Grounds for Seduction (Seattle Steam)

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Grounds for Seduction (Seattle Steam) Page 13

by Shelli Stevens

  “Aren’t we running a little early?” she asked, yawning. “I thought dinner wasn’t until six.”

  “It isn’t.” He looked at her again. “I thought we’d go down to Pike Place Market and walk around, maybe pick up some fresh fruit and homemade bread for breakfast.”

  “Oh, yum. Great idea.”

  She sat up and glanced outside the window. They were passing through the tall buildings of downtown on their way toward the waterfront.

  “I haven’t been down there in a few years.”

  “Me, either.” He found a parking garage a few blocks from the market and parked. “Let’s head out.”

  A half hour later, they maneuvered through the crowded marketplace carrying a bag full of fresh strawberries, a loaf of sourdough bread, and a jar of raspberry jam.

  “Too bad we’re not going straight home,” he commented as they stopped at the fish market to watch the workers tossing fresh salmon to each other. “I’d love to pick up some of that.”

  “I do love the fresh seafood.”

  “Maybe when we get back into town for good, we can throw a barbeque and get some. I’ll prepare it, and you never have to see or smell a thing.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” She smiled up at him. “You spoil me.”

  Interesting. He’d made a comment on their future together, sort of, and she hadn’t even flinched. In fact, she’d seemed excited by the prospect. Maybe this meant she had started to view things between them differently, as more than just a rebound. The idea settled better with him than he expected.

  “We should head out and meet up with your brother.”

  Madison glanced at her watch and nodded. “You’re right, especially with rush-hour traffic.”

  They backtracked through the market, and it wasn’t until they’d emerged onto the street that they spoke again.

  “I was thinking…” Maddie bit her lip, “when we meet up with everyone, we should just try to keep things between us quiet. Make sure nobody suspects we’re going at it like rabbits.”

  Gabe flinched internally, but outwardly, he managed a casual shrug for her benefit. “No problem. I’m not much in the mood to get decked by your brother tonight.”

  She gave him a sharp look and then a hesitant smile. “Great, I’m glad we’re on the same wavelength here. It’s just that it’s none of their business that we’re having sex. So if we could make it look like you don’t even know that I exist…you know, just like it was a few years ago.”

  “Say no more.” And he meant it. His jaw hardened.

  He might as well be her pool boy. Fine to go to bed with, but she’d never acknowledge it had happened. God, it was irritating how easily she could just turn it on and off. She was a damned faucet. It wasn’t that easy for him. His emotions, usually kept in check, weren’t so easy to dismiss this time.

  And now she wanted him to sit through a dinner and pretend that she wasn’t in his every thought. Act like she didn’t exist. Right. It was as simple as that. Bullshit.

  Might as well get started right away. He let go of her hand and increased his pace to the parking garage.


  Madison tuned out the bad traffic while Gabe drove to the restaurant where they were meeting for dinner. Irritation had been eating at her for a while now, and she didn’t have much trouble pinpointing why. When throwing out the suggestion for them to keep things quiet, she’d been testing the waters, not certain what to expect—maybe for him to argue against it, or perhaps agree after extended persuading.

  She certainly hadn’t expected the immediate agreement and the joke about her brother getting pissed. Or the way he’d just dropped her hand in the parking garage, like he couldn’t wait to get started with the charade.

  She fiddled with a strand of hair. You brought this on, Madison, don’t jump down his throat. Besides, it was for the best. It would just complicate things if word got out that they were lovers. Eric wouldn’t be thrilled.

  And this dinner was about Eric and Lannie, not Gabe and her.

  Still, her mouth tightened. She didn’t like the way they’d left things.

  Ten minutes later, they were parked and walking into a vacant elevator that went up to the restaurant. Gabe pushed the button to their floor, and the moment the doors closed, Maddie grabbed him.

  “We’ve got a few more seconds,” she muttered before she dragged his mouth down onto hers.

