An Apple for Zoë ~ The Forsaken

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An Apple for Zoë ~ The Forsaken Page 9

by Thomas Amo

  "Mike!" called James from a distance.

  "Over here!" shouted Kirkland as he anxiously waited to see his best friend and partner. A strong bright beam of light pierced the blackness of the attic. It crossed back and forth across the room like a prison searchlight.

  "Here Tom, I'm here," he called as the light grew closer. "Mike just hang on!" said James. Kirkland turned to the sound of James's voice when suddenly the bright beam of light then reached his face startling him. "Oh thank God Tom, I thought I was never going to get out of here," he exclaimed.

  James slowly moved closer, keeping his light on Kirkland. He looked so pale and ghost-like in the beam of the light. "It's okay now buddy," said James as his light illuminated Kirkland's euphoric expression. "Thanks a million Tom, I'm happy as hell to see you, but could you point that thing somewhere other than my eyes, I think I'm blind enough as it is," laughed Kirkland. James shared in his laugh for a moment and then aimed the flashlight directly at Kirkland's chest.

  "Ready to get the hell out of here?" said Kirkland as he then saw James's expression change.

  "What is it, Tom?"

  James aimed the light at the wall behind him. "Step away from the wall, Mike," said James in a cautioned voice. Kirkland did as ordered and quickly moved to James's side, where he now could see what had changed the expression on his partners face so quickly. It was a tall black wrought iron gate with the words twisted into it. "Arbeit Macht Frei"


  Arbeit Mach Frei

  Kirkland turned and looked at the gate, which was now illuminated by the flashlight James was holding. Chills ran down his body.

  "There's someone else in here with us, Tom," whispered Kirkland as he pulled his gun. James quietly passed the flashlight to Kirkland as he removed his own gun from its holster.

  "Yeah, and the scary thing is Mike, they want us to know they're here," said James in a hushed tone.

  The two men slowly looked around the room for any sign of the dangerous intruder who seemed to be silently moving among them. Kirkland shined the light back to the wrought iron gate that was blocking what appeared to be a doorway.

  "Our Nazi has been busy."

  "No kidding. I think there's more Zyklon B here than in all of Auschwitz. He must have been planning this for years."

  "There's so much of it. I mean there's enough of this stuff here to kill the entire city of San Francisco."

  "A masterful plan. Kill an entire city. You're either trying to exact some twisted form of revenge or you're like Herod trying to eliminate Jesus," said Kirkland.

  "You actually think old Hermann is hunting for someone? Because this goes way beyond killing Jews, Mike."

  A slight whisper of laughter danced across the room. James and Kirkland both froze at the sound of it.

  "Better get home kid before the Zodiac gets you," snickered the voice. Kirkland looked at James who was frozen with fear.

  "WHO'S THERE?" demanded Kirkland, aiming his gun towards the source of the voice.

  Only this time the laughter was more pronounced and deep.

  "You loved her didn't you Thomas James? You loved her with all your heart and she abandoned you. So much for Julie's claim of eternal love."

  The disembodied voice and laughter echoed across the cavernous room. Kirkland raised the flashlight only to find it was dead. He tried to see in the darkness and pinpoint the source of the sound.

  "But that's the trouble with women, isn't it? They seduce you, pull you in, make you want them. Make you their slaves. Then without any thought or warning their love turns to ice. But don't worry Tom, I showed her."

  "Don't listen Tom, it's a trap," said Kirkland as he continued attempting to locate the intruder in the blackness of the room.

  "Think so Michael? How many lovers did your mother have? Leaving you alone locked inside a closet while she plied her womanly trade. Did you listen, Michael, to her cries of paid pleasure?" snickered the voice.

  "You shut the hell up!" screamed Kirkland as he blindly fired a shot into the darkness. The voice only mocked him in the style of a bratty child. "You shut the hell up!"

  The room suddenly became cold. James and Kirkland began to shiver when their attention was turned to the strike of a match being lit. The figure on the other side of the room raised it and brought it up to his face to light a cigarette. In the brief moment of illumination, James recognized the face.

