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Fever Page 9

by Carnal, MJ

  I captured her fingers in my mouth as they fell from my eyes. Sucking the soft digits, I ran my tongue along her succulent flesh.

  She held the condom up to my eyes as her eyes rolled back in her head. “You play dirty,” she whispered.

  I released her fingers as I squeezed her ass roughly in my palms. “You have no idea, Mia.” I kissed her, not wanting a reply.

  She fisted my hair, sucking on my bottom lip as I carried her into the shower. As her back collided with the cold tile, she gasped in my mouth.

  I rubbed my throbbing cock against her pussy, loving the sounds of her moans. She felt velvety soft, and I didn’t know how much longer I could wait to be inside.

  I wanted to touch her; holding her body up in my arms just wasn’t doing it for me. Moving to the small corner bench, I placed her body on it and stood.

  “Condom?” I asked, stroking my shaft.

  She watched with wide eyes, and placed the condom in my palm softly.

  I tore open the wrapper with my teeth, as she stared, mesmerized by my movement. I rolled it down, paying careful attention to each piercing, not wanting to tear the thin latex.

  I picked her up and placed her in my lap as I sat down, my ass hanging over the edge slightly. I licked a trail to her collarbone, the saltiness filling my tongue as I continued my descent to her breast. I leaned her body back, holding her in my grip as I tried to get a better angle. I captured her nipple in my mouth, and her head fell back, a moan escaping her lips. I ran my tongue over the hardness and bit down.

  “Jesus,” she said as she rubbed against my cock, writhing in my arms.

  Reaching between us, I ran my fingers through her wetness before I found her clit. As I rubbed, making tiny circles, her movement became more demanding, and she pressed herself against my hand. “Not yet. I want to feel your pussy squeeze the life out of my cock when you come.”

  “I make no promises if you don’t do it soon.” She took control of the situation as she pushed harder, rocking her hips. Her moans grew louder.

  I moved my hand, denying her what she had been so close to accomplishing.

  She glared at me, stilling her body against me.

  Leaning back, I stroked my cock against her body before I pushed…slowly. I had to go slow; I felt like I’d come at any moment if I didn’t move at the torturous pace.

  I held her by the hips as I gripped her roughly. I didn’t want her to slam down on my shaft and take it deep, at least not yet. I pulled her body down, impaling her with my cock as I sucked her nipple.

  When her pussy was an inch from having my entire shaft buried inside her, I thrust my hips upward, burying my dick inside her.

  She let out a gasp as the tip hit her cervix. “Oh,” she said as her eyes closed partially, and I pulled out just as slowly as I went in, not releasing her hips or giving her the ability to fuck me.

  “Feel them?” I asked, studying her face.

  “Yes, oh. My. God. I. Do,” she said, stumbling on each word as I moved in and out of her.

  I couldn’t control myself anymore. Fuck this. I never liked slow. I wasn’t built for it.

  Her feet were barely touching the floor as I pulled her down my length. I controlled her like a rag doll in my arms as I fucked her.

  God, she felt fanfuckingtastic.

  My thighs burned as I plunged inside of her, pulling her against me with each thrust.

  The impact was volcanic.

  The sound of our skin slapping and the water sloshing in the shower filled the small space, echoing. Her moans grew louder with each collision until she trembled in my arms.

  I couldn’t hold out any longer. I picked up the speed, using my dick as a battering ram and her pussy as the object of its blow.

  Her body bounced in my arms, her limbs moving on their own as her head fell back, exposing her neck.

  “Eyes on me, Mia. I own this orgasm. I earned it.”

  Her head snapped forward and she stared at me with glassy eyes. Her tits bounced with each blow—a spectacular fucking sight.

  My brute force drove her over the edge as she screamed, her pussy milking my cock. I rammed into her as my balls grew tight and my dick began to jerk. My entire body tingled as all my muscles grew stiff.

  I began to shake.


  I couldn’t remember the last time I came with such intensity. It was better than any high I ever chased in my life. Mia had become my new addiction.