  He didn’t try to stop her. He delved his tongue into her mouth, and Madison sucked on it, digging her nails into his shoulders. She moaned as he ran his hands down her back to squeeze her ass, tilting her head to give him deeper access to her mouth.

  When the elevator dinged, signaling that they’d reached their floor, they stumbled apart and went to opposite sides. Madison wiped her mouth, as if she could diminish the swollenness of her lips.

  “You’ve got some lipstick.” She gestured toward him.

  Gabe rubbed the back of his hand across his mouth to clear any physical evidence she’d left behind.

  When the doors slid open, he waited for her to step out and then followed behind her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Madison took a steadying breath, trying to appear calm as she approached the hostess and gave her Eric’s name. A moment later, they followed the woman through the restaurant.

  She spotted her brother at the back of the restaurant. Lannie sat beside him, her head tilted toward his in an intimate way as she whispered something to him.

  Eric must have noticed their approach, because he looked their way and gave a broad grin.

  “You guys made it.” Lannie gestured for them to sit. “I’m glad to see you’re both okay. You had us worried.”

  Eric stood and clapped Gabe on the back in greeting. “Glad you’re all right, man. It looks like you’re doing a good job keeping Madison safe.”

  “Hey, you know I keep my promises,” Gabe replied and sat at the circular table next to Eric.

  Madison sat next to Lannie, putting a bit of space between her and Gabe.

  “They gave us a big table,” she commented, looking around with a bright smile.

  “Oh, yes, well, Christina’s coming, too.” Lannie glanced off toward the reception area. “She should be here any moment.”

  “Christina?” Madison reached for the water glass in front of her.

  “My maid of honor.”

  Damn. Madison forced a smile.

  “Ah.” Gabe sighed, and she caught the knowing look that passed between Eric and him. She took a drink of the water and willed herself not to get pissed off.

  Eric’s email had warned Gabe about the maid of honor, but Madison hadn’t expected her to show up tonight.

  “I didn’t realize you were inviting the whole wedding party.” Madison forced a smile. “So there’s more coming?”

  “No.” Lannie glanced back at her. “Well, we really just needed to go over some things with the best man and maid of honor, so it’ll just be the five of us.”

  They didn’t even need her here. She forced an answering smile. “I kinda feel like the fifth wheel. Are you sure you want me here?”

  “Of course we want you here,” Lannie insisted with a frown. “We want your input. And we haven’t seen you since Gabe whisked you off to God knows where. We’re going to be family soon, Madison.”

  Taking another sip of water saved her from having to respond. She liked Lannie, really she did. But even though the woman’s intentions were good, setting Gabe up with someone else was the quickest way to piss her off.

  But Lannie didn’t know that and wouldn’t know that unless she said something. And that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.

  “There’s Christy now.”

  Madison glanced up at Lannie’s exclamation, seeking out her new and unwanted nemesis. The woman making her way across the restaurant was petite and blond, with sparkling blue eyes.

  “I’m glad you could make it,” Lannie said when she’d reached the table. “This is Madison, Eric’s s
ister. And this is Gabe, Eric’s best friend and the best man. In other words, your date down the aisle.”

  Subtle, Lannie. Real subtle. Madison kept a polite smile pasted on her face.

  Christy sat between Madison and Gabe and gave them each a bright smile.

  “I’m glad I finally get to meet you both. I’ve heard so much about you two.”

  Madison didn’t miss the way the woman’s gaze lingered on Gabe for a moment longer than necessary.

  She snapped open her menu and stared at the entrees in front of her, not bothering to try to read them, just trying to hide the scowl on her face.

  Lannie cleared her throat. “Gabe, Christy teaches Spanish at Westwood High School, and in the summer she’s a salsa dancing instructor.”

  “Really?” Gabe replied and asked Christy a question in Spanish.

  Madison’s jaw clenched as the other woman replied and giggled in a way that was just as cute as she was. She didn’t understand a word they had said. She’d taken French in high school, and even that hadn’t been her best subject.

