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42 Page 9

by Aaron Rosenberg

  That surprised her. “For what?”

  “Everything.” Rickey gestured down toward Jackie. “I can’t apologize to him. He and I both knew what we were getting into. But you, a newlywed, trying to begin a marriage under all this pressure?”

  “Don’t worry about me,” Rachel assured him. “Or us. We know who we are.” She hadn’t been so sure of that at first, on that first trip down to Daytona Beach, but she was now.

  “Your husband has humbled me,” Rickey told her over the crack of Jackie hitting another ball. “When this all began I thought I was changing the world and that Jackie was my instrument. Can you imagine?” He shook his head. “I wish I could help him, but I’m just a spectator.”

  Rachel wanted to pat his hand, but she restrained herself and settled for telling him, “You help him plenty. Believe me.”

  “Is he able to get things off his chest?” Rickey asked then. “So he doesn’t burn up?”

  She smiled. “I have to let him have that silence at first, let him come to me. But he opens up eventually.”

  He nodded. “Good. It’s too much to carry inside. Does he have any friends on the team?” He didn’t miss the look she gave him. “They’re spectators, too. They do admire him, though.”

  She looked out to where Reese and Stanky played catch. “Do you think so?”

  “Even the worst of us recognizes courage,” he promised her solemnly. “Moral courage especially. I have to think they see it. Jackie’s a man on trial. He’s responding with glory and grace. No one can take their eyes off him.”

  Rachel sighed. “He’s had himself on trial since the day I met him. No man is harder on himself or gets to himself worse than Jack. But I hope his teammates know they’re on trial, too.” She thought about some of the things Jackie had told her, some of the things she’d seen. Some of his teammates treated him well enough, but others — they still couldn’t get used to the way the world was changing. She wasn’t sure they ever would.

  Rickey was digesting her last statement, and now he nodded. “I suppose we all are. You’re an astute woman, Mrs. Robinson.”

  That made her laugh. “I have to be, Mr. Rickey,” she said with a smile. “I’m married to a man of destiny. I can’t let him down.”

  He patted her hand in a friendly fashion, and there was a twinkle in his eye when he responded, “If I’d met you first, I wouldn’t have looked so long for Jackie.”

  Rachel frowned. “How do you mean?”

  “If he was good enough for you, he’s certainly good enough for the rest of us.”

  Rachel ducked her head to acknowledge the compliment, and they sat there companionably watching her Jackie pound ball after ball out across the field.

  The next day, Rickey had a far less pleasant conversation.

  “Branch, it’s Herb,” Phillies general manager Herb Pennock said after Rickey had answered the phone.

  “What can I do for you, Herb?” Rickey replied. He could tell from Pennock’s tone that he hadn’t called just to chat.

  “How long have we known each other?” Pennock asked.

  Rickey frowned. “Twenty years. Maybe more.”

  He heard the other man take a breath. “Then trust me when I say, Brooklyn’s due here tomorrow, but you cannot bring that nigger down here with the rest of your team.”

  Rickey gritted his teeth at the insult but managed to stay civil. “And why’s that, Herb?” he asked. “His name’s Jackie Robinson, by the way.”

  “We’re just not ready for this sort of thing in Philadelphia,” Pennock told him bluntly. “I’m not sure we’ll be able to take the field against your team if that boy is in uniform.”

  “Herbert,” Rickey replied, “what your team does is your decision. But my team is coming to Philadelphia. With Robinson. If we have to claim the game as a forfeit, we will. That’s nine nothing, in case you forgot.” A number like that would do a world of good for the Dodgers, actually, but Rickey didn’t want to win that way, and he knew his team would feel the same.

  Pennock was clearly getting worked up now. “Branch,” he declared, “you’ve got a real bee in your bonnet about this thing and I, for one, would like to know what you’re trying to prove.”

  Rickey didn’t answer him directly. Instead, he asked, “Do you think God likes baseball? I do.”

  “What does that mean?” Pennock snapped.

  Rickey leaned back in his chair and smiled, letting a little iron creep into his voice. “It means you’re going to meet God one day, Herb, and when he inquires why Robinson wasn’t on the field in Philadelphia and you answer because he was a Negro, it may not be a sufficient reply.”

