Surrender Boxed Set (Surrender Series Volume 1 - 7. BDSM romance with man love, bad boys, and billionaires.)

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Surrender Boxed Set (Surrender Series Volume 1 - 7. BDSM romance with man love, bad boys, and billionaires.) Page 23

by Anita Lawless

  The paddle touches a band of flesh poking out from beneath my t-shirt and I feel like my skin has been seared there.

  “That’s what I want.” He places his free hand at the small of my back and his heat melts through me.

  I have to take my time replying or I know my voice will once more betray me. “Then, yeah.” Swallow. “I can see how this would be a turn on.”


  The paddle leaves my butt again and I tense, waiting for what I know will follow. Almost looking forward to it. I squeeze my eyes shut and—


  It lands even harder this time. It burns and smarts and my panties are so wet now. I have to chase traitorous fantasies of Rider from my mind. Him and I in my apartment. Me tied to my headboard as he kisses and licks his way down my body.


  This time I gasp in response and my eyes fly open. I never thought pain could be so pleasurable. Oh, it hurts, make no mistake, but somehow the pain, the total surrender of my control to another, also makes me incredibly horny.

  And conflicted. I’m a independent woman, and a few of my relationships in the past ended because my partner would try to control me too much. No one tells me what to do and when to do it. One guy even tried to cut me off from my mother, and he was jealous of the time I spent with my family. So controlling, dominant males tend to make me leery. One of the reasons for my swearing off bad boys. But with Rider, like this, I don’t feel threatened. I feel free and way too turned on for my own good!

  Suddenly the stocks click open and cool air rushes over my skin as I’m set free. Rider stands beside me, offering me his hand.

  “That’s it?” I blurt.

  He gives a small laugh. “You want me to spank you more?”

  The blush burns from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. “Umm, no! No, of course not. I just wondered if we were finished for today.” I can’t meet his eyes as I get out of the stocks. He’ll see I’m lying about the spanking. I just know it.

  “I just want to ask you a couple more things, but other than that, yeah, we’re done.”

  “Wow, less than four hours of work for great pay. I finally luck out.”

  He stands on the other side of the stocks and I have to brush against him to get by. I feel that undeniable electricity again when we touch. The intense attraction I’m trying so hard to deny.

  He touches my arm, running his thumb from my elbow up, stopping me. “You can always work overtime, you know? I’d be happy to spank you longer.”

  This guy is far too male and far too sexy. I think about kissing him, rising up on my tiptoes and claiming those soft, sensuous lips, but I know exactly where that’ll lead. Instead, I follow him to a table where we sit and discuss what we’ll practice next time. When I leave, I find those damn butterflies are back, and this time they’re all about anticipation.


  Back at the apartment, I’m thrilled to find Jeanie isn’t home from her classes yet. This means I can break out my rabbit vibrator and get off to sweet, sexy fantasies about Rider. I finish the one I started while he had me in the stocks. The vision where he ties me to the headboard, dips his head and takes a hard nipple between his teeth… I come hard around the thrumming toy, clutching the bed sheets as I do. Then I take a look at the clock to see if I can go one more round with Mr. Sex Toy before my roommate gets home. Seeing I have fifteen minutes, I decide to let the rabbit do its things and get off again.

  When I’m done, I patter into the kitchen and treat myself to the biggest chocolate brownie from the pan I just baked. I’m humming as I eat it, and I think this level of joy can’t be good. It means I like my new boss way too much.

  I push the worry out of my head as Jeanie walks in, kicks off her high heels, starts pulling pins from her hair. With a wide smile, she almost runs toward me. “So, how’d it go? Did you crack and sleep with him?”

  I giggle-snort. “No, I did not crack and sleep with him.”

  She pouts as she plunks down on the couch opposite me. “Too bad.” Then she digs in the shopping bag she brought in and tosses me a chocolate bar she pulls out.

  “Ooh, Caramilk.” I tear into the wrapper even though I’ve just finished off a brownie. I need the double helping of chocolate today, I reason. “Thanks.”

  “I figured the occasion called for chocolate.” She pulls a Mars bar out for herself. “Now, dish. I’ve been dying to know how your first day went.”

