Orphan Wolf (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 3)

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Orphan Wolf (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 3) Page 6

by Marie Fraser

  Inside, a fierce conversation was taking place.

  “We don’t have much time! I want your men to be tracking Noah day and night! The last I heard he was already heading out of Antigo!”

  “Lord Dalton, you must understand it is the Light Flayer we’re dealing with, surely we can be given more leverage-”

  “Hunt, it would serve you better not to intercept my demands. I want his head by tonight. In case you fail to live up to my order, that big head won’t be sticking out of your body any longer.”

  Emma could imagine Hunt’s face flushing into silence, lips pursed, and eyes hooded.

  “My Lord,” there was another strange voice addressing Dalton now.

  “Yes, General Toda?”

  “We did tests run on the wolf in the morning. He responded remarkably well. Ten times better than before. His speed is more fast, reflexes sharper, and bites strong and fierce. Turns out your plan really is working. That girl really is Noah’s soul mate, then?”

  “Hmm. Of course she is. That is the only reason the plan is working.”

  “Lord Dalton,” Hunt spoke, his voice brisk and emotionless, “can we be certain Miss Summers is up for your grand task? There’s hardly anything peculiar about her – no powers, only a simple, plain girl.”

  “Miss Summers? Hunt,” he said, “she’s the granddaughter of the great mage Aisling Gowan. Werewolf’s blood flows in her veins, though, unyielding yet still pulsating with a deep power that only needs a feeble tap.”

  The ground gave away beneath Emma’s feet. They were talking of Grandma Gowan…wolf mage? Emma pressed her ear even more deeper into the door, mind only focused on their dialogue exchange.

  “So-so she is a werewolf then?” Hunt’s voice was incredulous.

  “Hmm…a dormant one.”

  “My Lord, I still don’t understand how it connects her to the task at hand.”

  Lord Dalton let out a slow, deep sigh.

  “My magic is going to achieve a new phenomenal level, Hunt. You must know about the prophecy of the Marked One? That only of their kind can walk this earth in every two centuries – well, let’s say I grew restless and decided to sport with the old spells. And it cracked. Right under my firm grip – I devised a new prophecy. The offspring of any Marked One, if fed by the former party’s soul mate every midnight, when the moon shines the brightest, will awaken his father’s powers running in his blood. And so the world shall welcome a new Marked One. In the same bi-century. Ha!

  For long, Vilas has gloated about Noah, used him as an asset against our rebellions. But such cheat play will end very soon. With Noah’s son in my power, I will march against Vilas. And throw a war this world has never witnessed ever before. One Marked One against another. One’s power a little old and draining out, but the other’s still fresh and burning with hunger. We can already determine the winner.”

  Instinctively, Emma’s hand clapped her mouth, as a loud yelp escaped her lips. It was preposterous. Everything that she’d heard these past few minutes was way beyond her comprehension – way beyond anything normal. Wasn’t it already horrifying that Noah was a werewolf, that she had to be one too? And Grandma Gowan, who’d seemed too scholarly and sensible, was also a Wolf Mage? Emma couldn’t believe her ears. Her legs buckled beneath her, and she crumpled to the ground, back stuck to the wall beside the door frame, and legs drawn up to her chest.

  All that about the orphan wolf being another Marked One? Could it really be true? Could Dalton really be so vicious as to make a father and a son fight each other? At least Noah didn’t know about the orphan wolf’s true identity yet. However, considering how much he resembled Noah, Emma couldn’t really say that it would take much long for Noah to guess. Emma rubbed at her eyes, and bent her head into her laps, inwardly groaning.

  Suddenly, a hand clutched at her braid, and pulled her from behind the curtain. Emma felt a sharp pain shoot through her head.

  “I found her!” The man shouted to someone inside. “She was spying on you.”

  “Bring her in,” Dalton’s voice was grim and stony. A piercing fear rippled through her body, as she was dragged forward, body flung on to the carpet.

  “Well, well, Emma Summers,” Dalton sneered, “I believe we really need to have an interesting chat.”

  Emma gulped. Dalton gave a sideways look at the attendants, and everyone else standing still in the magnificent chamber, and said, tone dripping with authority, “Everyone out. Now.”

