Hearken (Daughters of the Sea Series)

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Hearken (Daughters of the Sea Series) Page 1

by Kristen Day


  Daughters of the Sea Series #4


  Kristen Day

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 by Kristen Day. All rights reserved.

  Dedicated to brother Richard for showing me that following

  your dreams is possible


  Crystalline beams of light streamed down from the ominous full moon above; illuminating the tense battle of wills unfolding far below. The rolling waves stilled their relentless cadence as the warm wind stalled over the sand dunes. A blanket of apprehension settled upon the landscape as every starfish, horseshoe crab, and seagull held their collective breaths. Among the people gathered, one figure in particular commanded the attention of the lustrous moon rays more than any other. Beneath her steely exterior, a sinister inferno began to coil and writhe; fueling the powerful essence she harbored within. The bitter taste of hatred pooled in her mouth at the sight of her own flesh and blood defending the abomination of nature he had christened Anastasia. Her rapid heartbeat pulsed with the promise of ridding this world of such a traitor. As the cool waves of essence slithered toward her tingling fingers, she looked on as Keto commanded his attention.

  “You will not take her!” Peleus roared. His fragile body shuddered with his own labored breathing as he attempted to shield his daughter from Keto’s building wrath.

  “Fool!” Keto cackled at him with dark amusement. Her emerald eyes flashed beneath dark brown hair overflowing with green highlights, and the sand beneath her feet shifted and boiled as it struggled to absorb the amplified presence she radiated. With an insidious glance, Keto swiftly conveyed a silent message to her ally. The corners of Selene’s mouth twitched in anticipation as she acknowledged Keto’s unwavering loyalty with a slight nod. It had been decided many moons ago that Selene would possess sole jurisdiction over her son’s damned soul. She slowly trained her cunning, silver eyes onto the rotten fruit of her loins.

  His muted gray eyes had once shone silver to reflect his proud Aura ancestry. Now they softened momentarily before seizing up with defiance once his thoughts registered her deadly intention. She had witnessed this reaction more times than she could count, and for good reason. As her direct descendant, Peleus knew all too well the consequences of challenging his mother. His first punishment had been swift and severe, followed by absolute banishment. However, the iron grasp that Thetis had on his every waking thought refused to relent. Selene could only stand watch as Peleus continued down his path of betrayal, eventually marrying his meddling sea witch and sealing his doomed fate.

  Seventeen years ago, she had sensed the exact moment when he’d committed the highest form of betrayal. Just as the first time, she felt a portion of her being as it soundlessly withered and disintegrated into the recesses of her soul. She felt the purity of her brethren shrivel as the unborn fetus was formed; a mutt of a creature harboring her precious Aura essence. An essence forever compromised by the flaccid and decrepit lineage of the Daughters of the Sea. The moon Goddess had fought long and hard to protect the very essence he continued to foolishly abandon. Vehemence continued to simmer within, and she’d resolved to rectify the situation as quickly as possible. Creating an alliance with Keto proved to be much easier than expected. Her long buried resentment fumed just below the surface, and she had been all too willing to strike out at her former leader and sister, the beloved Thetis.

  Unfortunately, the death of Thetis at the hands of Keto only succeeded in fueling Selene’s contempt. The overwhelming regret at affording the sea Goddess’s demise to someone else consumed her mind. Once she had Peleus within her grasp once more, she’d had every intention of killing him…but chose imprisonment instead. Astonishing to even her, an inner struggle commenced within while she spent year after year paralyzed by indecision. No matter the intensity of her hatred and desire for revenge, she was unable to take the life of her only son. Recently, that inner turmoil was abruptly overshadowed by the knowledge that the prophesized Anastasia had indeed returned.

  Forcing her thoughts back to the present, her callous gaze focused in on her wretched son and the granddaughter now standing before her. Her previous indecision dissolved into a boiling black cloud of hatred, and any remaining hesitation was pushed aside when she lifted her arm.