  Chapter 11

  Wrapping a towel around my body, I looked at him with a small grin. “Michael, will you stay tonight? I’m not looking for anything more from you, but I’d—”

  He put his finger against my lips. “I’ll stay, Mia. I want to.” He pulled his finger away, smiling.

  He looked beautiful with a towel around his waist and tiny droplets of water sliding down his muscular torso.

  “I mean, I don’t want—”

  He shook his head, wrapping me in his arms. “Woman, I said I want to. No one makes me do anything I don’t want to. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than with you. Can you stop talkin’ and get that fine ass in bed?”

  Biting my lip, wanting to laugh, I nodded and broke free from his embrace.

  “Which side?” I asked, as I walked in the bedroom. “I tend to sleep in the middle.”

  “The middle it is, then—get in and scoot over and I’ll work around you,” he said, following me.

  I nodded, looking down at my towel. “Let me grab some pajamas first.”

  I took one step away from the bed before he grabbed the towel and pulled, stripping me bare. “Seen it all, doc. Felt it too. No clothes, just us and the bed.”

  Shrugging, I said, “Okay,” with a soft voice.

  In the center of the bed, I watched as he folded my towel and disappeared into the bathroom. A moment later, he emerged stark naked, in all his glory. The phrase fit him perfectly. It was a damn glorious sight.

  I stared, licking my lips as he walked toward the bed. It’s not often a person can actually see the flex and release of a muscle with such definition.

  The man didn’t have an ounce of body fat anywhere that I could see. Even his ass had felt rock hard underneath my heels earlier.

  His cock twitched, and I quickly looked up at his face. My sex ached from the battering it took earlier. I missed that feeling, the one that reminded me of being pleasured.

  “Like what you see?” he asked, winking at me as he lifted the sheet.

  “Not bad,” I said, trying to seem indifferent.

  He slid across the material and pressed his body to mine.

  His hard to my soft felt amazing.

  Brushing the hair off my forehead, he asked, “You sleep on your back or you side?”

  “I toss and turn mostly.” I stared into his soft brown eyes.

  He smiled as his hand stilled against my hair. “Good, I sleep on my back,” he said, rolling over. “Come here.”

  I scooted across the bed as he lifted his arm. I put my head on his chest, sighing, and smiled against his skin. The hardness under my cheek softened as he wrapped his arm around me and started to stroke my arm.

  I moved my legs a couple times, trying to get comfortable.

  “Put your leg over me. Make yourself comfortable.”

  I adjusted my body, placing my hand that had been smashed between us on my leg, and wrapped it around his bottom half.

  Placing his arm back on my shoulder, he whispered, “Good now?”

  “Perfect,” I said as I placed my hand against his hard pec.

  I stroked the spot between his two pecs, watching the path of my fingers until my eyes felt heavy. Mindlessly running my finger back and forth, I didn’t feel the need to toss and turn like normal.

  I felt at peace.

  “Just close your eyes, Mia.” He stroked my forearm and dug his fingers in my hair, massaging my scalp.

  I mumbled against his skin, unable to speak, lost in the feel of him all over me.

irring my cup of coffee, as I watched the cream swirl in the cup, I felt more rested than I had in years.

  Michael did this.

  I felt so safe in his arms that I didn’t wake up once last night with a nightmare. I didn’t think I’d had a dream at all, as a matter of fact.

  Michael kissed me goodbye early in the morning after we talked about seeing each other again soon.

  The relationship wasn’t going to be easy, but he promised he wasn’t kissing me goodbye.

  “You must have had a real good time this weekend, doctor.” The voice pulled me out of my happy thoughts. A nurse leaning against the counter studied me with a shitty-ass grin.

  “Yeah, it was decent.” I didn’t feel like talking to her. It was none of her damn business.

  Pointing at my neck, she laughed. “From the love bite on your neck, I’d say it was a little more than decent.”

  I dropped the spoon and my hand flew to the spot that he’d bitten the night before. “Shit,” I muttered, covering the spot.

