Love in the Rockies

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Love in the Rockies Page 4

by Thianna D

  “Okay,” she sniffled.

  “Pardon me?”

  “Yes, sir.” Erin put on her coat and followed behind her husband without another word.

  “Right,” Zach said. “You know what to do.” He walked behind her as she picked her way through the snow in search of the perfect branch.

  When Erin thought she’d found one, she turned and Zach nodded. She cut it with Zach’s pocketknife. “Good girl,” he said. “Come on, we’ll finish it inside.”

  * * * * *

  Erin sighed as she sat watching Zach prepare the switch. At least the snow had melted from it. It would have hurt a lot more to be whipped with a frozen stick.

  “Take your clothes off, please.” Zach turned the heat up slightly.

  Erin did as she was told, hating that she’d gotten herself in this position again. “Everything?” she asked.


  Zach piled up some pillows on the edge of the bed and patted them when she was finally bare. “Come on, let’s get this over. Why am I about to switch you, Erin?”

  “Because I drove the car when you told me not to.”

  “That’s right and?” He frowned when Erin’s hand crept down to cup her mound. “Take your hand away.”

  Erin blew her hair out of her face. “I ruined the surprise.”

  “But what did you do that caused you to ruin the surprise?”

  “I looked at the GPS even though I knew you didn’t want me to.”

  Zach was calm now and although he knew that Erin knew what she had done wrong, it was an important part of their ritual for serious offences that she be able to say out loud what she’d done. It was also part of their ritual that she be naked while doing so. It was unpleasant he knew, but it wasn’t undeserved and Erin knew that very well. “Who has the final word in our marriage, Erin?”

  “You do, sir.”

  “Did I make a decision?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What was my decision?”

  “That I wouldn’t drive because it was dangerous.”

  “Whose fault is it that you are about to be switched?”

  “Mine, sir.” Erin brushed away a big fat tear that balanced on the edge of one of her lower lashes.

  “Bend over the pillows, baby.” Zach watched Erin closely and he could tell she was trying to please him. She was sorry and he had forgiven her but he had to carry through with what was expected of him; expected by them both.

  * * * * *

  Zach pinched each of the pale cheeks. They were slightly pink already but that was understandable. Erin had been spanked no less than three times that very day already. One was playful but the woman was on a roll. “Three punishment spankings in a day, Erin, are you going for a record?”

  “Not on purpose,” Erin said into the crook of her arm.

  “Glad to hear that, at least.” He ran the switch up and down her leg and then started. Short flicks of the wrist brought the whippy stick down over and over from the top of her rounded cheeks to the crease that met her beautiful thighs. He wasn’t much of a thigh spanker but he usually made an exception with the switch. This time he decided against it. Although his wife had done a dangerous thing, he did want her to enjoy their romantic break. He wouldn’t embarrass her in front of strangers. She would pay the price though with several layers of stripes on the place that no one would see.

  “Zach, please!” she cried. “It hurts!”

  “Hush your complaining, Erin, or I’ll spank the back of your legs.”

  Erin clapped a hand over her mouth and sobbed.

  Zach didn’t stop spanking for even a second, he knew if he broke his rhythm, he wouldn’t be able to finish. He knew Erin was trying, but she sobbed uncontrollably and every now and then her leg kicked out. When he’d finally covered every inch of her trembling cheeks with raised pink marks, he snapped the switch in half and threw it down. Tears filled his eyes at the sight of his wife sobbing broken heartedly into the comforter that had been dragged up in handfuls as she clung on to it for grim death. “It’s over now, baby,” he said, rubbing the flushed skin on her back. She said nothing and he was worried that he’d gone too far.

  Finally she pushed back and stood, tears still running freely down her cheeks.

  “Honey, I had to do it,” he said.

  “I…know,” she sobbed.

  “It’s over now,” he said, kissing her wet cheeks over and over and pulling her into his arms.

  “I…know. I’m sorr…ry,” she said.

  “You’re already forgiven. Please stop crying. You’re worrying me.”

  “I…can’t,” she sobbed pitifully.

  Zach sat on the bed and pulled her down into his lap, making sure to let her battered bottom hang between his legs so she would at least be slightly comfortable. “I need you to tell me why you’re crying.” His voice was a little firmer than he was feeling but he needed to make her talk to him.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” she said, a fresh bout of tears overtaking her again. “I don’t wanna go in there!”

  Relief washed over Zach making everything suddenly okay. Erin didn’t hate him and that was all he needed to know. A rolling laugh started low in his belly and he nearly dropped Erin as it escaped forcing him to guffaw. “Oh, Erin baby, I love you.”

  Erin couldn’t help herself, she joined in, giggling until she snorted. Suddenly she stood. “I have to go!”

  “It’s there or outside in the snow,” Zach said, flopping back on the bed, still cackling.

  Erin danced up and down like a two year old and then made a run for the tiny bathroom.

  * * * * *

  It was well into the night by the time they made it. Erin was very glad to see lights on and the general signs of civilization. She could just make out the sign ‘Whistling Pines Natural Springs’. “Do you want me to come in?” she asked as Zach clicked off his seat belt.

