Total Control 2: By Choice

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Total Control 2: By Choice Page 9

by Alan Horn

  Standing over my urinal, I felt my loins grow hot. My love juices started to flow as Holly played me, her helpless toy, like an instrument. Without warning, the orgasm broke like a tidal wave. Instantly drowning my senses in molten lava. I wilted, my legs relaxing, my head fell forward, my arms and hands spasming, with no where to go. When my senses returned I opened my eyes, to see Holly smiling at me.

  Holly smiled and said, "Maybe we can get three more" and led me back to the house, walking fast indeed.

  I was miserable at the party. I kept a happy smile on my lips around the gag, but it was so hard. I was on helpless display for hours. My feet hurt in the unaccustomed high heels. My breasts were sore from all the pinching and pulling of my rings by the guests. None of them had ever seen a naked, chained and ringed woman before. Much less been able to touch, fondle, grope, and spank her. I was taken off serving duty soon after the first guests arrived. The guests wouldn't allow me to continue my rounds, ignoring Holly. Lady Anna, saw I was unable to serve her guests. She ordered me secured to a ring on a post near the center of the large living room and took my tray and gag away.

  I was showered with questions as I was fondled. "How old are you?" What did you do to be enslaved?" "Are you whipped?" "How do you like it?" " How long have you been here?" "Do you service women too?" "Do the rings hurt?" What is the most difficult thing for you?" "Why do you let them do that?" "Are you chains ever unlocked?" "How long will you be a slave?" "Do you have privacy in your bath?" "Is your collar heavy?" Do your chains hurt?" "How often are you punished?" "How are you punished?" Once I lost my temper with a persistent questioner and snapped, "I can't refuse. I'm helplessly chained. I would only get whipped!" Holly corrected me with three quick stripes on my bottom and ordered me to apologize. Which I promptly did, of course.

  Jack was besieged with requests to help his guests procure their own slave girl. Sizable commissions were offered if he succeeded. One gentleman offered a large sum to persuade Dr. Benoit to enslave his wife. and return her to him as docile, obedient, and sexy as Regina.

  I was hurting in several places, but the worst was my pussy. I lost my rose very quickly. The fondling and rubbing of my most sensitive spots had aroused me. I was on the brink of coming when the guests were called to dinner. I was left standing, of course. I cooled a little while the guests were eating, but was still aroused. Master Jack released my arms from behind my head and re-locked them in reverse prayer. He unlocked me from the post and Said, "You were appreciated by our guests." He felt my pussy and said, "You enjoyed their attention, too, didn't you?"

  "Yes, Master," I said.

  "Did you come?" he asked.

  "No. Master, not yet," I replied.

  "I have invited two couples to stay and enjoy your services, let's go to the drawing room," said Jack.

  I followed my Master to the drawing room. There were five people waiting for them. All had glasses of brandy and there was a large bottle sitting on the table next to my Mistress. Lady Anna and George and Sally and Henry and Louisa. All the people in the room were about the same age. The men in dinner jackets and the women in evening gowns. Jack announced, ladies and gentlemen, you have all met Regina. She is our entertainment tonight. First she will dance for us. George, Henry, would you move those couches and chairs back so there is plenty of room for her dance." He went to the Victrola in the corner and started it playing a middle east drum piece. He said, "Regina, you may begin."

  I listened for a moment and moved my feet into the starting position, my left foot slightly forward. Then I lost herself in the dance, catching the rhythm and swaying my hips, my breasts in counterpoint. As the music dictated, I moved my large, firm breasts in a square - up, left, down, right. I moved them in tight, controlled jerks, my bells marking each movement. The next time, I would move them in the opposite direction. My feet kept up a small glide forward then back. Lting me drift around the center of the room, always facing my Master. My hips swaying and my belly moving in and out. All my bells were ringing softly throughout the dance. My nipple bells much louder for emphasis.

  When it was over, I was glistening with the sweat of my exertions and knelt before my Master in submission. Everyone clapped loudly and long. Jack said, "Stand and bow, slave, you earned it."

  I complied, proud of my prowess in dance and of my ability to enchant my masters.