  “No!” Anastasia screamed in disbelief as a thin line of silver energy fueled by the moon above exploded from Selene’s fingertips; piercing the chest of Peleus. When the last evidence of life faded from his crippled form, Selene sighed deeply and let her head fall back. She stared at the bright orb hanging above her with apathy. Such a pity. At one time she’d had grand aspirations for her son.

  As a boy he showed incessant determination, continuous strength, and the leadership skills expected of a direct descendant of the moon Goddess. The Auras idolized him and showered him with unabated worship. She had bestowed power, prestige, and most importantly, her essence upon her only son. In return she was gifted abandonment, cunning deceit, and an unending supply of betrayal.

  “Dad, no!” Anastasia collapsed on top of her father and visibly shook with grief. Selene rolled her eyes at the sickening farewell scene before her. The wretched mutt should be thanking her for affording her even a couple of days with Peleus! How could she be capable of even an ounce of grief? She knew nothing of true loss.

  Before Selene could take Anastasia’s life out of sheer annoyance, Keto stepped over the unmoving form of Peleus and rested her hands on her hips; a finger tapping impatiently. But as Anastasia’s tear-stained face hardened and she began to speak, Keto’s terse expression froze as if she’d been turned to stone. As the color drained from her face, Selene tasted the uncertainty and confusion flowing from her as the girl spoke with a wisdom beyond her years.

  “…and power must be used to protect and nurture those who depend on you. Those are the qualities our Order covets in a leader.”

  As her words hung precariously in the cool, night air, a paralyzed Keto was unable to speak. She simply stared numbly into Anastasia’s turquoise eyes; brimming with conviction. Chagrin washed over the moon Goddess when Keto actually allowed the mutt to stand.

  “Finish her off!” Nadia screeched at her, and stomped the sand impatiently.

  “Thetis…?” Keto whispered in disbelief. With her gaze still fixed on Anastasia, she was oblivious to Nadia’s growing hysteria. Selene rolled her eyes once more at Keto’s infinite ignorance. It was simply more evidence that proved the Goddesses of the sea were irrevocably flawed by weakness. She resolved herself to the fact that if she wanted something done, she’d have to do it herself.

  “What are you waiting for?” Nadia growled. With madness blazing in her golden eyes, she appeared behind Anastasia and drove a dagger into her back. Keto stumbled backwards and continued to gawk with disbelieving eyes at the limp body now lying before her in the sand.

  “You’re welcome,” Nadia hissed at Keto. Selene turned as three figures emerged from the sand dunes several yards away. The first two she recognized as descendants of Hecate - true witches of the Underworld. The third’s appearance was indistinct as it blurred and shifted. The rich auburn hair blowing across her shoulders shivered and blinked into a blonde so pale, it blended with the moon rays shining on it from above. Blazing blue eyes caught Selene’s, and recognition hit like a tidal wave.

  Amphitrite. An Amphitrite currently shrouded in secrecy. Unfortunately for her, Selene was able to see straight through her wel
l-built illusion. What reason could she possibly have to shroud her appearance? Curiosity and mistrust twisted Selene’s features as she observed Amphitrite unleash a stream of blue energy at Keto, who immediately woke from her bewildered trance. A slow, menacing smile lifted the corners of Keto’s glowing eyes and she winked at her ex-sister. Also not fooled by the loosely worn veil, she effortlessly deflected the attack with a flick of her wrist.

  At that moment, three young Tydes followed their elders onto the beach. Their determined expressions gave way to alarm when they surveyed the chaos unfolding before them. With the expertise only a centuries-old Goddess could have, Selene turned her attention to the Warriors of Luna - her ten protectors obediently awaiting her command. Her gaze met those of Thalia and Bronson, her two strongest warriors, and she swiftly planted her orders into their thoughts. As they walked up the beach toward the three Tydes, she commanded the others to descend upon the two witches who were already struggling against the much more powerful Keto and Nadia.