  “Nah. Stay here, it’s cold out. I shouldn’t be long.”

  Erin peered at the sign, trying to make out the smaller writing that was at the bottom on the attached piece of board that swung from two chains. Did that say clothing optional? Had they come to a nudist colony? Oh my. It wasn’t something she’d ever thought of before. For the first time since they’d left, she gave a thought to her friends from Corbin’s Bend. This was the kind of adventure that was just up their alley. She could imagine Carol leading the charge in to the communal spa sans clothes. Erin giggled out loud, despite that fact she was all alone. Zach was coming back now, though, and she forgot all about the sign while she waited to see if everything was okay; that they hadn’t arrived too late.

  “Well, we were lucky,” Zach said, hopping back into the van after going to check in. “We didn’t lose our spot. Seems everyone else had trouble with the roads also.”

  “Thank goodness for that,” Erin said. “We wouldn’t have wanted to be forced to go take a cabin or something.”

  “Very funny.” Zach started the RV, turning to head for their allocated spot. “It’s almost Valentine’s day, they’re fully booked.”

  “I was joking. You seem to have lost your sense of humor. Geez, if I can joke while I’m sitting here on a scratched up butt then the least you can do is laugh along.”

  “Your scratched up bottom is your own doing, and I’m starting to wonder if it’s scratched up enough.”

  Erin sighed, deciding to cut her losses and be quiet for a while, for five minutes at least while they got settled. She found her heart was a lot lighter despite their eventful trip. It was hard to see much in the dim light but she was eager to cuddle up with Zach in their cozy quarters and at least enjoy the rest of night. Tomorrow they could explore what this place had to offer.

  * * * * *

  The next morning, Erin woke before Zach. He had to have been exhausted after the drive they had the day before. Erin busied herself by trying to make a pot of coffee. Zach had hooked up the water and electricity and the stove was powered by propane so it shou
ldn’t be hard to throw together some breakfast. Despite all her whining about not wanting to cook while on vacation, Erin felt the least she could do, after causing such a fuss was to rustle up something for Zach for when he woke up, even if it was just toast and coffee. Besides, anything that involved standing was probably a better choice than sitting. She rubbed at the window to clear the condensation that had built up over night. People were milling about. It was a bit of a hike back to the office and small store that were in the brochure Zach had left on the table, but it was only a short walk to the communal bathroom facilities. She looked at the boots and two pairs of thermal socks Zach had insisted she leave at the door with her jacket. It was the thing she hated most about winter: taking clothes and shoes on and off all the time. That’s right! It suddenly dawned on her what she’d read while waiting for Zach, this was clothing optional. That she would have to explore, if she fell across some milk or cream for the coffee in the meantime, that would be a plus. How the hell did anyone walk around without their clothes in the snow? The thought was beyond her. It was certainly interesting though. It made her giggle to think of people walking around wearing nothing but their boots.

  * * * * *

  Erin scrawled a note to Zach, pulled on her coat and boots and stepped out of the RV. The snow was piled fairly high on the sides of the path but they had shoveled a walkway which was nice. If it hadn’t been, Zach would have insisted on her wearing clunky snow shoes. As with life in general, Zach liked things done properly and preparing properly for the outdoors was part of that. Of course she hadn’t worn her long underwear. She tried but the fabric prickled her sore bottom like the dickens. No she would just have to walk fast to get her blood pumping.

  By the time Erin made it to the store, she had seen and waved to several couples and a few men and women on their own. All had been wearing clothes. She didn’t know if that disappointed her or not. On one hand it would definitely be fun to try something they hadn’t done before, going to a nudist colony certainly would fit that bill but on the other, there was the fact that she would probably have to show off her own less than perfect body. Not to mention her switch lined bottom. Now that would get some tongues wagging. Yep, they weren’t in Corbin’s Bend anymore, where if a person did find themselves naked outdoors, which was unlikely given the amount of kids that were around, there would be nothing unusual to see a well spanked bottom.

  Erin waved to a couple that were just leaving and stomped the muck from her boots off on the mat before walking into the store. It was impressive, although not overly large, as she wandered along the isles she realized it held most everything that anyone would need. She grabbed a basket and placed all the items in there that she thought she needed to make her and Zach a nice breakfast.

  “That all you need there, honey?” The woman behind the counter asked.

  “Yes, thank you. I was wondering though, what happens with the springs? I see there’s a main pool, and it says in the brochure there are others, with a sprinkling of natural pools?”

  “That’s right, honey. The main pool is open until eleven at night, and there are some indoor private hot tubs inside the main building but you have to reserve a time for those.”

  “Oh, okay, um, the other thing I was wondering was sort of about something I read in the fine print.”

  “The clothing optional statement?” the woman asked.

  “Yes,” Erin said. “How does that work around here? I can imagine it’s self explanatory in summer but it’s winter—I mean it’s cold obviously—everyone is wearing clothes.”