  Jack said to the group, "She cannot curtsey due to her hobble, so a bow will have to do." Now, I have a little game in mind. Regina loves being whipped and fondled. It brings her to sexual arousal quickly and she excels at getting orgasms. So, next on our entertainment schedule tonight is a game. we are going to have her stay on her knees and go to each one of you and beg you for a treat or release. Her goal is to get as many orgasms or treats as she can. Your goal is to tease her and give her either a treat or fondle her. Fondling her gets her closer to an orgasm, a treat cools her down. The last one of you to fondle her before she gets an orgasm gets a prize. Since she likes it, a fondle may be done with either one of your body parts or the whip. I have three prizes to award. You can see how close she is to orgasm by her sounds, skin tone, and her pelvic motions. Regina, start with Lady Anna."

  I crawled to Lady Anna, who smiled at me, took off her shoes and said, "Kneeling Display, slave."

  I smiled, spread my knees wide, pulled my shoulders back, and thrust out my nipples. I aimed my best nipple at my mistress' chin. Anna reached out with her stockinged foot and caressed my labia, above the rings. After several passes, she increased the pressure and rubbed her toe against my clitoris. My face grew redder as the stroking continued and I gasped when my clit was touched. I gave a low moan and, terribly, the foot move away. Anna said, "Sally, I've heated her up for you. Have fun." I was so ready, I needed just a touch to release me to a heavenly orgasm. I kept a smile on her face as I crawled to Sally. I could feel the heat draining slowly as she moved. I hoped Sally was good to her.

  Sally, turning to Anna, said, "I want to warm her ass with the whip, what should I tell her to do?" "Just say, "Punishment position, slave."

  "Punishment position, slave," ordered Sally. I lifted my ass high in the air, spread my knees, and lowered my head to the floor. "That's wonderfully convenient," said Sally. "Did you train her to do that?"

  "No, Anna replied, " she came to us already trained. We have taught her a couple of new tricks, but she already knew the most useful ones. You will need to be careful with the whip. She orgasms quickly to it. She loves it. You will get more time if you focus on her thighs or breasts. She is most used to her ass being heated."

  "Oh, OK," Sally said. She made one hard stroke on My ass, causing me to twitch and gasp. Then she gently stroked my labia, feeling for moisture. "Hunh," she said, "wet already." Sally then laid several medium strokes onto my inner thighs and I responded with a small cry at each one. Sally said, "My, it is rather fulfilling to stripe her thighs. She squeals very nicely." She felt my labia again, then looked at the moisture on her fingers and wiped them on my hair. "About the same," she said, and gave Me two more hard stripes on my ass. Sally felt my labia again and this time I exploded with a thunderous orgasm. I gasped and moaned loudly, writhing in my pleasure, but holding my position. "Well," exclaimed Sally, "She is easily aroused isn't she. I never knew a girl could be that responsive."

  As I moaned and writhed on the carpet, Anna said, " I'm told that every slave girl is conditioned. They are aroused by almost any contact and they are hot and responsive. Dr. Benoit thinks that every woman has a slave mind that can be brought to the front with the right conditioning. I don't believe it is that easy, myself. I've known some strong women."

  Sally responded, "Well you won the first prize. Regina is obviously enjoying her orgasm a lot. I wish my orgasms would be like hers."

  George spoke up, "As much as I like your orgasms, my love, I am seriously considering enslaving you."

  "Not on your life George Halliday," Sally said, "sure, I would like the orgasms. But I would not like obeying
everyone I saw, nor being naked all the time." "Are you sure, my love? Regina certainly seems to enjoy her life," George replied.

  Sally laughed, then said, "Slave, are you happier now than before you were enslaved?" "Regina quickly said, "Yes, Mistress. I was tired, frustrated, and miserable when I was free. Now, I don't worry at all, I am well fed, and receive much pleasure."

  "Do you like what we are doing to you tonight? "Yes, Mistress. My orgasm was wonderful. May I service you? I am told I am quite skillful and I must do my best to please you or be punished. I would like to give you some of the pleasure I have received."

  "Well," Jack said, "that is an unexpected offer. If you ladies would like Regina to pleasure you, the gentlemen will retire to the parlor until you are done."