  “I haven’t been here in a while,” Madison interrupted. “Does anyone know what’s good?”

  “Oh.” Christy shrugged. “I’ve never been here before. I have to confess, I don’t eat dinner out much. Like Lannie told you, I’m a teacher and, on my salary, I try to save money.” She laughed. “But you know what? I love to cook, so it works out well.”

  Great, she was a petite and pretty Betty Crocker. Madison glanced at Gabe. Probably exactly his type. He did look impressed, but at least he didn’t appear to be at the salivating stage yet.

  She turned her gaze back to Christy. Funny that she’d claimed to be a poor teacher, because Madison would have bet anything that the dress she wore wasn’t cheap.

  “That’s a great dress, Christy. Where did you get it?”

  “Thanks.” Christy glanced down at the summery floral dress and smiled. “Believe it or not, I got it at a thrift shop. I confess—I’m addicted to second-hand shops and online auctions.”

  “Doesn’t it just make you jealous?” Lannie asked with a sigh. “I go into a thrift shop and can’t find a thing. Christy goes in and comes out with Ralph Lauren.”

  The rest of the table shared a laugh while Madison’s stomach churned with jealousy.

  “What do you do, Madison?” Christy turned to face her with a curious look.

  “I own an espresso shop in Seattle.”

  “Wow, hats off to you. I couldn’t get through my ninth graders without coffee. I’ll have to stop by some time. What’s the name of your shop?”

  “Ooo La Latté.”

  “Nice, very original. Although I’m not sure I’ve heard of it.” Her perfect eyebrows curved downward into a puzzled frown.

  “I just opened last week,” Madison admitted. “And got robbed three days later. Gabe made me shut down until we catch the guy.”

  Christy’s mouth gaped, and she glanced to Lannie and Eric as if for confirmation.

  “It’s true.” Eric nodded. “I’ve been out of my mind worrying about her.”

  “But you don’t need to be.” Madison’s smile was a little more genuine this time. “I’ve been with Gabe twenty-four hours a day. And I have to say, he does his job very well.” She couldn’t resist adding, “I’m very pleased with our…arrangement.”

  Christy’s look of surprise was priceless, and her demeanor was a little more hesitant when she glanced back at Gabe. That’s right, Madison told her silently, there may be no signs up, but you’re poaching on someone else’s territory.

  “Gabe’s a police officer,” Lannie hurried to explain. “Eric wanted the best protection for Madison, and Gabe fits the bill. She’s almost like a little sister to him. Right, Gabe?”

  Gabe looked at Madison and raised an eyebrow. She knew what he was thinking—that she’d made the rules and he was just following them. But she swore he enjoyed this.

  “Right.” He picked up his water glass. “Maddie’s just like a sister.”

  God, she wished he were sitting across from her so she could kick him.

  Eric looked from Gabe to Madison to Lannie, and then shook his head. Obviously, this wasn’t a discussion he planned on wading into anytime soon.

  “Who’s up for champagne?” he asked instead.

  Madison and Gabe declined, while everyone else seemed delighted by the idea. The focus turned toward what to order for dinner and conversation died while they all scanned their menus.

  The waitress came and took their orders and left them with a basket of bread and some chunky tomato spread to put on it.

  Eric took the basket and offered a piece to Lannie, who shook her head.

  “No, sweetie. You know I’m going low-carb ’til the wedding.”

  Madison resisted the urge to roll her eyes and reached for the basket. Lannie already looked to be about a size two. The poor woman would disappear if she lost too much weight. Eric seemed to share her thoughts but didn’t comment.

  Lannie folded her hands on the table and leaned forward to face the rest of them.

  “So, the first thing we need to discuss is bridesmaid dresses and the men’s tuxes.”

  “Oh, yes. So what are you thinking?” Christy smiled. “This is so much fun.”

  Just about as much fun as a pap smear. She kept that opinion to herself and attempted a smile instead.