  "Did you two really think I was going to let you come into my hotel and walk away with all of my dirty secrets?" said Grantham as he stepped forward slowly taking a drag from his cigarette.

  James and Kirkland both now had their guns aimed directly on him. "Richard, don't take another step, I'm warning you," said Kirkland.

  "Or what? You're going to kill me? I'm already dead!" he said as he dropped the cigarette to the floor. A flash of light suddenly began moving from the opposite side of the room. The light blazed across the floor of the hotel's attic with a twin flash. The two flashes were now keeping pace with one another as they raced across the room burning a pattern into the floor while they made their way around the mountain of crates of Zyklon B.

  "What the hell is that?" whispered Kirkland. The strong odor of gunpowder filled the room. When it became clear to him it was the pattern burning into the floor was that of two lightning bolts. It was the very same pattern that adorned every Gestapo officer's uniform. And they were both burning their way directly at James and Kirkland.

  Nervously Kirkland watched the fire line make its way directly at them. James started to back up pulling Kirkland with him. When the fire lines blazed past them and struck the wall behind them. There was a brilliant flash and the wall came to life as the fire began to blaze around the frame of the gate giving it a life of it's own. The words "Arbeit Mach Frei" stared them both in the face as it blocked their only way out.

  "We're trapped, Mike," whispered James as they turned to face Grantham who now had a Luger aimed at the two of them.

  "You know I told that old fucking Nazi to stop bringing girls here. But they were all so beautiful. How could I stop myself? We both had so many of them over the years. He didn't just want to fuck them though. He kept trying to get them pregnant. And every time I turned around one would show up on my doorstep, and well, you saw the photo album, didn't you Tom? I was always able to solve the problem on my own. I suppose that makes me an accomplice, doesn't it?"

  Kirkland and James watched the fire began to rise higher behind Grantham. Their backs were now nearly pressed against the iron-gate. One step further back and both men would be burned. With nowhere to go, James felt the only thing to do was talk.

  "Accomplice? Then it was you who took the photo of Hermann next to the furnace," said James confidently.

  "So you did look at the album! You've got a great analytical mind Thomas James I'll give you that. But you miss out on all the little details. How many times have you driven past the Aleris at night and not noticed the smoke coming from our incinerators?"

  James felt sick at the thought of Grantham and Kritzler disposing of so many young girls in the hotel's furnace. "So if you had the incinerator why all of the Zyklon B?"

  "You got me there, Tom. Even I didn't know about that one. I guess you'd have to ask the little bitch you let leave here with Jessalee."

  James and Kirkland shared a look of confusion with one another. Then Kirkland asked a question. "So why did you run away when you saw Valerie?

  "I was surprised at what old Hermann did to her. Those Nazis sure do have a passion for cruelty. And I guess the lesbian thing must have really pissed him off, especially when they wouldn't let him join in. So he went all Fatty Arbuckle on her," said Grantham giggling.

  "They? There was more than one girl?" asked Kirkland.

  "Oh yeah, there was more than just Valerie," snickered Grantham in a taunting way. "Ever fucked a couple of sisters at the same time, there Mikey?"

  Kirkland's anger began to rise, as he was certain the taunts were referri
ng to Jessalee and Valerie. "Jessalee told me you didn't know Valerie."

  "Oh I knew her alright. I knew her better than any man. Take it from me baby, that girl wasn't all lesbian. Maybe that's why Hermann did what he did to her. Since he wasn't able to make her scream like I did," Grantham laughed deep and long. Then suddenly, he hesitated.

  "The fire, it's getting bigger isn't it?" he said without looking. "Sure wish I had another cigarette. Oh well it won't be long now."

  "Won't be long until what, Richard?" asked James.

  Grantham looked down at the floor deep in thought, and then took in a long deep breath. "Until I drag Kirkland into the fire behind me."

  The words hit James like a brick to the face. Before he could totally comprehend what had just been said, Grantham was on Kirkland grabbing him and quickly throwing him to the wooden attic floor. Kirkland began to thrash as James reached for his best friend.