  "Jack," said Louisa, Not until we have finished the game. I want my turn." "Of course, Louisa. There's no rush. More brandy?"

  It took twice around and the three women were the winners. The men retired and left the women alone. Anna, as the hostess, stripped off her clothes and suggested that the guests do the same. She said, "no point in soiling our clothes and Regina will have easier access." Anna took hold of my leash and said, "this is a handy way to ensure Regina gets deep into her work." She handed the leash to Sally, and said, "You first, dear, Its old hat for me."

  Sally took the leash and said, Regina, I want a good, quick orgasm from you. Follow me." She led me to a padded armchair and slouched into it. She pulled my nose leash into her pussy and said, "get to work, slave."

  I knelt between her legs and let my head follow the tug on my nose down to the silky sweet prize. I began sucking and licking the moist sex, savoring the hearty musk I had tasted earlier that day. Sally held the leash close to my nose ring, pulling me hard into her sex. “Faster,” she moaned. I remembered my training and followed the program, just as I always had.

  I started slowly licking her labia lips. I could feel them growing larger, firmer as I licked. I avoided the inner lips and hard nub of the clitoris. That came later. I listened to Sally's breathing. It was still calm. I kept licking. When her breathing grew loud and quick, I pushed my tongue inside her labia and licked the cunt lips. After a few strokes, I tasted love juices, not much yet, just a taste. I licked harder and faster and the flow of love juices grew into a steady flow. I feasted on the sweet nectar, relishing the taste of aroused woman. I sucked them into my mouth, swallowing continuously. I loved the sweet, salty, yet somehow feminine taste of the intimate flow.

  As I savored the taste of this woman, I saw the reason our food was so bland. It made this even more pleasurable. i licked a little faster, but saved my best effort to drive my prey over the edge, and I knew her she was not ready yet. Almost, almost, Now. I started licking as hard and fast as I could. She started heaving, gasping, and moaning. I took her clit into my mouth and sucked and licked it hard. Sally was pushed over the edge. I felt her belly convulse with a huge orgasm. Sally voice felt lighter than air, mewing and flowing through the air. The orgasm was pushing her up and away, her voice growing softer and more musical, like a lullaby. Her love juices flowed like a river. I sucked in every drop of it, happy to be a part of such joy.

  Sally felt her love juices flowing faster and faster out of her sex. She felt every stroke of Regina's tongue. And every exhalation of the slave's warm breath onto her swollen sex lips. She grasped the slave's nose leash tight, pulling her hand into her belly hard. Her other hand was in back of Regina's head grasping a lock of her hair. She was aware of every nerve in her body, every muscle, every bone, sinew and blood cell. She was more alive than ever before. Her orgasm was swelling in her belly, slowly, oozing into her sex. Pushing into it, swelling it, making it burn with anticipation. She wanted, needed, Regina to go faster, wanted the orgasm to burst in her. She could almost feel the joy, the ultimate pleasure just over the edge. The edge.

  The Edge was so close. “Faster,” she moaned. She needed the release NOW. She felt Regina's tongue speed up. Her orgasm was ready to break. She squeezed her legs around Regina, her sex lips around her tongue. She felt the slave start sucking and licking her clit and it drove her belly wild. She felt her orgasm slide over the edge and burst inside her. She gasped and moaned at the pleasure. She dropped the leash. Regina knelt back and, smiling with pride over a job well done, watched Sally's glowing face.

  Anna took the leash and handed it to Louisa. "Here," she said, "I'm sure Regina is ready to go." Louisa pulled me to another chair, pulled me close and said, "I got hot watching you and Sally. Hurry."

  I gave tremendous orgasms to both Louisa and Anna in quick succession. Anna, still holding my leash, said, "that was wonderful Regina. How can you handle five or six orgasms in a row? Just one has drained us." I replied, "I was trained by experts, Mistress. I get a lot of practice and have no choice. A slave girl must be flexible, Mistress."

  Chapter 14 - Anna's Choice

  Anna said, girls, I don't want to dress again. Do you mind the boys seeing us in our skin? We are all young and fit and should be proud of our bodies. Besides, these are our husbands." Sally and Louisa agreed and Anna opened the door to the hall and called Jack to come back.

