The Nocturnal and Fae Prison Academy Boxset [A Complete Paranormal and Fantasy Series Boxset]

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The Nocturnal and Fae Prison Academy Boxset [A Complete Paranormal and Fantasy Series Boxset] Page 93

by Margo Ryerkerk

  “Sure. Let me just get my swimming trunks.” Nathan’s gaze traveled down my body, shooting pleasant tingles of heat through me. “Can I get you anything to wear?”

  I shook my head. I hadn’t seen any swimwear in my closet, and I doubted Nathan would have anything that would fit me. “I can just go in my underwear if that’s okay.” I held my breath, waiting for his response.

  A slow smile spread across his lips and his pupils widened. “That’s more than okay.” Nathan vanished behind a door next to his bed, and I stripped out of my dress. Just because I was prepared to let him see me in my matching white bra and panties didn’t mean I wanted to pull off a striptease, not that it would be very sexual given how long it took me to get the zipper. Out of my dress and heels, I lowered myself into the warm water. I moaned as my muscles relaxed. This was exactly what I needed after my tense night.

  “I thought you might like some elderflower juice.” Nathan returned, wearing only tan trunks that somehow accented the rest of him. His wings cast a golden glow on his muscled shoulders. I let my gaze trail down his chest and down his abs, to where the hint of a V peeked out from the top of his trunks. He got into the water with grace and handed me a tall flute with a see-through liquid that held bubbles. “It relaxes, nothing more.” He took a sip of his, and I followed suit.

  “Mmm. That’s nice.” It was sweet, but not too sweet. However, it was not what I wanted to taste. I put my flute down and kissed Nathan. Our lips crashed together, and our hands explored each other hungrily. I straddled him in the shallow water, and his lips traveled down my neck, driving me insane.

  “Nathan,” I panted, not wanting to lead him on. “I’m not ready to go all the way.”

  He stopped the kissing and gazed deeply into my eyes. “I’m not asking you to do anything you’re not ready to. I’d never do that.” I swallowed hard, feeling awful about all the things I was asking from him. As if reading my mind, he pushed a black hair strand behind my ear. “Virgie, I don’t want to talk strategy tonight, but know that all that I’ve done and will do, I’m doing willingly. I want what is best for the faeland.”

  Tears shot into my eyes. Nathan was too good to get hurt, and I’d be placing him right in the heart of the tornado. But he was right, tonight was not the night to worry. I pressed my lips against his and sank into the kiss, needing its healing power like the air I breathed.



  I woke the next day in Nathan’s bed, his arm draped over me. A smile grew across my face. The night had been what we needed. My mind had cleared, and I felt ready to face the day. We could do this. We could get Peony to train on a person before the big night. With both the fae media and the public hungry for more of our love story, further appearances at the castle would be expected of us, providing the perfect alibi.

  As I had no classes today, I could rest with Nathan. The morning sun streamed through the window, making the spring in the other room sparkle. Nathan muttered in his sleep, and I kissed his temple, feeling a tenderness for him I’d never experienced for anyone before.

  Then a loud knock on Nathan’s front door jerked me out of my bliss and him out of his sleep.

  “Who’s that?” I asked as he jumped out of bed and pulled on his green and white uniform.

  “I’ll find out,” he replied, already fully awake. He was a true military man, always at attention.

  He opened the door, and I peeked across his shoulder to find Amanda standing on the other side. Her short brown bob was immaculate, and her beige pantsuit didn’t sport a single wrinkle. I pulled the bed covers high as a Cheshire cat grin spread across Amanda’s face and her magenta wings beat faster. “Virgie, excellent. I was looking for you.” She burst into the front room, a clipboard in her hands, and I cursed myself for not pulling on my dress when I saw Nathan get dressed. “The media is going crazy. Is it true that you two are engaged?”

  “No,” I replied as Nathan coughed.

  Amanda shrugged. “Rumors are flying. This could be excellent, but might lead to disappointment if we don’t manage it carefully. We need to discuss the next steps.”

