Waiting on Forever

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Waiting on Forever Page 8

by Ashley Wilcox

  “You want winner?” one of the guys asks.

  “Nope, I want the whole table,” Matt answers in a serious tone.

  Even though you can tell the guy is pissed with Matt’s statement, he rolls his eyes and responds “K, man.”

  Wow, someone has authority around here!

  Although I hate when guys get all testosterone on one another I can’t help but smile, seeing how people do whatever Matt says. It’s kind of a turn on.

  Realizing that I’m going to have to bite the bullet at some point and face my ‘living under a bridge’ life, I tug discreetly on Matt’s arm so that he brings his ear closer and I can ask him something quietly.

  “Yes?” he says, once his ear is next to my mouth.

  “How do you play beer pong?” I ask embarrassed.

  Turning his face and giving me a playful smile he softly asks, “You’ve never played?”

  “If I knew how to play do you think I’d be asking you?” I respond, a little more snarky than I was anticipating.

  Letting out a low chuckle he says, “Sorry. I forget how innocent you are sometimes.”

  I don’t think innocent is the accurate word, but okay.

  I roll my eyes, but he smiles and continues, “Okay, so on each end of the table there are six cups set up in a triangle, filled halfway with beer. You can either bounce the ball or toss it across the table–you just wanna try and get it in one of the other teams cups. Every time you sink a cup they have to drink that beer. Whoever drinks all their beers first, loses.”

  Sounds easy.

  “You guys ready over there?” Collin yells, getting our attention now that the table is open.

  “Yeah, just a second,” Matt yells back, running towards the house.

  “Where the hell ya goin’?” Collin shouts after him.

  “I’ve gotta get something.”

  Collin looks at me with a questioning look, but I shrug my shoulders in response.

  Within seconds, Matt comes running back with a handful of my special beers in his hands.

  “I told ya, I’m not lettin’ you drink that shit,” he says, pointing to the cooler of beast under the table.

  Feeling the now familiar butterflies back at work, flapping away in my stomach, my heart swells in my chest and I reach up on my tippy toes to give Matt a quick peck. “Thank you, Babe.”

  Smiling through his big hazel eyes, he responds, “of course,” before kissing me again.

  “Do you guys need another bathroom break or we good?” Collin jokes, interrupting our moment.

  Actually finding his joke humorous, we both let out a laugh while turning our attention back towards the table. “We’re good…for now,” Matt responds with a wink at me.

  Chapter 15

  “Yo, Bro. I think I’m fallin’ for your girl,” Collin slurs after Matt and I beat Collin and Summer at our third game of beer pong. “The girl’s a rockstar at everything she does.”

  Honestly, beer pong isn’t rocket science and fairly easy. I guess all these years of winning the fish game at the State Fair have paid off. It’s pretty much the same concept. Throw a ping pong ball into a glass and get a prize. Instead of winning a fish, you get your opponent shit-faced. It’s always been my favorite game to play at carnivals and fairs, and let’s just say I’ve seen a lot of goldfish come and go in my day. I guess it was a given that I’d be good at beer pong, too.

  “Heyyyy…” a drunk Summer nudges Collin’s arm defensively.

  “Don’t worry, beautiful, you’re still my number one,” Collin tells Summer, pulling her close and kissing her gently.

  “Good, because this one’s off limits,” Matt responds, squeezing me to his side and kissing my forehead.

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I reach up and kiss his lips. Instead of it being a sweet peck like I had planned, Matt pushes in harder, deepening the kiss. My body instantly reacts with a shot of desire soaring through my veins and without even thinking my mouth cracks open, inviting him in. Matt’s hands run up my sides until they reach my face, holding my cheeks. Our tongues wrap and tangle as my hands slide up the back of his shirt, gripping his firm back. We’re completely consumed with each other, forgetting that we are in the back yard for all to see.

  “Is it sooner than later?” he breathes against my lips.

  “Mmhmm,” I answer, keeping my lips still placed on his.