  The men entered and found their women standing naked and striking sexy poses for them. The men all grinned and made appreciative comments. Then Jack asked, "well ladies, did you all experience the benefits of owning a slave girl?"

  Anna replied, "She was wonderful and inexhaustible. I think she could do us all again." Regina smiled, glowing with the only pride permitted a slave girl.

  Jack, said, "then it is time for us to present you each with your prizes. Since each of you won a prize, your husband will present yours to you." The men went to their wives and escorted each to a different corner of the room. Each man and whispered something in their ear. I knelt in display position, my eyes downcast and so missed much of the ensuing events. Each woman gave a startled exclamation and was soon led back to the center of the room. I could see Sally and Louisa now wore steel collars and their hands were cuffed behind their backs.

  Jack was still locking hardware on Anna. Despite her struggles and protests, Anna's wrists and ankles were chained together. They were encircled by cuffs like Mine, but with locks. Her hands were locked behind her and a short chin linked her ankles. Her neck wore a heavy collar like mine and her waist bore a tight steel band. She was much more securely restrained than Sally and Louisa, nearly identical to me. Each husband held the leash of their wife.

  Jack said, "it is clear that Regina has much stronger orgasms and much longer pleasure than a free woman. Dr. Benoit has observed this phenomenon and believes this is due to the woman being helpless. We will see whether you, will receive greater joy from an orgasm while helpless. The servants have all retired now and your husband and master will now conduct you to the test. Enjoy."

  At breakfast the next morning, all three wives were fully clothed. But they still wore the collars and ate with their hands cuffed in front of them. Anna's feet were still chained. Both Sally and Louisa were bursting with questions about Anna's ensemble.

  Sally asked me why Jack had chained me like Regina. I didn't know why. All I knew was that it felt right. I was born to be his slave. Now, what I wanted was not breakfast or conversation. I wanted my rings. I needed to be his full slave. It was like I was nearing an orgasm, but couldn't reach it until he controlled and possessed me. I said, "He likes Regina this way, thinks I will like it as much as her, and he would like me this way too." What I didn't say was that I wanted it too.

  Louisa, getting right to the point, asked, "Anna, would you rather be Jack's wife or slave?"

  God, I want to be both. I liked being his wife. But after seeing Regina, I crave her life. I want her joy, her obedience, her freedom from obligations. My real answer was that I longed with all my heart to be Jack's slave. I was ashamed of myself. I felt I would be letting down all my friends, every woman in the world. I gave an equivocal answer, "I'm not sure. I like being his wife, I like the status it brings me,
I like the nice clothes, but its not enough. I love being his obedient, sexy, ravished woman. I even like being punished. The sensations I have when I'm being his slave are overwhelming. You know how food is often better when some spice is added? Well, its like that. When I'm a wife, everything is pretty good. When I'm a slave everything is wonderful, even the spicy things. I think actually being a real, permanent slave will be even better."

  Sally smiled and said, "Anna, you look radiant when you talk about being a slave. I hope you get your wish."

  After the guests had departed, Jack and Anna sat in the parlor and talked. Anna was still collared and chained. Jack said, "I planned the events of last night with George and Henry. We consulted with Regina to give you the best experience. How did we do?"

  Anna replied, "Jack, that was sneaky and underhanded and we all played right into your hands. I think the drink played a part also. On the other hand, that was the best night and morning of lovemaking I've ever had. I think this collar and these cuffs are fantastic aphrodisiacs. Would you mind if I asked you to leave them on for a while?"

  "Why are you and Sally and Louisa still wearing them. You are not in the bedroom now and there is not much chance of immediate sex," Jack asked.

  I guess we are still wearing them because we like the way we feel when wearing them. They don't keep me from doing what is necessary and I love the way they look. Jack, Sally and Louisa wore handcuffs last night. They looked uncomfortable. These fit like they were made for me. How is that possible?

  Jack smiled and said, "Anna, love, do you remember I ordered the clothes you wore to Sir Robert's party? Well, once I had your measurements, it was easy to have these made to fit."


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