  I grabbed my dress and slipped into it. Better to flash Amanda my underwear than to be constricted to the bed and feel like an idiot wrapping the sheets around me. “And what would those next steps be?” I forced myself to ask, even though I hated the idea of selling our relationship to the media. But we needed them, and we needed Amanda.

  “We must continue the story.” She tapped her pen on her clipboard, probably coming up with the perfect PR gig. “We could use this to squash the other rumors about the royal family being divided.”

  “But they are. Caleb is in prison.”

  Amanda waved at my statement. “Prince Caleb is receiving some disciplining after his actions. It’s nothing to worry about. Don’t mention the word prison in front of the press. All they know is that he’s taking an absence from court. Got it?”

  I nodded, even as I wondered how much damage it would do to King Peter’s image to reveal he had imprisoned his own son. Not enough on its own I guessed, but enough to start an avalanche.

  Amanda smiled tightly. “King Peter wants to maintain an image of calm and peace. We need a distraction from the darker topics circulating through the land, especially with the public worried that the Winter Court might attack. Caleb and Peony's absences have been noted, so this will be the time for them to make a reappearance. Everything must be smoothed over.”

  I held back my smile. Of course. Rightfully so, unless we returned Thorsten. I didn’t say that out loud, knowing Amanda wouldn’t appreciate it.

  Amanda clapped her hands together. “Besides that, though, we need another major story.”

  “Us.” I glanced at Nathan. We can use this to our advantage. Have another party at the castle, I mindspoke.

  Great idea, he replied.

  It would be the perfect cover for helping Thorsten escape. Not only would the king be attending the event rather than being in his throne room, but the large number of fae gathered would help Peony maintain cover when we snuck her to Thorsten. With a bit of luck, everyone would be in a sense of relaxation with magical cocktails swirling around.

  “So, should we appear at another function?” I asked in a light tone. “Let everyone see us happy and in public.”

  “I was about to suggest exactly that. We need to divert attention from Prince Caleb and his strife with the king to you. Perhaps we could even confirm your engagement.” I took a step back at her words, and Amanda quickly added, “We could also wait a bit on that.”

  Nathan nodded. “Set up the party. We need to ease the nerves of the public and distract them from the possibility of war.”

  “Excellent. Glad you’re on board. I will speak with the planners. Let’s give it six days from today.” Amanda headed for the door, unaware that she had just set the same date as Onyx, making our job much easier.

  When the spy servant came to collect my doubled-up tray at lunch, I made sure to slide in a note, written on a napkin, to Onyx.

  Party at castle in one week. Perfect time for what we discussed. Will update.

  The servant fae gave me a tiny nod before she carried the two trays stuck together to the kitchen, my note hidden inside. As she vanished, Kristen joined my table.

  I debated on telling her the full story, but the less she knew the safer for her and us. So, instead, I chatted about our classes. After several meaningful glances from Kristen though, I knew I had to acknowledge the elephant in the room. “Kristen, we’re coming up with a plan, but I don’t want to endanger you more than I already have,” I said.

  She put down her fork. “Look, I know I was nervous being the lookout last time, but I did fine. I’ll do better next time.”

  Kristen was still a pleaser. I lowered my voice. “Peony needs to practice turning someone into a plant and back. Do you know of anyone willing to do it?” I hated using my mind magic to compel someone to become our test subject. It felt wrong and mad
e me no better than King Peter.

  Kristen slowly shook her head. “The other students seem to be drinking Blythe’s Kool-Aid. I doubt any of them would be up for it.”

  “They won’t.” I sighed. “Maybe I should volunteer.”

  Kristen gripped my arm. “Virgie, no. You’re needed. The rest of us are mostly expendable.” Her voice trembled with fear. She was too scared to offer to be the test subject, and I wasn’t going to force her.

  “You are not expendable. We’re going to stop this war.” I forced a smile and glanced past Kristen to find Nathan in the archway. He gave me a meaningful look.

  “Excuse me.” I left Kristen and followed Nathan in the direction he had gone. He wasn’t too far ahead of me, but continued walking until we were at the front gates where a young guard with messy red hair was waiting, leaning on his spear.

