Vengeance: A Knight World Novel (Fireborn Wolves Book 3)

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Vengeance: A Knight World Novel (Fireborn Wolves Book 3) Page 10

by Genevieve Jack

  A fast inhale parted her lips, but almost as quickly she relaxed, her body going limp in his arms aside from her grip on the sink. He moved inside her as the steam from the shower built in the air around them.

  She shattered in his arms, her body convulsing to the point he had to hold her up. Breathlessly he gave into his orgasm. Goddess, she was a drug, pure ambrosia. Precious.

  “I’ll protect you if I want to, Meredith,” he whispered in her ear when he could form words again. “It’s my prerogative. A man takes care of the woman he’s falling in love with.”

  If she had anything to say about that, she didn’t. Instead, she simply turned in his arms and kissed him like there was no tomorrow.

  When Silas reached Laina’s room, Meredith at his side, he was relieved to find his sister sitting up and eating lunch. The color was back in her cheeks. If he hadn’t known better, he wouldn’t have guessed she’d been in a coma less than twenty-four hours ago.

  “It’s about time.” Jason waited near the window, his dark suit standing out against the afternoon light.

  Silas ignored him. “Welcome back, sister.” He took Laina’s hand and planted a kiss on her cheek.

  Laina pulled him into a hug, before glancing behind him. “Is this the legendary Meredith? I don’t remember meeting you, but Jason told me you were here before.”

  “I’m glad you’re feeling better.” Meredith shook her hand.

  “I’m glad my brother finally has a partner,” Laina said. “I’ve always worried he didn’t have enough backup.”

  Silas was tempted to protest the partner remark out of habit but stopped himself. Meredith was his partner and more. “Laina, I hate to pressure you, but we need to know what happened. You said something about a dragon.”

  She nodded. “I was coming out of Four Paws, still in the parking lot. It wasn’t even fully dark. Nickelova appeared out of nowhere and stabbed me three times with a dark black blade. She was gone before my head hit the pavement.”

  Silas furrowed his brow. “It wasn’t Nickelova.”

  “It was!” Laina scoffed. “I think I know what she looks like by now. We were face-to-face when she stabbed me. I was close enough to smell her hair.”

  “She doesn’t have a heart,” Jason said. “I saw her seal herself into a cocoon at the top of her mountain. She was mortal and miles away from any help in one of the most brutal environments on the planet.”

  Laina met his gaze. “I know what I saw. She’s here, in Carlton City, and she stabbed me.”

  Meredith gripped the bedrail. “It is possible. She put herself in the cocoon. She might have taken herself out. You said she had a dragon scale? Then she had magic. She’s more vulnerable without a heart, but if she were willing to take the risk, she could be the one helping Alex.”

  “He ripped her heart out of her chest,” Jason said. “Why would she help the man who tore out her heart?”

  Meredith shrugged. “I don’t know. But I believe your sister.”

  “Why would I lie?” Laina said.

  “No one thinks you’re lying. I believe you thought you saw Nickelova. It just doesn’t seem probable,” Jason said.

  “There’s only one way to know for sure,” Silas said. “We go back to the mountain and see if she’s still there. And if she is, we wake her up.”

  “Ryker gave you the heart,” Jason said incredulously.

  Silas shook his head. “Ryker gave Soleil the heart. Soleil gave it to me.”

  “You have Nickelova’s heart?” Laina’s mouth popped open. “By the goddess, Silas.”

  “Did you forget the portal is gone? How do you plan to get to her mountain?”

  “That is a job for one of our witchy friends, and in this case, I think the Smuggler’s Notch witch, Polina, is the one for the job.” Logan had been offering Silas her help for weeks. It was time he called in that favor.

  “After the shift, right?” Laina said. “You’re going to wait until after the shift when I’m stronger.”

  Silas looked at her sympathetically. “You’re pregnant. You and your baby barely made it through this stabbing ordeal. Don’t you think you should keep yourself safe? Think of the baby.”

  “I am going,” she said. “Believe me, if Kyle can’t keep me in this bed, you won’t either.”