  “Happens to the best of us.” She giggled and shrugged.

  “I have to go cover this up before I see patients. Nice seeing you.”

  I didn’t know her name and felt kind of shitty about not addressing her properly, but there were too many damn people that worked in the hospital to memorize them all.

  I started to walk away, but she called out to me, “You’re not even going to give me any details? I did help you out.”

  I called out over my shoulder to her, “I’m in a rush, but maybe another time.”

  I heard her mumbling nasty words as I closed the door to the bathroom.

  “Fuck,” I said as I leaned closer to the mirror, inspecting the red mark on my neck.

  We were both too caught up to put much thought into anything, especially a hickey.

  I pulled a tube of cover-up from my purse and dabbed the cream over the spot on my neck and sighed. It screamed “love bite.” I pulled my ponytail to the side as I tried to hide it.

  It shouted “hey, I’m hiding something.”

  I walked down the hall and nodded at the few people who walked by before making it to the heart of the ER. “Who needs to be seen?” I asked Constance, the station supervisor, as I leaned over the counter, staring at her mountain of paperwork.

  “Room seven needs assistance, I think. Check the board.” She didn’t look up at me as she shuffled the papers.

  My eyes looked over each row and stopped dead on one name.


  Unable to move, I stared at the board, and heaviness settled over my body. My heart ached as it hammered inside my chest, wanting to burst.

  “What’s wrong, doc?” Her warm hands touched my fingers, breaking my trance.

  “Gallo in room seven,” I said, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat.

  “Motorcycle accident, serious injuries. Is there a problem, Dr. Greco? You’re white as a ghost.”

  I shook my head without looking at her. I needed to know if Michael lay in that room. “No, I’m okay. Let me get in there and help.”

  As I walked down the hallway, I felt like my shoes were filled with cement. I stood outside the room, gathering my thoughts before I walked in.

  Even if it were Michael on that table, I had to help save his life.

  I needed to separate myself from our…whatever we were.

  Holding my breath, I approached the gurney slowly.

  A dark-haired man lay motionless on the table covered in blood and dirt. Dr. Patel stood over him, shining a light in his eyes, as nurses hung IVs.

  “What do we have, doctor?” My voice cracked.

  The heaviness in my chest eased when my eyes flickered on the man’s face again.

  It wasn’t Michael.

  “Mr. Gallo, can you hear me?” Patel shouted to him, but he was unconscious. Looking up at me as he placed the light in his pocket, Patel spoke quickly, “Dr. Greco, we have an adult male thrown from a bike but wearing a helmet. His leg is mangled and we’ve controlled the bleeding. We’re still assessing the damage before sending him to surgery. We need to cut his clothing off and check for other injuries.”

  Grabbing a pair of scissors, I looked at his face before I started to cut the material around his injured leg. “Head trauma?” I asked, looking at the dried blood on his face and neck.

  “The helmet took the brunt of it, but he’s been in and out of consciousness. We’ve started him on pain meds for his leg and hand. He came in conscious, but the pain meds knocked him out. We need an x-ray on that leg for the surgeons.” His hands never stopped moving as he checked the patient’s body for visible damage.

  “X-ray, please,” I yelled to the nurse near the doorway before she scurried away.

  His blood pressure was elevated and needed to be brought under control before surgery.

  “Have you started him on anything for his BP?” I asked.

  Patel squinted at the monitor and grabbed a small vial from the cart, filling the needle before pushing the liquid into the line.

  “Clear the room, please,” the technician said, standing in the doorway with the portable x-ray machine.

  “After the films are taken, he can be prepped for surgery,” Dr. Patel said as we walked into the hall.

  I felt useless.

  I hated coming into a room late and feeling left out of the diagnosis, which usually happened at the start of the shift.

  “He’ll need surgery to repair his leg and most likely his hand.” Dr. Patel rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

  “I can go talk to the family while you handle the transfer papers if you’d like,” I offered.

