Jagged Edges

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Jagged Edges Page 18

by Denise Bower

  I couldn’t tell if he was happy, sad, or indifferent about his choice. He skated over to the penalty box, where he fiddled with the music. I waited at center ice, and when it played, I tilted my head, offering him a confused smile.

  The music he chose was an aria skated to so often, I knew the words, even though they were in Italian. I could sense him watching me, waiting for me to do something, so I closed my eyes and let the familiar song wash over me.

  With each successful element completed, I became braver, attempting harder jumps and more elaborate spins. When the song ended, Carter met me at center ice and swept me into his arms, crushing his lips against mine. I barely registered him picking me up and carrying me off the ice as I concentrated on the softness of his mouth moving against mine.

  “I should be the one carrying you,” I murmured.

  He set me down, kicked open the door of the locker room, and backed me inside. He moved to kiss me again, but his phone started buzzing. He picked it up and shook his head.

  “The brat is demanding our presence for dinner.”

  “She has the worst timing,” I said.

  “No kidding,” he grumbled and not-so-discreetly adjusted himself. I suppressed a giggle and left the room to change into my street clothes.

  After we were both clean and dressed, we met in the hallway.

  “Hank called me,” Carter said. “Said you weren’t answering your phone. I told him you were on the ice.”

  “What did he want?”

  “Checking on his car, he said, but I’m pretty sure he was checking on us. I think he’s worried I’ll do something to you.”

  He pushed me against the wall and trapped me with his body. He leaned forward and touched his forehead to mine.

  “Maybe Hank thought I’d kick you out of his car and leave you in a snow bank,” I whispered.

  “Would you do that to me?”

  “Depends,” I said.

  He licked his lips and my gaze dropped to the action of his tongue.

  I waited for the next question, but it never came. Instead he pressed his lips against mine and sighed into my mouth. He wound his fingers through my hair and tipped my head back as he assaulted me with his tongue.

  I felt his phone buzz in his pocket again. He tried to ignore it, but it kept on buzzing.

  “Of all the cockblocking…. I’m going to kill that kid,” he grumbled as he glanced at his phone. “Dinner’s on the table, and she’s very unhappy we’re not already home.”

  Again he tried to be sneaky and adjust himself. I pursed my lips and shoved him so he moved. If we didn’t go now, I didn’t see us leaving anytime soon.

  He yawned and leaned against me as we walked. The warmth of his body seeped into mine, making me feel giddy.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, a little tired and very frustrated,” he said, nudging me.

  I laughed. “Wow, look at the snow.”

  I pushed the door open and walked into a world of white. The wind made the ground snow swirl and dance in the air.

  “Christ.” Carter zipped up his jacket. He dug out a beanie from his pocket and slapped it on his head, pulling it low on his brow so his curls stuck out under the edges.

  We made it to my car, and after a short prayer, the car roared to life. Since I still wasn’t prepared for winter, I had to brush the snow off the windows with my jacket sleeve. Some days I wondered why I’d left California.

  “You look … not well,” I said when I climbed into the driver’s seat.

  Carter closed his eyes and took several deep breaths of air.

  “Do not get sick in my car,” I warned. “Oh, and I should tell you, Sawyer is making you switch apartments.”

  “Switch to where?”

  “Um, my place.”

  “You okay with that?” he asked.

  “It’s fine.”

  He leaned back in the seat and watched me as I pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Why did you pick that particular song?” I asked.

  “It seemed fitting for you and me,” he said. “Plus it’s a beautiful piece of music, and I thought it would complement your skating.”

  “That just sounds weird coming from your mouth. And how do you know how I skate?”

  He snorted. “Ah, Vika, I’ve been watching you skate since you were thirteen.”

  My eyes widened when he winked at me. I kept my gaze focused on the road and prayed he wasn’t watching the blush race up my neck. “You remember?”

  “I never forgot,” he said. “I tried to contact you after that weekend in Detroit, but then I heard you’d started dating Viktor. I quit skating a few months later, and there wasn’t time for me to chase you down.”

