Ninth Grade Blues

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Ninth Grade Blues Page 15

by Bruce Ingram




  (Or Not)

  Chapter Fifty-Three: Luke

  Thursday during lunchtime in the library, Mia came up to me with a very serious look on her face and said she had an idea. Since there's only a few weeks left before the end of school, not much has been happening in math class and she hasn't had to tutor me as much. As bad as I am in math, I've been able to figure out that I've mathematically clinched passing for the year. All that's left now is to determine whether I have a low, middle, or high like who cares a whoop about that. I don't figure they'd fail me for math anyway now since I passed the standardized test. Nobody in the guidance department in their right minds would want me retaking a math class where I've already passed the standardized test. I mean I could be 20 years old and still sitting in ninth grade math...who wants to risk that.

  So Mia said for the past week or so, she'd been thinking about this idea she had that involved the two of us, and she had finally gotten up enough nerve to talk to her parents about it, and they said they thought it was a really good idea. I couldn't imagine what kind of idea that would be involving me and told her that, but I was all ears.

  Mia said she had thought of a way that we could both make money for college and help each other at the same time. She's been talking more and more about her going to college, and I know she is, I bet she wins a scholarship somewhere. I'm not even totally sure I'm going, but I haven't told her that. I guess I will go. Anyway, she said her idea was for us to go into business together as L&M Lawn Mowing and Babysitting, Incorporated. That she had already been "playing" with how the website would look, and because neither one of our families can afford for us to have cellphones, she talked her parents into buying a cheap answering machine that would have a recording telling callers to leave a message and telling how they could email her or me as well if they needed our services. Mia's family has a computer, and so does mine, so we were good to go in that department.

  I was amazed at how much time she had spent thinking about this, but she wasn't done yet with her ideas. She said most of the people she babysat for in her neighborhood didn't have enough money to hire me to mow their lawns, but that the people I mowed lawns for had enough money to hire her to babysit. That after school we could visit those families on our bikes, talk about giving them "reduced rates" if they hired both of us to take care of their lawns and babysitting. And we could ask those same people if they could recommend friends and neighbors who likewise could be in need of our services. We could also, over a series of nights, ride up and down middle and upper class neighborhoods and offer people our services.

  I kept saying "Wow, I like it," to everything she said, and she still wasn't done with her ideas. She said by us going in together like that we could really expand our business and maybe be booked up almost every day of the summer with my mowing and every night with her babysitting. Mia said her poppa really liked another one of her was for her to receive 5% of my lawn mowing check if she found a babysitting client of hers that needed my services, and I would receive 5% of her babysitting check if the reverse happened. Of course, she said she emphasized only the first part of the deal to her poppa, which is why he probably liked it so much.

  Finally, Mia suggested that we not call any of my current and possible future clients about this idea, that instead we drop by after school to talk to them. That it would be harder to turn us down if the people were talking to us in person, and we could come dressed in our best pairs of jeans or shorts and looking "all professional," she said. Gosh, this girl is smart, I never would have thought of any of that. She said we could start tonight if I wanted, her parents had given her permission to ride her bike or walk anywhere she needed to go if it had to do with her business, and she asked if I needed to ask my parents about her idea, and I said no...that they would be down with my hustling around making money because Dad certainly knew how to do that.

  That night, we went to the neighborhood where Elly, Marcus, Caleb, and a bunch of people that go to our school live. We stopped at Elly's house first because we've both already been there, and Elly's dad really liked the idea of my mowing for him when I brought it up, but said he couldn't see a need for Mia to babysit because Elly could do that. Mia said she understood and asked Elly's mom if she could recommend somebody in the neighborhood that might need both our services. Elly's mom said yes and whipped out her cellphone and called Caleb's house right then. While it was ringing, she said Caleb had two young sisters in elementary school and that she was good friends with Caleb's mom and would talk to her about hiring us as a package deal. That was really nice of her to do that, and after a few minutes of her talking to Caleb's parents, and then Elly's mom handing the phone to Mia to let her explain what the deal was, L&M was good to go at the Caleb household. We headed there next to seal the deal and for us to book times to mow and babysit.

