Redemption (The Restoration Series Book 1)

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Redemption (The Restoration Series Book 1) Page 17

by Christina Simpson

  We walked along the gravel pathway and up the porch steps. I opened the door for her and waited for her to enter first before following. I had been here before, years ago, but things had changed a bit since then. We only had to wait a few moments before Mable walked into the lobby to greet us. She smiled at Nova, but then her smile broadened when she noticed me. She abruptly pulled me into her arms. I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. I had met Mable during my first orientation with Corinth. She has worked here at the rehabilitation house for nearly fifteen years.

  “Oh, Davis. You sure have changed.” She giggled softly, hugging me tightly to herself.

  “It’s good to see you, Mable.” My voice was gruff and tears fought to fall from my eyes. Mable knew everything about my past, my pain - Amanda. She had been Amanda’s mentor, and I didn’t have to hide anything from her.

  “You, too.” She released me, keeping her palms on my shoulder as she held my gaze. She nodded. “We’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.”

  Her eyes flung to Nova and she smiled sweetly, moving closer.

  “Glad to see you back, dear. How can we help you?”

  “Oh. Yeah. I..” she reached into the bag and pulled out the book. “I bought something for Ellie. Is she around?”

  “She is.” Mable glanced between the two of us, wondering what was happening, I’m sure.

  “Mable, do you think Davis could…?” Nova left the question open-ended. Mable nodded.

  “Ellie has been in recovery for almost two years. As long as you keep your distance, she’ll be fine. If she approaches you, great. If not, then just stay on the other side of the room or within a respectable distance. She’ll be just fine.”

  Mable called up the steps as she ushered us into the living room.

  A few seconds later, Ellie flew down the stairs, pigtails flying behind her as her flowing blue princess gown swished around her feet. She saw Nova and smiled widely, running toward her and wrapping her arms around Nova’s middle.

  I watched as Nova accepted this little girl’s love so freely. She wrapped her arms around Ellie, hugging her tightly and running her fingers through the girl’s copper hair.

  “Hey, Ellie,” Nova spoke kindly, grinning at the embrace of the little arms around her.

  “Hi, Nova. What are you doing here?”

  “I brought you something.”

  “Really?! What is it?” Ellie bounced around Nova like a kid at Christmas.

  “Let me introduce you to someone, first. Okay?”

  Ellie’s eyes fell on me then and she quieted a little. I stayed where I was, unmoving as the little girl studied me. Her eyes roamed, studying me up and down before she tugged on Nova’s hand, pulling Nova down to her position so she could whisper in her ear. I watched as she cupped her hand and spoke softly. Nova’s eyes fell on me and a gentle smile crossed her face.

  “He’s a good one,” Nova whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. I melted just a little at her compliment. Nova stepped toward me and took my hand, then turned to face Ellie.

  “Ellie, this is Davis. He saved me.”

  We waited with baited breath as Ellie made her decision. Then she smiled and took a few steps forward. She held her hand out, offering me a handshake. I gently took her tiny palm in mine.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ellie.” I smiled, crouching down to her level.

  “You, too. You’re kind of big.”

  I chuckled, releasing her hand. “I guess you could say that.”

  “I bet you beat lots of bad guys, just like Superman.”

  “Do you like Superman?”

  She nodded enthusiastically. “He’s my favorite. He can fly, and he’s tall and strong, and he always taking care of people even when they don’t know it.”

  “Hm. Well, I hope I can be like him someday.” I grinned.

  Ellie glanced between Nova and me for a second. “I think you already are. I mean, Nova said you saved her, you’re tall and strong, and it looks like you’re helping to take care of her, too. So you must be him.”

  “Well, the thing about Superman is no one knows who he is in real life, so you can’t tell anyone. Okay?” I chuckled conspiratorially.

  Ellie nodded then bolted around me to the couch.

  “Can I see my gift now, Super-Nova?”

