Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set)

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Just Breathe Series (Trilogy Box Set) Page 101

by Martha Sweeney

  Maggie and I inspect each other over and then make our way to the guys who are still standing where we left them. They all turn and look in our direction, all speechless and waiting for Maggie or I to say something.

  “I think we should head to our seats,” Maggie suggests. “The show will be starting soon.”

  “Seriously?” Jimmy challenges. “Emma drops a bomb like that and you want us to just pretend it was never said or that . . . .” Jimmy stops, unsure of what to say next.

  “Joe and Emma are having sex,” Maggie declares. “So what? We’re here for Nathan.”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me, honey,” Henry comments.

  “We don’t have time to dwell on that,” Maggie comments confidently.

  “We’re not dwelling,” Jimmy challenges. “We’re just trying to understand.”

  “What’s to understand?” Maggie questions. “Emma and Joe are adults and they don’t need to explain themselves to us. Besides, you boys talked about it while we’re gone, so it’s time to move on.”

  “No one said anything,” Jared reveals.

  “What?” Maggie gasps.

  Joe moves closer to me, placing his hand gently on the small of my back. I don’t resist, instead, I accept it, needing it, needing him.

  “They just stood in shock, not sure what to say or ask,” Jared continues. “I didn’t know if you wanted me to explain or anything, so I figured I’d wait until you get back.”

  “Wait? You knew?” Henry presses.

  “It wasn’t hard to figure out,” Jared snorts. “Besides, Emma can’t hide anything from the three of us.”

  “The three of who?” Allen searches.

  “Jared, Nathan and me,” Maggie answers when Jared hesitates.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” Jimmy asks.

  “It was never our place to say anything,” Jared remarks. “It’s Emma’s and Joe’s business.”

  “How long?” Jimmy inquires.

  “How long what?” Maggie asks.

  “How long have you two been sleeping together?” Jimmy expounds, looking back and forth between Joe and me.

  No one says anything.

  “Well?” Jimmy presses.

  “Why did you announce it now, Emma?” Allen peruses. “Of all times, you could have waited until later at the celebration dinner.”

  I don’t comment, not wanting to put Jared on the spot.

  Everyone looks to each other when I don’t say anything.

  “It’s my fault,” Jared professes.

  “What?” Henry, Jimmy and Allen question at the same time.

  “I made her do it,” Jared continues. “We had an agreement. I went to her room the other night. Joe tried to hide in the bathroom and I called them out. I said she had to come out with it.”

  “Why today?” Jimmy searches.

  Jared begins to sweat and I can see the anger rising behind his eyes.

  “It’s time to take your seats, everyone,” Denise announces, interrupting us.

  No one says anything for a moment, but we’re quick to follow Denise out past the back hallway to a side door that will let us get into the main room easily. Once everyone is settled and have greeted Joanna, Nancy and Stephanie, Mr. and Mrs. Covelli, Emily, Isabella, Charlotte, Mrs. Silkworth, Brittany, Leslie, Celia, Henry’s mom, Amy, Kim and Jade, and the few celebrities around us, I politely excuse myself.

  “Excuse me,” I say, interrupting Chris’ conversation with a few women on the other side of the room when I reach them.

  “There she is,” Chris greets with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He introduces me to the women, but I don’t pay much attention to their names.

  “I just wanted to let you know that our seats are right over there,” I say, pointing across the catwalk.

  “Great, thanks,” Chris replies, placing his hand on the small of my back. “Ladies, it was a pleasure. Please, excuse me.”

  “Oh,” I reply. “You don’t have to . . . .”

  “It’s okay, Emma,” Chris says, cutting me off. “I know we need to meet several people before the show starts.” Chris turns and looks to the women. “Ladies.”

  The three of them giggle a response despite their displeasure of me snatching Chris away.

  Chris turns and follows, keeping his hand on me. “Thank you,” he hums in my ear. “I needed an excuse to get away from them.”

  “What? Why?” I laugh.

  “They are not my type,” Chris explains. “You’re a Godsend. Thank you.” He kisses me on the cheek. “So, what’s new with you?”

  “Not much,” I reply on a heavy breath out.