  Hearing him admit he remembered and had actually been interested in me made my insides turn squiggly. My younger self probably would’ve burst into flames and died a fiery death.

  “When did you figure out who I was?” I asked.

  “I always knew, but I could tell you had no idea who I was, so I pretended you were a stranger. You’re fun to rile up. And really, I haven’t been Carter Gibson since I was fifteen. Once I hung up my figure skates, I left that world behind, but I always kept track of you.”

  “Why’d you change your name?”

  “That’s a story for another time.”

  I pulled into my parking space and faced him, resisting the urge to climb into his lap.

  “You’re sort of a jerk,” I said, reaching to caress the scruff on his jaw.

  “I’ve heard that way too much lately.” His phone buzzed again. “Why, oh why did I give that mini demon my damn phone number? It’s like she knows.”

  “I think she actually likes you, but it’s best not to make her wait,” I said.

  He yawned again and leaned against the window.

  “I can make excuses for you if you want to go to sleep,” I said.

  “No, I should eat something, and the kid would not be pleased if I didn’t show up for dinner.”

  “You’re probably right. She’s tough to refuse.”

  He clasped my hand as we walked into the building. It felt normal, but nothing about this relationship, or whatever it was, could be considered normal.

  Once we were in the elevator, he kissed me until my face was flaming hot and my lips were slightly swollen. No matter how many calming breaths I took, Sawyer was going to know the moment he saw me.

  It took less than one blink before Sawyer was smiling slyly and chuckling like a dirty old man. He bumped me with his shoulder.

  “Say one word and I will fillet you with my skate,” I said.

  “You are no fun, doll.”

  “I’m tired and very dissatisfied because a fourteen-year-old girl keeps cockblocking me,” I whispered in his ear.

  He shivered. “Be still my heart. You can’t say stuff like that and just leave me hanging. What is wrong with you?”

  “I haven’t slept. Carter could have died last night. My dad showed up at the hospital. And Carter admitted to following my career. Tonight I skated for him just because he asked. I may be slightly insane.”

  He chewed on his bottom lip, which was his telltale sign that he wanted to grill me. I waited for the shower of questions, but they never came. Instead he squeezed my hand and led me to the table where Shelby was dishing up lasagna that had my mouth watering. She was also lecturing Carter about protecting his drinks and not accepting free ones unless he was at the bar to take the drinks directly from the bartender or if the bottle or can had not been opened.

  “How do you know all this stuff? You aren’t even old enough to drive a car,” he said.

  “I’ve had to learn a lot of things early,” she said. “Now eat your dinner. I worked hard on this junk.”

  “Hey,” Sawyer said, “give me some of the credit.”

  “Fine. He put the pan in the oven,” she said.

  “Everyone’s a comedian,” Sawyer said.

  Once we started eating, the conversati
on waned. We were all busy stuffing our mouths with the wonderful food. By the time Carter had cleaned his plate, he could barely keep his eyes open.

  “You should get some sleep,” Sawyer said to Carter.

  “Good idea,” Carter said. “I hate to break up the party, but I really need to crash, and since the demon kid is kicking me out of her apartment, I should round up my stuff.”

  Carter pushed away from the table and Shelby trailed after him.

  “How could you be so stupid? Death is permanent,” Shelby shouted.


  “Seriously, Carter, I’ve had enough death surrounding me. I don’t need anymore. Be smarter.”

  Sawyer and I glanced at each other. We could hear her scolding him again along with several muffled sniffles. When Carter returned he looked slightly shell-shocked. I didn’t blame him.

  I gave Sawyer a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, apologizing for not hanging around to do the dishes.

  “We’ll give you both a pass this time. Just don’t do this shit again. Like I said before, my heart cannot take another call from an upset Alex,” Sawyer said. “The kid was hyperventilating, and I thought someone was actually dead.”

  “What time are you on the ice?” I asked Shelby.

