Playing for Keeps

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Playing for Keeps Page 6

by LuAnn McLane

“Really?” Noah took a step closer to her and tilted her chin up. “Then kiss me.”

  “What? You’ve got to be joking,” she sputtered, but her heart was beating out of her chest. “Why in the world would I kiss you? I can’t believe you just asked me to do that.”

  He shrugged. “Me neither, really, but I did. So go ahead. Prove that I’m right.”

  “You mean wrong.”

  “Fine,” he replied with a bit of a challenge and a taunting shrug. “Even more reason to do it.”

  “We’re in a public place!” She put the emphasis on the p’s, sounding a little like Daffy Duck.

  Noah looked left and then right and then braced his hand against the tree. “No one is around or watching, Livie. And it’s getting dark out.”

  “This is just plain crazy. I won’t do it. I’m a schoolteacher. I have a reputation to protect,” she argued, but the breeze blew her hair across her face and reminded her that this was the night to let go and to take a chance, to jump without a net. And hadn’t she always dreamed about what it would feel like to kiss Noah Falcon? Maybe it would be a big disappointment. If it was, she could put her imagination to rest. She blinked up at him. Should she really do this?

  “Wow, do you have to think about everything this hard? That has to be exhausting. Just do it.”

  “Just do it?” His comment made her think of sweating, determined athletes in a Nike commercial. Maybe he was right. Maybe she should just do it. Wasn’t that sort of supposed to be her new motto? Well, her first motto? Olivia tilted her head to the side. She kind of liked having a motto. It certainly made decisions easier. “Oh, all right.” She tried to grumble, but it came out breathless. “Let’s put your silly theory to rest once and for all.”

  Before she could chicken out, she pulled Noah’s head down for a quick get-it-over-with kiss, but the moment her lips touched his she was lost in sweet, sultry sensation that tingled at her mouth and oh, so slowly sank to her toes. When he threaded his fingers through her hair and lightly licked her bottom lip, she sighed and opened her mouth for more …

  Noah knew he was a good kisser, but with Livie he forgot all about the mechanics and simply dived into the experience. There was such a sweet honesty about her reaction to his touch that it made having her in his arms all the more satisfying. He didn’t think about what to do next but simply felt his way through. She didn’t have a motive or an agenda … didn’t care that he was Noah Falcon baseball player or television star, and that made the kiss feel real, organic, and amazingly right even given the crazy circumstances. Oh, and her full mouth was so sweet, so supple—he suddenly wished they weren’t standing on a street corner but were somewhere private where he could explore every single inch of her body.

  Noah pulled her closer against his frame, letting her know just what she was doing to him. Her hair felt soft and he wondered what it would be like to have the silky tresses trail down his bare skin. She gasped but didn’t push away. Instead, she slipped her hands up his biceps and to his shoulders as if needing to hold on. Noah felt a hot rush of excitement and would have moved his mouth to her neck, but a car passing by reminded them both that they were standing behind a tree but still basically out in the open on Main Street.

  When Olivia stepped back and put a hand to her mouth, Noah thought she was mortified, but she chuckled softly and said, “I’m not a science teacher, but I’m thinking your hypothesis has some merit after all.”

  Noah tipped his head back and laughed at her unexpected reaction. “So there is some explosive chemistry between us?”

  Olivia tilted her head to the side and said, “Mmmm, a tiny bit, perhaps. Then again, we might need more research before coming to a decisive conclusion.”

  Noah laughed again at her unexpected candor. “I’m a willing participant.” He took a step closer and tipped her chin up. “Are you, Livie?”

  She blushed, but then looked at him with serious eyes. “Flirting is fun, Noah, but I am completely committed to the success of this play. I hope you will remain committed as well.”

  He was disappointed that she thought he was merely flirting and wondered if she and everyone else would ever think of him as anything more than baseball and beefcake. Of course, he hadn’t helped matters with his recent weeks of excessive partying and spending money like crazy. He needed to get his life back on solid ground—another reason he had taken on this role. “You already have my word. No matter what your opinion is of me, I can assure you that I will do my best,” he replied a bit tightly.