  “What’s wrong?” he inspects.

  “Nothing,” I lie. “Just excited and nervous, you know?”

  As we’re a few feet away from the group, everyone who knows Chris greets him warmly, and then I make introductions to those who have not. Brittany and Leslie are typical teenage girls, unable to speak with huge grins on their faces and nothing but giggles. My gaze falls upon Abigail and her minions who are sitting a few seats to the right of Mrs. Silkworth. I smile and nod at them when our eyes meet, but Abigail offers a cold, calculative grin. Mrs. Silkworth captures my attention, mentioning that she got a chance to slip backstage for a few minutes and eagerly introduces me to several of her friends who are from some of the top fashion magazines, along with Mr. Giorgio Armani himself — holy shit, he’s here to see Nathan’s line!

  “Emma,” a panicked voice calls from behind me.

  I turn and look.

  “Emma, I need you backstage, please,” Denise states.

  “Please excuse me, Melinda and Mr. Armani,” I say.

  They sweetly allow me to exit.

  I take a deep breath in and nod. I scan the crowd around me, but I avoid keeping eye contact with most of them other than Maggie, Jared and Joe. Maggie silently confirms that she’s got a hold of Jared.

  Joe stands up, leans in and says, “He’s not going anywhere. Go. Nathan needs you.” His hand reaches and softly takes my arm.

  “Emma,” Denise’s voice calls with more anxiety this time.

  “I’m coming,” I reply, not turning to look at her.

  For a moment, I get lost in Joe’s sparkling, sapphire eyes. I smile and then look back at Jared and Maggie.

  Jared mouths Go, I’m good.

  My feet hurry across the tile floor behind Denise, stopping right in front of Nathan who is sitting in a hunched position on a couch and breathing into a paperback. “Nathan,” I call sweetly.

  “Hey,” he answers, pulling the bag away.

  “He’s here,” I confirm. “He’s not going anywhere. I promise.”

  “How? How did you do it?” Nathan asks.

  My head bows, not sure if I can say it.

  “Emma?” he requests.

  “I told them about us,” I comment.

  “Told who about who?” Nathan questions confused.

  “I told our friends about Joe and me,” I mention. My lips curl inward between my teeth and my eyes bounce between him, Denise and Pop-Pop.

  “I knew it,” Denise shrieks.

  Nathan doesn’t say anything, he just stands there looking at me.

  “Fuck, say something,” I request. “I know you knew.” My body bounces nervously.

  Suddenly, Nathan launches from the couch, surrounding my body with his arms. “Thank you,” he sighs into my neck.

  “For what?” I ask.

  “For everything. For exposing yourself for me,” he says, pulling away so he can look at me. “You don’t know how much this means to me.”

  “Yeah, I do,” I answer. “You love him.”

  “Yeah,” Nathan verifies. “I do.”

  “Now, pull yourself together. I’ve got plenty of money riding on your ass,” I say lightheartedly. “I plan on at least making a little bit of a profit.”

  “Me too,” Nathan chuckles with tears in his eyes. “Me too.”

  We hug, keeping a tight hold on the
other where emotions are felt, understood and accepted. Pop-Pop adds himself to the moment while Sadie wiggles her way between our legs.

  I stay backstage with Nathan and Pop-Pop while the first few female models take the catwalk. Nothing but pure joy and happiness emanate from my body as I take in everything. Nathan’s done it. He’s more than done it with everything that will be out on display for today and the crowd is already positively responding to the few pieces that have been presented — I can see it on the television screen.

  “Go enjoy it, Ms. Emma,” Anna suggests. “You deserve it just as much as he does.”

  “Thank you, Anna,” I reply.

  Squatting down, I kiss Sadie’s head before leaving them — Anna’s keeping her occupied until it’s time for her to come out. I take the long side hallway all the way around to the main entrance and sneak back inside for the show. Happiness takes full force as I hear the people around me oohing and ahhing as the models strut their stuff. Nathan and Nathaniel’s will be taking the fashion industry by storm. He’s really done it!