  “Well….” She glanced at Sawyer, but he busied himself with the dirty dishes. “I may be on the ice slightly earlier than planned because Soy wants to work on my competition routine.”

  I tapped my foot and waited for her to come clean.

  “Jeesh, fine. I’m skipping school tomorrow to hang out at the arena. Some students are coming to the rink to meet Sawyer. And before you say anything, Alex knows.”

  “I didn’t say a word. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said and hip-checked Carter out the door. He zombie-walked toward my apartment, moaning about being tired and full. By the time we arrived at my place, he was draped over my back, almost sending me crashing to the floor.

  I shook him off so I could unlock the door. He grunted, stumbled inside, and walked directly down the hall, turning into my bedroom.

  “Holy shit! You have a huge bed. I’ll finally be able to get a good night’s sleep.” He paused and glanced down the hall. “Is this only a one-bedroom apartment?”

  “I didn’t think I’d be running a bed and breakfast,” I said. “In the beginning there was me. Only me.”

  “Well, good night,” he said.

  “Hey! This is my apartment. My name is on the lease, which means I should get my bed.”

  “I’m your guest, who some crazy fan doused with GHB and no one can prove it. A fourteen-year-old girl just schooled me on death. I’m tired and weak. I need to sleep comfortably, so I should get the bed. I won’t fit on your couch.”

  I folded my arms over my chest and frowned while he mustered a cute smile.

  “No,” I said firmly.

  “Rock, paper, scissors?”

  “Fine. Two out of three.”

  He won the first round but I won the next two. Of course, then we had an argument about the bathroom. I finally agreed he could clean up first. When he finished, I tossed a pillow and a blanket at him and directed him to the couch.

  He sidestepped me and walked into my bedroom.

  “Why can’t we share? Your bed is the size of an ocean liner. I’m a big guy who doesn’t want to sleep on the couch. And if I’m not mistaken, hasn’t Sawyer been staying here with you?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “Where does he sleep?”

  I pursed my lips. “None of your business.”

  “Fine, when I wake up with a bad back, you can explain to the team why I’m walking like a crippled, old man.” He raised his eyebrows and walked out of my room, leaving me a frustrated mess.

  I sat in the bathroom, trying not to let the guilt overwhelm me. It was a really large bed. I gave up and decided to let him sleep in my room. When I came out of the bathroom, he was already sound asleep, curled around my favorite pillow. I sat down and watched his chest rise and fall like I’d done at the hospital. Only this evening I didn’t have to listen to the beeping and hissing sounds that had accompanied each breath he took, and no nurse would come into the room and interrupt my sleep.

  Right now he didn’t look like a womanizing player or a screw-up. In fact, our interaction over the last few days had me rethinking the awful labels he’d been stuck with. The only thing I saw right now was a young and vulnerable guy.

  “What am I doing?” I whispered as I touched his cheek and pushed his hair away from his eyes.

  He sighed and rolled away, taking most of the blankets with him. Somehow I knew he’d be a blanket hog, but I managed to wrestle them back. I slipped under the covers and wondered how my life had turned so weird. This was the second guy I’d had in my new bed and I still wasn’t getting any action.

  Chapter 12

  Several months before Viktor and I separated, we started spending more time apart than together, especially at night. Even when we did sleep in the same bed, we kept our distance. So to say waking up in the morning with someone plastered against my back was different, was not an exaggeration. Carter was almost crushing me, and he was definitely drooling on my shoulder.

  “Move over,” I grumbled.

  He tightened his hold around my waist, pulling me closer. The second I squirmed, he groaned, and I was treated to the part of his anatomy that was fully awake.

  “Vika,” he growled.

  He slid his hand lower and lower until he slipped his fingers beneath the elastic of my underwear, and I froze.

  “You okay?” he asked. “Tell me to stop and I will.”

  “I don’t usually just jump in bed with anyone who offers,” I said.

