Remember When (Teach Me Book 3)

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Remember When (Teach Me Book 3) Page 29

by RC Boldt

  He gave a small laugh. “Yeah, well, let’s just say it would’ve been a shit show if I hadn’t had so much help. Especially from the ladies.” His expression sobered, eyes intent. “I’m sorry, T. I was an idiot and I got scared. But I plan on making it up to you. Every single day, for the rest of our lives.” He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. “It took me over ten years to get you back in my life.” His thumb swiped over her lower lip in a caress. “There’s no way in hell I’m ever letting you go, again.”

  She raised up on her toes to brush her lips against his. “Is that a promise?”

  Miller’s head tipped to the side, flashing her an enigmatic smile. “I definitely have a promise for you.” He grasped her hands in his own. “I can promise that I’ll love you for forever.” One of his hands slid into his pocket to withdraw a small, black jeweler’s box. Opening it to display the platinum engagement ring with the sparkling emerald cut diamond in the center, one corner of his lips tilted up. “Don’t you think it’s about time for us to get our happily-ever-after? What do you say?”

  Stunned, her eyes grew wide, lips parting as she stared at him wordlessly. Quickly recovering, love shining in her eyes, she reached to slide her hands up to hold his face. “I say yes.” Pressing a soft kiss to his lips, she whispered, eyes glistening, “It’s only ever been you, Miller.”

  He plucked the ring from the box, sliding it onto her finger, barely registering the happy whoops and applause from their friends a few yards away.

  “I can’t believe I have you back in my life,” Tate said, her voice holding a hint of wonder.

  He pulled her close, cupping her face in his hands, eyes gazing down at her, so full of love. “It’s forever you and me, T.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips and repeated softly, “Forever you and me.”

  He and Tate turned, walking hand in hand to rejoin their friends. Miller helped her up the steps of the walkway leading to Mac and Raine’s home, watching with amusement as the other women instantly swarmed her, wanting to congratulate her, give her hugs and see her ring. It was then that he noticed something. The sun, which had been hiding behind the clouds for most of the day, had just begun to peek out. Turning from his position at the base of the steps, he looked up at the brightening sky, clouds subsiding, and in that moment, he knew.

  “Thank you.” Miller swallowed over the lump of emotion in his throat. Because there was no way he truly believed it had been a simple twist of fate that had brought him back to Tate. No, it had been the work of two angels, in particular. “Thank you,” he repeated softly, “for giving me a second chance with your daughter.”

  “Hey, Vaughn! You done talking to yourself so you can get your ass up here and celebrate?” Pearce’s voice rang out, followed shortly by Lawson’s.

  “Vaughny-poo! I’m totally your best man, right? Because, I think I deserve that after doing such a stellar job portraying Tate and— What’s that look for, Hadley? It’s true. I …” Lawson’s words trailed off as Miller assumed Pearce had dragged him back to the gathering on the upper deck of the house.

  Shaking his head with a small chuckle, he murmured, “They’re something else, aren’t they? Guess I also have you to thank for this rag-tag bunch of friends—family—I now have.” Miller glanced in the direction of where his friends and the woman who’d always had his heart were gathered. “She’s my everything and I’ll make sure she knows it every day.” With a brief nod, Miller turned and made his way up the steps to rejoin the others. Walking up to the deck to join the love of his life. Walking toward the one woman who’d always claimed his heart.

  Walking toward his future.



  Dear Readers,

  As I was preparing to send this book off to be formatted, I received heartbreaking news that dear friends of ours were in the midst of a brutal divorce. This is a couple whom we’ve always considered to be so much in love, to be best friends and lovers. A couple we’ve even viewed as a benchmark for us/our own marriage.

  That night, as I crawled into bed beside my already sleeping husband, I couldn’t help but be grateful. Grateful that he and I both chose one another that beautiful June day. Grateful that, after kissing far too many toads, I decided to go on that first date—what was also meant to be my last attempt at dating as I’d honestly thought I was meant to be single after everything I’d been through.

  Amazingly enough, that last first date was my final. I’d finally found “the one”. My other half. The person who is, at times, unnervingly in tune with me. Because, even after the many ups and downs that often go hand in hand with life in general, relocations that I loved and some I hated (thank you, Navy), health scares, adjusting to parenthood, family drama, etc., I’d still choose my husband. Every. Single. Time.

