Guardians of Vesturon 2 - Resurrection

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Guardians of Vesturon 2 - Resurrection Page 5

by Hargrove, A. M.


  Rayn returned to Maddie’s side, resuming his vigil.

  Hours later, Maddie woke to find Rayn sitting next to her, holding her hand. Her first inclination was to jerk her hand away as she remembered her words with him, but then, she thought the better of it. He only had her safety at heart, and she couldn’t blame him for that. He had been through a lot recently, so she would cut him some slack. He had, after all, saved her life.

  When Rayn felt Maddie’s thoughts, he whispered, “I am so sorry for upsetting you so, and for being such a… what is it you called me? Oh, yes, ‘a horse’s behonkas.’ I cannot explain what possessed me to say those things, but I deeply regret it. Maddie, please forgive me.”

  “You are forgiven.” When he started smiling, she put her hand in his lips and continued, “But only because I know you are like this because you love me and are concerned about me.”

  “Yes. For some reason, I cannot seem to control my emotions where you are concerned.”

  “We’ll just have to work on that then, won’t we?”

  Rayn nodded. “I could not bear to see you like that again, Maddie.”

  “I know. Honestly, I don’t think I could bear it either.”

  Once again the force of his emotions rolled over her, drenching her with their intensity. It was such a powerful feeling that Maddie gasped. She looked at him, questioning him with her eyes, but he was unable to speak. He locked onto her gaze and they both began to feel that familiar current flow between them. He pulled her into his embrace as they both shuddered with desire.

  They were silent for a few moments, holding on to each other when Maddie breathed, “What is this between us Rayn? I... my... these feelings I have... I can sense your emotions.”

  “Yes... it is much the same for me. I know it is an extraordinary sensation that Vesturions sometimes experience, but I was unaware that humans could also feel it. I am as suprised by it as you are.”

  “Will it always be this way between us?”

  “Yes, I believe it will.”

  “So what happens now?”

  “You are going to continue to recover here, and when you’re well enough, Rykerian will take you back to Earth. I am still confined and will remain as such until my trial. We are still waiting for them to announce the date of that.”

  “Are you ok, Rayn? I mean really ok? Aside from all of this.” She gestured toward herself.

  “I am fine just knowing you are going to be as good as new. I will survive this, and we will be together one day, Maddie. This, I promise… no, I swear this to you. I ask you to have faith in me, please?”

  “I will always have faith in you. You are truly my Guardian… my Guardian Angel!”

  Chapter 6

  Several hours later, Therron burst into Maddie’s room and startled her and Rayn out of their sleep.

  “Wake up you two. Wake up!” he yelled exasperatingly. He excitedly paced around the bed.

  “What? What is going on?” Rayn irritatingly asked.

  “We have it... or rather, Xarrid does!”

  “Have what?” Maddie asked groggily.

  “The reason all this happened to you. The break in the veiling…” Therron trailed.

  “Go on,” Rayn encouraged. Now, he was instantly alert.

  “Xarrid figured out what happened. We had a security breach. Someone hacked into our system and shut down the veil, which means that is how that lunatic got to Maddie. He could hear them too. The muting was also breached. And listen to this: two men from the Command Center came to the Guardians here and showed us a letter from one of their friends and co-workers. Apparently, this fellow disappeared, and when they went to check on him, they found a letter.”

  “And?” Rayn prompted him.

  “The letter had some damning evidence in it about things that were perpetuated against us… the compound… but also you Rayn. It was a conspiracy against you!”

  “Who did it?” Rayn was becoming impatient.

  “Voldruk Monteveldo.”

  Rayn jumped up yelling, “WHAT?” Rayn, whose jaw had dropped to the floor, just stood there in shock.

  “Who is Voldruk Monteveldo?” Maddie wanted to know.

  “Believe it or not, he is… or WAS… a great family friend. I cannot believe this!” Rayn informed Maddie.

  “Geez, with friends like that, who needs enemies?” Maddie asked in a joking manner.

