Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set)

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Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set) Page 73

by Martha Sweeney

  Joe and I arrive at Nathaniel’s a little early, beating Chris and hopefully preventing any awkward comments or glances from our friends. I’m quickly pulled into Nathan’s office away from everyone’s prying eyes, not allowed to be seen by anyone until my transformation is complete as Nathan calls it.

  For two hours, Denise’s sister, Olivia, paints Maggie’s and my finger nails and toe nails, styles Maggie’s hair and makeup, checks several different styles of hair for me to determine which one Nathan wants and then puts on my makeup while Jared observes. Nathan pops in from time to time, but he’s busy as a bee bouncing around to each person, making sure their suits are on and situated.

  “You need to go and get ready, Jared,” I playfully scold.

  “Don’t worry,” he teases. “I’ll let you be the one who is fashionably late. Besides, it doesn’t take long for this kind of natural beauty to get ready.”

  “Gee thanks,” I remark, pretending to be hurt.

  “You’re a natural beauty too, Kitten,” he comments. “You’re just being transformed into Goddess-like beauty for a superhero tonight, which takes a little longer.”

  “Nice recovery,” I muse, laughing by how he dramatically described my transformation.

  Maggie and Olivia snicker.

  “I’ll go get my suit on once you’re ready to get dressed,” Jared announces.

  “It won’t take me as long as you,” I remind. “Less layers.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” he agrees. “Okay, I’m off. See you in a few.” Jared kisses me on the cheek and does the same with Maggie before leaving the room.

  When Maggie gets the necklace locked in place, she assists Nathan with the double-sided tape for my breasts. Lastly, they help me with my shoes and jewelry.

  “God, Emma,” Maggie says, taking my hand. “You look like a superhero goddess.”

  I blush at how she says it, aware that she’s completely turned on right now.

  “That’s the look I was going for,” Nathan comments.

  The three of us take a moment since we’re alone. Denise and Olivia are out with the rest of the guys making sure they’re ready with every piece of their suits in place.

  A knock on the door snaps us back to reality. “You guys ready or what?” Jared questions behind the door.

  “Ready, babe,” Nathan shouts.

  Jared pops his head in, opening the door just far enough to see in. “Damn, Emma,” he exclaims. “I know I saw the dress on you before, but you look exquisite with the hair and makeup.”


  Nathan and Maggie lead the way as Jared escorts me out into the main store area where Jimmy, Allen, Henry, Joe and Chris wait. When Jared and I round the corner, my attention is immediately caught by the sight of Joe. Our eyes stay locked for a few beats and I swear my heart jumps out of my chest. I force my eyes away, blushing when my brain registers his reaction to seeing me. The room goes silent as my gaze bounces between all of the people in the room who have yet to see me for the past few hours.

  “Shit, Emma,” Chris says, capturing my attention. “You look . . . .”

  “Beautiful,” Joe finishes Chris’ sentence.

  My eyes bounce to Joe for a moment, but are pulled away when Chris continues.

  “No,” he corrects. “She’s stunning.”

  “Thank you,” I nervously choke out.

  “Shit, Nathan,” Jimmy exclaims.

  “I wishing I was a woman. They get all the best clothes,” comments Allen.

  Everyone laughs, easing the tension in my body.

  “We should go so we aren’t late,” I announce, wanting to move the focus off of me.

  “Uhh, no,” Nathan chimes in. “We need pictures.”

  “Shit,” I say under my breath.

  For the next twenty minutes, Nathan arranges everyone in different groups and some all together for photos. I’m in all of them which oddly bothers me because I know this is exactly what’s going to happen half the night. Nathan makes sure I get pictures with just Henry and Maggie, then Jimmy and Allen, and even just one of Joe and myself along with him and Jared.

  Pop-Pop would have been here with us tonight, but Jared didn’t want him driving home alone, dealing with LA traffic while we’re in Hollywood. Jared did use FaceTime on his phone for Pop-Pop to see things happening until it was time for me to get dressed and then for a few minutes after I left the dressing room. He also informs me that Pop-Pop and his lady friend plan on watching the television, tweeting and texting with us all night long. I can’t help but laugh — we’ve got Pop-Pop tweeting.

