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Fever Page 201

by Carnal, MJ

“Hey bitch, I did everything I could to bring you out of it besides jump on top of you naked. But I didn’t figure that would warrant much response so I passed. You’re sexy and all, but I like the dick you know!”

  I burst out laughing. “Um, yeah. Thanks for restraining yourself. So, I have a plan and I need your help!”

  She leans in with excited eyes, “Give it to me, Baby!”

  We make plans to proceed with the next step tomorrow night. She grabs my phone and texts herself what she needs saying she’ll take care of it. Then she gets serious. “Have you heard from him?”

  “No. But I didn’t think I would. He was pretty firm. He’s done. So, I have to change his mind!”

  “You’re going to call him, right?” Bradi asks me as she flips her hair off of her shoulder.

  “I am. In fact, it’s about the time to do it now. I told you. I have a plan.”

  “Well ok. So, want to eat with me tonight? I’m solo. Micah has some top secret dinner thing.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be your date!”

  We watch movies at my house, order Chinese, drink a bottle of wine, and I go over every step of the plan with her! The next day, she meets me right at closing and we head to my appointment.

  “You sure you want to do this? You don’t have to. I’m sure he’d still take you back without it you know! He loves you. You just really hurt him. Hell, we all did.” She squeezes my arm and looks sad.

  “I know. Yes, I want to. And I’m going to make it up to him. I’m going to make it up to him for the rest of my life!”

  Six hours later…. we’re done. I’m sore as hell, but it’s done.

  I call Jude when I know he can’t answer and I leave him a voicemail. It simply says. “I’m sorry.”

  One week later, I’m on yet another plane, but this time I’m heading to Nevada. Jude is there and I’m determined to see him and make it right!

  I’ve texted and called Jude once every day since my “I’m sorry” message a week ago, but I’ve made sure it would go to his voicemail or he’d get it when he was performing. Talking to him is not in the plan. However, every day I secretly hope that today will be the day he calls or texts me back.

  I land at Reno–Tahoe International Airport, grab my bags, and head to get my car. The rental desk tells me it’s about an hour and a half to my destination.

  Two hours later, it’s just after 4pm and I’m checking into my hotel. The same hotel that the band is checked into for the next three nights. It took a lot of begging and convincing, but Jessie gave me this information and he’s promised to stay quiet about my coming here.

  I pick up my phone and text Jude.


  I can never explain to you how truly sorry I am for not trusting you.

  For not believing in you. In us.

  But I’d like it if you’d allow me to try…”

  I wait. No response. But I really don’t expect one. That’s ok. Tonight it’s all coming to a head. One way or the other.



  We’re in Lake Tahoe. It’s week eight of this ten week tour and I’m miserable.

  I miss Lexi. She hurt me so badly, but I miss her.

  I love her.

  The guys are fed up with me. Shit, I’m fed up with me. I’m making everyone miserable, but I just can’t call her.

  About a week ago she started calling and texting me again. She makes sure to reach out to me once each day. But it seems as if she waits to do it when she knows she won’t get me. I haven’t responded, but after each voicemail or text it’s getting a little harder to convince myself not to just pick up the phone.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket. It’s probably one of the guys, since we’re heading down to the casino bar in a bit.

  It’s not one of the guys…

  It’s Lexi.

  I stare at the phone for a long time, before I sigh and put it back in my pocket.

  I’m not ready yet.



  Jessie just texted me that they are in the casino and they are all at some bar. I reapply my lipstick, straighten my skirt, push up my boobs, check my shoes, and head out. On my way out, I shoot him a quick text to look for me since I’m heading down now.

  It’s show time.

  Walking through the casino, I get some attention. But I only want the attention of one man.

  I stop at the entrance and the male bouncer takes in my appearance. He smiles at me, running his appreciative gaze up my body. He’s attractive enough, but I’m not interested. He walks over to me. “Hello, can I help you find something?”

  Smiling at him I flip my hair and murmur, “No thank you. I’m meeting some friends. I think I see them now.” And I do. I can see Jessie, Cruz, and Jude’s back clearly from my position. Jessie looks over and catches my eye. His gaze rakes my body and I see him shake his head and smile. He winks at me.

  I guess this is my queue.

  I slow my walk and twitch my hips. This is the most important part I’ll ever play and I have to nail it!

  It’s dark in the bar, but not dark enough that they can’t see me. They just won’t know it’s me until I’m right upon them.

  I start to head their way. Jude’s back is to me. He’s sitting on a stool. Jessie is standing, leaning back against the table. Dade is on the other side of the table, with his arms resting on the table top, opposite of Jessie. Liam is sitting in a chair on the other side of the table, directly across from Jude and Cruz is in a stool sideways peeling the label from a beer bottle next to Jude.

  I’m visible to everyone but Jude.

  Jessie looks over at me and I see his mouth move. He nudges Dade and he looks over at me. As I get closer, I see all four guys staring at me, but only Jessie recognizes me, as Jude continues to look at the table top.

  Once I’m in earshot, I hear Jessie. “Mighty fine piece of ass right there. Shit… I get dibs. Damn, Jude, this girl is fine… you have to see her.”