  Then he hung up the phone. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that things in Philadelphia were about to get mighty interesting. He hoped the team could handle it.

  The trouble started when the team bus pulled up to the Benjamin Franklin Hotel. Parrott hopped off first. “Come on, fellas!” he called over his shoulder. “We have twenty minutes to check in and then get to Shibe! Chop-chop.”

  But just as the driver was opening the lower compartment so the players could grab their bags, the hotel manager came bustling out, followed by a pair of security guards.

  “Out!” he shouted. “Get that bus out of here!”

  “We’re the Dodgers,” Parrott told him quickly. “We have a reservation.” He started to pull the confirmation letter from his folder, but the manager waved it off.

  “Your team’s not welcome,” the man declared. “Not while you have ball club Negroes with you.”

  Everyone stopped and stared. “You mean Robinson can’t stay here?” Parrott asked.

  The manager glared at him. “I mean the entire team is refused!”

  Now Parrott looked floored. “We’ve been staying here ten years.”

  “And you can stay away that long!” the manager snapped. Jackie hung his head, hating that his teammates now had to bear the brunt of harassment for him. At least he was used to this.

  “Hold on, now,” Shotton said as he climbed down off the bus. “Let’s talk about this.”

  But the hotel manager jerked his thumb like an umpire. “Get out! Now, Grandpa!”

  For the first time, Jackie saw Shotton lose his temper. “Grandpa? Hey, hold on, you!” He made for the manager, but the security guards got between them.

  Several of the other players turned, clearly intending to back their coach up — but they stopped short when Walker muttered, “Maybe Forty-Two’s got enough friends in town, we can bunk up.”

  Jackie turned on the veteran player. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Walker shrugged, though a scowl covered his face. “Nothing. It’s just, I know when you can’t get into a hotel you got people’s houses you can stay at.” Somehow he made it sound like an accusation, like either Jackie felt he was too good to stay in hotels with the rest of them, or else he figured Jackie would take care of himself and leave the rest of the team to rot.

  Jackie was tired of this. He closed the distance between them. “What do you want from me, Walker?” he asked.

  If anything, the other man’s scowl got fiercer. “An apology.”

  Jackie shook his head. “For what? Places like this?”

  “For turning this season into a sideshow,” Walker snapped. “I’m a ballplayer — I want to play ball!”

  “So am I!” Jackie reminded him. “I’m here to win!”

  Now Walker was in his face. “How are we gonna win sleeping on the bus?”

  “Fellas —” Parrott tried to step in, but Jackie was too angry to listen to him.

  “It might do you some good, the way you’re swinging the bat lately.”

  “Watch your mouth!” Walker jabbed Jackie in the chest with a thick, blunt finger. Jackie batted his hand away.

  “Watch your hand!” he shot back.

  Walker lunged at him, and Jackie didn’t back down an inch. But Reese, Stanky, and the others got between them, pulling them apart. Other players were draggin
g Shotton away from the hotel manager. Shotton was still shouting, “Grandpa? I’ll show you Grandpa!”

  Then Parrott loosed a shrill whistle, finally winning everyone’s attention. “Fellas! Burt! Please!” he appealed. “Take the bus to the field! Worry about the game. I’ll find another hotel.”

  They crowded back onto the bus, Branca and the others carefully keeping Jackie and Walker separated. Jackie wondered if his position with the team was getting better — or worse.

  Parrott found Jackie and Smith later that night sitting in the visitors’ locker room at Shibe Park, talking about what had happened earlier.

  “Jackie, excuse me,” Parrott started. He looked more nervous than usual. “Um, a request came in. The Phillies manager, Ben Chapman, he’d like his photo taken with you.”

  Jackie studied Parrott for a second, then made a show of sniffing the air around Parrott. “You been drinking, Harold?”

  But apparently the team secretary was serious. “Mr. Rickey thinks it’s a good idea,” he explained. “He says it’ll be in every sports page in the country. An example that’ll show everyone even the most hardened man can change.”

  Jackie barked a laugh. “Chapman hasn’t changed. He’s just trying to take the heat off.” He’d heard about the article that had been in the paper that day. It had compared the Phillies to a lynch mob.