  I take my time swallowing the chocolate I chew. “Well… he spanked me.”

  Jeanie flutters her hands and squeals as if I just told her Zachary Quinto is waiting in her bedroom to ravish her. “So, did you like it, hmmm?”

  I shrug, try to appear nonchalant. “It was … different.”

  She wears a smug smile as she chews on chocolate. “You liked it. I can tell by how red your face is.”

  I laugh and throw a pillow at her.

  “Rider Sykes.” She shakes her head. “Who’d have thought he’d end up—” Her mouth snaps shut, eyes go wide. “Hey, you know, we need some wine with this chocolate.”

  Jeanie jumps up off the couch and practically sprints to the kitchen. I frown after her retreating, skirt-clad backside. Something’s up. She’s obviously trying to hide something. I follow her into the kitchen.

  “How well do you know Rider?” I ask as I watch her dig to the back of the fridge for a bottle of the cheap wine we keep there.

  “Not too well. I only met him that night at Felicia’s bachelorette.” Her eyes are too wide when she looks at me, and her eyebrows always raise up way too high when she lies.

  “How long has Ron known him?”

  She turns toward the sink and starts rifling through cupboards until she finds the corkscrew. “Ohh, he met him college. I think he’s in Ron’s Political Science class or something.”

  “Do you know anything about the friend who owns the club he works at?” I put a hand on her shoulder and make her turn to face me while she sticks the corkscrew into the bottle.

  “Yeesh, what’s with the interrogation, Christy?” Her voice rises a little and she’s way too defensive. “I don’t know anything about him, but do you really think Felicia or I would let you work for someone who would put you in danger? We’ve been your best friends since Grade 3.”

  Something is definitely up. Jeanie never gets that defensive unless she’s hiding something. Or maybe I’m just being paranoid and ungrateful. I decide to let it go, but a tiny worm of doubt gnaws at the back of my brain.


  “What’re you doing here?”

  Rider looks livid as he glares down at me while I wipe one of the outside tables at Your Daily Cup.

  “You’re twenty minutes late.” His big fingers encircle my wrist and stop the swishing rag. “I finally decided to come looking for you. I thought you quit this place.”

  I calmly try to pry his hand off me, but he isn’t budging. “I haven’t given my notice yet.”

  “Why not?” His nostrils flare.

  I stand tall—all five foot five inches of me—and put my hands on my hips. “You don’t own me, you know! I can work wherever I want.” I’m having second thoughts about this bad boy dominant—being his practice submissive.

  “Are you saying you’re quitting on me?” He crosses his arms over his chest, clad today in a white tank top that almost makes me drool.

  “I …” I try not to stare too long at his impossibly gorgeous self, lest my resolve weaken. “I don’t know.”

  He snares my hand. “Then let me help you decide.” Rider leads me into the coffee shop.

  Jonas looks up, adjusts his hipster glasses. His gaze ping pongs between me and Rider. “Tell your boss Christy doesn’t work here anymore.” He slams a generous tip down on the counter. “Thanks.”

  Jonas wrinkles his nose. “But, she can’t quit! Who will cover when I’m sick?” He pockets the cash before Rider guides me out of the place.

  I call over my shoulder, telling Jonas not t
o worry and not to tell Cassie, our boss, that I’ve quit.

  Rider stops me near his Harley. “You might as well let him. I’ll just keep coming in here and giving your resignation.” His bottom jaw works as his teeth clench and unclench.

  “You’ve got some nerve!” I poke him in the chest. “Maybe I’d rather serve coffee than be spanked by a jerk like you!”

  He smirks at this. “I doubt it.” Then he turns away and throws a leg over his bike. “Get on. Let’s go.”

  I want to turn away and hurl curses at him, want to tell this pompous biker badass where he can shove his job, but then I remember he paid me in cash after our last practice, and that cash paid my half of the rent and bought a crapload of groceries.

  Gritting my teeth and saying nothing, I climb onto the back of the bike and reluctantly wrap my arms around his waist. I’ll be glued against him the whole ride there, but I don’t want to admit how thrilling that prospect really is.