  Olivia frowned. “It wasn’t my intention to insult you, Noah.”

  He shook it off just like he always did and put a grin back in place. “I know. So you’re going to tutor me, I hope?”

  “Yes,” Olivia replied. “We need to rehearse together anyway. It will be tough for me while school is still in session, but my evenings and weekends are free, and by the time we’re ready for full rehearsals school will be out for the summer.”

  “So when do you want to start?”

  “Tomorrow? Construction will begin on the sets or I would suggest the community center, so I suppose my place is the best choice. My house is just a few blocks away.” She pointed down the street.

  “Sounds good.”

  Olivia smiled. “Super. See you tomorrow around seven,” she replied.

  “Okay,” Noah replied, but when she turned to walk away he felt a sense of loss. He wanted to be in her company for a while longer and so he scrambled for something to say. “Let me drive you home.”

  Olivia hesitated. “That’s not necessary.”

  “It’s getting dark.

  “I’ll be perfectly safe.”

  “I need to know where you live, and I would feel better driving you home.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “My car is over there.”

  Olivia fell in step beside him. “Like I could miss your flashy red Corvette.”

  “I’ve never been one to be subtle,” he admitted and had an urge to reach over and grab her hand. Odd—although they had a past, he barely knew her and yet already he felt possessive. He refrained, since he didn’t want to appear too forward, but after that knock-yoursocks-off kiss, holding hands seemed pretty tame. The thought made him chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” Olivia asked after they stopped at his car.

  “You are.” Noah pushed the keyless entry and opened the door for her.

  “That’s not how I’m usually described, but I’m so very glad you’re being entertained,” she commented as she slid into the low-slung leather seat.

  Noah leaned over. “Okay, you refuse my cookies, but then I end up with a bone-melting kiss.” He shook his head. “Just when I’m expecting a curve, you throw me a fastball. You’re keeping me on my toes and I like it,” he added before closing the door.

  Noah was still smiling as he walked around the car to the driver’s side. This play was an opportunity to be taken seriously, and although he was nervous, he hadn’t felt so alive and lighthearted in a long time. And he wasn’t lying. Her knock-you-naked kiss had taken him by surprise. Just thinking about it was getting him aroused. Damn …

  “I live on the corner of Eighth and Oak Street,” she told him.

  “Not far from the high school.”

  Olivia nodded. “I walk most days.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Noah commented. “After all, you are a tree hugger.”

  She laughed. “Yes, I demonstrated that pretty well, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did.” Noah liked the fact that she could laugh at herself. He was accustomed to high maintenance, not sweet honesty, and he was more relaxed with her than he had felt with a woman in recent memory. Within a couple of minutes he pulled up to the curb in front of her house, wishing the drive had been longer. “Nice,” he said, looking at her cute Cape Cod with a stone front porch. An inviting grapevine wreath decorated the dark green front door, which matched the shutters. Warmth, character … the house suited her.

  Olivia peered out the win
dow and sighed. “It’s a work in progress, but I love it. I’m not very handy, but I’m learning.” She slid him a grin. “Mostly by mistake.”

  Noah grinned back. “Then we do have something in common. That’s how I’ve always learned too, or as my father would tell you, the hard way.”

  “Where are your parents?”

  “I bought them a house in Florida. My dad coaches baseball at a junior college and my mother gardens and paints.”

  “How nice of you to do that for them, Noah.”

  He shrugged. “My dad devoted a lot of his time coaching me on traveling teams and my mother put up with us being gone. I’m glad I could give something back.”

  She looked at him for a thoughtful moment. “And you gave up something of your childhood too, I expect.”

  “It’s what I wanted,” Noah answered, even though it wasn’t entirely true. But Olivia was the first person who had had enough insight to realize that his success had not come without cost, and he liked that about her as well. His desire for her to see him as something more than beefcake became even stronger. “Well, here you are.” He killed the rumbling engine and hoped for an invitation inside, but she turned and laid a hand lightly on his arm.