  Parrott just shrugged. “Mr. Rickey says it doesn’t matter if he’s changed. As long as it looks like he’s changed. Chapman said he’d come down here. Or meet you in the runway.”

  Jackie’s first instinct was to say no, that Chapman could go stuff himself. But Smith put a hand on his arm.

  “See the ball come in slow,” he reminded softly. “See the photo come in slower.”

  Jackie thought about that — and about what Rickey had told him, right at the start. He had to be the bigger man here. He had to show them all that he wasn’t the one behaving badly. “Tell him I’ll meet him on the field,” he said finally. “Where everyone can see him.”

  Parrott smiled and nodded. “Perfect.” He hurried out.

  Sure enough, Jackie soon found himself standing with Chapman out by home plate. He even managed to keep his mouth shut as Chapman told the assembled reporters, “Jackie’s been accepted in baseball, and the Philadelphia organization wishes him all the luck we can. I only hope in some small way our trial of fire helped him along.”

  It amazed Jackie that the Phillies coach could say that with a straight face. He hadn’t realized Chapman was such a fine actor!

  “How about a picture?” a photographer asked. He raised his camera. “Shake hands? Bury the hatchet?”

  Jackie didn’t really want to shake Chapman’s hand, no matter how much he claimed he had changed. But Smith was nodding in the background, so he said, “You want a picture? Sure.” Then he stepped over to the on-deck circle and grabbed a bat.

  It was worth it just to see Chapman’s eyes widen as he turned toward him, bat in hand.

  “We’ll hold the bat,” Jackie told Chapman, too low for anyone else to hear. “That way we don’t have to touch skin.” The look of relief that crossed the coach’s face proved how everything he’d just claimed had been a lie. He hadn’t changed at all.

  They each grabbed ahold of the bat, Chapman with both hands on the handle, Jackie with one hand on the barrel. He waited until the photographers were just about ready to start snapping before muttering, “Ben, I hope all your friends back home like the picture.”

  Chapman’s jaw dropped, and his face went white. Jackie just smiled for the photo.

  Sometimes, being the bigger man brought its own rewards.

  Jackie squared off at home plate. The Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher, Fritz Ostermueller, flicked a glance at the catcher, Kluzt, then turned his steely glare on Jackie.

  When he unleashed, the ball was aimed straight at Jackie’s head.

  There wasn’t any time to duck. Jackie only managed to get his arms up to cover his face before the ball slammed into him. He went down in a heap.

  Instantly, there was an uproar as Branca and several other Dodgers boiled out of their dugout and onto the field. The umpire intercepted them as best he could. Higbe, now in a Pirate uniform, looked ready to cheer his new teammate for the hit.

  “Ostermueller, you kraut!” Branca shouted at the pitcher. “You gotta bat, too! Don’t you forget!”

  “I’m ready, you wop!” Ostermueller replied with a sneer.

  “It’s gonna come right between your eyes! Like a kamikaze!” Branca warned hotly.

  The Pirates pitcher gestured toward Jackie, who was shaking his head. “For him? He doesn’t belong here!”

  “You don’t belong here,” Branca retorted. “Go home to Goering and Shmelling!”

  Ostermueller grinned, a big, nasty look. “Make me, you dago!”

  Jackie sat up, one hand going to the big lump forming on his head. It hurt a whole lot, but he was okay.

  “What can I do for you, Pee Wee?” Rickey asked as Pee Wee Reese entered his office in Brooklyn a few days later.

  Reese shuffled his feet. “Well, Mr. Rickey, it’s like this,” he began. Rickey noticed that the shortstop was holding a folded paper in his hand. “The series in Cincinnati next week . . .” He trailed off.

  “It’s an important road trip,” Rickey agreed. “We’re only three games out of first.”

  Reese nodded. “Yes, sir. You know, I’m from Kentucky.”

  “Cincinnati’s nearly a home game for you,” Rickey commented. He already had a guess as to where this was going.

  Reese stepped up to the desk and set the paper atop it. “I got this letter, sir. I guess some people aren’t too happy about me playing with Robinson.”

  Rickey took the letter, unfolded it, and scanned its contents.