  Silas snorted. “Where is the doting husband?”

  “Sleeping. I had to threaten his life to get him to go home.” Laina sat up straighter in bed. “So, we’re in agreement then? We go after the shift.”

  Silas darted a glance between Jason and Meredith. “After the shift.”

  “There’s something I need to talk to you about,” Meredith said to Silas as they made their way back to the car.

  “Sounds serious. Is this about my overprotective nature or something else?”

  “No.” Meredith snorted. “You are way overprotective, but that’s not what this is about.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I don’t want to shift with you at Rivergate.”

  He turned to her. “Is it because you shifted at my place the other night?”

  “No. I can shift more than once a month. I can shift whenever I want, although too many times a day is dangerous. No. I’m simply not comfortable going there. The last time I was at Rivergate, my father was with me.”

  Silas gave an understanding grunt. “Does it hold bad memories for you?”

  “That and I’m not ready for what it might mean for us to be seen together. You’re pack royalty, and I’m a pack orphan. I don’t want sympathy. I don’t want sideways glances. And when push comes to shove, I am different. I change into a fox, not a wolf.”

  “No one cares about that.”

  “You don’t care about that. Others will care, especially if said fox is dating their alpha. I’m not ready to open myself up to formal pack society. You know how it is. You know how people treat anyone who dates royalty. I’ll be front-page news.”

  Silas’s face said it all. He knew she was right.

  “Out of curiosity, did you ever tell the Lycanthropic Society about Soleil when you were dating?”

  “No,” he said quickly. “They would never have accepted her.”

  Meredith nodded. Perhaps his relationship with Soleil was less serious than she’d assumed.

  “If she had changed, I would have,” Silas said. “I wouldn’t have let tradition stop me from being with her.”

  “But your plan was to wait until things were serious. Together forever serious.”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “So, let’s wait for that with us. This is pretty new. Let’s give it time to breathe.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently on the lips. “Deal. But since you won’t be shifting…”


  “I wonder if I can ask a favor.”

  Chapter 14

  Organizing the monthly shift was one of the hardest aspects of being alpha. On top of his full-time job, Silas was charged with ensuring the safety of the roughly two hundred wolves who chose to shift at Rivergate Manor. Shifting there wasn’t mandatory. Wolves could choose to risk managing their own transitions. But if a wolf signed up to be at Rivergate, Silas was responsible for making sure they left in the same condition as they arrived.

  That took magic. Grateful had used her power to add an enchantment around the property to keep supernaturals and humans out, and recently, following Selene’s abduction, to keep wolves in. It also took enough food to feed an army and an intimate knowledge of the needs of the pack. Teenagers shifting for the first time needed mentors. Older wolves needed added protection. A few wolves with medical backgrounds volunteered in a first aid tent to treat those who woke up with wolf-induced injuries.

  All of this required time and leadership, and although Silas didn’t do it all himself, it was amazing how many things bubbled to the top. Which meant that the dragon heart waited in the safe under his bed, his new relationship with Meredith was relegated to the back burner, and
Alex’s whereabouts remained a mystery. But before he could give himself over to the moon and the wild, there was one thing he needed to do.

  “It’s taken care of,” Logan said. “The new enchantment around your house is in place. No one is getting their hands on that heart.”

  Silas paced Logan’s office at Valentine’s, feeling restless.

  “I need you to give Meredith access.”

  Logan smiled. “Oh?”

  “She’s going to feed Maggie while I’m managing the shift.”

  “When she was here before, I got the sense she wasn’t your everyday werewolf.”

  “Half werewolf. Half skinwalker. She shifts into a fox.”

  “Skinwalker? I thought they could shift into anything?”

  “Normally. Must be something about the werewolf blood.”

  Logan nodded. “So, she doesn’t have to shift with the moon.”

  “Nope. Anytime she wants. She goes home regularly to shift, though. Her mother’s been depressed since Alex murdered her father. Meredith looks out for her. But this month she’s staying, so she’s agreed to watch Maggie.”

  “Enough said. I’ll ask Polina to alter the enchantment to allow her in.”