  Really Jessie. Lay it on a bit thicker, will you!

  Finally, Jude looks up and his head swivels around. He starts at my feet and his gaze travels upward. Four inch black stilettos, bare glistening legs, short, barely there black leather skirt, completely see through black lace shirt, black lace push up bra, displaying ample cleavage, then his gaze lands on my mouth, which is painted a lush red, before settling on my eyes, dark and smokey… He gets to my messy pinned up hair, with haphazard pieces falling and he zeros back in on my face.

  His mouth drops open in shock.


  I smile and purr as I walk closer. Into his personal space. His feet hit the floor. “Hello, Jude.” I look around at the band. “Boys.”

  Again his eyes take in my clothing. Or the lack of it, really. He stands up and reaches for me. “What the fuck? Lexi? What are you doing? Oh my God. What are you wearing?”

  I look down at my clothes and feign a surprised look. “Clothes?”

  “No, that is not clothes… You… You’re all on display… You… Too much of you is on display!” He looks at the guys who are blatantly appreciating my attire. He growls. “Stop fucking looking at her assholes!”

  He pulls me behind him and drags me out of the bar. Ok. This is not going right… Where is he taking me? Is he going to throw me out of the hotel?

  But he only pulls me to the elevator before swiping his card and pushing a button. He closes his eyes and leans his head against the wall of the elevator. What exactly is happening right now?

  He doesn’t speak or look at me until the elevator dings. Then he gestures for me to go out ahead of him. I step out and he walks behind me. I have no idea where I’m walking. Stopping behind me, he swipes his key card in front of double doors. Still not saying a word, he opens the door and motions me into the room.

  It’s a suite. A nice suite. Much nicer than my room.

  He’s still not talking. Why is he not talking? What am I supposed to do here?

  I look up. He’s starin
g at me. Drinking me in. He looks rough. His hair is messy and his eyes are listless. His face has a few day’s worth of beard on it instead of his trademark scruff. But he still looks beautiful.

  I open my mouth to speak, but he holds up his hand, stopping me. Breathing deeply, he closes his eyes and says, “Why are you here Lexi? What do you want?”

  Here it is. It’s all or nothing. Covering the distance between us, I stand right in front of him, and touch his face. He flinches.

  God, I’ve hurt him so much. Please let me be able to make it right.

  “Jude. Jude, look at me. Please,” I whisper up at him. He swallows and opens his eyes. I stare into them and hold them with my own as I continue. “I’m here for you. I came for you. I am not me without you. I love you. You are the other part of me. You own my body, my head, my heart, my soul. Without you, I exist… with you… I live.”

  His eyes are glassy. I’m making this beautiful man who never did anything but love me cry. I don’t deserve him. I don’t, but I want him. I love him.

  Stepping back, I raise my shirt. Pulling it over my head I let it drop to the floor. His eyes follow my movements and then rest on my chest. I’m breathing rapidly, but my cleavage is not what he’s looking at. He’s staring at the tattoo on my ribcage. It starts under my left breast and wraps a little around my side. He reaches out to touch it.

  “Why? Why would you do this? Why would you mar your perfect skin with this?” His hand traces the top.

  “Because, Jude. You are my past. You are my present. YOU are my future. You are the first boy and the only man I’ve ever loved. You are the only man I ever want to love. I did it for you. Because you are my infinity.”

  My voice gives out and I have to bite my lip. He just stares at the tattoo. Gently tracing it. The flaming microphone, the pink gerber daisy, and the infinity symbol on the bottom. My tattoo is an exact replica of his, but for the infinity symbol.

  After a few minutes, he’s still silent. I let out a weary sigh, and bend over to grab my shirt off of the floor. I tried… I gave it my all, but I guess it was just too much. He really is done. My throat closes up and I have to get out of here. I step around him.

  “Where are you going, Lex?”

  I can’t look at him. I can’t stand to see in his eyes that he’s finished with me. “Home I guess. I’m sorry.”

  He grabs my arm. “The hell you are!”

  I gasp as I fall into his chest from the force of him spinning me around. Looking up, I see the ire in his eyes. “I’m sorry. I thought… I mean… I assumed…”

  He cradles my head as he tips my chin up. “Lexi. Lexi. Lexi. When are you going to learn your lesson? Don’t assume anything with me! Ever! I have never lied to you. I never will. I lost eight years with the woman I love because you assumed I’d cheated on you. I have never. I will never. I was never going to let you go. I can’t. I meant it… you’re my kryptonite. I can’t exist without you. I’m not alive without you. You. Are. Mine. I’m never letting you go. “

  “You still love me?”

  “Yes you crazy, exasperating woman! I love you. I’ve always loved you. I’ll never stop loving you.” Each sentence is punctuated with a kiss.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck and grabbing fistfuls of his hair, I find his mouth with mine and sweep my tongue against his lips. His beard is rough against my face and it’s scratching it, but I don’t care. It’s been way too long since I’ve felt this man’s mouth on mine.

  Pulling back, he grabs my hips and lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. His hands cup my ass and he squeezes. He kisses me hard. “You’re going to marry me Alexia Sloane!”