  Then we were off to the next place. We had time to visit about eight houses in Elly's neighborhood before the sun started to go down and we had to quit so that Mia could get home before dark. But we booked five mowing jobs for me, and four babysitting ones for Mia. This is going to work out big time.

  Chapter Fifty-Four: Elly

  The other night, right before Mom and I were going to go to the mall to shop for my prom dress (yes, I'm going to the prom as a freshman...with Paul...he asked me when there was just two weeks to go), I went to answer the doorbell, and to my big surprise there were Mia and Luke standing there. They wanted to talk to my parents about their new mowing and babysitting business. Later, I was really surprised when Dad said he would pay Luke to mow his lawn, because I know he has negative feelings about Luke and his family. After Luke left, Dad told Mom that it was good that Luke was developing some "work skills," that his hiring Luke would "hopefully keep the boy off the welfare rolls." I didn't like what Dad said, I don't think Luke is going to be a failure in life at all.

  I've got to admit that I was excited about going to prom, not with Paul, but just to go. I mean how many freshmen girls get a chance to go to prom. Mom and I had the best time picking out a prom dress for me. Finally we chose a cobalt blue gown that showed just a hint of cleavage (which is one of my good parts). The gown has a flowy chiffon skirt that does a pretty good job of hiding two of my worst parts (my butt and thighs).

  When prom night finally came...Oh, yes, I really enjoyed Mom fussing over my hair and makeup and getting everything just right...I've got to admit that it was really special to see Paul and Ian and Mary pull up to our house to pick me up. Paul came in to get me and Dad said I could stay out to midnight just this once, and Paul said "thank you, sir," or something like that.

  When we got down to the car, Mary just looked super with her long brown hair braided, and just the right amount of blush on her cheeks. I don't think Mom put enough on mine. When I got into the car, that was when the magic for the night sort of ended. Apparently, Paul and Ian had been involved in a loud argument before I got in (at least, that's what Mary told me later) about who had "bulked up the most" since the spring weight lifting had started. That discussion continued after I got in and on our way to the restaurant for dinner.

  On the way there, we stopped at a stoplight at the local Dairy Queen, and there were Luke and Mia again, sitting on a bench. They must have been coming back from one of their mowing and babysitting jobs because I saw their bikes parked behind them. Anyway, while we were sitting at the stoplight and waiting for it to turn, I saw Mia tell Luke something, and he laughed; and then he told her something, and she laughed, and the whole time they were holding hands while they were sitting there, eating ice cream cones with their other hands. And I started thinking how romantic and sweet that was and how, meanwhile, Paul and Ian had finished up with the bulking up discussion and moved on to some other sport, was it football or basketball or maybe it was the baseball season...I don't know, I don't care...and I thought that I would rather be eating a two-dollar ice-cream cone with a boy tha
t I liked, than all fancied up and going out to dinner and a prom with a guy who bores me.

  Dinner was great, I had flounder and potato croquettes while Mary had salmon and rice. The guys, of course, had huge steaks with baked potatoes and all the extras. Then they both insisted that we have dessert, and I really was too full to eat anymore but Paul insisted, so I had cheese cake and so did Mary. Ian and Paul each had some sort of monstrosity called "death by chocolate" or something, it was huge. I think I've gained five pounds since I've been dating him. I'm not sure because I haven't weighed recently, I'm afraid to. My clothes feel a little tighter. That was the only good thing about Paul waiting so late to ask me out, at least my prom dress still fit right. I really feel that I looked as good as I could have.

  When we got to the prom, it was nice, I have to admit. The decorations were beautiful, the juniors did a good job and the snacks were good, too. Paul kissed me twice while we were dancing but around 10:30, he started hanging out with the other football guys, which was fine with me. Honestly, I don't remember a whole lot about what went on. I was tired and bored and ready to go home pretty early on. I really didn't feel comfortable among all those juniors and seniors. When Mary and I went to the restroom to freshen up, Mary said she felt the same way about being around the upperclassmen as I did.