  By the time their dinner arrived, Madison was overwhelmed with the discussion of fabrics, colors, and styles. Most of the time, she loved exploring the world of fashion, but there was something about squeezing fashion into that tiny bridesmaid category that took all the fun out of it.

  She stabbed a piece of lettuce from her Greek salad and glanced over at the men. They’d been deep in discussion about the status of the Mariners for the last half hour. Gabe said something to Eric, but his gaze drifted over to her and his lips curved into a half smile. Her lips flattened into a tight smile in response, and she continued eating her salad.

  “Gabe, yours looks amazing.” Christy nodded toward Gabe’s plate even as she twirled her fork around a fettuccine noodle on her own. “Is it as good as it looks?”

  Madison’s attention snapped to the pair. She’d have to be deaf and stupid to miss the suggestive tone in the other woman’s voice.

  “It’s not bad,” he agreed without responding to her not-so-subtle attempts at flirting.

  Good. Don’t lead her on.

  “Did you want to try some?”

  Madison’s jaw clenched.

  Christy laughed. “If you’re sure you don’t mind.”

  Madison watched as Gabe cut a piece of his chicken and lifted it onto her plate. Christy ate it and gave a sigh that should have been saved for the bedroom.

  “Wow, that’s just sinful.” She wound her fork around a length of fettuccine and stabbed a shrimp. “Now you try mine.”

  Gabe held out his plate, but she ignored it and raised the fork to his mouth.

  Madison’s eyes widened. If you eat that, you aren’t getting laid tonight. He didn’t even hesitate or look her way, just opened his mouth and accepted what Christy offered him. Madison’s blood pressure shot up, though she refused to reveal any outward reaction.

  Lannie seemed delighted with the display and nudged Eric with a grin. He gave her a brief smile and lifted his gaze to connect with Madison’s. Something in Eric’s look made her wonder for a moment if her brother suspected what was going on between her and Gabe.

  Madison tossed her napkin on the table and stood. “I’ll be back in a moment. I’m going to run to the restroom.”

  She escaped the table in as casual and dignified a manner as she could manage. If she had to watch Christy’s blatant flirting for one more moment, she was going to hurl into her salad.

  The bathroom appeared blessedly empty as she stood in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection. Gabe had gotten her so hyped about the natural look the other day that she’d forgone makeup tonight. And instead of dressing to the max, w
hich was her normal routine for going to a nice restaurant, she’d worn khakis and a sweater set.

  Had she known Senorita Christy would be joining them, looking like a petite supermodel and flirting like her life depended on it, Madison would have tried a little harder.

  The soft swish of the bathroom door swinging open had her turning to see who had come in.

  Now why wasn’t she surprised to see the object of her annoyance walking toward her?

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Hi, Madison.” Christy gave her a bright smile.

  “Hello.” Madison turned on the sink to wash her hands. She expected the other woman to disappear into a stall, but instead, she leaned against the sink and watched her.

  “What’s going on?” she asked when Christy still didn’t say anything.

  Christy fidgeted with a ring on her right hand and offered a tentative shrug. “I was hoping to get the chance to speak to you alone.”

  “Speak to me about…?”


  Her heart quickened. “What about Gabe?”

  “Lannie told me he was available,” she went on. “And said that she thought we would hit it off.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Madison laughed, hoping it didn’t sound as forced as it felt. “Lannie’s quite the matchmaker.”

  “No kidding.” Christy seemed to relax a bit as her smile widened. “I think Gabe is pretty hot, and he seems like an intriguing guy. You know, he has that whole dark and dangerous vibe.”

  Yes, she was very familiar with that vibe. Madison looked toward the door, wanting to escape this room and the woman determined to have a conversation with her.

  “I hadn’t noticed.” She deliberately kept her tone light.

  “Oh?” Christy raised an eyebrow. “Well, that’s what I wanted to ask you. Madison, if there is something going on with you and Gabe in a romantic sense… I’m not one to step on any toes…” She trailed off.

  I have the perfect opportunity. I can tell Christy to back off, that Gabe and I are a couple.


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