  Both Rayn and Therron turned to her and responded simultaneously, “What?”

  “Oh, sorry. Just a little Earth humor.”

  Rayn frowned and said, “You may need to spare us that kind of humor right now. Voldruk and Father were the best of friends. Why would Voldruk want to hurt our family?”

  “Well, we are not sure of that, but we plan to find out. Father has put him under surveillance to see if we can uncover the reason. But, someone from Vesturon hacked into our system at the Compound and shut down the outer three bands of our veil. Maddie, that is why the landscaping changed for you. When you left the tent, you were still under cover, but when you kept walking, you walked right out of the masked area. Then, when you tried to get back, it all looked different to you. The inner bands were still deployed, so in a sense, you were walking blind. If you had stayed within a few feet of the tent, you would have been ok, but you were not aware that.”

  Rayn piped in, “Has anything else been sabotaged?”

  Therron said, “Xarrid is digging in, and you know Xarrid. If anything else has been tampered with, he will find out what, when, where, and why. He already knows the who and the how, but he is relentless with this kind of thing.”

  “I bet Father is positively livid. I cannot believe this. Does anyone else know?”

  “No, and we plan to keep it that way for now.”

  “Ok, let us know what Xarrid uncovers. And… thank you, Therron… for everything you have done,” Rayn said as he leaned protectively toward Maddie. “And please accept my apology for lashing out at you earlier. I am truly sorry.”

  “Apology accepted, but unnecessary. You were right; I should have had a better handle on everything. I was very lax in my duties. Lesson learned.”

  As he turned to leave, Maddie interjected, “Wait, Therron.”

  “What is it?”

  “Can you come here please?”

  Therron ambled to the bed, and Maddie reached for his hand. “Therron, I owe you my life. I owe you and Rykerian my life. Well...” she glanced lovingly at Rayn, “... and Rayn too. But I wanted to tell you that there are no words that adequately can express my gratitude. You and Rykerian were so kind to me, from what I can remember of you coming in to rescue me. I don’t really know what to say or how to thank you.” She was gripping his hand with strength and pulled him toward her. She reached out and hugged him as best she could, considering her injuries. Then she placed a kiss upon his cheek. “I am humbled by your actions, and I will always be in your debt.”

  Therron stood up tall and smiled at her. Swallowing the huge lump that had formed in his throat, he was finally able to say, “Maddie, you are an integral part of our family. You will always have my protection if and when you need it. As Rayn’s... how do you say on Earth? ‘Main squeeze?’ You also have my sworn oath of honor.”

  Maddie smiled her thanks at him.

  When Therron had departed, Maddie turned to Rayn and said, “I hope you thank the Lord every day for your wonderful family.”

  Chapter 7

  Maddie’s recovery progressed, although now it became bittersweet for the two of them. Neither of them wanted to be apart again, and Rayn hated the thought of going back to his forced imprisonment. They would do their best to avoid thinking of and discussing it, but in the end, it was always on their minds.

  Julian had Maddie on a therapy program to increase the strength in her leg. The arrow had created a gaping hole in her muscle, since it had pierced through her entire leg. As a result, she had experienced some muscle weakness. Julian wanted to ensure that the r
epair and subsequent healing didn’t result in a permanent weakness, so he had her on a daily regimen of therapy. She had returned to her room when Rayn entered and announced she would be leaving Vesturon in three days time.

  “My parents have decided, after consulting with Julian, that it is time for you to return to Earth. Rykerian will be taking you back.”

  The pain of his having to tell her this was written on his face and in his voice. His eyes had become an icy green. Maddie hated to see him so distressed, so she thought to distract him somehow. She turned and walked toward him, thinking to give him a hug. Instead, when he automatically opened his arms to her, she leaped into them. She took his face in her hands, and what began as an intended peck on the cheek, suddenly turned into a deeply heated electrifying kiss.