  Grantham swung a backhand across James's mouth, busting his lower lip, causing James to fall to the floor as well. Looking up as Grantham leered down at him, he then raised a finger and waved it back and forth. "It's not your turn yet, Tom."


  The rush of wind came from directly behind James, as a passage door flew open behind the gate. James turned in the direction of the blast of cold air. It was Steve and Jake.

  "TOM! Come on get out of there!" shouted Steve. James's attention went back to Kirkland who was kicking and screaming as Grantham walked slowly towards the fire in the center of the attic, pulling Kirkland by his leg behind him.

  "I can't leave, Mike! Get this gate open!" screamed James as he went after his best friend.

  "Tom that Zyklon B is going to explode any second come on!" shouted Steve as he and Jake kicked and pushed at the old gate.

  "NO!!! Tom, HELP ME!" screamed Kirkland.

  James ran and dove across the floor grabbing Kirkland's flailing hands. The two men gripped their hands tightly together as Grantham continued tugging on Kirkland's leg. The roar of the fire became louder as the heat began to become unbearable. The wooden floor only served to make the surface like that of an oven. Grantham looked back over his shoulder at James's attempt to save his best friend.

  Steve and Jake shoved and pushed at the gate. Slowly the old rotted wooden walls which had been weakened by the fire began to give up their hold on the gate that was keeping James and Kirkland prisoner.

  "Tom, don't let go!"

  "Would you guys fucking hurry!" screamed James.

  With another push the two men forced one side of the gate free from the wall. Moving as quickly as possible, Steve and Jake grabbed James by the ankles and began to pull.

  James held on to Kirkland for all he was worth as Steve and Jake pulled them away from the blazing inferno and back to the broken gate.

  "GO! GO!" screamed James as he and Kirkland were pulled to the opening behind the gate. James looked back and saw Grantham standing in the fire. His clothes were now starting to catch and burn. James cringed as he watched the flames consume Grantham. Then slowly Grantham raised Kritzler's Luger aiming it at James. Before he could react there was a quick pop then there was a sudden blast of fire going in every direction. It knocked the four men down the stairs. Tumbling over one another they all crashed at the bottom of the landing.

  Outside on the street the crowd turned and gasped as the mountain of Zyklon B exploded, blasting glass, wood and concrete everywhere.

  "Get out of here!" commanded the fire chief as a shower of debris came crashing to the street.

  In the basement, Bobby and the Hazmat backup team felt the floor of the building shake. "What the hell was that? Are we having an earthquake?"

  "That felt like an explosion not an earthquake," responded Donny, one of the Hazmat men.

  "What the hell is going on?" demanded Steve as he tried to regain his wits.

  "That was Grantham," said James as he rolled over Kirkland's unconscious body. Jake quickly applied an oxygen mask to him. The fire had left his trouser legs burnt completely off and the back of Kirkland's legs were blood red.

  "It's okay, it's only slight first degree burns Tom," said Jake.

  "KIRKLAND!" screamed Grantham from the top of the stairs. The three men looked up to see Grantham engulfed in flames, his hulking figure filling the doorway. His hair had been burnt away and his eyes were red, his suit was smoking and melted to his body. Steve and Jake shook their heads in disbelief.

  "Impossible," whispered Steve.

  Grantham began descending the stairs. The flesh dripped from his hands as he stretched them forth to reclaim his prize that was Michael Kirkland. Jake grabbed Kirkland up and hoisted him over his shoulder and began to make his way down the stairs as James and Steve attempted to block Grantham.

  "Go Jake! Go!" shouted Steve as he smashed out the glass to retrieve the fire axe that was stationed on the wall behind them.

  "Go Tom, help Jake get Mike out of here!" Reluctantly James began to follow Jake down the narrow flight of stairs. Looking back James watched Steve take hold of the axe like a professional baseball player. "Come on asshole! Bring it!" said Steve through gritted determined teeth, as he swung the axe directly into Grantham's shoulder.

  The crack echoed like a busted walnut splitting the bone in half. Grantham's red, burning eyes narrowed into thin slits as he pulled the axe from his mangled smoldering arm.