  My only hope is that our friends come out of this struggle stronger, with more confidence and as untainted as possible. Because I’m proof that you can find your other pea to your pod. And if any of you have ever read my dedications in my books, this is why they are all directed to the same person. Because he’s the person who made me believe in happily ever afters, again.

  If, by chance, any of you are facing a similar challenge as our friends, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This, I can assure you. It may start as a faint flicker but as you become truly ready for it, it will be a bright, beaming light. Brighter than ever.

  I know. Because mine was/is my Matty.

  Even when the going gets tough, may you always Remember When.




  This book would have never been possible if it weren’t for the following individuals (in no particular order):

  My former coworkers, the ladies I’m proud to call my friends and still laugh about our teaching shenanigans. I’m sure you’ll notice some familiar stories within these pages.

  Heather K., my soul sister. You’re always there to support me, regardless of how many miles separate us. I consider myself beyond lucky to call you my friend.

  Kristi and Lynn for letting me shove book blurbs and manuscripts at you to look over and critique. You ladies are the best and I thank UNF for uniting us years ago!

  Sarah M., for being my cheerleader from the start of this journey. I’m both proud and honored that you’re my “biggest fan”.

  Sara & Jackie, for being my Fernandina peeps long ago. I’m positive that The Palace isn’t the same without all us frequenting it and displaying our famous dance moves!

  My husband, for being my “man-gauge for humor” and for letting me read scenes to you to see if it makes you laugh … and for being my Cinderella when I’m hammering out a book. You’re the best!

  My readers! The fact that I actually have readers is just … AWESOME!! Thank you for choosing to read these books. Without your support, your sweet emails and reviews, none of this would be possible. I am forever grateful.

  Sarah, my Australian BFF. I’m so glad I randomly emailed you that one day. That goes down as one of my best e-stalking moves. Ever. I love you and am so thankful for our friendship and all of our hilarious chats about randomness!

  Emma P., you are a stellar person and I’m so glad that we connected! You have become such a wonderful friend. Thank you for everything you do!!!

  Boldt’s Beach Babes—you ladies are so amazing! I am grateful for your support and help spreading word about my books. I love you all!!

  All the book bloggers out there who took a chance on a new author and have been so wonderful to me! I could never manage to truly show my gratitude for all of your support. Please know that the time you take to read and review my books and/or do promo posts is truly appreciated.

  Ms. Melissa at There For You Editing for helping to fine-tune this book and my book blurbs. And for telling me I’m actually a really good writer when I feel like I suck at it.

  Ms. Chasity at Rockstar PR for taking the time to guide a new indie author along her way. All of y
our time and advice are appreciated more than you can imagine.

  Ms. Robin at Wicked By Design for creating such gorgeous covers … again and again!!

  Ms. Stacey at Champagne Formats for being so awesome, answering my 4.578 trillion questions and having such a quick turnaround!

  If you enjoyed Miller and Tate’s story in Remember When, be sure to check out the other books in RC Boldt’s Teach Me series:

  Wildest Dream (Teach Me, Book 1)

  Hard To Handle (Teach Me, Book 2)

  Coming September 2016 …

  Laws of Attraction (Teach Me, Book 4)

  RC Boldt’s fourth book in the Teach Me series shows us that sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expected it to be …

  Langley Ford is the definition of serious. Going through life as a pararescue jumper, working solely around men, she’s had to go above and beyond to prove she’s their equal. In fact, she can’t recall the last time she allowed herself to truly relax or let her guard down.

  Always the one others rely on to crack jokes, the one to liven things up, Lawson Briggs is a fun, easygoing guy who doesn’t take life too seriously. But witnessing so many of his friends falling in love, he begins to wonder what the fuss is about. Will he ever fall prey to that infamous “love bug”?

  Langley is now out of the military and working at a security consulting firm. When she meets the tall, bearded teacher who has endless wisecracks and comments, a part of her wishes she could be like him, wishes she could remember how.

  While Lawson might be the best person to teach her how to live life to the fullest, will Langley be the one who teaches him all about love?


  RC Boldt is the wife of Mr. Boldt, a retired Navy Chief, mother of Little Miss Boldt, and former teacher of many students. She currently lives on the southeastern coast of North Carolina, enjoys long walks on the beach, running, reading, people watching, and singing karaoke. If you’re in the mood for some killer homemade mojitos, can’t recall the lyrics to a particular 80’s song, or just need to hang around a nonconformist who will do almost anything for a laugh, she’s your girl.

  RC loves hearing from her readers at [email protected]. You can also check out her website at or her Facebook page for the latest updates on upcoming book releases.




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