Jagged Edges

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Jagged Edges Page 16

by Denise Bower

  “You wrap yours backwards,” Hank said.

  Carter strolled into the room, inspected the sticks, and patted Alex on the head.

  “Thanks, kid,” he said.

  Hank elbowed me. “You’re staring again.”

  I scurried out of the room before Hank could say anything else or see the blush blossoming on my cheeks.

  Game time came quickly, and after getting everything ready, I decided to watch the first period from the press box. I wanted a good view of Carter without listening to Hank teasing me about drooling over the guy.

  My dad called before the drop of the puck to ask about Carter. I fumed and told him I wasn’t his spy.

  “I’m just asking for a status report on him,” he said.

  “Okay, fine. He’s not out of shape, his skating is on point, and his hockey skills seem to be way beyond the guys who are here.”

  “Has he been cooperative with the team?”

  “That’s a question for Cam, not me.”

  “Do you know where he’s staying?”

  “With a teammate,” I said.


  “That’s what I heard.”

  He asked a few more questions, but when the crowd roared, I told him I wanted to watch the game and hung up on him.

  The game was in full swing by the time I settled in my seat. Several people in the booth gave me the once over for being late, but I ignored them and focused on the play. When Carter took the ice on a line with Cam and Alex, I sat up straighter.

  Carter’s stick handling skills took my breath away, and his speed was phenomenal. The people in the press box were stunned he had been sent down and began speculating why the guy was here. They didn’t see anything wrong with his game, which started the gossip mill roaring.

  “I’ve heard he’s a dick,” one said.

  “I heard he’s always late for practice and missed a meeting when some chick stole his phone after a late night of partying.”

  “Someone said he’s shown up for practice drunk more than once.”

  A few more unflattering tales were told. I hoped it was only gossip. Thankfully Carter’s skill on the ice finally shut them up.

  Ten minutes into the first period, he scored a goal that had all the people in the arena gaping at the replay and the media hammering on their computers. Cam intercepted a pass, quickly sending the puck up ice toward a streaking Carter. The puck landed softly on his blade and he did a toe drag, added a quick fake to his forehand before lifting a backhand shot over the shoulder of the goalie.

  The guys on the ice crushed Carter into the boards, yelling and hugging him. The second goal Carter scored was off a sweet pass saucered over the middle by Alex. Carter pointed at Alex and nodded. The third goal was a snap shot from the top of the right circle, and even though we were the visiting team, several hats fluttered to the ice.

  The fourth and final goal of the game was scored by Cam. It was one of those tic-tac-toe goals where it seemed the entire team touched the puck before Cam tapped it into the net.

  When the horn sounded, the team went crazy. I made my way down to the bench and was immediately swept into the joy of the moment. Carter received the diamond, and Cam decided it was time to go out and celebrate the victory that put the Ravens on top of the league.

  The music thumped in my chest and Alex stared, wide-eyed, taking in his surroundings. Somehow Cam had sweet-talked the bouncer into ignoring certain underage guys who came into the bar. The entire team was gathered around a couple of tables.

  For a Tuesday night, the bar was packed. I think word spread around town that the visiting hockey team was going out, because a lot of the patrons were dolled-up women, including some familiar faces.

  “We should have done Bingo cards tonight,” Alex said. “On the last card, I had Evgeni gets a lap dance.” He pointed to where Evgeni Pieshko was being accosted by a very voluptuous woman. Not that Evgeni was complaining, and even if he was, no one could understand him. The only English words he seemed to know were swear words and how to order a drink.

  “Where did you get the beer?” I asked.

  “I don’t know? Someone set it in front of me. I’ve only had a couple sips,” Alex said. “Murph’s been asking a lot of questions about you.”

  I glanced over my shoulder and spotted Carter on the dance floor, surrounded by women grinding against him. The woman who had accosted him outside our rink was standing nearby, watching him like a hawk.

  “I’m sure I don’t want to know,” I said.