  Men bustled out through the doors hastily. Emma felt Hunt brush past her, his hand momentarily pressing her hand. He knew the consequences of her act all too well. The fact that it was going to be something so horrible as to scare big, hulky Hunt made Emma sink even deeper into the ground.

  Soon, everyone had filed out of the chamber. And the space between Emma and Dalton stood still and silent. Dalton surveyed her curiously and Emma stared into those blasphemous eyes – eyes that breathed a color exactly like Noah’s, much to her shock.

  “Why do all of you have blue eyes?” She blurted out, and caught a surprised emotion flutter across Dalton’s face, his lips curving into a sly smirk,

  “Because we’re all family, dear.”

  A blood-curling scream split the air. Dalton’s eyes grew wide in shock, and he glanced quickly at the door. A loud crash boomed through the windows. Emma clutched at her ears, and found ropes bounding her wrists and feet. Ahead, she caught Dalton muttering some spells. That bastard.

  He dragged her bounded body to the far end of the room, and stopped before a secret passageway. But before they could slip past it, the front door burst open and a familiar voice coursed through,

  “Hiding’s over, Dalton. Leave her alone, and I might consider sparing perhaps a few lives.”

  Emma’s breath hitched in her chest.

  Noah had finally arrived.

  Chapter 10

  Noah was in his werewolf form now. A glimmering milky-white fur coat kissed his tough, sinewy body, a thick tail brushing the ground, and eyes stirring a strange energy as always. He sheathed his teeth, point-sharp fangs catching the light, and his ruddy lips drew into a sly smile. Dalton was standing right in front; the color drained from his face, yet fingers flexing in preparation for the ensuing encounter. Noah stole a glance behind him. Emma was crouched on the floor, limbs tied, and features withdrawn and pale. They locked gazes for a single moment, and then Noah pulled away, his attention refocusing on his enemy.

  “So, any answer for my generous offer?” Noah shot Dalton a lop-sided grin, already imagining him pissing his pants in fear. “Hurry up Dalton, the clock is ticking!”

  However, Dalton sustained his silence. Spells leapt to his lips, and his mouth continued twitching, as he gritted his teeth every once in a while.

  Noah’s eyes narrowed to slits, brows raised in incredulity, “No? Well, I’ll take your silence as utter stupidity. You never learn, Dalton.”

  Noah lunged forward, his feet lightning-swift. And Dalton dove at the same time. Their bodies collided, knocking each of them a step back. They engaged in hand-to-hand fight, Noah’s talons hitting the air ferociously, searching for any revealing skin, while Dalton countered every blow with a spell. It was intense, both adversaries dueling to kill. Dalton sprang at him with a jinx, and Noah craned his head just in time to feel its heat whiz past his neck. He blinked past Dalton’s body and caught Emma being shuffled through the door magically.

  “Emma!” Noah kicked Dalton in the ribs, causing the other man to hit the floor, and bolted to her side. But suddenly, her body slipped through the folds of air, and completely vanished. Right in front of him stood Dalton once again, an evil smile playing around his mouth.

  “Meet you in Vilas, Noah.”

  Noah grabbed for his neck, but all his paws caught was heavy, empty air as Dalton, too, disappeared completely from sight.

  * * * * * * * *

  Vilas, Northwoods of Wisconsin

  The city burned with light. Glittering spots of white lig
ht filled the air, shining brightly against the dark sky. The tall buildings split the orange clouds in half, their tops rising majestically amidst them. Noah was truly in awe. The once familiar sight almost seemed foreign now. The starry sky; the smoke-free air; the gentle feeling that hung in the air, only a part of lost memories. Memories which were now washed with blood, fallen bodies, gun smoke, artillery and the constant presence of agony. Happiness seemed a far-fetched idea. The heart that had once cried at the prospect of choosing this life – a life that only filled with murder and monstrosity, had now become a void. Bled as he slaughtered man after man. Pleaded him to stop, again and again, after finally surrendering to his mind: it was his royal duty after all. A duty he had been forced to fulfill by his father.

  His father, the great Louis George Wesley. Wolf Mage and war hero, Noah thought sulking. A man who found it a shame to not have his son follow in his footsteps. Noah swallowed the anger slowly. It would do no help.

