ll make sure they get looked at.” His palms rested against my shoulders and pushed me slightly backward. I caught Nova’s gaze, wanting to reach for her, but I forced my hands into my pockets. Nodding at Jared, I turned and moved back to the ambulance and carefully climbed in, laying down on the white sheet-covered gurney.


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