  As Denise double checks my dress, Jared informs me that he took a few behind the scene photos while I was getting dressed and has been posting them on social media. He’s created a buzz about us attending the event with our followers, and it sounds like a lot of the local fans might show up to see us live and in-person on the red carpet at Grauman’s Theater.

  Jared takes a quick photo of Chris and me right as we’re about to get into the limo. He kisses me on the cheek and hands me off to Chris to usher me into the vehicle. A lump catches in my throat when I realize that Sadie nor any of my friends will be with me — I need at least one of my friend to help with my car issue.

  My phone buzzes from a text message just before Chris slides in. It’s Joe reassuring me for the ride. My nerves ease a little.

  As the limo ventures into the street, my leg shakes uncontrollably. Chris takes my hand in his and I don’t object for selfish reasons. We don’t say anything during the ride until we’re finally in line to be dropped off. Chris is a gentleman the entire time, which helps. He tries to strike up small talk and graciously answers any questions I have about the movie. He teases me about asking so many questions before we watch the movie that there won’t be any surprises, but Chris honestly doesn’t seem to mind.

  “You ready?” he says, looking to me after the limo has positioned itself at the entrance to the theater.

  I take a deep breath in. “I guess so,” I truthfully reply.

  Chris leans in, kisses me on the cheek and then the door springs open.

  Lights flash inward and a moment of panic consumes me as images of the nightmare appearing in my line of sight. My body scurries to the back of the car, shaking from the memories flooding my brain. The sounds from outside become muffled as the car rocks underneath me.

  “Emma,” Jared’s voice calls.

  My eyes pop open, not believing he’s with me.

  “Emma, it’s okay,” he soothes. “What happened?”

  “What?” my voice falters, confused by his question.

  “Chris said he stepped out and when he turn to offer you his hand, he saw a terrified look on your face,” Jared explains.

  “I’m okay,” I announce.

  “You sure?” he checks.

  “Yeah,” I confirm.

  “I won’t be far from you at any point tonight. I promise,” he assures.

  “Thanks,” I accept.

  “You can do this,” he coaxes. “I’m right here with you.”

  I nod, feeling more confident.

  Jared taps on the door and it immediately opens. I shield my eyes from the lights, expecting them this time. Shadows dance in front of me, but I’m able to see two hands reaching in. I gladly take them both for support as I step out onto the carpet.

  Jared steps aside quickly, letting Chris and I take the lead. I look back over my shoulder and find Jared and Nathan are hand in hand, just a few feet behind me. Jared nods and smiles reassuringly, which gives me the final support I need to turn forward and take this night head-on.

  My chin is up, my smile is on and business Emma is now in play.

  The line to get into the theater moves painstakingly slow as we have to stop every so often to pose for photos in front of the crowd and news teams. The onlookers scream and shout so loudly that their words cannot be understood clearly. On a few occasions, I think I hear women shouting Chris’ name.

  “Chris! C
hris! Over here,” a woman with a microphone calls.

  Chris guides us over to the woman without hesitation. As she poses her first question to him, my ears fail to hear her when I notice that Chris has my hand in his with our fingers laced together.

  “Emma?” Chris says, releasing my hand and placing it around my waist.

  “Yes,” I check, hoping I don’t look like a fool.

  “This is Amanda Anderson with E-News,” Chris informs me.

  “Hello,” I greet.

  Amanda smiles politely. “Hello. Emma, is it?” She leans the microphone toward me.

  “Yes,” I confirm. “My apologies. I wasn’t expecting so many flashing lights.”

  Her smile widens, catching my implication and quickly returns banter. “It can be overwhelming for any newbie to the carpet. I darn near puked five minutes into my first time.”

  “Did you?” I encourage her to keep talking.

  “Thankfully, no,” she verifies.

  “Wonderful,” I commend.

  “Emma,” she begins, moving our conversation forward. “I just have to ask, who the heck are you wearing right now? This dress is stunning, absolutely stunning!”