  Rayn placed his arms around her, lifting her up, and she threw her legs around his waist. When he put his lips on hers, their passion exploded and they became completely absorbed in each other, unaware of their surroundings. A tangible electric current flowed through them, making it impossible to stop. They were frenzied in their movements, desperate, their kiss deepening. They hadn’t kissed in forever. Somehow, this time they let their guard down, and all of their emotions tumbled forward.

  They became lost in the rich taste of each other... the honeyed sweetness... the heady scents stimulating them... drunk on the sensations of passion and desire they were experiencing.

  Rayn’s hands started touching Maddie, sending pulsating waves throughout her body, and she couldn’t seem to get enough of him. Their ragged breathing was mingled, while Rayn backed them up against the bed. He pulled Maddie down on top of him then rolled onto his side. His hand lightly sprinted down her leg then pulled her thigh over his hip and began to massage her lower back. He cradled her face with his other hand and moved to entwine his fingers in her coppery tresses. He dragged his mouth away from hers, and buried his face in her neck, running his tongue down the length of it. The sensations she was experiencing quickly unnerved her.

  “Your heart is pounding. I can feel your blood running through your veins. Your scent is driving me wild, Maddie. I cannot get enough of you,” he said hoarsely, as he wrapped his hand around her neck, feeling her pulse throb beneath his thumb.

  “I’ve wanted this for so long. I want to feel all of you, Rayn… every bit of you. I am on fire for you.” She dragged her hands through his hair and brought his lips back to hers. She gently nibbled his lower lip, and he, in turn, explored hers and then invaded her mouth, savoring the taste. She had never felt this bold with him. She could feel his passion rising up to meet hers.

  “Ah, Maddie... I love you and live for the day when we will be able to truly be together. You are my heart and soul, my love.”

  “As you are mine.”

  Their clothing was completely crumpled by now, and Maddie’s hair was a tangled mass of waves. They were still entwined in each other’s arms when suddenly they heard someone clearing their throat.

  They both jerked their heads around to find Rayn’s parents standing in the room. Rayn gave them both a searing look and said irreverently, “Bloody hell, do you not know how to knock or announce your presence?”

  Maddie’s face burned with embarrassment, but Rayn clamped his arm around her, refusing to let her up. He put his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Do not be embarrassed, love. I want them to witness how much I love you, and I am reluctant to let you out of my arms. Our time together is limited, so please stay with me here.”

  Wide-eyed, shocked and breathless, she could only nod back at him and then glanced surreptitiously at his parents. Their eyes were locked on the couple while Rayn said, “Can I assist you with something?” His control amazed Maddie.

  “Well, son, excuse us for... interrupting you, but we have come to discuss some things,” said Rayn’s mother.

  Maddie stole another peek at her under her lashes and realized where Sharra’s beauty came from. With the exception of the differences in their hair color, Sharra had inherited her loveliness directly from her mother. Sharra’s eyes were exact replicas of Annalise’s, and where Rayn looked identical to his father, Sharra was a mirror image of her mother.

  “Yes, what is it?” Rayn made no move to disengage himself or rise up from the bed. Instead, he cupped Maddie’s cheek and brushed his thumb back and forth across it. He dipped his head and placed a lingering kiss in the hollow of her throat when his mother interrupted him.

  “Rayn, can you please unhand her for a minute and pay attention to us? This is important,” Annalise said dryly.

  Maddie again struggled to rise, but Rayn wouldn’t let her. Now she figured out he was doing this for the shock value of it. She found it funny, and a little bubble of laughter escaped from her. Rayn’s mother, Annalise, gave her an odd look—one that made Maddie think she recognized what was taking place here.

  “If I must, Mother, but make no mistake, there is nothing here on Vesturon or on Earth that is more important to me than Maddie.” Rayn, with his arm still around her pulled Maddie to him and gave her one long hug, kissed the top of her head and released her. In one lithe movement, he was on his feet, and helping Maddie to hers. Maddie’s face was still flushed from both Rayn’s kisses and her embarrassment at being interrupted by his parents.

  Rayn helped her rearrange her clothing, and then draped his arm over her shoulders, leaned toward her and whispered, “You look absolutely luscious, my love.”