  I look at him, shocked. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  He shakes his head no. “No, it’s not a question. You are going to marry me. Not today, but soon. Very soon!”

  Laughing, I say, “Yes, Sir.”

  He swats my ass. “Good answer. That’s always the proper response.” He drops me on the bed. I bounce. Climbing up on my knees, I grab for his belt. Slapping my hands away from him, he smiles at me. I frown. What the hell?

  He reaches into his pants pocket and pulls out something. He leans over me. “Give me your hand, Lexi!”


  Impatiently, he pushes me back and I lose my balance falling onto my back on the bed. He reaches over and kisses me gently. I hear a box open and he slides something onto my ring finger. Pulling away from him, I look at my hand. A gorgeous pink and white diamond ring is sitting on my finger. My mouth open wide, I stare at him. He smirks and rubs my finger, where his ring is sitting pretty.

  “I told you we were getting married. I never intended to let you go, Lex. You always have been and always will be… MINE!”

  I throw myself at him and pull him into me. “I love you. I love you. I love you!”

  “Well duh. I love you, too, you frustrating female! Now you need to plan a wedding. Just make it snappy!”



  It’s full night now and I look over at the gorgeous woman sleeping next to me.

  Lexi. My love. My life. My fiancée.

  Things are not easy, but we’ll make it. Her beside me is the only way I can exist…

  I lift her hand and kiss my ring on her finger. This is the first day of the rest of our life.

  One thing is absolutely certain; things will never be boring…

  About the Author

  Skye Turner

  Skye Turner is an avid reader and an editor turned author of

  Sexy Adult Romance. She is the bestselling author of the Bayou Stix Series.

  She attended Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University where she majored in Mass Communications, centering her studies in Journalism.

  She lives in small town Louisiana with her husband, two children, and four fur babies.

  When she's not chained to her laptop pounding out sexy stories she can usually be found playing ‘Supermom’, reading, gardening (playing in the dirt), listening to music and dancing like a fool, cooking, baking, crafting, or catching up on her family oriented blog.

  She loves to incorporate pieces of Louisiana into her writing.

  You can find her here:

  Facebook: www.facebook.com/SkyeTurnerAuthor

  Twitter: @SkyeTurner_Auth

  Blog: www.skyeturnerauthor.com

  Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/7164331.Skye_Turner

  E-mail: [email protected]

  Bang Bang

  an Eagle Elite Novella

  by Rachel Van Dyken


  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright © 2014 RACHEL VAN DYKEN

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.


  Copyright © 2014 RACHEL VAN DYKEN

  ISBN 13: 978-09905793-35

  Cover Art by P.S. Cover Design



  "Ax?"I knocked on his bedroom window and waited.


  Fear gave into panic as I knocked harder the second time. The sound of glass breaking in the house behind me made my palms sweat. I could still hear my parents fighting. It was always the same with them; my father wanted to be more than just an associate. A made man, that was his dream. To become a made man for the De Lange family. One of the worst families in the American mafia. They didn't play by the rules anymore and my dad wanted to be a part of their game — rules or no rules.

  I knocked harder. "Ax,
please, it's Amy."

  The screaming got louder. I fought the urge to cover my ears as I glanced back at the house. Slinking further into the shadows I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered. I hated Chicago. As soon as I was eighteen I was going to move. I wanted to be warm; just once in my life, I wanted to be warm.

  The chill of fear and death surrounded me, had choked me from birth until now. I was seventeen. I only had one more year, one more year and I was running away. Ax said he'd help me, though I wasn't sure what he could do since he was nothing but a mechanic.

  Teeth chattering, I knocked one last time and prayed he was home. I'd already tried his cell, but my call had gone straight to voicemail.

  Finally, I saw a shadow move in the window.

  And then I saw his face.

  It was always like the first time with Ax. He had sharp defined cheekbones, a strong jaw, full lips meant for kissing — though it's not like I would know; I was his friend, nothing more. He was beautiful. Like the prince from a storybook. I'd always thought of him as my own personal prince and he'd always laughed it off saying princes in the stories never worked on cars and had grease on their faces.

  "Amy?" He jerked open the window; his shirtless body stole my breath away as his muscles flexed to push the last part of the window up. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Why the hell do you have a bruise on your cheek?"

  "Too many questions." I forced a watery smile. "Can I stay here tonight?"

  He sighed, his shoulders slumping over with sadness, guilt, pity? Who knew? "Amy, this has to stop, why don't you just move in?"

  "Right." I laughed. "Move in next door with the enemy."

  He rolled his eyes. "Just because I'm related to the Abandonato family does not make me the enemy. I'm not in the business, neither is Pops. You know that."

  "Help?" I held up my arms.

  Laughing, he reached over the ledge and hauled me into his room. His warm chest was all I needed; he was all I needed.

  "Same fight?" He set me down onto my feet. I fought the urge to sway into his arms, to lie and say I tripped. Just being in his embrace made me forget about the pain on my cheek… and the accompanying pain in my heart due to the fact that my dad had hit me…again.


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