  A blinding flash of light out of the corner of her eye gave Selene pause, and she swung around ready to fight. Her thoughts stilled and her blood cooled when she heard her own moon essence speak to her from across the beach. Once she identified the source, her entire world narrowed and pulsed with renewed rage. She watched with casual indifference as her warriors were easily thrown to the sand like rag dolls, and she gave no thought to the fate of her warriors as she considered the drastic turn of events currently glaring back at her. With her Tyde friends safely reunited on the dunes, a very much alive Anastasia slowly twisted around.

  Her pivotal transformation became exceedingly obvious as her now silver-blue eyes stalled on Selene before finding their final destination in Keto. An undeniable presence, suffocating as an avalanche, traveled across the sand and slammed into the moon Goddess. A streak of panic climbed up her spine once she glimpsed the necklace dangling from the girl’s neck. A necklace she believed had been destroyed…the orb that had once belonged to Peleus. As it rested against Anastasia’s now-shimmering skin, the evidence was mounting: the unthinkable had indeed occurred.

  Selene faintly registered the sound of someone shrieking at her, but nothing could steal her attention from the blasphemy striding towards them with a knowing, confident smile. With each step Anastasia took, the remaining protectors, along with Keto’s Sirens, were rendered helpless by a cloud of bright blue energy.

  “Looks like this won’t be as easy as you thought, Keto.” Anastasia’s even tone and strong stance was further proof that she was no longer a meager descendant.

  “Nice work, Pasha.” Selene’s attention slid to the Prime of the Sons as he took his place next to Anastasia, greatly favoring his left leg. With a snap of his fingers, the beach erupted into violence, followed quickly by inevitable carnage.

  Rage and anger solidified into something infinitely darker as Selene veiled herself and crept back into the shadows. Her eyes flitted upwards to the beacon of light hanging in the sky, now mocking her with its disloyalty and power. She hadn’t expected this! She hadn’t prepared for the events that had transpired mere moments ago. For the first time in history, the heavy hand of fate had gifted a Chosen one her destiny months before the age of reckoning. Selene knew this could only mean one thing. She would need a much larger force to counter fate’s transgressions. And if fate wanted a war…a war Selene would deliver.

  Chapter 1

  Red. Blood red. My retinas quivered as a white hot burning sensation sizzled through them; lighting my world ablaze with pain. Averting my eyes elsewhere did nothing to diminish the searing agony that now crawled down my spine. The silken sand beneath me quivered with trepidation as the entire world became muted by the guise of evil. What had traditionally been a mesmerizing dance of joy performed by the incoming tide, suddenly shifted into a mass of boiling water; climbing and clawing its way onshore towards my unmoving body. The typically cool night air had morphed into a hot, sticky wind lined with angry bursts of hot steam. As it raced over the beach and out towards the sea, a low moaning waned across the landscape; settling into the pit of my stomach and raising my pulse with each passing moment.

  Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. But no amount of effort could convince my traitorous body to move even an inch. My arms, legs and hands were all paralyzed from an unknown force I couldn’t overcome. Deciding to start with small, deliberate movements, I concentrated all of my energy on my left pointer finger. After what seemed like an eternity, I managed to bend it ever so slightly. It was barely enough to displace the sand beneath, but still enough to give me hope. When I turned my attention to the next finger, a tightly wound thread within my spine began to loosen and unravel. My muscles relaxed on their own, and the burning in my eyes magically subsided. Without the scorching pain, I stopped fighting the overwhelming urge to stare unblinking at what loomed above.

  Without warning, a rancid wave of sweltering heat washed over my mind and imprisoned my every thought, dream, emotion, memory and belief. It happened so fast that I had no chance of defending myself. All thoughts were wiped completely clean, every ounce of fear and apprehension replaced by an embrace so holistic, so encompassing I could only hope to revel in its presence. I registered my eyes growing larger as the bloodshot sphere above actually moved closer. It finally dawned on me what the glowing, red ball of light was. The moon. A blood moon. Its deep crimson hue warmed my blood and sent spikes of power through my heart, while my soul disappeared into a valley teeming with surrender. It was only a matter of time now. A sinister laugh escaped my lips and I suddenly became aware of an insatiable need for the power emanating from its watchful moon rays. The small orb that hung from my neck mirrored its deep red glow as its heat spread tantalizingly across my skin.