  “Thank you,” I return sweetly. “It’s actually designed by one of my best friends who has a shop right here in West Hollywood.”

  “And, who is that? I need to get him to build my wardrobe,” she comments.

  “Nathan Young of Nathaniel’s on Santa Monica,” I explain. “Chris is wearing one of his suits too.”

  “Wow!” she exclaims. “This Nathaniel can dress men and women. I’m amazed. He did a wonderful job making your outfights similar with the theme of the movie. I bet he’s excited right now having both of you wear some of his pieces.”

  “You can ask him yourself,” Chris mentions, eager to support. “He’s here with us tonight.”

  “Where?” she questions, looking behind us.

  My gaze follows her’s and it doesn’t take long for me to spot Nathan and Jared. Chris shouts their names, but his voice blends in with the white noise of the crowd. Both Jared’s and Nathan’s attention is caught by some photographers, but since they’re only about forty feet away, I know I can get their attention. My tongue curls and my mouth lets out a sharp whistle with a certain inflection that I know Jared will recognize. Two seconds later, Jared’s eyes bounce around the carpet and find me. I signal for the two of them to join us.

  “That’s some whistle,” Amanda states.

  “Thanks,” I reply. “I have a dog.”

  “Which one of you is the man behind these beautiful masterpieces tonight?” she asks when Jared and Nathan reach us.

  “That would be me,” Nathan announces bashfully.

  “Is this you first time having your creations on the red carpet?” she inspects.

  “Yes,” Nathan confirms. “Chris has been a wonderful host by offering his body as one of my muses, next to the exquisite Emma, of course.”

  “How did you all meet?” she continues, clearly looking for a juicy story to tell.

  “We met Chris over a year ago at Ayana’s opening night. We’ve run into him a few other times afterward and things went from there.”

  “So, if these two are wearing your designs, then who are you wearing?” she sneaks in.

  “Well, myself, of course,” he plays along. “Actually, we’ve got a number of us wearing my pieces tonight. Aside from my lovely boyfriend next to me, who is so graciously wearing my fashion as well, we’ve got five others, too.”

  “Wow! Impressive,” she commends. “You’re telling me that you have nine different pieces being featured on the read carpet tonight?”

  “Yes,” Nathan excitedly confirms. “Two women’s and seven men’s.”

  “I knew that Nathan and his vision needed to be shown to the world,” Chris interjects. “What better place than right here among friends.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, Chris,” Amanda agrees. “So, are you two an item?”

  I feel heat rise in my cheeks.

  Chris’ hand tightens on my hip. “That’s a little personal, Amanda,” he deflects.

  “Come on Chris, you can’t blame me for asking,” Amanda stokes. “You’ve been single for a while and I know all of the ladies are dying to know. Besides, if you aren’t an item and Emma here is free herself, I don’t doubt there are a number of men who wouldn’t mind knowing that fact as well.”

  Chris smiles and laughs lightly. “Looks like we’ll leaving you left dying to know.” Chris nods and starts leading the way for us to move to the next reporter.

  “Chris, come on!” Amanda shouts after us.

  “Smooth,” Nathan comments when we’re far enough away.

  “Real smooth,” Jared agrees.

  “Thanks,” Chris accepts.

  Well, Chris is showing that he’s even more of a gentleman that I thought. I don’t know if he’s trying to impress me, which I am, but that still doesn’t change the fact that I’m still not into him like that.

  After two more interviews, with the reporters asking us practically the same questions, the fourth reporter has a challenge being able to talk to us due to some noisy fans behind the rails. When he investigates to see what the ruckus is all about, he realizes that the fans are screaming more for Jared, Nathan and me rather than Chris.

  “Our fans have arrived,” Jared whispers in my ear.

  “You called it,” I commend him.

  I did expect some people to show, but this looks like hundreds of fans and supporters. My eyes find Garrett, Sophia and Molly in the mob of people. I point them out to Jared and Nathan and they excitedly wave back and take pictures.