  "My turn!"

  With a quick swing the axe, Grantham slammed it through Steve's left forearm lobbing it off and catching it in mid-air. Then he shook it in Steve's shocked face.

  "Left arm gone clean up to the elbow! Ha ha haaaa!" sang Grantham, sounding like an evil Jerry Reed.

  Steve fought going into shock as he watched blood spurt from the gash where his arm had once been. With other hand he tried to retrieve his pocketknife and keep distance between himself and Grantham. Slowly backing down the stairs, Steve fumbled with the knife until he finally got it open, slicing his thumb at the same time. He held the knife up pointing it at Grantham.

  "You go to hell!"

  "You first," smirked Grantham as he swung the axe in a flash and ejected Steve's head from his body. For several seconds, his body thrashed and reached for the space where his head had been only moments ago.

  James and Jake continued moving down the staircase. Winded, Jake set Kirkland down a moment. What had happened? Both men wondered where Steve was. James grabbed Jake's radio.

  "Bobby! Where the hell are you?"

  "Tom we're making our way to the lobby. What happened?"

  "It's Zyklon B exploding in the attic. Listen we need help and fast. Kirkland is seriously hurt and we are trying to get back to the twelfth floor. Please send someone up as fast as you can," said James when his attention was turned to the thumping of footsteps descending rapidly.

  "Bring guns, Bobby!"

  "I hope to God that's Steve and not Grantham!" said Jake.

  Looking up toward the sound of the footsteps, Jake and James saw it wasn't footsteps at all. It was Steve's head bouncing down the stairs like a deformed basketball. It went from side to side along the stairs and walls of the narrow passageway. The floor and walls shook, as another explosion of Zyklon B blew in the attic.

  "Jake, we gotta get out of here, this whole place is going to burn."

  The two men picked up Kirkland and made their way down another landing, which ended in a doorway.

  "Keep going Tom, that's the doorway to the twelfth floor."


  Stillwell stood in horror as he looked into the radio and then at the Hazmat backup team. "Bring guns?"

  "I don't know about you man, but I'm getting the fuck out of here!" yelled Donny as he bolted for the lobby leaving Stillwell and the other guy behind.

  "You coward Donny!"

  "Screw you Randy!" shouted Donny as he disappeared up the stairs.

  "Never mind him, I'm with you Bobby, Steve and Jake are my friends, they wouldn't leave me behind. Let's go."

  "Thanks Randy," sa
id Stillwell as they began making their way to the stairs.

  "Bobby forget the stairs, we'll never get to them in time. We gotta take the elevator."

  "It's filled with dead bodies."

  "At this point who gives a shit? Come on let's go."

  Stillwell nodded and quickly spoke into his radio. "Requesting back up, twelfth floor, Aleris Hotel, send SWAT!" he commanded as they stepped inside the elevator.

  Once James, Jake and Kirkland reached the landing of the twelfth floor, James looked for something to bolt the door with. "There, Tom, grab that chair and hook it under the door handle." Rushing to the chair laying flat on its side James picked it up and locked it into place. Jake laid Kirkland down on the floor so he could catch his breath.

  Pressing the elevator call button there was a click and hum as the car doors opened revealing a pile of dead bodies. Grimacing with disgust Stillwell stepped inside the car followed by Randy. Pressing the button for the twelfth floor the two men watched the doors slowly close cutting them off from the rest of the living world.

  James and Jake turned their attention to the sounds of the elevator on their floor. "Oh Jesus, I hope Grantham didn't find a way into the elevator," said Jake. But their question was quickly answered, as a soft knocking started to come from behind the blocked door. Turning to it, James could smell Grantham's burnt skin. Smoke was pouring through the cracks around the door. The sounds of flames crackling only made the moment more frightening. Grantham knocked again and tried twisting of the doorknob as he whispered. "Please let me in, I only want to drag you to hell with me."

  Jake and James picked up Kirkland and looked to the stairs, when the ding of the elevator announced its arrival. They slowly backed away as Grantham's knocking became louder and more belligerent.


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