  “No need to walk me in. I’m sure you want to get settled. Where are you staying?”

  “I’m renting a condo down by the river.”

  She nodded. “Nice. That’s where Madison is living. It’s another project that got off to a good start but then stalled when the economy went sour.”

  Noah nodded. “It’s a shame. That property overlooking the river is some prime real estate. Seems like something else could be done there to bring in tourists.”

  Olivia sighed. “I agree. But what? Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “What time?” Noah asked while wondering how in the world merely having her hand on his arm could be sexy as hell. Her fingers felt cool and soft and he wanted her to slide her hand up his arm and into his hair.

  “Since it’s Sunday, could we get started fairly early in the evening?”

  “How about six o’clock and I’ll bring pizza?”

  “That works for me. We have the regular chains on the outskirts of town, or Papa Vito’s—he’s still trying to compete.”

  “Oh, boy.” Noah rubbed his hands together. “I consumed many a slice of Papa Vito’s pizza in my day.” He smiled at the memory. “We used to hang out there after ball games, stuffing ourselves and playing pinball until Papa V would finally kick us out. Good pizza and amazing big, fat breadsticks swimming in garlic butter. Does he still run the place?”

  “Yes, and he’s as cranky as ever. But you’re right. Papa Vito’s pizza beats the chains hands down. He learned making pizza from his father, who had a pizza parlor in Chicago. I just wish the kids around here were aware of what a gem they have. Everything there is made fresh, not brought in on some big truck.” Olivia shook her head and swallowed hard. “I’m sorry,” she apologized and then cleared her throat. “I hate to see shops that have been here forever closing right and left and the rest hanging on by the skin of their teeth. These hardworking families are suffering. The community center is a source of art and theater and could end up closing its doors as well. Federal funding has been cut, making revenue from ticket sales even more important. We can’t raise prices …” She shook her head. “And slips at the marina are empty, Noah. Boats are for sale. You remember how vibrant and fun summers here used to be?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Okay.” She inhaled deeply. “I’ll stop my rant now. But it’s just all so very sad.”

  Noah put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “Listen, I know I need some work, but I’m a blue chip player, Livie. You can count on me to give one hundred percent.”

  “I believe you.” She gave him a trembling smile that shot straight to his heart and, unable not to, he put a gentle hand on her chin. “It’s just that—”

  “Shhh …” He rubbed his thumb over her chin and inadvertently touched her bottom lip. “Worrying won’t help.” Despite the fact that he didn’t mean it as anything sexual, the touch of her mouth sent a surge of pure longing through his body. But he didn’t want her to get the wrong impression. She needed to know he was serious and not some player trying to score, so he pulled back and nodded toward her house. “Now go on in there and unwind. You need some rest. As you already know, teaching me will take some serious energy.”

  She put her hand on his arm again. “You don’t have to get out. Thanks for the lift.” She squeezed his forearm. “You’d better rest up too, Noah Falcon. I’m going to be a lot tougher this time around.”

  “I will.” He reached over and opened her door and he thought it was cute when after getting out she leaned over and gave him a shy wave before turning to walk up her sidewalk. He smiled at her pressed khaki pants and sensible sweater, but her long hair blowing in the breeze suggested a sense of untamed freedom that he wished he could explore with her.

  Olivia paused at the top of the steps, and for a moment he thought perhaps she would turn and wave once more. When she didn’t, he experienced a bit of disappointment but watched until she was safely inside before turning the key in the ignition.

  After he rumbled away Noah took comfort in familiar sights, and faded memories sprang back to life as he passed the Dairy Hut and Papa Vito’s Pizza. He slowed down past the high school and felt a stab of emotion upon seeing the baseball fields. Darkness had fallen, but when he stopped he could make out the backstop and rows of stands. After a moment he cut the engine and stepped out of his car, needing to get just a little bit closer to a place and time that had been carefree and simple. He curled his fingers into the chain-link backstop and inhaled the scent of freshly turned dirt and green grass that would soon be ready to play on.