  Maddie could have sworn she heard a purring sound come from him. She giggled again and felt roses blooming in her cheeks.

  “Now, Mother, what is so important that you pulled me away from this?”

  “Your father and I have news for you. The council is once again allowing audiences. We have procured one for you. It is to take place two weeks from now.

  “Oh, Rayn, that is good news,” Maddie exclaimed. “Hopefully, we can move forward.”

  Rowan added drolly, “It looks as though you already have.”

  “Father,” Rayn snapped. “Behave yourself.”

  “Son, I believe I should say the same for you,” Rowan retorted with a lifted brow. “Mind you, I can’t say that I blame you. Your mother and I would have done the same thing, wouldn’t we, Annalise?”

  “Oh…to be sure,” she replied wryly. “But this is much more important than your banter. We must plan this. Rayn, you know we cannot publicly proclaim in favor of this. You do understand this do you not?”

  “Yes, my lady, I do. I wish you both would be willing to go out on a limb for me, though. You have connections that could help my cause, but for some reason that I cannot fathom, you are both unwilling to do so. What is it about this, about us, that you do not want to succeed?”

  “My son, you know we are duty bound. I only hope you do not have to face this one day with one of your offspring. Anyway, Maddie will depart Vesturon in three days, and after that, we will make our plans for your audience with the council. They may decide they want to move forward to a trial though. You must be prepared for that.”

  Maddie was engrossed in her thoughts about what Rayn was going to face in the next week or so that she barely paid attention to when his parents left.

  “Maddie, are you still here?” Rayn asked, waving his hand in front of her face.

  “Sorry. I was just thinking that I wish I could be here to support you during your audience. And Rayn, I was totally mortified in front of your parents,” she admonished. “I didn’t want to cause a scene, but I looked like a hussy, laying in bed with you while you continued to hold and kiss me in front of them. How could you?” Maddie asked indignantly.

  “Oh, it was easy. I enjoyed holding you too much to release you, and I also love how it discomfited them. I am not sure who was more uncomfortable—you or them?” he laughed.

  But Maddie, intending to make a point, held him at arm’s length. “Seriously, Rayn, please don’t do that again. I don’t want them to think I am a… um, a person of loose morals, and I really was embarrasse
d. Promise me, ok?”

  Rayn, realizing how it must have made her feel, said, “I am sorry, Maddie. But please understand, no one thinks you are… what did you call it? A ‘hussy?’ Everyone that knows me knows and understands that I would not be in love with someone of loose morals, such as that. They know you must be pure.”

  Exasperated, she retorted, “Oh, well that’s just great too! Now my virginity is public knowledge—something every girl wants.”

  “No… no… I didn’t mean it that way. I seem to be sticking my hand in my mouth a lot right now.”

  Maddie, her mouth twitching, said, “Rayn, it’s you ‘put your foot in your mouth,’ not hand. You are sounding more and more like Sharra!”

  Rayn’s sister Sharra had a unique way of destroying American jargon. Maddie called it Shargon or Sharbabble.

  “Great! I have that going for me now! So… where did we leave off?” he asked as he went to kiss her again.

  “You know, things were pretty heated here before we were interrupted. Do you think it’s wise to head back there?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Rayn, I was nearly about to… we were about to… well, you know… combust or something! Should we start that up again?” Her face flamed with her bashfulness.

  “Yes, things were extremely heated, as you say, so maybe it would be a good idea to back down a bit. But, Maddie, it is unnecessary for you to be shy about this. I would like to think you are comfortable discussing these things with me. Although you do look quite fetching with your cheeks all pink and flushed!”

  “Honestly, Rayn, this is going to take some getting used to, I guess.”

  Maddie had been thinking about Rayn’s reaction and what he had said earlier regarding her attack.

  “But I would like to discuss something with you, about our… disagreement the other day.”

  “Yes, but first, I owe you an explanation. Maddie, there are huge differences between Vesturion males and their human counterparts. When we connect with females, Vesturions are much more protective and possessive with them.”


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