  Finally around 11:30, it was time to go home, so we left. When we got home, Paul and I sat in the front seat and made out for a while...I guess it is a requirement after prom. I felt nothing, it was nothing special, while Ian and Mary did the same making out in the backseat. The whole time Paul and I were making out, I kept thinking about Luke and Mia at the Dairy Queen.

  Thinking about them instead of the guy I was with, made me think that maybe I've grown up some this year. If someone had asked me a year ago, when I was an eighth-grader, if I would have been thrilled to go to the prom as a freshman, I would have screamed out yes. Now, I'm starting to realize that there are other things about a guy that are more important than him just having a car. I bet I won't be going to the prom next year as Paul's date, at least I hope not. I don't care if I go again until I'm a junior; I just hope if I do go, it's with somebody I really like.

  Chapter Fifty-Five: Marcus

  My grades have really come up, so my parents have finally laid off with the nagging all the time about how low my averages have been. I started doing my Honors English homework, so my grade there is up to a B. I had a solid B in Algebra I and now it's up to an A; I'm a whiz at math. Of course, I had an A in gym, and I was already making a B in just about everything else. I've had these great cheat sheets in World History the last three tests, and I'm working on another one for when we have our big nine weeks test in two weeks. When I'm done making it, I'm going to take a picture of it with my phone, then during the test, I'll keep my phone between my legs, and look down there when I can't remember something. Mr. Foster doesn't have a clue about what I've been doing.

  So with me being back in the good graces of my parents, I'm back in business in the social scene. Caleb and me are both dating ninth grade girls, so obviously we can't take them to prom. We got together the other day and decided that maybe we could have our own little celebration on prom night and have the girls over to one of our houses for food, and video games, and maybe some movies or something.

  We had a long conversation about which house we would entertain the girls at, so we started ragging each other about who had the bigger flat screen TV. Ours is a 55 class, and his is only a 40, so guess who won that battle. I told my mom that we wanted pizzas and Edy's Moose Tracks for dinner, and she was down with that because of all my good grades. It's good being back in her good graces; Dad seemed suspicious that my grades have come up so much, especially in history, but like they say, what you don't know, won't hurt you. I don't mind not having to rely on Joshua for wheels and not being around that foul wench Jordan is always a good thing. Mom said she would be glad to pick up Tameka and Leigh if their parents would bring them home, so everything was set up nicely.

  Tameka got here first, so I showed her around the house and especially my bedroom where all my trophies are going all the way back to when I was a kid. She seemed really interested in my telling her how I had won all those awards. She already knows about my plans to play D-I football and basketball. I don't know if we'll still be dating then. I don't want to tie myself down before I get to experience college.

  After Caleb and Leigh arrived, we all went down to our rec room, and feasted on pizza. Caleb and me probably ate a whole one each, they were so good, and the ice cream was great, too. Caleb and me then played Madden NFL while the girls did some silly game on Playstation. I really wasn't paying attention to what they were doing. I whipped Caleb's butt while we were playing Madden. I mean, I've been on a roll lately.

  After it got dark, the four of us went out the rec room door and walked around the backyard for a while, to have some alone time...if you know what I mean. Tameka is way hotter than Camila and Kylee ever were. I can't believe I ever wasted my time and money on them. I've got to tell you I like not having my girlfriend go to the same school as I do. If I meet, like, a hot new transfer girl next year or run into a babe at Mom and Dad's club, I can lay out my charm without Tameka knowing about it and getting in my business.

  The NBA playoffs were on when we came back inside, and Caleb and I asked the girls if they minded if we watched some hoops and they said they didn't care. I really need to be studying the moves of those NBA shooting guards. It just dawned on me a couple of weeks ago that I could be playing in the NBA in no more than seven years, less if I turn pro early. If I went pro after my freshman year in D-I, I could be playing pro just four years from now, so I've got to be ready when that time comes.