  “He asked if you were dating anyone?”

  “Why would he care about that?”

  “I don’t know? You tell me.”

  “I have nothing to say,” I said and drained the beer sitting in front of me.

  “Hi,” Carter said. He slid into the open chair next to me and set a couple of beers on the table.

  “Hi yourself,” I said. “I thought you were dancing?”

  “I’m thirsty, and you look like you needed another,” Carter said and pushed one of the bottles toward me.

  “Uh,” Alex said. “I need to….” He flailed his arms and left the table.

  “Have a drink,” Carter said.

  “You don’t need to bribe me,” I said. “I’m not going to say anything about your past. It’s your story to tell.”

  “That’s not why….” He grimaced and leaned back in his seat.

  A waitress approached our table, balancing a full tray of drinks.

  “These are from a group of women,” she said and set a couple of beers and some weird looking mixed drinks in front of Carter. He asked her to point out the ladies and she gestured toward the bar.

  Carter swiveled in his chair and I turned to look, but all I saw were Raven players.

  “They were there a minute ago,” the waitress said. “Sorry.”

  “No worries. Thank you,” Carter said and slipped her a tip.

  He chose one of the colorful drinks and sipped it. He wrinkled his nose and frowned, setting it back on the table. I picked at the label on my bottle.

  “How come you kissed me?” he asked suddenly.

  “Uh, momentarily lost my mind,” I said.

  “Wanna do it again?” He dragged his chair closer and pressed his thigh against mine. My leggings felt like they were going to burst into flames.

  Before I could speak, several women surrounded our table, including the redhead from the parking lot. She moved behind Carter’s chair and caressed his shoulders while another woman shimmied onto his lap. He downed his drink in one swallow and looked for an escape route.

  “Ladies,” Carter said. “Thanks for the drinks.” They giggled but didn’t admit to buying the round.

  “Do you need another?” the redhead asked.

  The buttons on her silky blouse strained as she leaned closer to him. With my luck, one would shoot off and hit me in the eye.

  “We could go to the bar and I’ll buy you one. There’s so many people here,” she said to him as she flapped her long eyelashes.

  She worked her way closer, almost sending the chick in his lap to the ground. The woman huffed and stood. The redhead took the opportunity to shove her cleavage into Carter’s face. The sickly scent of her perfume almost made me gag, and I had the sudden urge to shove her away. But she was Carter’s problem, and he didn’t seem too bothered. He picked up another of the colored drinks and gulped it down.

  “Nah, I’m good,” he said. He suddenly grimaced, took a deep breath and stood, pushing a few women out of his way. “Excuse me, I need to take a piss.”

  He quickly disappeared, leaving me alone at a table full of his groupies. When I tried to stand, the redhead grabbed my wrist.

  “Are you sleeping with him?” she asked as she sat down in his chair.

  “Excuse me? I don’t really think that’s any of your business,” I said.

  She scowled at me and drew her girls into a tight circle, whispering frantically. I only caught bits and pieces of their conve
rsation, but it sounded like they were planning on ambushing Carter. When Cam strolled by, I snagged him by the arm and told him the women were making me nervous.

  Before I knew what was happening, he snapped his fingers and several members of the Ravens surrounded the table. The women dispersed into the crowd, but I could feel their collective glare boring into the back of my head.

  “Thanks,” I said to Cam. He toasted me and straddled a chair.

  “You having a good time?” he asked.

  Before I could answer, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

  “Hello?” I yelled.

  “Vika,” Alex whispered.

  “Alex? Why are you calling me? Where are you?”

  “I need your help.”

  “What?” I shouted into the phone when the DJ pumped up the volume of the dance music.

  Cam poked me. “Who is it?”

  “Alex,” I said. Cam tried to grab my phone, but I swiveled away and squealed. “What do you want?”

  “Help,” Alex said or at least that’s what it sounded like.

  “Help you what?” I asked and laughed again because my mind went to a dirty place, and there was no way I was having this conversation with Alex.