  “So why weren’t you going to show up for work today? What’s up? You wouldn’t be wimping out on me, would you?”

  We’re in the same playroom today, and after the ride here on the back of his motorcycle I’m acutely aware of every inch of my body. The black mini-skirt I often wear to work feels too short now. The silky white blouse feels too sheer as his eyes rake all over me.

  “I have questions.” I cross my arms over my tingling nipples, hoping to hide my obvious nipple hard on, and stare right back at him. “I think they’re valid.”

  He grabs a chair from one of the tables, turns it around, and straddles it. Placing his arms over the back, he props his chin on one and shrugs. “Ask away.”

  “Who is this friend of yours who owns the club and pays me?”

  His face tenses, but only for a moment. “I can’t tell you that. I promised I’d keep his identity a secret.”

  I tap the toe of my high heel, narrow my eyes at him. “Fine then. How do you know Ron?”

  “I met him in college. I was in a couple of his classes before I dropped out to work here.”

  A college dropout with secrets. “You haven’t known him long then. Why’d you leave school?”

  He gives me a look that shows his exasperation. “No, I knew him before. He and I were neighbors growing up. And I left school because,” he lifts his arms, gives a smarmy smile and glances around, “I had the chance to work here. The pay is amazing and I get to work with beautiful women. I think that says it all.”

  Is he indirectly calling me beautiful? I consider all this and wonder if I am overreacting, not being trusting enough. But that little worm of doubt doesn’t die easily.

  “Now, if you’re finished with the interrogation, let’s get to work. We’re already an hour late starting.”

  “Are you going to punish me for being a bad employee?” I quip, but almost regret it when I see the wicked smile that curls his lips. Anticipation warms my stomach too, and those conflicted desires surge forth again.

  “Only if you want me to. This is practice, not the real thing. Do you think you could handle the real thing, Christy?”

  In three long strides, he stands in front of me and his hand snakes up to hold my chin. I hold his stare, not backing down from his challenge.

  “You should punish me.” The words spill from my lips before I can stop them, and I feel like another woman is speaking. This isn’t me. “I’ve been a very bad girl.”

  He gives a throaty laugh at this. Inside, my brain is warring with itself. The rational side screams what are you doing!? The primal side is ready to give in, to submit, and see where this wild ride takes me. Even though I don’t trust this guy at all, and my doubts still warn to proceed with caution. What the hell is wrong with me?

  He moves closer still, and now his chest, stomach, and something else press into me. I look up into his deep blue eyes and lick my lips. A dark look of desire passes over his face and he bends his head closer. I know the kiss is coming and I don’t stop it.

  His lips hover just above mine. “If you want me to stop, say it now. Once I start kissing you—”

  “Kiss me,” I breathe against his mouth, knowing I’ll probably regret all this later but not caring at that second.

  His tongue flicks out across my parted lips, slithers inside as our mouths meet. He teases me with little bites, by sucking on my bottom lip, and then pulling away until I get on my tiptoes to reach the kiss. Warm hand glide up my back and mold to my skin. I moan as our tongues meet, entwine, slip over one another. He tastes the roof of my mouth and I feel his erection poking me through my skirt, which makes me all the hornier. Just to be evil, I wriggle against him and he growls into my mouth.

  He starts to tug my blouse up and his callused hands glide beneath the filmy fabric. I jump and feel like I’ve taken 1000 volts of power in the spine as his palms caress my bare skin. He suckles my top lip and the kiss deepens, tasting sweeter and more carnal with every second. My hands curl around his waist and cup his butt through his jeans, boldly pulling him closer so our crotches rub against one another.

  His fingers move lower now, slipping closer to the zipper on my skirt. I’m just about lost to him when my cell phone chirps from inside my purse. And it won’t stop chirping.

  I break the kiss and catch my breath, avoiding his eyes as I push straight black strands of hair from my eyes. “I better get that.” I rush to the table and fumble the phone out of my bag. “Hello?”

  “Where are you?” Felicia demands. “You didn’t quit, did you? Jeanie told me you were thinking about it.”