  Smiling against my mouth, he removes me from his hold, grabs my hand, and starts in the direction of the house. Making our way through the inside, people try to stop us to chat, but Matt ignores them completely with tunnel vision to the stairs. Grabbing his keys from his back pocket, he unlocks his door and practically yanks me inside. Before I have time to think, Matt’s hands are back on my cheeks and tongue in my mouth. My body instantly melts under his touch and is reacting in ways I didn’t know possible.

  Not even realizing that we’re slowly moving backwards, the back of my knees hit the bottom of his bed. Before I know it I’m laying down with Matt on top of me. My heart is thumping and the adrenaline is running high as I anxiously reach down to pull Matt’s shirt over his head. After catching a glimpse earlier of what lies underneath, I’m eager to have it back in my view. Before I can even get his t-shirt over his head I feel his hands yanking mine up and over. Wanting him to reenact what he did earlier, I reach behind my back and unclasp my bra. After letting out a pleased moan, Matt lays back over me, placing his mouth on my neck.

  That works, too.

  Very gently, Matt begins running soft passionate kisses from the fold of my neck up behind my ear.

  “Oh god, Leah,” he heavily breathes in my ear.

  The breath from his words sends chills down my spine, leaving a warm hard ache between my legs. Overwhelmed by the sensation and craving more friction, my hips start rocking with a mind of their own. Picking up on my desire, Matt moves his hips with mine while running his mouth back down my neck and over my chest. Just when I think my body can’t take anymore, a new wave of pleasure ripples throughout my body as Matt sucks my nipple into his mouth.

  “Ohh...” I moan.

  His mouth on one breast, his hand teasing the other, I’m completely overwhelmed with the amount of pleasure consuming my body. Just as I’m about to give in and let go, Matt moves his mouth down my stomach and stops at the top of my pants.

  “Yes,” I breathe out before he even asks, wanting whatever comes next.

  Without saying a word or wasting any time, Matt unbuckles my pants and slides them down my legs. After throwing them to the side, he gives me a sexy grin before positioning himself back on top of me.

  With our faces only inches apart, Matt softly whispers, “You’re so beautiful, baby,” before gently pressing his lips on mine.

  As every feeling I have for Matt comes floating to the surface, I’m one hundred percent certain without a doubt that I’m falling hard and fast for the beautiful man above me. Knowing that it’s too soon to tell him with words I press harder against his mouth, bound and determined to show him instead and we are quickly back to wanting, needing and passionately kissing.

  Craving the feeling of his skin, I run my hands down his chest and stomach, stopping at the hem of his pants. Anxious to reveal what’s hidden underneath, I quickly unbuckle his jeans and start to push them over his hips. Noticing my eagerness to have him naked and my arms not long enough to get him there, Matt helps by pushing his pants down further and kicks them off to the side.

  Now down to just our underwear, I can get a better feel of Matt’s erection rubbing up and down over my sensitive area.

  “Yes…” I moan, loving the fire that’s burning throughout my body, blazing with pleasure.

  “Oh god, baby. You’re so fucking wet. I can feel it through your panties.”

  Turned on by his words, I rock my hips faster and grip his hard back with my hands. He lets out a moan and quickly matches my rhythm.

  “Fuck,” Matt whispers, moving his mouth next to my ear.

p; “More, Matt. I need more,” I plead, wanting him inside me.

  Letting out a frustrated sigh, he whispers, “I don’t have a condom.”

  What? How does he not have a condom? Don’t guys buy them in bulk?

  “Just keep going, baby,” Matt whispers, moving one hand down to my breast while the other one stays next to my head.

  Between the friction between my legs and the sensation running from my nipple, a wave of warmth runs down my body and gathers in my sex. Before I know it, my body is spasming and spiraling in a delicious orgasm.

  “Oh, fuck,” I hear Matt moan, before feeling his body tighten and quiver as he finds his own release.

  Lifting his face from next to my ear, Matt smiles sweetly before kissing my forehead.