  “What the fuck, Vika. Are you drunk?”

  “No, just pleasantly buzzed,” I said.

  “Of all the nights…. Please, Vika,” he said, sounding desperate.

  “Where are you?”

  “Come to the bathroom.” His voice grew quieter when he reprimanded someone. “Don’t try to stand. Just a minute.” He shouted my name and my phone went dead.

  “Oops,” I said, staring at the darkened screen. I must have neglected to charge it.

  When I shoved away from the table and stood, Cam shot me a questioning look. I pointed at my phone, still clutched in my hand.

  “Alex is freaking out about something. I’ll be right back.”

  I stumbled toward the restrooms, bouncing off dancing patrons and apologizing until I arrived in front of the men’s room. I knocked and Alex opened the door, yanking me inside before I could protest.

  “People are going to talk. This is the dude’s bathroom and the only reason women come in here is to….” I widened my eyes and jerked my hand in an obscene manner.

  He gasped. “I’m not hitting on you. I mean, you’re very pretty, but…,” he stammered and I started to laugh.

  “You’re so cute,” I said and tried to pat his cheek. “So why are we in here?”

  “Vika,” he growled. “Murph is really sick.”

  He kicked open a stall door, and we both stared at Carter draped over the toilet. His cheek squished against the porcelain, reds lips cracked and dry, and his blond hair damp with sweat.

  “He thinks I’m his bodyguard. I ran into him in the hall. By the time we got in here, I could barely understand what the hell he was saying,” Alex said.

  “I was just talking to him. He seemed fine,” I said. “Do you think he took something?”

  “I don’t know? I didn’t see him do anything except dance with a lot of different women.”

  “There were a lot of women hanging on him,” I agreed.

  “I recognized some of them from our arena. I had no idea our fans followed us around. Or maybe they’re his fans. There’s always someone waiting for him after practice. He’s been using me as a shield. Sometimes we have to drive around the city before we can go home. It’s weird.”

  I knelt down and smoothed a few strands of hair out of Carter’s eyes. His skin was clammy and he was sweating profusely.

  “Carter,” I said.

  “Vika?” he mumbled.

  “Can you open your eyes?”

  “Nah. I don’t feel so great. Were we on the ice today?”

  “You played a hockey game tonight. The Ravens won. You scored a hat trick and had an assist.”

  “Can I skate with you?” he murmured.

  “Sure. Anything you want,” I answered. “But right now we need to get you back to the hotel.”

  “I think I’ll stay here.”

  He struggled to sit up, grabbing blindly for support. I tried to help, but he was too heavy for me. Suddenly he gagged, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he collapsed to the floor.

  “Carter!” I shook him, but he didn’t respond. Panic rose up in my throat.

  “What’s going on?” Alex asked.

  “Alex,” I choked out. “Call 9-1-1 and get Cam.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Alex said and pulled out his phone. He called Cam first, shouting about needing help in the bathroom, and then he called for an ambulance.

  “I don’t know?” Alex yelled into the phone. “People were buying him drinks. Maybe someone slipped him something.”

  Cam burst into the room, startling Alex. He dropped his phone on the ground and swore. Cam crowded into the stall with me, asking a million questions while trying to get Carter to respond.

  Within minutes more people rushed into the tiny restroom, and we were whisked out of the way so the EMTs could work on Carter. My head spun and I was visibly shaken by the events. Cam put his arm around my shoulders and squeezed, whispering over and over that Carter would be okay.

  They finally stabilized him enough to load him onto a gurney to be transported to the hospital. The wheels squeaked and Carter began thrashing around, preventing the EMTs from safely moving him.

  “Vika,” Carter said weakly.

  I didn’t know if I was allowed to approach him, but Cam guided me to his side. I clasped Carter’s hand, and with my touch, he relaxed.

  As we left the bathroom, the EMTs grilled us, asking if we knew how many drinks he’d had and if he took anything. No one had answers for them.