  “No, no, I’m here now. We’re just about to…” I inch away from Rider when he walks up behind me and tries to circle my waist with one large arm. “We’re just about to practice.”

  “Good! I’ll be waiting for full details when you get here. We’re gonna have a girls night.”

  With that, she hangs up and I’m left flustered and facing down a lusty bad boy.

  “Should we get started?” I say, sounding far too fake cheery. “I have a girls only party to get to after this.”

  He scowls at me. “You know, if you were really my submissive, I’d spank you until your ass was tomato red.” Then he stalks away from me towards the pillory, adding over his shoulder as he does, “I’d have fun disciplining you, too.”

  I gulp, try to ignore the fact my pussy still throbs and begs me to just Let him fuck me already! With a sweet smile that feels pasted on my lips, I join him at the pillory, which is similar to the stocks, but this particular pillory, he shows me, has metal manacles attached to chains that hold the wrists and ankles. These are attached to a smooth, thick wooden column that has been bolted to the floor.

  Last time we agreed I’d let him practice with a riding crop on me this shift. I’ll be fastened to the pillory so my back is to him and my legs are spread wide in the manacles. This makes my short skirt ride up even higher, and cool air swirls around my thighs. His hot hands make me jump when he guides each ankle into its cuff and clinks it shut.

  He runs his hands up the length of my body as he makes his way to my wrists to secure the cuffs there. I shiver as his fingers skim over the side of my bra, barely touching my breasts but making my nipples harden just the same. His hot breath fans my ear as he snicks my wrist cuffs shut and I have to concentrate in order to breathe.

  “Are you nervous, Christy?” His lips touch my ear.

  “No,” I manage, though my voice is raspy.

  He chuckles and his warm breath fans my face. “I think you’re lying.”

  My nipples tingle and grow harder, and my panties are now so wet the triangle between my legs sticks to my pussy.

  “Let’s just get started,” I croak.

  His boots click across the floor as he goes to get the riding crop. I close my eyes and focus on regulating my breathing and heartbeat, just like I do when I meditate. But my body constantly betrays me when I’m near this man.

  Soon I hear him walking back and I struggle to remain in my calm place.
I know what’s coming. Being that I’m new to BDSM, Rider says he’ll continue to keep it light. I have to wonder how this makes me a good practice sub, considering the women he works with know a lot more than I do, and will probably expect a lot more. Wouldn’t someone more experienced have been suitable for the job, but what do I know being a newbie.

  He teases me with the crop, building my anticipation. It skims from my ankles up my leg, teasing the hem of my skirt and sweeping across my ass before he slides it down the inside of me other leg. My heartbeat kicks it up a notch whether I like it or not.

  He teases me still, making me ache for that first sting of the crop’s flattened tip against my flesh. He draws the end across my back in crisscrosses, and I can’t help but let out a soft sigh.

  The crop leaves me and he says, “You know, if you were really my submissive, I’d have to punish you for that.”

  “For what?” I say, my voice hoarse with lust.

  “For showing pleasure before I give you permission.”

  I lick my lips. “How would you punish me?”

  “I’d deny you the pain and the pleasure. Do you like the pain, Christy? Like the sting? The way it makes you feel.”

  I inhale slowly, hating the way my body betrays me yet again at his touch, his words. My mouth has gone dry and I have to swallow before I can answer. “I didn’t expect to … like the pain, that is. But, yeah, it somehow adds to the pleasure.”

  His lips brush my ear once again and goosebumps instantly erupt all over my skin. “Are you ready for a little pain right now, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” I say, a bit too quickly.

  The riding crop comes down on my ass with a whistle of air and a whack. I jerk a little, but it isn’t a hard slap to begin with. Just enough to make my sex tingle even more and speed my breathing up.

  Then it’s gone, and my heart slows a bit with a pang of disappointment. But I bite my lip in anticipation of the next strike. Soon, I hear the whisper whistle and then another thwack kisses my other butt cheek. I shut my eyes and soak in the searing sting that seems to radiate warmth and excitement out from my ass, filling my entire body. I’m charged like a live wire now.


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