  His eyes widened and he pulled his hand away from me. “Sorry⁠—”

  I grabbed his wrist. “I just want you to know, I’m not some puck bunny. I’m not expecting anything from you.” I bit back a smile. “Except maybe some satisfaction.”

  When he didn’t say anything, I guided his hand back to my stomach and let him continue. When he touched me, I couldn’t help but arch into him, silently pleading for more.

  He scraped his teeth against my shoulder, placing open-mouthed kisses on my skin. I breathed in sharply when he sucked hard right below my ear.

  “Victoria,” he muttered. “I want you.”

  “Oh, oh,” I stammered. My body was screaming for him to take me, and all I could manage was a few grunts.

  He released me, turning me to my back and devouring me with his gaze. My skin was on fire as I spread my legs and let him settle between my thighs. I could feel how hard he was when he shifted his hips. Sparks shot down my body, making my toes curl. His breathing was ragged, matching my panting.

  I wanted him to touch me everywhere, and when he slipped his hand inside my underwear, I almost screamed. I tried to relax and enjoy his touches, but I wanted nothing more than to feel him in me, and if he kept moving his fingers, I wasn’t going to last.

  I traced the muscles on his back, sliding my hand down the knobs of his spine. I tugged at his underwear, urging him to take them off. He raised his hips and let me push them down his thighs, where he somehow managed to wiggle out of them.

  It didn’t take me long to shimmy out of mine. And then there was nothing between us and I wanted him inside me.

  “Carter,” I gasped. “Please.”

  “Oh, shit. Fuck,” he mumbled. “I don’t have anything.”

  He hovered over me, chewing on his bottom lip.

  “I thought a guy like you would always be carrying,” I said, trying to keep a straight face.

  He grabbed my wrists, pinned me, and ran his tongue over my lips. “Contrary to what people think and write about me, I don’t sleep with everyone who offers.”

  I kissed his nose. “Well, lucky for you, I may have a solution.”

  I always kept a supply of condoms between my mattress and box spring. Mostly because I hoped that eventually I’d hook up with someone. Thankfull
y, after the new bed had been delivered, I’d immediately placed my survival gear in its rightful spot. It was probably the only thing I’d put away. Carter gaped at me when I reached over the bed and popped back up, clutching a condom.

  “Nice,” he said.

  “A girl should always be prepared. Not that I’ve had any use for them lately but….” I rolled my eyes and tossed the packet at his chest as I felt the heat of embarrassment flood my face. “Do you want to or not?”

  He snorted and tackled me. “I’ve been wanting for a long time.”

  “How long?”

  “Since I learned what my dick was for.”

  “You mean? Really?”

  “Yes, but you were so young,” he said quickly. He leaned down and nibbled on my neck, making me arch up into him. I gasped when he nudged my knees farther apart and slowly⁠—so slow that I was about to snap at him to get it going⁠—pushed into me.

  I gripped the sheets, crumpling them in my fist as he settled. I wrapped my legs around him and pressed my heels into his thighs to get him deeper. He started with an easy rhythm, sliding in and out.

  “Open your eyes, Vika,” he whispered.

  I yearned to see him, but I didn’t know if I wanted him to see me.

  “Please,” he begged.

  I gave in and opened my eyes, staring into his baby blues as he moved above me. I wanted to look away because the moment was so intense. He pinned me with his stare until I was so lost in his gaze, I had no choice but to let him see how much I wanted him.

  My pleasure intensified. Sparks radiated everywhere he touched me, and when he slid his hand between my legs and rubbed me, my mind went blank. I gripped him tightly between my thighs, rising and falling with each push.

  He watched me, his blue eyes sparkling with a want I hadn’t experienced before. His cheeks were flushed, small drops of sweat glistened on his brow, and when he started to tremble, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. A tingling started and I knew I was close. I gasped and broke from his mouth, burying my nose in his neck. My muscles all clenched, and with one more push, he came as I shuddered through my orgasm. We both stilled and sighed in satisfaction


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