  I finally take my seat between Joe and Jared when the male models take their turn. My hand takes Jared’s and Maggie adds her’s on top. I watch in awe as the procession continues to amaze the crowd.

  “They love it,” Jared praises after some time. “They love him.”

  “I know,” I confirm, looking at him.

  “Where’s Pop-Pop?” Jared asks full of concern. “He’s going to miss the show.”

  With a wicked grin, I giggle, “Seriously?! You haven’t figured it out yet?”

  “Figured what out, Kitten?” he explores. “The show is almost done.”

  I refrain from saying anything as the crowd announces their excitement, confirming for me who’s taken the stage before I turn to look.

  “Holy shit!” Jared exclaims.

  My grin widens as Pop-Pop takes his turn moving down the catwalk with Sadie alongside him.

  “Pop-Pop looks awesome,” Jared comments.

  “Was this the surprise?” Joe asks, leaning into my ear.

  “Part of it,” I confirm.

  “Care to fill me in, beautiful?” Joe inquires, placing his arm along the back of my chair.

  “No,” I giggle.

  Nathan wanted to include Pop-Pop for two different reasons. The first, to show that his clothing can look great on anyone at any age while also showcasing one piece from the pet line he’s created for Sadie who’s walking alongside Pop-Pop. The second — well, watch and see.

  At the end of the catwalk, Pop-Pop squats, petting Sadie as he takes in the attention. Jared’s right — Pop-Pop is a ham. After another minute or two, Pop-Pop stands and heads back up the runway to the backstage area. As the crowd cheers, the models come back out in pairs, one male and one female model, each holding a single, long-stem, red rose. Pair by pair, they make their way down the catwalk, exiting off the front stairs that Robby has just placed in the front. They move to the right, coming right for us. The first two models stop right in front of Jared and hand him the roses. They turn and continue backstage without returning to the platform.

  “He’s never cheated on you,” I share, leaning into Jared’s ear.

  “What?” he inquires.

  “Nathan,” I say. “He wasn’t cheating on you.”

  “How do you know?” Jared asks as each model continues to hand him a flower.

  “Because . . . Nathan loves you,” I announce.

  Jared looks to me, not sure what to make of my statements. His attention gets pulled back around to the runway as the crowd’s cheers significantly increase in volume.

  Pop-Pop and Sadie are making their way back out with Pop-Pop holding an entire bouquet of red roses while Sadie has one in her mouth. They get to Jared, giving him the roses. Pop-Pop turns Sadie over to me and then makes his way back up to the edge of the catwalk once he’s kissed Jared on the cheek. Robby moves towards Pop-Pop, giving him large, white poster board.

  “Like I said,” I repeat to Jared. “Nathan loves you.” My gaze bounces between his expression and Pop-Pop as Pop-Pop rotates the cards in front of him.

  The first sign says Jared’s name. Pop-Pop turns just enough, from left to right, for the entire crowd to read what it says. He lets that sign fall to the floor and the next one says the word will. That card falls to the ground and the third one reveals the word you.

  The crowd cheers in anticipation for the next message.

  The fourth card says marry.

  “Holy fuck,” Jared blurts in shock. Tears stream down his face.

  The fifth card says Nathan.

  Maggie and I take the flowers from Jared’s lap.

  The crowd becomes silent when a single, white light beams down on Nathan who is now kneeling in front of Jared with a microphone in hand.

  “Jared, sweetheart,” Nathan begins, taking Jared’s hand. “We’ve been through so much . . . and, I want to go through so much more . . . with you. You are the light in my life that makes all of this . . . .” Nathan gestures to the room around them, “. . . worthwhile. It means nothing to me if you aren’t a part of it.” Nathan pauses, sucking in a bit of air before continuing. “Jared. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  Jared looks up and see’s Robby sitting on the edge of the runway with his hands clasped together, eagerly waiting for Jared’s answer. A splash of emotions cross Jared’s face, but the final one left is pure joy. “Yes,” he mumbles, holding back sobs of happiness. “Yes.”

  The crowd roars with cheers when Jared and Nathan embrace. They hold each other for a long while before Nathan takes Jared’s hand and leads him up the stairs to the platform.

