Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1)

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Razor's Mark: (Marked Book 1) Page 7

by Gracie Meadows

  Getting out of the shower, he dried and went in search of clothes. When he opened the door, he saw Faith sleeping on the bed. Her body was curled into a fetal position, and she looked cold. Though he was pissed at this woman, he didn’t want her getting any sicker. That would just make everything worse. Grabbing some jeans and a shirt, he walked over and pulled the covers over her small body. He also noticed she had some spaghetti sauce on her face. It was cute, even for a grown woman. Hating how his mind would bounce back and forth about her, he covered her quickly then left the room before he did anything else to her.

  Pulling out his phone to call the diner down the street to deliver some burgers, it started to ring instead; it was the shop.

  “Yeah,” he quipped.

  “Hey, Razor, we have guys here with badges asking to talk to you. I think it’s about your girl. Think you should come down here. We can send someone to watch her while you get rid of them. I would send them away, but then they would come to your house.” It was Sparkle. He knew she would delay them, but it was bound to happen, but did it have to happen right now.

  “On my way.” Snapping his phone shut, he slipped on his shoes, found a piece of paper, and wrote a small note.

  Stay out of trouble! Someone from the shop is coming to watch you.

  There; that should do. Locking the door behind him, he jumped into his truck. He was at the shop in no time. Walking through the back door, he found Tex drinking some coffee.

  “Hey, where’s Casper or Mary Jane?”

  “Working on someone, Sparkle is entertaining some suits, I’m heading home, what ya need?”

  “Shit, look, I need someone at my house.”

  “The girl?”


  “Done. I’ll be there in two shakes of a rattlesnake.” His smile drove him nuts, but it was the best he could do. She would be safe enough with Tex, or at least he could hope. His best bet would be she would sleep right through the whole thing. He walked to the front to see Sparkle glaring at someone. He cleared his throat letting everyone know he was there.

  “Oh shit, Razor, good, you came in. These men need to talk to you.”

  “'Kay, what?” He wasn’t going to give them shit.

  “Sir, have you seen this woman before?” He looked at the picture of Faith, and it wasn’t a very good one, but he acted like he was studying it some.

  “She looks similar to a chick I did a piece on.”

  “A piece?”

  “Yeah, she got some work done, had a thing with angels. She couldn’t sit through one session, so we had to do two. A set of angel wings. Big ass piece, but it looked great. Why, did she complain about my work?”

  “No, she’s missing.”

  “No shit, wow that sucks. Sorry, I can’t help you.”

  “You remember anything else about her? If you saw her more than once, she might have said something.”

  “Look, do you know how many people I leave my mark on? She was just another body to me. Her name was like Fate, or Fay, something like that. She talked a lot about plants and shit. I ignore them half the time. Can’t help you.”

  “Well, if she turns up, or you remember something, could you give us a call?”

  “Sure.” He took the card, tucked it in his back pocket, and watched as they left the building.

  “Oi’, mate, that was a close one.” He turned to see Casper wiping down his client before wrapping it up. Sparkle came back over, did her speech about aftercare, and cashed him out. Walking to the back, he wanted some coffee and a damn break. Seemed that Casper had the same idea. “So what’s going on?”

  “Nothing, she’s just driving me crazy. I constantly have to watch her; she’s worse than having a dog. I swear women are nothing but trouble man.”

  “Don’t say that, I like the girl. She has spunk, and a nice rack. But seriously, mate, you need to ease off her. It can’t be all that hard living with a beautiful woman warming your bed.”

  “She is warming my bed alright, while I sleep on the couch. I hate that fucking thing.”

  “Sounds like you could use a drink.”

  “Sounds about right.”

  “Come on then; we’ll go get a pint or three and let Tex watch her for a bit.” That sounded like a good plan to him.


  Faith woke to the sound of someone banging on the door. She jumped out of bed and looked around the apartment, but no one was there. Shit, where the hell was Razor? Walking slowly to the door, she looked through the peephole. Two men in suits stood outside. Shit.

  Taking a small step back the doorknob started to rattle. Damn, looking around she didn’t know what to do. But suddenly there was a commotion and a blast of car alarms started going off. The knob stood still, and she held her breath again and took a small look. No one was there. What could she do? She needed to leave. She needed to go somewhere where no one would know her. She needed to find her brother.

  She grabbed her dirty clothes and slipped them back on. She felt dirty, but knew she needed to move and not cause Razor any more trouble or put him in anymore danger than she had. She packed a bag and slipped on shoes. Looking out the window, she spotted the men yelling at someone who’d hit their car. Good, this was her chance to leave.

  Unlocking the door quietly, she opened it a crack and looked out. No one was in the hallway. Reaching inside she locked the door before shutting it again. She would go down the other steps in the back to try to avoid the guys. It almost worked, because as she started to walk someone yelled her name. Turning, she spotted someone looking at her. Shitballs. Taking off, she hauled ass down and around the corner. She did this for several minutes before ducking into a store. She still had some cash on her, so she could take a cab to where she needed to go. It would be a distance, but it was worth it.

  Looking out of the window, she didn’t see anyone, but asked the lady at the front if she could call her a cab. Sure enough, it was only five minutes before one showed up.