  Caleb knows how much I want to play pro hoops, so he has stopped telling me just to concentrate on football. I appreciate him not wanting me to play just football; I can be his go-to receiver the next three years and fill up the basket in the winter.

  Round about 11:00, Tameka's and Leigh's dads showed up. Tameka's old man sort of has this foul expression when he's around me, and he was the same way when he picked her up. I could care less, things are going my way.

  Chapter Fifty-Six: Mia

  Luke and I are making tons of money with our new business. I'm babysitting every Friday and Saturday night, and one Saturday, I got two jobs, one from 4:30 to 6:30 (a couple with a newborn baby wanted a quick evening out) and the other from 7:00 to 10:00. Several times, I've even gotten to babysit for a couple hours after school for couples who had a special birthday or anniversary night out. Poppa and Mama don't mind driving to get me when it's that late because they know I'm earning money for college. And they know I'll keep my studies up even if I have to go out at night. Luke's mowing somebody's lawn every day after school, which has forced him to have to do his father's used car washing and vacuuming before school.

  I'm doing all of the scheduling of our jobs. I've made an Excel spreadsheet on my family's computer that helps me keep track of everything. This past Saturday, I looked over the schedule and didn't see how we could get it all done. Luke had to mow four lawns and one of the couples wanted him to clip all their shrubbery and weed their garden. That same couple wanted me to babysit their two kids from 4:30 to 7:00. So I decided to schedule that family last and told Luke I would take care of the shrubbery and garden from 3:30 to 4:30, and he could get there later and mow the lawn while I was babysitting. Then we could just ride our bikes home from there. Luke trusts me to do the scheduling right, so he was okay with my plan.

  It was a really hot day, and I got just filthy doing all of the outside work. It was still really hot when he finished mowing around 7, and the couple came back at the same time from their night out. So we decided to ride our bikes part of the way back home together. We had gone just a little ways when Luke said we were going to take a detour. I followed him for about 20 minutes and then he pulled in to the Dairy Queen parking lot. He grinned and said he was going to treat me to an i
ce cream cone. My hair was a mess, and I had bits and pieces of shrubbery in it, and I was streaming with sweat from the bike ride, and Luke looked even worse...he had the dirt and grime of four lawns on him. But I was so glad to be with him that I didn't care how I looked.

  I was so hungry that I ordered two scoops of chocolate for my cone, then I felt a little guilty about that, about spending so much of Luke's money, and started to tell the lady just one scoop, and Luke said no, it was a two-scoop day for us both, and he ordered a vanilla cone and he said he would pay for both of ours. We sat down on a bench outside the Dairy Queen, and he held my hand and I squeezed his and he squeezed back and though I was so dirty and sweaty, I felt like a princess out on the town. I started to eat my cone really slowly because I just wanted to make the night last as long as I could.

  Then I got a little silly and said to Luke, "Since you're paying for my ice cream, is this our first date?" As soon as I said that, I wished I hadn't because it made me look too forward and Mama has told me never to be that way with boys. I mean I'm almost positive that he is going to ask me out for a date next year when my parents said I could date, and I am positive that I'm going to say yes. There's nobody at school I want to go out with except him, he is so sweet and kind and good. I think Mama might be okay with us going out. I worry a lot about Poppa not liking it, but maybe he can meet Luke this spring or summer on one of our jobs and see what a good person he is and how right he is for me.

  Luke didn't say anything for a few seconds after I said that, and I began to really worry that I really had been too forward. I was just starting to apologize when he said that he had been thinking a whole lot about asking me out on a date next year, about how to do it because he had never asked a girl out before, and where we could go, and what we would do on our date if I said yes. He made me so happy when he said all that, that I just had to give him a hug, and he grinned and said that he would take that as a yes and would I like to know what he was thinking about where we might go.


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