  “Just in case you didn’t hear him, ladies and gentlemen,” Nathan announces. “He said yes.”

  The entire crowd stands, cheering and clapping.

  “Sneaky,” Joe says into my ear. “It all makes sense now.”

  I can’t help but smile.

  Once Nathan, Jared, Pop-Pop and the models make their way to the backstage area, the crowd slowly begins to disperse. Many people stick around, waiting to get a chance to talk with Nathan — a few of them like Ms. Silkworth, Mrs. Covelli and Mr. Giorgio Armani get to go backstage.

  “He’s done it,” Mrs. Silkworth praises as she heads toward me from the left stage entrance. “Everyone will know who he is after today. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” I say.

  “I know there are many more who want to talk with Nathan, so let him know that we’ll see him at the party,” Mrs. Silkworth comments, gesturing to Mr. Armani as well.

  “Definitely,” I confirm. “Thanks again for coming, Melanie. We really appreciate it.”

  “It’s my pleasure, darling,” she returns. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “Yes, thank you,” I repeat, kissing both of her cheeks and hugging her.

  “Thank you, Mr. Armani,” I greet.

  “Thank you for having me. And, please, call me Giorgio,” he insists. “We’ll see you at the party.”

  “Definitely,” I agree.

  Those who know about Joe and me don’t say anything while we wait for Nathan and Jared, but I know they’re dying to find out all the details. After being interviewed by a few people, Pop-Pop joins us and watches Nathan and Jared from afar.

  I take Pop-Pop’s hand with mine. “He’s done it,” I share.

  “Yes, he has,” Pop-Pop says, grinning with pride. “Thank you, Emma. Thank you for helping make sure Jared was here.”

  “Of course, Pop-Pop,” I reply, squeezing his hand.

  Pop-Pop lets out a sigh and a few tears trickle down his face. “I’ve never seen him this happy before, you know?”

  “You’re right,” I agree.

  In all the years I’ve known Jared, I’ve never seen him this happy.

  About thirty minutes later, everyone makes their way to one of the Covelli’s upscale hotels where we’ve booked an entire ballroom for a small celebration to take place. It didn’t matter if the s
how was successful or not, the party was mostly planned to celebrate regardless.

  Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres are already being served to the guests who have made it before my friends and me. There are about a hundred people in attendance, and all excited to celebrate. The music is turned up, dinner is eventually served and everyone drinks, chats and dances through the night.

  Two large arms surround me from behind. “Dance with me,” Jared requests.

  I happily oblige.

  “Thank you, Kitten,” Jared says, sighing into my neck. “Thank you for making me go. Thank you for not outing me to the group about what I thought happened and . . . most of all, thank you for coming out to everyone to keep me there. I would have regretted it if . . . .”

  “Happy moment,” I remind. “Lets not focus on the other stuff.”

  “You’re right,” he replies. “I love you, Kitten.”

  “I love you,” I return, smiling into his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry to have forced you to come out about you and Joe like that . . . .”

  “Stop,” I command, cutting him off. “It should have happened sooner.”

  “It wasn’t right,” he states.

  “It’s okay, Jared,” I say. “Really.”

  Jared studies me for a moment.

  “I’ve just been in denial about it all,” I comment.

  “I understand, Kitten,” Jared soothes. “It’s crazy what emotions do to you . . . and this is something completely new for you.”

  “Yeah,” I confirm sheepishly.

  “So, is Joe . . .” Jared begins, but pauses.

  “What?” I check.

  “You know . . . the one?” he continues.

  My eyes pop open a little, not expecting his questions. “I . . . I don’t know.”

  Jared laughs. “I’m just messing with you, Kitten. You should have seen the look on your face.”

  “Ha ha,” I reply. “Very funny. You know, there’s still plenty of time for me to share with everyone about the other night and why you almost wouldn’t show today.”

  Jared gasps playfully. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would,” I challenge. “Don’t push me.”

  We giggle at ourselves.

  Nathan and Maggie join us, adding two more bodies to our dance. The four of us quickly hash out what happened the night Jared thought Nathan was cheating — I am glad to have the air cleared with them for now about the whole situation.


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