  Climbing in, she gave the address to the club.

  “Miss, you know what type of place that is? Don’t think it’s fit for someone like you.”

  “I’m sure, thank you.” The driver didn’t say anything else and took off to the outskirts of DC.

  This wasn’t the best neighborhood, but all she had to do was drop a name, and she would be protected. The cabbie pulled up in front of an old brick building lined with various bikes. Spotting the one she was looking for, she paid her tab, and he took off, maybe a little faster than normal. Holding her bag, she walked in the building with her head held high. She didn’t spot him right away, so she walked to the bar.

  “Hey, lady, think you’re in the wrong place.” The man behind the bar eyed her up and down.

  “No, I’m not. I’m here to see Michael.”

  “Michael?” He raised his eye in shock.

  “Look, lady, don’t know what game you’re playing here, but he don't see people like you. Merlin has a type and, lady, you ain't it.”

  “Yes, I am. Tell him Faith is here.”

  “You’re asking for trouble. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He picked up a phone from behind the bar.

  “Yo, Merlin, got yourself a guest. Yeah, I know you have company, but she says you know her. No, never seen her before. She's a preppy type of chick. Yeah, I can get rid of her, sure.” He was about to hang up when she yelled at him to tell him her name. “Shit, sorry, boss, says the name is Faith. Fuck, why you yelling at me, I didn’t do anything. Shit, man, chill, okay? She’s fine. At least she looks okay. Sure, I can watch her.”

  Faith couldn’t help but smile as the man got his ass chewed out. Not more than ten minutes went by with men dressed in leather glaring at her either with disgust or lust before he walked around the corner. She couldn’t help but feel better seeing him. He looked suspicious but like all little sisters, she ran to him, and he instantly wrapped her in his arms.

  “Oh, my sweet Faith, I
gotcha.” He held her tight and kissed the top of her head. He smelled like cigarettes, cheap beer and leather. Michael was her older brother by five years, and he was the president of the Hellhound MC. No one messed with him. He didn’t say anything more, just held her tight.

  “Come with me to the office and we can talk. Need a drink?” She nodded, and Michael walked over to the bar.

  “Hey, Sully, send up two burgers, a beer for me and a Long Island Iced Tea for my girl.” He still called her his girl. Even after all these years, he said she would always be his.

  “Your girl? Damn, Merlin, do the guys know.”

  “No, you jackass, she’s my baby sister. Now bring me my stuff upstairs while I get her settled and don’t question me again, understood?” The guy named Sully nodded in agreement before turning and yelling something to the kitchen staff.

  “You remembered.” When she first turned twenty-one, Michael showed up and took her out of school. It was her last year and even though she had a final that week, he wanted her to celebrate. He’d even rented a car just for her.

  She’d always hated bikes, well before Razor that is. But they’d gone to a steak joint, and she’d wanted to try something sweet, so the waiter suggested a Long Island Iced Tea. Needless to say after the dinner and drinks, she was three sheets to the wind. He’d carried her into a room he rented because he couldn’t stay in her dorm. He took care of her and it was sweet.

  But that was before she joined Hamilton and Rodgers and found out he was part of the MC, and it was a one percenter club. He ran with his club, and wasn’t president at the time. She’d never asked what illegal activities they did; she just knew that he did them. He said he understood why she cut ties, but family was family. And now, here she was several years later, and he welcomed her back with open arms.

  “I always remember everything. I’ve missed you. But since the last time we spoke, you wanted to keep a positive impression at work and cut ties with me. So why now, Faith? Why come to me? Something must be seriously wrong. Tell me, and let me make it better.” She was going to start the long story when a knock sounded. Another man, who was darker skinned but covered in various tattoos, came in with a tray.

  “Here you go, Merlin. Thought maybe I could be of some use.”

  “You might. First, Faith, this is the VP, Skull; Skull, this is my baby sister,


  “So she does exist. Here we thought she was a ghost story made up to show you have a heart.”

  “Shut up, you fucker,” Michael joked, before turning to her.

  “Can he stay, Faith? I trust him with my life and yours. He has saved me a time or two.”

  “I don’t see why not. But it might put you all in danger.”

  “Okay, now you got my interest, tell us what’s going on.” Faith went into detail about everything that had happened and even about Razor and how he was helping her out.

  “Fuck me. That’s…wow. Look, we do some pretty shady shit, but these are our troops. Men and women who put their lives on the line enabling us do our shady shit. Plus there are several members who are ex-military. We’ll help any way we can.”

  “Thank God.”

  “So tell us what you need us to do.” They started eating at this point, and Faith didn’t realize how hungry she was. She told them she just needed some place to lay low and clean up until the email was sent. They said they could help, and suddenly she was being whisked away to a secret safe house.

  Chapter Eleven

  Razor finished his second beer ignoring his phone altogether. He sent a text to Tex that he would be a little late. Hell, he would even pay the dipshit babysitting money. What was the going rate for women with attitude and no desire to take care of themselves? It’s not like he could ask. Fuck it; he would buy him a case of beer and call it even.