  Nova chuckled and took the seat beside her, handing the book about stars and galaxies to Ellie.

  “Whoa! Cool!” Ellie exclaimed, flipping open the pages and reading each chapter heading to us.

  “This is awesome Super-Nova! Thanks!” She flung her arms around Nova’s neck and Nova held her still.

  “You’re welcome, but Davis is the one who paid for it. You should thank him, too.”

  She pushed herself off the couch and ran over to me, grasping her small arms around my waist. “Thanks, Superman.” My heart melted a little at the affection of this little girl. I patted her head and smiled.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  Nova stood then and walked toward me.

  “Well, we better get going. It’s time for us to get home.”

  “Okay,” Ellie answered and bounced away, book in hand.

  “I think she likes you,” Nova said nudging me with her shoulder.

  I chuckled. “I guess so, Super-Nova.”

  Nova grinned and turned to head out the door, with me following closely behind.

  Chapter 17


  The next few weeks went in much the same manner for Davis and me. He’d work all week on his father’s ranch, then on Saturday mornings he’d pick me up and we’d spend the day doing things in town. I was getting more comfortable with people, and I could finally fully enjoy the company of Davis and my parents without any moments of fear.

  My parents and I were sitting on the couch discussing my upcoming plans with Davis for the weekend when the phone rang. My father reached over and lifted the cordless phone to his ear.

  “Hello?” His deep warm voice answered into the receiver.

  I watched as his eyes widened and landed on me.

  “Is that necessary?” His voice was tense now as he stood and moved to the kitchen. I heard his low murmuring from the living room but couldn’t make out his conversation. A few minutes later he walked into the living room, fear etched across his sun-worn skin.

  “Dad, what’s wrong?”

  Mom reached over and grabbed my hand as dad moved closer to me, sitting on the edge of the coffee table in front of me. Worry prickled my skin as I pulled my knees up closer to my chest, effectively bracing myself for whatever news he was about to tell me.

  “That was the arresting officer from Syndey.”

  My face blanched, waiting for whatever news could be coming.

  “They want you to testify at the trial. I tried arguing with them, telling them you weren’t ready for that, but they said it would be important for you to be there. The more witnesses they have, the better the trial will go, and…” He didn’t finish the sentence, leaving me to conclude the rest.

  My breathing quickened and I quickly let go of my mother’s hands, folding into myself. I tried my calming techniques, but they didn’t work. Tears started forming and I felt myself begin to lose all control. I bolted out of my seat and ran for the back door, pushing open the screen so roughly that it slammed against the side of the house. I didn’t care that I was barefoot, I just ran. I ran to my tree, letting the fears and worries overwhelm me.

  I arrived at the base of the trunk and crumpled to my knees, sobbing loudly as flashes of my torment flooded my mind. It felt like I was clinging to the tree for hours before I finally felt a little calm take root inside.

  “Nova.” Davis’ voice whispered from a few feet away. His approach had to have been muted by my cries.

  “Go away.” My voice broke as I tried to wipe the steady stream of tears from my reddened face. He knew not to touch me without my permission, but he took a step closer, keeping hi
s hands to himself.


  “Please, Davis. I just need to be alone.”

  “That’s the last thing you need.” He paused, waiting for my eyes to meet his before taking yet another step closer.

  “You need comfort. You need to feel safe and protected. You need love and happiness, and joy.” His fingers softly reached out toward my cheek, waiting to see if I’d give him permission. I nodded minutely and he proceeded, running the pad of his fingers across my flushed face, wiping the streams of tears away.

  “You need to know that nothing will ever hurt you again. You need someone to promise you that, Nova. You need to have someone you can depend on.”

  My heart beat a little faster at his words, trying to take in everything he was saying, but he pressed on.

  “You need someone to tell you that you’re perfect. You’re not damaged. You’re whole and wonderful and beautiful. Above all else, you have to know, my beautiful Nova, that you are wanted.”