  “The clothing optional is late hours after eight thirty. We have to make sure there’s no kiddies around, you understand. So even in the summer you won’t find people wandering around buck naked or anything. It’s not a nudist camp,” the woman said with a hearty chuckle.

  “Oh, of course not,” Erin said. She didn’t know if she was disappointed or relieved.

  “Besides, a lot of the folks around here are busy hunting, or getting organized to go out on a hunt. The springs are nice at the end of the day after tramping through the snow.”

  Erin blinked. “You mean like a treasure hunt, right?” Instinctively Erin knew exactly what the woman was saying but she was still shocked. They actually killed animals here. This place was so, well, picturesque and yet it was the cover for a murderous snow village.

  “For the hunters it is.” The woman smiled. “Like all their Christmases have come at once when they bag themselves a kill. They especially like the elk, nothing like the head of a long horn elk head mounted above your fireplace, but this time of year it’s more than likely only their cows. Still, something to be proud of.”

  Erin could taste acid in her mouth. “I better go.” She paid for her goods and left, first stomping with anger until her large and angry steps turned into a run; fury and sorrow overtook her.

  * * * * *

  Zach opened one eye and immediately noticed the space next to him was empty. He picked up the note that had taken his wife’s place. Reading it made him smile. If she’d actually gone to fetch some supplies, then things were improving. Erin must be finally giving the vacation a chance. He knew she’d love it if she just let go a little. He no sooner finished the thought than the door flung open and a boot came flying through the air, followed by the other half of its pair. It landed just short of the stove.

  “Erin!” Zach said, more shocked than angry, although he did expect his wife to have a little more self control than a two year old. She had better have a damn good reason.

  “I am furious!” she said, picking up the boots and throwing them down again.

  “Just stop!” Zach said, jumping up and trying to pull her stiff body into his arms. “Tell me what happened.”

  “It’s this place, this evil place. I can’t believe that such medieval practices still take place in this day and age.”

  “If you’re talking about the clothes thing, you don’t have to see anyone naked or for that matter get naked yourself, unless you’re in here that is.” He tried to lighten the mood but it went straight over her head.

  Erin waved him off and started pacing up and down the small area that there was to walk in while she ranted. “Nakedness. You think I would be this angry about being naked? What am I, sixteen?”

  “At this moment I think six might be closer to your age,” Zach said. “This behavior is not okay. I’m making allowances because something has obviously gotten you very upset but you need to tell me what that something is, because I’m not a mind reader.”

  “This place sells beautiful creatures lives. For fun, Zach, for sport!”

  “Ahh, the hunting,” Zach said, the penny finally dropping.

  “You knew? You knew that this place killed beautiful wild animals and yet you still booked a vacation here for us? I can’t believe you!”

  “You need to simmer down some,” Zach said.

  “Why? Because you say so? Because like the other men out there, you live to conquer?”

  “That was below the belt.” Now Zach was the one pissed. Erin hadn’t thrown her submission at him for a long time. It was mean and it was thoughtless. “You are not going to be hunting and I’m not going to be hunting, but I don’t have control over what this place does.”

  “I didn’t mean that the way it came out. You know I don’t think that of you.”

  “I hope not, because I have never forced you into anything.” Zach did believe her but she still rankled him when she was out of control like this. At least she seemed to be calming down now.

  “I know,” Erin said. “I apologize. But why did you pick this place Zach?”

  “Because I remember you saying that you’d always wanted to visit the springs. I actually thought it would be past hunting season but obviously I was wrong. There must be different agreements for private property.”

  “I know you must think I’m a crazy person. It’s just the thought of it. I mean, we just had Christmas and they want to shoot one of the rei

  Zach smiled but managed to keep in the cackle that was bubbling beneath the surface. “What do they hunt?”

  “Elk and elk cows or something. Apparently it’s a pride thing.”

  “Elk are not the same thing as reindeer. Reindeer are bigger and…”

  “You really think that size is what counts here? What, we could afford to lose Avery because she’s bigger the Jordan?”

  “You know that’s not what I’m saying. In fact, it’s ridiculous to compare our daughters to creatures of the wild.” Zach knew he should have put the kibosh on this argument as soon as it started but he was finding it hard to stay angry. His wife was cute when she was so worked up and she did have a point about the hunting. It was horrible that innocent animals were killed for no reason. Still he didn’t think it was their place to intervene in other people’s choices.

  “Thanks for the lesson teacher. So they aren’t killing Santa’s reindeer, they’re just killing a smaller version of a reindeer’s mother. That must be perfectly okay. Silly me for caring.”

  Zach sighed. There was nothing for it, he had to calm his wife down somehow. He sat on the bed and patted his lap. “Take off your jacket and come on over.” He watched as Erin did a dramatic backward step as was usually her way once she realized she’d gone too far.

  “I got mad and I know I don’t control my mouth when I should.” She started to cry and didn’t move towards him.

  He raised one eye brow. “I only want to help you to calm down but don’t defy me, honey, or you just might find yourself fetching a hairbrush on your way over here.” He didn’t want to punish her.

  Erin stripped off her jacket and hung it up before walking over to her husband’s side. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”


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