  I didn’t remember making the decision to sit up, but my body was doing just that of its own accord. As it folded unto itself mechanically, my eyes shifted to the ocean laid out before me that was currently tinged with shades of red and orange. Once my vision cleared, I met the gaze of a beautiful woman kneeling before me. With a smile overflowing with venom, she handed me a dagger encrusted with luminescent white stones, flanked by darker red ones I couldn’t identify. With the razor sharp blade aimed downward, I twisted to the side and trained my eyes on the fragile-looking body lying next to me.

  Her flowing blonde hair framed an ashen, lifeless face that I knew was capable of beaming with unconditional friendship. Her shining, blue eyes that had always danced with happiness were now hidden behind closed eyelids. The white skin of her bare chest appeared out of place among the glowing red hues streaming down from above. With a building excitement I couldn’t understand, I readied the dagger directly above her heart and glanced up at the woman in front of me for the final cue. She smiled with pride and nodded her head in silent approval.

  “Welcome, Granddaughter, to your destiny,” she affirmed royally. I smiled at her with wicked anticipation and felt a surge of power flow through my veins. Without further hesitation, I swung the dagger downward and into Willow’s heart with all of my strength.

  Gasping for air, I lurched forward onto the sand as nausea took hold of me and the contents of my stomach were emptied again and again. Thankfully I was close enough to the surf that it gently erased any signs of the violent reaction my dream had elicited. I collapsed back onto the sand and rolled over to my side; pulling my knees protectively against my chest and squeezing my eyes shut.

  It had been like that for an entire month, and each time the dream began the same way. I consistently awoke on the very same stretch of sand on the very same beach, and each time I became sick immediately after. The only difference was the person I killed in the end. Carmen. Kira. Phoebe. Natasha. Ricker. Amphitrite. Even Finn’s life had not been spared. As my most recent victim, Willow’s delicate, innocent face flashed before my eyes and a flood of tears spilled down my sandy cheeks. A warm, gentle energy sizzled up from the sand just as a cool wave of water enveloped my legs. The despair ra
cking my body slowly drained into the sand below, replaced by unconditional love and ever present support. A final slice of panic cut through me, and I clumsily grasped the orb around my neck. Instead of the sinister red of my dream, it emitted its usual cool, silver light and I was able to breathe somewhat easier.

  As the moon arched across the sky above, I waited for the sand to replenish my wavering strength. I held onto a thin shred of sanity while the sea healed the mental scars that had once again been carved deep by my hauntingly real life nightmare. I’d spent countless waking hours mulling over each and every detail of the recurring dream, and I refused to believe that it was simply a creation of my subconscious. If I’d learned one important thing over the past year of my new life, it was that nothing was ever what it seemed.

  Unfortunately, this recent stint of torture failed to fit neatly into any of my known abilities. I continually ticked off the possibilities. It didn’t meet any of the criteria for foresight. The visions associated with my foresight ability had historically appeared to me once and only once. Reveries consisted of the present, so unless a second blood red moon was hiding on the other side of the Earth, that wasn’t viable either. I was also consistently a simple bystander in my reveries. Finn and my father had proved to be the only ones capable of seeing me in reveries, and even then I wasn’t a part of the script - I was an onlooker. Antiquity was quickly marked off the list, since it was the ability to see the past through another’s eyes. The only other explanation was the very one I refused to accept. A dream. However, I couldn’t deny the solemn fact that none of my known abilities aligned with what was happening to me. Convincing myself that it was merely a simple dream was the only way to keep my already shaky grasp on reality, but I remained ever skeptical. It had always felt too real.


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