  After four dread-filled years, tranquility felt a ridiculous idea. Yet, watching the land come closer through the plane window, the lights grow brighter, and Noah was filled with a strange sense of peace. Home. It was his place after all. A place where his true heart always slept. A place where he was going to maintain peace yet again, root out the evil permanently this time.

  And reunite with Emma.

  He strolled out of the airplane, clad in a plain white shirt, black pants, and a leather jacket dangling loosely from his left shoulder. His Ray Bans caught the white light and glinted. He had to rush home quickly tonight. Dalton had clearly planned something big for the annual royal feast tonight. A dinner where a lot of people would be gathered; Noah couldn’t even imagine anything happening to them due to that monster, Dalton.

  * * * * * * *

  Emma Summers was the first woman that caught his eye that night. Noah gulped deeply. The raw beauty that pulled at the air around her, her graceful and steady gait that befitted one serving in the army - the gentle bent of her head as she smiled at those around her, melted all his insides. His eyes trailed her around the room, unable to slide off her exquisite figure. As his gaze traveled the length of her extraordinary dress, Noah was in awe.

  In that lush blue formal ensemble, she looked like the night sky. The type of sky that locked gazes with you, drawing you in, hauling all air out. His eyes stopped at the pure shear lace at her chest, exposing a little too much of her bosom, and he sniggered to himself. He had a strange feeling that such an open exhibition was intentional. Yet still he remained rooted to the spot, his mind dazed. Noah knew he had lost his mind when his legs began to venture in her direction, pulling towards the very angel of beauty that had damned this night.

  But before Noah could head forth, a familiar stony voice made his legs draw to a sharp halt.

  Lord Dalton

  “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we disclose to you the most horrific news of the century. Our very own, Noah Alexander Wesley, first-born of the esteemed Louis George Wesley, and the Marked One of our era, has committed a most blasphemous sin. Despite being a royal, a pure-blood, he’s fraternized with a local woman, and not just any woman – a woman that the Wolf Mage himself had ordered him to slay. And hence…”

  The Wolf Mage stood rock-still behind Dalton, eyes hooded and head bent low, “He’s henceforth banished from the kingdom, and may never return home.”

  Noah glanced around him aghast. Eyes wide, and heart beating rapidly. Dalton. That fucking bastard. But before Noah could utter any loud protest, an authoritative and calm voice broke the ensuing silence,

  “Greetings my humble people. I am Emma, granddaughter of the late Wolf Mage, Aisling Gowan, and I would like to remind Lord Dalton of the blasphemous sin he himself have committed right now by calling upon a royal’s murder.” The whole crowd stilled around him. People gasped, bringing their hands to their mouths, too shocked to believe their ears. “I’m by blood a legal member of the Vilas pack, and a royal. And therefore, qualified to become the soul mate of our prince, Noah Wesley.”

  Noah glanced up at her, amazed by her brave words. He took a step, heading over to the stage to join her. An arrow split the air, and dug deep into Emma’s chest. People fell into chaos around them. Noah’s feet lost the ground beneath them, his eyes shocked. He sprang forward to her side, and cradled her body in his arms, her blood staining his hands.

  “Emma,” he pleaded, “please, hang in there.”

  “Noah,” the light was fading from her eyes and Noah gripped her waist even tightly, “Noah, you have to bite me…”

  “W-What? No! No- no –no, Emma, I can’t bestow this monstrosity upon you as well.” Noah shook his head, tears streaming down his eyes.

  “It’s the only way, Noah. I’ll die otherwise. The wolves have incredible healing powers – I can recover-”

  Her breath caught in her chest, and lids closed shut.

  Noah raised her head to his mouth, tears pooling his eyes, and dug his fangs in. Emma’s body squirmed rapidly as energy poured out from Noah’s mouth, and rushed into her body. And before Emma could say anything, Noah brought his lips to hers, clashing mouth to mouth, teeth to teeth, heart to heart.

  Emma kissed back, fingers digging into his back, and Noah slid his arm around her, pulling her in. Till their bodies were sealed together, legs bound around each other. For a breath of time – Noah’s mind was silenced. In that single moment, there was nothing to consider. Nothing to contend with. Because now, there was no care in the world that could bother them. Nothing to interfere with the rhythmic song beating in their hearts.