  I needed to see Michael if he was in the waiting room.

  Patel nodded, giving me a small smile before going back into the room when the technician called out, “All clear.”

  My stomach started to cramp as I walked toward the waiting room. I knew the other Gallos would be there.

  This wasn’t the way I wanted to meet them.

  When I pushed opened the door, the first person I saw was Michael. My heart raced and I wanted to jump into his arms. I had the urge to kiss him and tell him how worried I was when I saw his name, but I couldn’t.

  I needed to remain calm and do my job.

  His pained eyes met mine, and the cocky grin he wore so well was missing.

  “Gallo family?” I said, staring in his eyes.

  “Yes,” an older woman said, standing as she wiped her tearstained face.

  I moved toward her, grabbing a chair, and positioned myself close to Michael.

  “I wanted to let you know he’s being prepped for surgery. Although we don’t know the full extent of his injuries yet, we know his leg needs surgery, being badly damaged in the wreck.” I looked at Michael, and swallowed as my nose tingled. “His hand is broken and may also need to be repaired. We won’t know more until he’s in the operating room.”

  “Was he awake, doctor? Can I see him?” the older woman asked, as she leaned forward, choking on her words.

  “He’s been in and out of consciousness, ma’am. You can see him when he’s in the recovery room.”

  “Will he live?” the blonde at her side asked, clutching the woman’s hand.

  “All I can say is that he’s currently stable, but his injuries are serious.”

  I could feel Michael’s eyes on me, almost boring a hole in my skin, as I talked with the two women.

  Tears began to stream down the younger woman’s face as she choked out, “Just make my Joey all right.”

  I patted her knee, trying to reassure her. “We’ll do everything in our power to help him.” I stood, looking at the entire family. “You can move to the surgery waiting room when you feel ready. Don’t hesitate to ask for updates and watch the monitor on the wall. It’ll indicate when the surgery begins and finishes.”

  Reaching out, the older woman touched my hand. “Thank you, dear.”

  I nodded before I looked at Michael, giving him a weak smil

  “Come on, Mother, let’s go wait where the nice doctor told us for our boy,” the older gentleman that sat next to Michael said. Grabbing her by the waist, he helped her walk, allowing her to lean on him for support.

  I envied them. They loved each other. I smiled at them until screaming drew my attention toward the hall.

  “Outta my fucking way,” a woman yelled as she walked into the room.

  “Isabella, watch your mouth,” the mother said, her voice stern.

  Frowning, the woman looked at the floor, not making eye contact. “Sorry, Ma. What happened to Joe? Is he okay?” Her eyes glistened as a tear slid down her cheek.

  The mother touched her face, wiping away the tear. “He’s going to surgery. We’ll know more soon, baby girl. I know you adore your brother. He’s strong and a fighter. He’ll be okay,” she said, wrapping the girl in a loving embrace.

  “He has to be, Ma,” Isabella said, crying on her mother’s shoulder.

  “There, there, baby. Come on, let’s go.” She rubbed her back to soothe Isabella’s sobs.

  The older man motioned for everyone to follow him as he walked toward the door.

  I turned and looked at Michael, pleading for him to stay with my eyes.

  “I’ll meet you guys in a second. I need to talk to the doctor,” Michael said to his father after everyone else cleared the room.

  Chapter 12

  “Don’t be too long,” Pop said, watching us with his head tilted, rubbing his lip.

  Holding up my hand to him, I said, “Five minutes, tops.”

  Nodding, he walked out, leaving us alone.

  Mia threw herself in my arms with such force that she almost knocked the wind out of me.

  Wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, she said, “Oh my God, Michael. I was so scared it was you in that room.” Her voice broke as the words came out quick. “I wasn’t happy it was your brother, but I was relieved it wasn’t you.”

  Leaning back, I put my finger against her lips, stopping her from going any further. She blinked, the corners of her mouth turning up.

  “I’m fine, doc. How’s my brother, really? Not the bullshit stuff you tell all the families. Lay it on me.”


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