  “Thanks, Logan.” Silas took a seat across the desk from him.

  “Meredith must be pretty special. You wouldn’t give just anyone access to your place or Maggie, especially with the heart there.”

  “She is.” Silas leaned his elbows on the desk. “I think she might be the one.”

  Eyes widening, Logan chuckled long and low. “The sly fox has stolen your heart? I thought I saw a spark when you were here last, but it was hard to tell if it was love or the fumes off all the vodka and tonics.”

  “Ugh. Don’t remind me.”

  “She must love you. Anyone else would have left your drunk ass on my couch.”

  Silas hoped Logan was right. He caught himself smiling like an idiot and changed the subject.

  “What about the portal to Nickelova’s mountain? Can Polina do it?” he asked.

  Logan nodded. “Not a portal exactly, but she can get you there. She travels by gold dust.”

  “Hey, whatever works. I knew I could count on you.”

  Logan stood and rounded the desk. “Can you spare a few minutes for a beer with an old friend before you go? I want to hear more about you and Meredith.”

  Silas scratched his stubble. “Only if you tell me what it’s like being Polina’s caretaker.”

  “For that, you’ll have to commit to two beers.” Logan gave a low chuckle.

  With a thump on his friend’s back, Silas opened the door. “It’s a hard job, but I’ll make the sacrifice for you, my friend.”

  “You know, between Grateful and your sister both being pregnant, Polina has been talking about babies in her sleep.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  “Not at all.” Logan bobbed an eyebrow. “I’m willing to practice as long as she wants me to, though.”

  Organizing the monthly shift was never easy, but neither was maintaining a decade-long friendship. Silas followed Logan from his office, eager to fulfill his two-beer promise.

  Chapter 15

  Days later, with Silas performing his duties at Rivergate, Meredith let herself into his small brick home to take care of Maggie. She was happy to do this for him, to allow him to stay with his pack for the three days of the full moon. She liked how that made her feel. Like she’d become an important part of his life. She hoped it was the beginning of something more.

  “Hey girl,” she rubbed Maggie’s floppy ears and filled the mutt’s bowls. She’d take her out back for a run when she was done eating. Maggie had a doggie door, so technically all she needed was feeding, but Meredith didn’t think it was proper to leave the dog alone so much. She’d decided to stay a few hours to play with the pup.

  A rattle came from the front door as if someone was trying the knob. She hadn’t locked it when she came in and wondered what was stopping whoever it was from entering. Unless it was someone supernatural who couldn’t get past the enchantment. Her fingers grazed the hilt of the gun tucked into the small of her back. Still there. She strode across the room and opened the door.

  “Soleil?” She almost didn’t recognize the blonde, her sunny glow masked by the bright day behind her.

  “Excuse me? Do I know you?” Soleil smoothed the fabric of her fitted plum-colored dress.

  “Uh, no, I guess we haven’t met. I’m Silas’s partner, Meredith.” She wasn’t sure why she didn’t say she was his girlfriend. A gut feeling. A remnant of awkwardness still clung to the word, especially under Soleil’s scrutiny.

  “Is Silas here? I need to ask him something before he leaves for Rivergate.”

  “I’m sorry, he decided to spend the day at the mansion with his pack. I can give him a message for you.”

  “If Silas isn’t here, why are you in his house?”

  She smiled at Soleil, the type of smile she used on families of victims or criminals who came into the station. It was a soothing, everything-is-okay smile. But the strange clenching in her gut told her it was necessary. No explanation was owed the woman, but she offered the simplest one. “I’m helping with Maggie.”

  The fae mirrored her smile, her hands folding elegantly in front of her hips. “Would you please invite me in? I believe I’ve left something important in Silas’s bedroom.”

  Meredith shifted back slightly. “You left something in his bedroom? When?”

  “A few nights ago. He did tell you we’ve been seeing each other? For years, actually. I’ve never had any problems entering the house before but…” Soleil flourished one hand toward the door then used it to smooth a stray hair back into her chignon.