  “ ‘Nigger lover,’ ” he read aloud. “ ‘Watch yourself. We will get you, carpetbagger.’ ” He offered it back to Reese. “Typical stuff.”

  “It’s not typical to me,” Reese replied, taking the letter back. He looked surprised by Rickey’s casual dismissal of it all.

  Rickey sighed. “How many of these letters have you gotten, Pee Wee?”

  “Just this,” the shortstop replied. “Ain’t that enough?”

  Rickey studied Reese for a moment. Then he pushed back his chair and stepped over to a filing cabinet. Motioning for Reese to join him, Rickey pulled open a drawer and removed a stack of flattened letters, then another, then a third.

  “What are those?” Reese asked quietly.

  “I’ll tell you what they aren’t,” Rickey answered. “They aren’t letters from the Jackie Robinson fan club. Here —” He thrust a sheaf of them into Reese’s hands.

  Reese flipped through the stack of hate mail. “ ‘Get out of baseball, or your baby boy will die,’ ” he read. “ ‘Quit baseball or your nigger wife will be . . .’ ” His voice failed him, and he quickly flipped to another, his face pale. “ ‘Get out of the game or be killed.’ ” The one after that shocked him so much he couldn’t even read a word of it out loud. He looked up at Rickey, stunned. “Does Jackie know?” he asked finally.

  Rickey tried to keep his voice calm. This wasn’t Reese’s fault, after all. “Of course he knows. So does the FBI. They’re taking a threat in Cincinnati pretty seriously. So excuse me if I’m not too shocked at you being called a carpetbagger.” He tried to smile. “You should be proud of it!”

  “We’d just like to play ball, Mr. Rickey,” Reese offered. “That’s all we want to do.”

  Rickey nodded. “I understand. I bet Jackie just wants to play ball. I bet he wishes he wasn’t leading the league in ‘hit by pitch.’ I bet he wishes people didn’t want to kill him. But the world isn’t simple anymore. I’m not sure it ever was. We just . . . baseball ignored it. Now we can’t.”

  Reese nodded and set the letters down on the desk. “Yes, sir,” he said quietly. “I gotta get to practice.” He left without another word.

  The Dodgers took the field at Crosley
Stadium in Cincinnati on June 21. There were a lot more jeers and insults than Jackie had heard in a while. He tried to ignore them, as usual.

  Suddenly, Reese came jogging over to him.

  “What’s up?” Jackie asked. The abuse had gotten even louder, but now it wasn’t just aimed at him.


  “Pee Wee, how can you play with that nigger?”

  Reese looked sad and disappointed.

  “They can say what they want,” he told Jackie. “We’re here to play baseball.”

  Jackie nodded. “Just a bunch of crackpots still fighting the Civil War.”

  Reese cracked a smile. “We’d a’ won that son of a gun if the cornstalks had held out. We just ran out of ammunition.”

  Jackie laughed. He was impressed that his teammate could joke at a time like this. “Better luck next time, Pee Wee,” he said, playing along.

  Then Reese surprised Jackie by putting an arm over his shoulder. “Ain’t gonna be a next time,” he replied. “All we got is right now. This right here. Know what I mean?”

  The gesture shocked the stands into silence, and after a second Reese smiled. “Thank you, Jackie.” His tone was serious now.

  Jackie looked at him, a teammate he’d always admired, but was just starting to know. “What’re you thanking me for?”

  “I’ve got family here from Louisville,” Reese explained. He glanced up toward the stands. “Up there somewhere. I need ’em to know who I am.”

  Jackie didn’t know what to say. He just nodded.

  “Hey! Number one!” the umpire shouted at Reese. “You playing ball or socializing?”

  Reese laughed and yelled back, “Playing ball, ump! Playing ball!” As he turned away, he told Jackie, “Maybe tomorrow we’ll all wear forty-two. That way they won’t be able to tell us apart.”

  Jackie watched his teammate walk away. He shook his head, then pounded his fist into his glove and got his head back in the game. Like Reese had said, they were here to play.

  The next day, Jackie found himself sitting on the train playing gin rummy with Branca, Reese, and Smith. They were chatting and laughing over the cards, and he was amazed to realize that he was happy. He finally felt like he belonged, like he really was part of the team.


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