  “Davis.” I cried a little, planting my face in his chest. My tears still flowed freely, streaming down my face and falling to his shirt, wetting the spot above his heart. He gently wrapped his arms around me and held me to him, offering me the strength I had come to seek from him in recent days. When I lifted my face to his, he placed both hands gently around my cheeks. His eyes were rimmed in red, but determination was flowing out.

  “You need to know that all of that is true, sweetheart. You need to know that you are all of those things, to me.” His breath hitched as he held my gaze. “Lastly, you need to know that I want to be the one who makes you believe all of those things.”

  I didn’t flinch when he brushed my mussed hair from my face and ran his fingers down my arms. With gentleness he pulled my arms around his waist and moved his arm around my shoulders again, pulling me into his chest. The smell of leather and pine surrounded me and I pulled him as close as I could.

  As I cried, the broken pieces of me began to shift and move. His touch brought peace as he stood there, stoically holding me until every last bit of pain had fought its way out of my system.

  “I’m sorry.” I apologized, straightening in his arms, and wiping the dark spot of my tears from his shirt.

  “You don’t have to apologize, Nova. You can cry on me anytime you need to.”

  His face was only inches from mine as I glanced up. He held his face still, not moving closer. The battle of wanting him to take that chance rushed through my mind before he broke his hold on me and stepped away, causing me to nearly whimper at the loss. I held my ground, wrapping my arms around me.

  I guess he’s doesn’t want me like that, then.

  He noticed my stance and cleared his throat, picking up on my feelings of rejection.

  “Sweetheart.” He spoke softly, waiting for me to meet his gaze. I lifted my eyes to see shining eyes.

  “I need you to know that when the time is right, I am yours. It’s in your hands, love. When you know without a doubt that you belong with me, you will make the choice. I’ll be here waiting, for eternity if that’s what it takes. But just know that you have me. Everything inside of me is yours, Nova. When you’re ready.”

  All I could do was nod, before he gently reached out and slipped his hand into mine.

  “Come on. Let’s walk back.” I nodded, letting him lead me up the hill and across the field toward my house.

  “Thank you.” I finally spoke as we reached the wide swinging gate.


  “So, did you know that we’d have to go back to Sydney?”

  “Jared had called and mentioned it, but I was hoping they’d change their mind. It’s a lot to ask of you. Too much, if I’m being honest.”

  We moved around the house and up the steps to the front porch and I led him to the porch swing. He sat down and gently pulled me into his side. I relented and relaxed beside him, pressing into his warmth.

  “Will you go back with us?”

  “To Sydney?” He asked as his fingers lightly drew circles on my arm.

  I nodded, resting my head on his shoulder.

  “Of course I’m going with you. There’s no way I’d let you go back there without me.”

  At his words, the tension inside me melted a little. The screen door creaked open and my parents walked outside, a little taken back at the sight of Davis and I snuggled up together on the swing. My father looked carefully at Davis, and I felt Davis nod. My mother quickly stepped over to me, pulling me into her arms.

  “Sorry, I ran out like that,” I spoke softly in her ear as she hugged me tightly to her.

  “I’m sorry, baby girl. So sorry.” Eventually, she let go and my father reached down for me, and I willingly stood and went into his embrace.

  “I wish I could keep you from all of this pain, baby girl.”

  “I know, Dad. It’s going to be really hard, but I’ll have you and mom. I’ll have Davis.”

  Dad nodded, slipping his arm around Mom once again. I glanced back at Davis, then my dad cleared his throat, pulling mom with him back inside the house after saying a quiet goodnight to Davis.

  “I better get back.” Davis stood and stepped toward me. I moved into his chest again, resting my head above his heart. He instinctively wrapped his arms round me, holding me gently.

  “Will I still see you tomorrow?”

  “Yes, sweetheart. I’d never break plans with you if I can help it.”


  He tipped his chin down and kissed my forehead gently.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, beautiful.”

  My heart began to mold itself together again with every word he spoke.