  He could almost hear the cheering fans, the crack of a ball hitting a bat, and the sharp shout of an umpire calling strike three. While making it to the major leagues had been an absolute dream fulfilled, Little League and especially Cricket Creek High School were where his love of the game had come to life. Noah looked out at the pitcher’s mound and smiled. Major-league baseball had been an amazing ride, but this field would forever hold a special place in his heart.

  While Noah stood there leaning against the fence, it dawned on him how very quiet it was. Except for the rustle of the breeze through the trees, the only sound he heard was the occasional hum of a car engine, a bark of a dog, and in the distance … music and laughter. A sense of peace washed over him, and he thought to himself that this was the heartland, small-town living at its best. Lately he had been waking up at loose ends, with no real reason to get out of bed. He’d always been someone who was driven and focused, and this new status left him feeling oddly disjointed. He told himself he was crazy. Who cared if he was let go from Love in the Afternoon? At thirty-eight years old, he had more money than he would ever need even if he didn’t work another day in his life. And so began his mindless spending spree and endless nights of partying, each day blending into the next with no real beginning or end. But instead of feeling carefree and happy, all he felt was depressed.

  Seeing this little town struggling had been his wake-up call. Hardworking families were trying to put food on the table while he had been blowing money on crap he didn’t need or really even want. How damned ridiculous was that? He needed to have a work boot shoved right up his butt. He wanted to help! For the first time in a long while Noah felt a sense of real purpose, and it made his throat clog with emotion.

  As he pushed away from the backstop, thoughts of Olivia Lawson popped into his head and he had to smile. She was nothing like any of the flashy women he had been gravitating toward recently. As he drove to his rented condo all he did was think about her and what it would be like to have her in his arms once again. But he knew that this play was important not only to his career but also to Madison Robinson and Cricket Creek, so he made a promise not to do anything that might jeopardize its success—and getting invol
ved with his leading lady was at the top of the list of things to avoid. But then he remembered Olivia’s soft, full mouth and subtle sensuality and sighed. Keeping his hands off sweet Livie Lawson wasn’t going to be easy.


  Caught Up in the Moment

  Jason pounded the nail into the two-by-four with more force than necessary and then rocked back on the heels of his steel-toed boots. Working on Sunday wasn’t his favorite thing to do, but normally he just sucked it up and dealt with it, especially in lean times like these.

  Not today, though.

  Today, what he really wanted to be doing was spending some time with Madison, maybe a long drive through the countryside or four-wheeling so he could have her arms wrapped around him all day long … Well, and all night long too. He had to grin slightly when he pictured her city slicker tush on the back of a quad, but then again he knew she would do it. His little Maddie had been working hard to find her inner redneck. Well, okay, without a great deal of success, but it sure was fun watching her try. Jason chuckled. Someday she would go mudding without screaming or ducking her head the entire time. He kept reminding her that she was born here and needed to reclaim her Kentucky roots.

  But he looked down at his hammer and his smile faded. Working wasn’t the only thing that had him in a pissed-off mood. The nails he was pounding into the set frame were bought at Home Depot instead of Tucker’s Hardware, where he had been doing business for years. Why? Because Tucker’s was yet another local store that had just fallen victim to big chains. It simply could not compete. So after fifty years, the family-owned store had finally closed its doors.

  Jason scrubbed a hand down his face. His own remodeling business had remained fairly steady, but he had cut his profit margins to get jobs and also to help locals who were hurting even more than he was. “Damn.” He blew out a long sigh. For the first time, he had to face the possibility of bidding out-of-town jobs, or even relocating if things got worse. Oh, he could do it. He had connections and a reputation for excellent work. He just didn’t want to leave friends and family or sell his five sweet acres high up on a ridge overlooking the creek, where he planned to build a kick-ass home.


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