  “Strange, I was under the impression you broke up some time ago.” Meredith’s heart quickened with unease, but she did her best to maintain a calm demeanor. Her time as a detective had taught her a person’s words were a jewel that must be examined under a microscope and from multiple angles to determine its worth. Her heart may throw itself on the floor in a tantrum at the thought of Soleil with Silas only a few nights ago, but her brain was counting backward, finding no evidence that the conjecture held any truth. How could Silas have spent the night with Soleil when he’d stayed with her every night since they’d made love the first time?

  Soleil placed a hand on her chest. “Technically, I guess, our relationship is on hiatus while we each explore our goals for our future. Mind you, it’s only because he wants more than I’m willing to give at the moment. But he made it clear his invitation is always open. And, I have to admit, every day we are apart I’m more tempted to say yes.” She bit her lip gingerly.

  Meredith fought the urge to roll her eyes. Her stomach hurt. Was it possible Silas had continued his relationship with Soleil at the same time he dated her? No, she thought. Not after the way he’d reacted to watching Soleil in the club. Even after learning of Soleil’s motivation to do what she did, he’d made it crystal clear that he wasn’t in love with her anymore.

  “I’m sorry for your trouble, but Silas won’t be back until Tuesday. I can let him know you stopped by.”

  “Don’t be silly. Simply invite me in, and I’ll obtain what I’m after.” She trailed her fingertips along the invisible barrier between them.

  “I… I’m not sure that would be for the best, Soleil,” Meredith said. “Silas had the enchantment changed for a reason. If I invite you in, I’d be betraying his trust. Like I said before, I can give him a message for you.”

  Agitated, Soleil shifted uneasily on the stoop, her formfitting dress out of place in the suburban setting. Tiny sparks of energy danced across her buttery skin. “I know what you are,” she said, sizing up Meredith. “You’re not like him. You’re not what you say you are.”

  “I think you should go,” Meredith said. Maggie had finished eating and was by her side, a low growl curling the dog’s lips.

  Soleil lowered her chin. “Be careful, Meredith. You may
think you know Silas, but you don’t. He’s damaged in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine.”

  “You should know. You inflicted some of that damage. Why are you here, anyway? Did your demon lover catch on to what you were doing and want his trinket back?” Her words lashed out with the snap of a fist.

  Soleil’s face fell. “Excuse me?”

  “I saw your show the other night.” Meredith stared her down. Internally, she chastised herself for letting on that she knew about the heart or Ryker. It was a stupid thing to do, like showing all of her cards. It fanned the flames of her ego but did nothing to improve the situation. She was better than that. Smarter than that.

  Soleil narrowed her eyes but didn’t engage. “Tell Silas I was here,” she said steadily. Backing into the bright sunlight, she washed away, her golden skin melding into a yellow flash that carried her from the street.

  “You better believe I’ll tell him.” She reached for her phone and dialed his number.

  Silas needed to wake Nickelova, and he needed to do it fast. He knew Soleil. For her to come for the heart was a sign of fear. She’d never renege on a gift if she weren’t terribly afraid. Ryker must have put the heat on her, asked for the heart back. After learning what happened between her and Meredith, Silas had avoided Soleil’s attempts to contact him, but he couldn’t do so forever. He planned to address it after he used the heart to raise Nickelova.

  “I can only take two,” Polina said. The redheaded witch stood in Silas’s living room, gaze darting between Jason, Laina, Selene, and Meredith as if she was overwhelmed by their presence. Logan had said it was possible for her to transport him to Nickelova’s mountain using gold dust. He never promised it would be easy.

  “Me and Jason,” Silas said. “I have the heart, and Jason has the memory to get us there.”

  “Wait, what about us?” Meredith glanced at Laina who seemed equally disappointed at being excluded.

  Polina’s poofy green dress made her look like the good witch from The Wizard of Oz. She tucked her red hair behind her ear and shook her head. “Traveling by gold dust is not as easy as it sounds. In a few minutes, I will use Jason’s memory to drag him and his brother halfway around the world through the veins of metal between my mountain and Nickelova’s. This is not a simple task.” She spread her hands. “Impossible with more than two.”


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