  Jared follows the reporter and is quick to sign autographs and take selfies with those who hand him a phone. He calls Nathan, Chris and myself to join and for about twenty minutes, the four of us autograph things, some odd things, and take photos with those in the front row.

  After the reporter finally gets a chance to interview Chris, because my friends and I keep directing the questions away from ourselves and toward him, Chris asks me what the whole scene was about. Jared fills him and Chris seems very impressed.

  Once inside the front doors of the theater, my assumption that the photo taking and interviews are over is wrong. There are just as many if not more people to see and be seen by or with. Maggie and the rest of my friends are spotted at some point, hanging out by the bar. Maggie comes over with a glass of champagne for Chris and me and Henry offers to Jared and Nathan.

  I’m pulled away from my friends further when Chris needs to mingle with some of his coworkers from the movie. He introduces me to everyone and I’m excited to meet all of them and to see Marcus, who had a role in the movie as well that I wasn’t aware. I stand smiling most of the time, only talking when someone greets me or asks a question. Chris stands close to me the entire time, keeping his hand on my back with his thumb gently rubbing back and forth over my exposed skin. On several occasions, Chris leans in, kissing me on the cheek or on my exposed shoulder. I don’t say anything or move, and when our eyes meet, I give him a half pressed smile.

  A few minutes prior to taking our seats, Chris escorts me to the restroom. He patiently waits for me to return and I’m excited when I find that all of my friends have found him. The nine of us make our way to our designated seats and settle in quickly before the movie commences. As I try to rest my hands comfortably on my lap, Chris takes the one closest to him and laces our finger together, letting them sit on the arm rest. My eyes dart back to my friends who are sitting two rows behind us since Chris and I are sitting with the main cast. An uncomfortable feeling stirs inside me when I look at Joe and find his eyes fixed on my hand paired with Chris’. When Joe notices me, he smiles and nods and then abruptly looks away.

  The science fiction movie is very good, with lots of unexpected twists and turns. Chris did a wonderful job acting as did Marcus and the rest of the cast. There were several scenes where Chris was half naked, which weren’t too b
ad to look at, but Joe’s body is much more entertaining to ogle.

  When Chris and I make it back to our limo, he texts Nathan the location of the after-party just in case our vehicles get separated on the road. The address has been under lock and key to make sure uninvited guests don’t show up.

  The cast and crew are first to arrive at a huge, ballroom style location that has musical equipment for a band on a grand stage with tables and seating areas scattered about. Lights, life-size photos and posters and decorations mirror the theme of the movie.

  Everyone is led to a different room, waiting to perform a grand entrance once the party coordinator informs them that the other guests have arrived. Waitstaff quickly greet us with wine and hors d’oeuvres as we enter the room. I stay quiet on Chris’ arm, eager to see my friends, constantly checking my phone to update Jared. When the time arrives, all of the spouses and guests of the cast and crew are ushered into the main room, just off to the side where Chris’ and his coworkers will be entering. I try to look for Jared and my friends based off of the location Jared texts, but the lights are too low.

  One by one, the actors and actresses enter the stage, performing a small scene. Then, the band takes the stage and the crowd meshes to feast, chat and dance into the night. It takes at least twenty minutes for Chris and I to make our way about a quarter into the room from the stage. His attention is captured by the throng of people demanding his attention every few feet. At one point, I politely excuse myself, telling him that I need to find the ladies’ room. He offers to take me, but I insist that he stays and I promise to find him when I return.

  As I make my way toward the back of the room, I scan for my friends, but I can’t seem to find one of them. The need to actually pee becomes unbearable, forcing me to vacate the room temporarily to resume my exploration for my friends when I come back. I wander through a few halls, trying to find a secondary bathroom that is just far enough away to be inconvenient for most party goers to bother. A female staff member is nice enough to point me in the right direction.

  Around a small, tight corner with a large two-story window with pillars on either side and directly across from it, the ladies’ room door reveals itself. I take my time, in no hurry to get back to Chris. Two steps out of the bathroom, my arm is taken and gently yanked behind me. The sound of a door closing echoes as a pair of lips grace mine. My body knows who it is by the smell of him and taste of his mouth and tongue.


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