  “All right. Good night.”

  He waited for me to walk inside and shut the door behind me before he stepped off the stairs and headed across the field into the night. I watched him as long as I could, until I couldn’t see his shadow anymore.

  Moving up the stairs, I quickly dressed for bed, slipped into my heavy covers, and started to fade into the darkness. I was almost asleep when my phone buzzed beside me. Picking it up off the nightstand, I slid my finger across the screen to reveal the message.

  Davis: I’m yours when you’re ready. Good night, beautiful.

  I smiled a little and responded.

  Nova: Good night.

  * * *

  My feet were slipping as I gripped the chains above my head. Thick warm blood laced the floor beneath me as it poured out of the wounds on my thighs. Strength eluded me as I attempted to stand on my feet, causing me to bear most of my weight on my chained wrists. The metallic stench filled the air around me as tried to keep myself from getting sick. I knew I had lost a significant amount of blood. Lethargy filled my bones as I fought to keep my eyes open. It was at the moment that I was about to succumb to the darkness completely that my door groaned open, letting in the young doctor. His eyes went wide in horror as he saw me hanging from the chains attached to the cross beam above my cell. His bag made a thud on the ground as he dropped it.

  “Nova. Stay awake,” he whispered as he rushed toward me and reached up to release my arms. As soon as I was free, I collapsed. He caught me before I hit the ground and laid me across the mattress.

  “What happened?” He pulled his bag toward me, quickly retrieving new gauze to clean the re-opened wounds.”

  I turned my eyes toward him and winced as he prodded around, cleaning the gashes once again. “I don’t know. I was asleep when he came in.”

  Anger filled the young doctor’s face as I watched him work methodically around my wounds. When he was finished, he reached behind him and started to clean the puddle of blood on the floor.

  “I’m sorry, Nova. We’re going to get you out of here. I promise.”

  I wanted to believe him, I truly did, but the sliver of hope that I had been holding on to was finally bled out of me. It was gone, and I was just a shell. The Nova that existed days ago, was finally beaten and gone.

  * * *

  When I wok
e, fear rippled through my skin as did an eerie sense that someone was watching me. I glanced at my small bedside lamp as it dimly glowed across my bed, then looked around my room to see if my parents were there, but it was empty. Taking a few deep breaths, I pushed myself up and moved toward my window, looking out the field. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so I dropped the blinds and closed the curtains.

  Dismissing my worry, I moved to gather the few items I’d need to get ready for my morning appointment. Davis didn’t know I was going to change our plans for the day. He didn’t know I was going to ask him to come to my appointment with me to see Dr. Lillian.

  I slipped into a long denim skirt that fell to my ankles and pulled an ivory blouse on to match. I slipped my sandals on my feet and made my way downstairs. My blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun as I wanted to be relaxed today. I needed to be.

  Davis arrived at his usual time and my father greeted him at the door. Over the last few weeks, my father had really come to respect and love Davis. I watched as the two of them hugged briefly and bantered back and forth about the morning and their ranches.

  “Hi,” I spoke softly, stepping into the kitchen where they stood, sipping mugs of coffee.

  Davis’ eyes left my fathers and took me in. His smile brought calm to my insides and I felt like I could breathe easier.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He smirked at my dad’s choking, then stepped toward me, pulling me into his arms and kissing me softly on the cheek.

  I giggled a little at my parent’s shocked reactions. They stood there as different emotions crossed their faces. Worry was prominent, but after seeing my smile and acceptance of Davis, they relaxed and only beamed at me. My mother wiped a tear from her face.

  “So where are you guys headed today?” My father spoke first, setting his coffee mug on the counter and wrapping his arms around my mother’s waist.

  Davis looked down at me and shrugged. “Where do you want to go?”

  “Well, I was hoping you’d go with me to the center. I have an appointment with Dr. Lillian this morning, and I think it’d be a good idea for us both to talk to her.”


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