  “Damn, do you see those ladies over there? They’ve been eyeing you up all night. I say we get a little lucky before you head back to your couch,” Casper said as he got off his seat. He did see them, and both were hot as hell. Tight mini skirts with short tops showing their toned stomachs. Fuck yeah, he would fuck one in the bathroom, or his truck, before heading home. Maybe it was just what he needed to get Faith off his brain. She was starting to make him concerned and want to know her more. And he needed to end that shit, quick.

  Walking over, he made small talk with them, well, Casper did, as he nodded and looked. Both seemed pretty out of it. The chick in red grabbed his hand and pulled him outside the bar. She knew what she was doing, and he was hard as a rock. If she was willing, so was he. He pulled her to his truck and pushed her against it. Her yelp made him smile, and he took her lips and slipped his hand into her top. Her breasts were fake, not like Faith’s, but that didn’t stop him from feeling her up.

  Her hand reached down and grabbed his cock through his jeans. He rocked into her hand while he sucked on a tit, but he wasn’t feeling it like he normally would with a random chick. Something was off. Shaking his head, he slipped his other hand down and squeezed her ass, hoping to get his mind back in the game. Just as he started to head to the front of her, someone yelled his name.

  “Fuck, Razor, she’s gone.” Turning his head, he looked to see Casper standing with Tex next to him. Releasing the chick, he spun.

  “What the hell do you mean she's gone?”

  “I’ve been calling you, but it keeps going to voicemail. Faith is gone. I got to your place and some guys in suits, like the ones at the shop, were yelling at someone. I thought I saw her and yelled her name. Just like that, they turned and spotted her. One pulled a gun and took off after her. I tried to catch her or them, but she’s gone, man.

  “Fuck.” He spun and punched the side of his truck. One fucking job- keep her safe- and he didn’t do that. The chick he had a second ago scurried away without a word. He had to find her. He had to find Faith before they did.

  “Where could she go?”

  “I don’t know, man. But we’ll find her. I have Sparkle looking into it. She’s digging deep into her background and trying all her channels. We’ll find her, man. We’re meeting at your place to figure shit out.” Razor nodded and before anyone could say anything else, he jumped into his truck and peeled down the road toward his apartment. Maybe she left him a note or something. Johnny knew Faith better than anyone, and it was at times like this when he really wished Johnny was still here.

  Even though they were only half-brothers, it didn’t matter to them. Johnny’s mother died during childbirth, and a few years later, his father married Razor's mother. It seemed like one giant happy family, but it was anything but. Once they found out about Johnny’s genius status, they were all over him to finish college early. However, when he didn’t show the same type of brainpower, he was left alone or pushed aside.

  But it wasn’t without the comments of, “You could do so much if you just applied yourself.” Or, “I don’t know why you don’t want to do something meaningful with your life like John.” And so on. It was never-ending. Sure, he loved them, they were his parents after all, but they couldn't just love him for him. Hell, even Johnny yelled at him the last time they’d talked for wasting his life. Now, he had no one. He ended his pity party when he pulled up and found Sparkle and Mary Jane waiting for him.

  “Took you long enough.”

  “Sorry, got caught in something. Find anything?”

  “Let’s head inside and talk.” He took the steps two at a time and opened the door while the others followed. He tore into the bedroom and found the clothes he lent her sitting in a small pile on the floor. Shit. He didn’t see her computer or her other clothes.

  His room was still clean and orderly the way she left it, but none of the stuff she had remained. However, he did spot a small piece of paper off to the side. Some type of number pattern he didn’t recognize. In the kitchen, her bowl was sitting in the dishrack. His note was still sitting there. Instantly he grabbed it, ripped it quickly and threw it in the tr
ash. There was nothing here. It was as if she’d disappeared without a word.

  Didn’t she know he would be worried? Sure, he was a bit of an ass to her, but still, how could he protect her if she wasn’t where he put her. Stupid girl. If he found her unharmed, he would do what he threatened and beat her ass. He hated fucking games, and she was playing one with him. There was no pass go or collect two hundred dollars this time. If she got caught, the only place she would find herself is six feet under, just like Johnny, and it would be his fault. Fuck this.

  “Anything?” he snapped at Sparkle who had her computer open on his coffee table typing away furiously.

  “Nothing. She hasn’t used any credit cards, and she didn’t have a phone, so no way to locate her with that. She seems to know what she’s doing. I admit the girl got skills keeping everything hidden. But I’ll stay on it.” Razor nodded, that was all he could do. Needing noise other than the sound of clicking keys, he turned on the news, hoping to find something, anything he could use to find her.


  Faith looked around the small cabin. It had a kitchen, one bedroom, living room, and bathroom. Wasn’t much, but then again it reminded her of her own, or Razor's. Had she done the right thing leaving like she had? Would he even care that she was gone? He’d said he was tired of watching her, and then they showed up. Michael had made her ride up with him to the cabin. At first, he was hunting down a car to drive her because he knew she didn’t like bikes, but once she said she didn’t mind them now, he smiled, kissed her head, and handed her a helmet. His brothers were working on trying to figure out who was behind sending the items and stopping them. He said he wouldn’t give her the details because he was using channels she wouldn’t approve of.


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