  She was sprawled across his arm chair, clad in a summer blue crop top, and jet black shorts that ended nearly at mid-thigh. Noah couldn’t help but observe the slender curve of them, as she rested them, one above the other, her cream-white skin shining under the powerful light. She looked simply beautiful. Her thin lips were painted crimson red, and a pair of sunglasses rested atop her sharp nose. But the most beauteous were those lovely cascades of rich brown hair that slept in elegant waves at her collar bones, that jutted out prominently beneath them.

  She seemed asleep right now. Noah crept noiselessly up to her, positioning himself right in front of her face. He brought the lemonade glass to her nose, waiting for the sour sweet smell issuing off the lemonade choke her throat, and wake her up. But before Noah could activate his sly mission, Emma flipped one eye open absently, features withdrawn with tiredness.

  “You spoiled all the fun!” Noah cried, handing her lemonade, and she shot him a nasty smile.

  “Don’t’ try to act all sly like Dalton,” Emma smirked.

  “Oh that’s bastard’s resting his ass in the dungeons. And there’s no way he’s ever getting out. Not under my watch anyways.”

  “Oh! Here comes our little boy!” Galvarino leaped into her laps, and Emma caressed its head affectionately.

  Noah slumped to the grass, and tugged at his son’s cheeks. “What do you think the people will call him?”

  “Flayer junior?” Emma offered, glancing down with a grin.

  And Noah let out a hearty laugh

  * * * * * * *

  It was the 15th of December, a Saturday morning when Emma at looked herself in the mirror, and a mixture of surprise and an unbounded elation passed over her face. She looked beautiful. She was clad in a white, pearly dress on which intricate stonework had been quite wonderfully done across the narrow bodice and white roses slept at the huge train of the dress. A charming snow-white fur coat was draped around her bare arms, making the dress even more beautiful.

  As Emma looked out of the glass window, she could not help but admire the beautiful shades painted across the sky on her wedding day; livid threads of mirth melted with the orange shafts from the golden ball, entangling to form a wonderful mesh across the huge sky.

  Removing her head from the prepossessing view outside, she, slowly and gradually, recovering her emotions, making her nervous senses calm, stepped outside. A chill
gust of wind slapped across her face, making it glow, allowing a crimson shade creep up her fair cheeks.

  As she motioned forward, towards the altar, she could feel the heat of the glare of the millions of people perched on either side. A nervous feeling gripped her and she began to shiver. But as she looked up, a heaven-like view met her eyes. Noah…Oh, she thought. The powerful look in his piercing, ocean-blue eyes, glinting in the sunlight; his strong jaw-line falling under a shadow from the sun, his hair set in the most perfect spikes, the light brown shades glowing golden under the sieving rays of the sunshine. He was attired in a black frock coat, a jet black bow secured at the tip of his neck. He looked charming.

  As soon as their intense gazes met each other’s, the whole world melted around Emma. Now, there was only she and Noah. The strong colors sketched across the sky, glowed more intensely, as if singing to their passions. A warm, proud smile played around Noah’s lips, a crease at the tips of his lips, making it evermore enchanting. It seemed like golden rays of zeal emancipated from their souls, reaching out, like the desperate fingers of the drowning towards its savior, meeting at a juncture, melting into each other, entangling, glowing more fiercely; their hearts entwined together. It was a moment of eye-stilling surprise, heart-melting passion and heaven-wrecking love, unbounded and eternal.

  As they walked towards each other across the aisle, their feet brisk and eager; the smooth brush of Noah’s shoes across the pearly white tile and the piercing sound of Emma’s heel touching it, echoed through the pin-drop silence. The fervent gaze of the people passed from one to the other, an eye-binding expression painted across their awestruck faces. But, what was happening in their hearts was unimaginable and impossible to mold into words. A fierce air dwelled between them as they stood just a few paces apart, their eyes fixed on each other; the stormy sky sinking into the deep-blue ocean; beautiful and intense. It was Emma’s fingers that reached out for his arm, breaking through the thick barrier.


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