  I could hear Cam on the phone speaking with Johan, relaying the address of the hospital and telling Johan what he thought had happened to Carter.

  The EMTs rolled the gurney as quickly as they could, taking us through a dark hallway toward a back door. I was thankful we didn’t have to go through the bar.

  Police officers met us by the ambulance and started questioning some of the guys. I nervously glanced around for Alex and his other underage teammates. I prayed they wouldn’t get in trouble for being in the bar.

  The bartender and waitress, who brought Carter his drinks, were also talking to the cops. They each pointed fingers at the redhead and her friends but also at some other people. A policeman approached the redhead, but she remained stone-faced, not saying a word, only staring at Carter. I wanted to blurt out that she was the one, but a gut feeling wasn’t proof.

  “We need to get him to the hospital,” the EMT told an officer. I tried to wrench my hand away from Carter, but he refused to let go.

  “It’ll be easier if she rides with us,” the EMT told Cam.

  They helped me into the ambulance, and I caught a glimpse of Alex as the doors closed and the siren wailed.

  “You were right to call for an ambulance,” the EMT said as he shuffled around me to check a line connected to Carter’s arm.

  “Is he going to be okay?” I asked.

  “Yes, he’ll be fine. His vitals are returning to normal.”

  I let out a long breath as I tried to get Carter to release my hand, but he gripped harder and mumbled my name.

  “You’re doing great, Carter,” I said.

  We made it to the hospital, where a sweet nurse finally convinced Carter to release me so a doctor could check him out and make sure he was okay. He reluctantly agreed when I promised to stay in the waiting room.

  Half an hour later it was wall-to-wall Ravens. Most guys were poking out texts messages on their phones. A few were sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall with their eyes closed. I was pretty sure Matt was snoring. Alex was trying to explain to Evgeni what had happened with wild arm gestures and facial expressions.

  Cam sat down next to me and bumped my shoulder. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “Alex wasn’t sure, but he thinks some w
omen have been stalking Murph.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know? There are always women around Carter.”

  “True. The police took several people in as we were leaving.”

  Alex shuffled over to us and handed me a cup of coffee. I gratefully took a sip. It tasted like lukewarm, dirty water, but I needed something to do.

  “Is he going to be okay?” Alex asked as he flopped down next to me.

  “The EMT said he would be fine,” I answered.

  “What happened?” Cam asked Alex.

  “The asshole scared the shit out of me. I was walking back to the table and he banged into me. He started slurring his words, so I shoved him into the bathroom. He said something about crazy fans. And then he just crumpled to the floor and held onto the toilet.”

  “Is there an Alex here?” a nurse asked.

  He tried to sink in his chair, but the entire team pointed at him until he reluctantly raised his hand.

  “He wants to see you. He’ll probably be asleep before you get in there, but he won’t shut up until he talks to you.”

  Alex followed the nurse down the hall. I rested my head on Cam’s shoulder and took a few deep breaths.

  “I think my hangover is kicking in,” I said to Cam.

  “I’m still slightly drunk,” Cam said. “Team bonding was a bad idea tonight.”

  “This wasn’t your fault,” I said.

  “I’m the captain. It’s my job to look out for my team.”

  He sighed and closed his eyes. The moment of quiet was short lived because Johan and the rest of the coaching staff showed up and started questioning everyone. We did our best to answer, but when Johan realized we didn’t have much information, quiet descended upon the room again.

  The noise level increased when Alex returned.

  “He’s out of his head,” Alex said. “But at least he has color in his face.”

  Johan met with the doctor and relayed the information to the team, stating that Carter would be spending the night in the hospital but would make a full recovery.

  “Right now, everyone needs to get back to the hotel. Bus leaves at nine.”

  Alex groaned. “Carter is expecting me to be here in the morning.”

  Cam patted Alex on the shoulder. “Nothing we can do, buddy. Let’s go.”


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