  “That was incredible, Babe,” he adds before standing up and sliding down his boxers, letting his still erect length spring free.

  Holy mother of god!

  “Y’okay over there?” he says with a smirk.

  Uh, no!

  It’s no secret that I’m relatively sheltered when it comes to guys. As we’ve already established, I’ve never gone to first base or even been kissed before Matt. On top of that, there was never a moment where I was curious enough to go searching for images of penises on the web either. Before meeting Matt, I was a complete and utter prude and I was okay with it.

  But something about Matt turned my life upside down, lighting a fire of desire within. And now, knowing what kind of things his body can make mine feel and seeing this erect and very desirable penis standing at attention in front of me, I can’t help but be cotton mouthed and turned on.

  “It’s, uh…nice look ya got there,” I answer, licking my dry swollen lips.

  Shaking his head and chuckling to himself he responds, “You do realize we’ll never leave this room if you keep looking at me like that?”

  “And your point?”

  “I don’t have the resources for what I want to do to you,” he answers, pulling a clean pair of boxer shorts on and walking towards me. “So, I need to get you out of this room before I do something I shouldn’t.” He leans over me with one hand on each side of my head, his face only inches from mine.

  “There’s nothing you shouldn’t do to me,” I boldly respond, still completely turned on by him.

  Surveying my face with a delicious grin, Matt pushes his lips against mine and before my body has time to react, his mouth has lifted away and he is looking down at me smiling. “In due time, baby.”

  What a tease!

  Fulfilling Matt’s wishes, we both get dressed and head back out to the party. For the second time tonight I’m returning with flush cheeks and a satisfied grin.

  “Again?” Summer asks once we find them downstairs.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I truthfully admit, “There’s just no off button with him.”

  “I get it, trust me,” she answers, smiling at Collin and nudging my arm.

  In that moment I notice the bond that Summer and I have formed in the last couple of days, and realize how much I’m going to miss her when she leaves. I’ve never had a girlfriend that I connected immediately with and could instantly trust. I can tell from here on out that we are going to be friends for a really long time.

  Chapter 16

  Finally feeling like a true college student, I didn’t go home last night. Instead I wake up wrapped in Matt’s arms. Turning over so I can face him, I study his beautiful face inhaling and exhaling in a peaceful sleep. Thinking back over everything that has happened this past week, and the series of events that led me here to his bed, my heart flutters with what I can now confirm as love. Although I’ve always known that Matt was someone I could fall deeply for, I never imagined in my wildest dreams that he would care for me back. Life as I’ve known it has changed and whatever happens from this day forward, I know that I will never be the same person because of it.

  “Mornin’ beautiful,” he whispers as his eyelids flutter open.

  Looking at me with sleepy eyes and the sweetest grin ever, I realize that the way he looks right now is a look I never want to forget.

  “What?” he asks, looking at me confused.

  “Nothing. You just look really cute when you wake up,” I admit, kissing his nose.

  “Well, maybe you should spend the night more often so you can look at this cute face every morning,” he says wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Eh, we’ll see,” I respond, acting like I could take it leave it even though I’m jumping up and down inside.

  Laughing and rolling over on top of me, he pins my hands down over my head. “What am I going to do with you?” he asks, looking down at me with a mischievous grin.

  “I can think of a few things,” I respond, arching an eyebrow.

  “How did I not know you were such a hornball?” he asks. “I may have been less of a chicken shit and asked you out sooner.”

  “Because I never have been before you,” I admit.

  “Mmm, good answer,” he smiles, moving his face down closer to mine. “I like that I make you this way,” he adds before gently kissing my lips.

  Feeling the all too familiar pulse generate down my body, I push my hips up in search of some relief. “Mmm,” he moans, pressing his already erect length against my folds. Suddenly I’m even more thankful that we fell asleep last night wearing only our underwear, and me a t-shirt.

  Keeping our hands locked above my head, Matt runs his mouth down my jawline and up my neck. “You’ve got to stop doing this to me,” he whispers next to my ear.