  “Virgie, this is Christoph, one of my most loyal guards,” Nathan said as I joined them. “He has agreed to help us. He’ll be taking the dungeon shift tonight.”

  I eyed Christoph. I’d never seen him at the palace before, and I assumed he’d never taken a loyalty oath to King Peter. Are you sure about him? I mindspoke.

  Yes, Nathan replied. Out loud, he added, “Christoph understands the risks.”

  Christoph nodded. “It would be my honor to help the Summer Court avoid war.” He offered a little bow, revealing his bronze wings. “I trust Nathan.”

  With our test subject procured, there wasn’t much else left to do other than kill time until the evening. Nathan and I took a long walk around the Vasara Center. The students hung out in small groups around the campus, talking and laughing, not aware that the peace of the Summer lands weighed heavily on our shoulders. Nathan wrapped his arm around my waist, drawing a few stares, but Kristen grinned at me when we passed her and another student on the bench.

  As the sun set and the fireflies came out, the time arrived for us to go on our first practice run for the upcoming party. We rode in the Pegasi-drawn carriage to the Summer Palace where Amanda waited. We landed to see her standing outside the carriage, in the entrance.

  “You didn’t warn me about her,” I said.

  “She was unavoidable. We needed an excuse to be here tonight,” Nathan replied. “Amanda will be planning our moves at the upcoming party. Luckily for us, she’ll meet with each of us separately.” He opened the door, and even though what I was about to suggest made my cheeks flame, I knew there was no way around it.

  Keep Amanda distracted. Tell her you want to find the best way to propose to me, I mindspoke.

  She’ll go crazy over that, Nathan replied as we both exchanged hellos with Amanda. While I posed for the media, Nathan said something to Amanda whose hungry smile told me she took the bait.

  The three of us left and the media didn’t follow, which I guessed had to do with Amanda’s instructions. She had probably notified them of our arrival in exchange for privacy later on.

  “Do you mind waiting in the courtyard while I talk to Nathan?” Amanda asked while scanning her clipboard.

  “Of course,” I replied and pretended to go into the nearby garden. Once Nathan and Amanda were out of sight, I ensured no one was watching me, then hurried toward the dungeons.

  Once again, I sensed two guards as well as Peony and Caleb downstairs. One of the guards had a youthful energy and was excited while the other seemed stern and older. It wasn’t hard to decipher that Christoph was the first one. Both were standing at the bottom of the steps. I needed to get rid of the older one so that Christoph could sneak into Peony’s cell.

  I connected to the older guard’s mind. You need to find Nathan and discuss the upcoming party. Security needs to be planned. This can’t be postponed, or King Peter will be furious.

  Muttering followed from below me, and I squeezed myself behind a pillar, but no footsteps sounded. The older guard needed a bit more convincing.

  There are rumors that Nathan is in the castle tonight to plan the party. A face-to-face meeting would be best.

  My second mind push worked, and footsteps came up the steps. Once the guard was far enough away from me, I slipped down the steps. Christoph nodded at me and led the way to Peony and Caleb’s cell.

  Now that I knew that no feed could be created without any guards present, I felt much more relaxed. Christoph opened the door into the cell. Peony and Caleb were standing, already waiting for us. Behind them, plants rested in pots on the worktable. In the center stood a new plant, a giant snowdrop that was no longer white, but yellow. It gave off the scent of fresh summer air.

  “Done with the king’s project?” I asked.

  “I need to find a way to make this plant have more than one blossom. It provides resistance to cold, sun, and wind,” Peony replied.

  So that’s what the Sunscreen message meant.

  “We’re almost done,” Peony added.

  I nodded, unable to believe this innocent-looking plant could give the Summer fae the ability to decimate the Winter fae. “Amanda says you’ll get released in six days for a big party to make the fae stop gossiping about the king’s troublesome relationship with Caleb or any upcoming war.”

  Caleb frowned. “Glad to know that my father is releasing me for publicity.” Even though his voice was cold, I could feel his hurt underneath. Caleb turned to Christoph. “Thank you, Christoph. You are a brave guard.”