  “Doing what?” I push up my hips up again with a sneaky grin.

  “That,” he adds, nipping the bottom of my ear.

  “Then stop turning me on so much,” I respond, running my fingers up his back.

  “I can’t help it. You taste so fuckin’ good,” he continues, running his tongue up from the center of my neck up under my chin.

  “Then don’t stop.”

  “Trust me, I don’t want to,” he whispers before kissing my lips.

  Sitting back on his heels, he lifts the hem of my t-shirt and pulls it up and over my head, resting his body back over mine. Bringing his mouth over to my ear, he whispers, “And one of these times I won’t be able to hold back.” He rocks his erection between my legs, sucking on my neck. “It’ll be the best damn sex we’ll ever have.”

  Closing my eyes, I just can’t take it anymore. He has me so turned on that I don’t think anything but his dick inside of me will give me relief. Feeling the way I do, I have no clue how people can go months without giving into the temptation. The thought of wasting one more minute without him pushing inside of me makes my body ache with frustration. Whatever reservations or morals he has for waiting need to be pushed out the door. He needs to give me what my body is longing to have.


  “I need it now, Matt,” I plead, gripping his back.

  Without saying a word he trails wet passionate kisses down my neck and over my chest. Sucking my erect nipple into his mouth, he teases the other by squeezing and tweaking to the extent that my back arches overwhelmed by the sensation.

  “Please,” I beg, not letting the idea of having him inside me escape my head.

  Staying silent, he leaves my chest and continues down my stomach and over my underwear. Lifting his head just slightly, he pulls my underwear down my legs and drops them to the side. A rush of excitement slides over my body, realizing that he’s finally giving me what I’ve been asking for. But instead of removing his boxers, he opens my legs wider and kisses the insides of my thighs.

  What the?

  Using his thumb and finger he pushes back my folds and flicks his tongue against my clit.

  Holy Fuck!

  An instant shock of pleasure surges through me, leaving every ounce of my body tingling. Returning his tongue to my now swollen nub, he swirls, flicks and sucks like a man on a mission with no intention of stopping.

  “Holy shit!” I yell, overwhelmed with the constant flow of
pleasure flooding my body.

  Understanding my need for relief, he slides his finger inside of me with ease.

  “Oh, god!” I cry, completely giving in and handing over all control of my body.

  “Come for me, baby,” he softly whispers, removing his mouth from my sex just long enough to say it.

  Like his words are my trigger, my body instantly unfolds sending me into the most intense orgasm ever.

  Letting out a huge sigh of relief, my body falls limp into the bed, feeling like I just ran a marathon.

  Wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, he looks up at me with a huge prideful grin.

  “What are you smiling at?” I ask, not being able to hold back mine.

  “How beautiful you are right now. Knowing that I put that fulfilled smile on your face is enough to make my body weak.”

  God, I love him and want to tell him so bad.

  Giving me one last sweet smile, he kisses my stomach and pushes himself up off the bed.

  “Let’s go get some breakfast before Collin and Summer leave,” Matt says, grabbing my hands and pulling me up off the bed. “And then we’ve got some French to study,” he adds before slapping my butt and walking towards the dresser.

  I stand there frozen, watching him dig through his drawers and thinking about all that has changed in such a short period of time. I’m no longer a loner. I’m hopelessly in love and have gone from a total prude to a raging nympho.

  I’m loving my new life and have no plans of ever turning back.

  Chapter 17

  After having breakfast with Collin and Summer and saying our goodbyes, we make a quick stop at my dorm so I can take a shower and change into some clean clothes. Grabbing my backpack and rescuing Matt from Kayla’s nonstop rambling, we head out and back down to his truck.

  “How do you live with that?” he asks, putting the key in the ignition.

  “With what? Kayla?”

  “Yeah. Holy shit, I was ready to tear my eyes out their sockets if I had to talk to her any longer,” Matt says, shaking his head.


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