  “My superior doesn’t think so.” Christoph flashed a grin and stepped forward. “Now, what do we do? I’ll gladly be your test subject for the rest of the week so long as you don’t give me leaves for hair.”

  Peony cracked a smile at his dry sense of humor, but her shaking hands betrayed her nerves. “Right. I’ll turn you into a small tree and back. I’ve been meditating on my magic for a while.” She grabbed a large pot of dirt from the table and put it on the ground. “Could you step into this?”

  Christoph shot her an unbelieving glance, but then did as he was told. Peony took a breath, rubbed her hands together, and lifted them toward Christoph. Vines shot from Peony’s palms and wrapped around the guard, cocooning him. King Peter had done the same to Thorsten when he had turned him into a cactus. Peony wrinkled her forehead. The vines tightened, and Christoph let out a grunt.

  I rushed forward. “He can’t breathe.”

  Peony retracted her vines. “I’m sorry. I’ve never done this before. Are you all right?”

  “Fine.” Christoph lifted up a hand to bring it to his throat only to discover it was no longer a hand, but a sprouting twig. His eyes widened.

  Caleb chuckled. “That’s excellent for a first attempt, Peony.”

  Peony beamed at him and took that as permission to try again. Her vines rewrapped around Christoph. They moved, and it looked like they were twirling Christoph, who didn’t grunt, but whose shape grew skinnier under the vines.

  When her vines retracted, they revealed a Christoph who no longer had arms or legs, but branches and a trunk. His torso was still human as was his head, but his hair had turned into red leaves.

  Peony bit her lip and glanced at Caleb. “I’m feeling dizzy.”

  Caleb stepped forward and put his arms on her shoulder. “That’s enough practice for today. This is very advanced magic that drains you and you still need to turn Christoph back.”

  Peony’s throat bobbed up and down. “Okay.”

  “Quickly,” I said as I felt the mind of the older guard drawing closer, self-satisfied. He had talked to Nathan, and he was probably less than a minute away. I didn’t say that though, not wanting to put any more pressure on Peony.

  Peony wrapped her vines for a third time around the half-tree, half-person Christoph. Sweat beads formed on her temples, and her biceps trembled. Her vines spun again in a circle and when they released Christoph, he was fully fae again.

  He shook his head and stepped out of the pot, then looked down his shirt. “That was weird.” He ran a hand through his hair, as if checking it was back to normal and not a bunch of leaves. “Didn’t hurt, but re
ally weird. I feel like I still have some bark on my chest.”

  I chuckled. “None that I can see.” I waved goodbye to Peony and Caleb. “Great job.” Then I opened the door. “Let’s get out of here, Christoph. The other guard is about to return.”



  Peony practiced on Christoph for the rest of the week. Each time, I drew Christoph’s partner that day away from the dungeon with some excuse. A different fae was stationed there each day which helped keep the suspicion low. Apparently, the dungeons were boring and the guards liked to rotate that shift, though Christoph managed to keep his post thanks to Nathan pulling some strings behind the scenes.

  My continued appearance at the castle benefited me in other ways, too. While I wasn’t manipulating the guard, I was working with the party planners and showing the press that I was committed to taking a more active role in the Summer Court, which according to Amanda and my stylist Pierre was something to be expected of the bride of the High Commander. Another thing that was expected of me was to walk in ridiculous, rosy heels that left my feet aching while Amanda drilled me like a movie director on steroids. Everything had to be perfect. She even spent some time with Peony and Caleb in the dungeons to prepare them for the party and their first public event after their imprisonment. Pierre had visited them too, putting together their outfits.

  With everything set in motion, I felt good about our chances of pulling off Thorsten’s transformation and escape. On Friday during lunch, I wrote a note to Onyx.

  Party tomorrow night. Caleb and Peony will be free. Caleb will let you in. Peony’s about mastered her magic.

  “Are you sure you don’t need another lookout?” Kristen put her tray down and sat beside me.

  I hid my note in my lap, even though I knew she couldn’t betray me thanks to her vow. “A lookout would be good. Are Vasara students allowed to go to the party?”


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